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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 14 |
187Jamal’s 700 Gunmen Killed
My defence is of God who saves the upright in heart (Ps 7:10). Jamal Ismael was training an army of thousands of terrorist fighters, so we learned from the angels. Since his earlier attempts to seize God’s land in Kenya failed and all his men were struck dead by God, he deployed a big force this time to take it by force. We didn’t know the size of his army advancing this time, but the Spirit reminded me of an earlier angelic revelation in 2014 about 700 coming. Sure enough, that prophecy was fulfilled. Here is that story. Jamal’s Army Invades7th June 2018. 11.41. From Jamal Ismael: We are on the way coming. 12:44. Reply: Coming to where? To your defeat, huh?! 17:38. From Jamal Ismael: just wait 10th June 2018. 6.02. From Rhoda: "JAMAL HAS ADVISED SOME PEOPLE TO WRITE FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM EVANGELISTS AND MARK'S LAND ISSUE IN NDHIWA AND SEND TO MALCOLM. IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE. GOD IS OUT TO WIPE OUT JAMAL'S ARMY AND HIS DIRTY PLANS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:33. Reply: OK. Thanks. I hope John was able to move on last night, after the mechanic held them up. 10:41. To Rhoda: On 4th December 2014, you were told several things by the 7 angels, one of which was this: THE ANGELS ALSO STRESSED ON THE COMPLETION OF PROPHET MARK’S WALL, FOR VERY SOON ISLAMIC WARLORDS FROM SOMALIA AND LUKAS WILL TRY TO SURROUND IT WITH THEIR ARMY AND THAT DAY OVER 700 MAFIAS [700 of their evil soldiers] WILL DIE. THAT WALL WILL HAVE POSTERS OF MM LITS WHICH GOD WILL USE TO KILL THEM. I was just wondering whether this is what is about to happen now with Jamal’s army from the Middle East coming to invade the land? Will he have 700? If the angels have any comment on this, I will be interested to know. Thanks. Uganda: God Destroys 15 SDA Elders & Homes11th June 2018. 7.46. From John: God brought down 15 SDA church elders and their homes burnt down last night at midnight. We are off to Kenya now. 8:38. Reply: Thanks. Whereabouts did those events occur? Did you manage to distribute a lot of those Mission Uganda leaflets? Do you know roughly how many towns and villages were reached? 11th June 2018. 11.14. From John: In Mitiyiana City. We visited all the villages and SDA churches in Kiyinda area. I am compiling the names... From John: Report on Uganda Mission. Areas visited in Uganda: Mitiyana Hospital area and SDA Church. Mitiyana Secondary SDA. Kiyinda village and Roman Catholic and SDA. Kolping SDA. Lake Wamala village. Mubende SDA Bawalula SDA. Kamuli village and SDA. Jjieza Village and SDA. Mtiyana City is strongly under Roman Catholic control but SDA church has also dominated villages in it. It was a very tough job moving through this area but God honoured the MM Faith lits and the MM mission message letter... 7 Angels Give Advance Warning Of The 70011th June 2018. 11.19. From Jamal Ismael: You are breathing fire which is about to consume you and your entire folks. Get ready! 11:35. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! If I am breathing fire, then your head is about to catch alight! How many gunmen have you got with you this time? It won’t be enough for the fight. 011th June 2018. 11.24. From Rhoda: "THE VAN WILL BE IN NDHIWA BY TONIGHT. OVER 700 JAMAL' S MEN ARE HEADING TO NDHIWA. JOHN AND THE TEAM TO SPREAD 7 OPENED MM FAITH LITS AROUND THE FENCE AND GATE. NO ONE SHOULD SLEEP TONIGHT. IBRAHIM TO PLACE THREE MM FAITH LITS IN A TROUGH OF WATER THEN SPRINKLE THAT WATER ON THE GATE AT MIDNIGHT. GOD WILL BLOCK THE ATTACKERS’ EYESIGHTS WHEN THEY REACH THE GATE THEN KILL THEM. OTHER MM OPPOSERS WILL GANG UP AND CALL FOR THE ARREST OF IBRAHIM WHO WILL BE DEPORTED BACK TO UKEREWE ISLAND. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MUST MOVE OUT TO UKEREWE TONIGHT TO GO AHEAD OF THE ARREST OF IBRAHIM, PLACE MM LITS AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE COURT SUCH THAT WHEN IBRAHIM REACHES THERE HE WILL BE SET FREE. THE VAN WILL THEN CARRY IBRAHIM PLUS HIS FAMILY MEMBERS BACK TO NDHIWA TO TAKE CARE OF GOD'S LAND. AT LEAST £977 TO REACH JOHN BY TODAY EVENING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob fixed the financial requirement. Thanks indeed! 11th June 2018. 11.56. From Jamal Ismael: 700 gun men are on their way coming. Your time has come. 12:54. Reply: Oh, that's good. It will be nice to get you out of the way at last! Are you ready?! You'll need more than 700 gunmen to defeat God Almighty! Even tanks, RPGs, and nuclear weapons can't defeat Him! 12:56. Where do you get your support from? Qatar? You'd better ask them for more reinforcements and weaponry, because that stuff you've got won't achieve your aims. 12th June 2018. 18.17. From John: We have safely arrived [in Tz]. We haven't heard from Ibrahim yet but believe God brought down Jamal's army. 12th June 2018. 18.30. From Rhoda: "ALL THE 700 JAMAL SENT TO TAKE OVER MARK'S LAND LOST THEIR EYESIGHT AND DIED OF HOT COAL BURNING AT MIDNIGHT. IBRAHIM GOT ARRESTED IN THE EVENING AND IS BEING FERRIED BACK TO UKEREWE ISLAND NOW. HE WILL BE TAKEN TO COURT TOMORROW AFTERNOON. ALREADY THE VAN IS IN UKEREWE AND AT MIDNIGHT JOHN AND VUGA WILL PLACE MM FAITH LITS AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE COURT. JAMAL IS ANNOYED BUT CANNOT DEFEAT GOD. AFTER THE COURT HEARING THE VAN WILL TAKE BACK IBRAHIM AND HIS FAMILY TO THE LAND. AT LEAST £1697 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR FUEL, WATER, MILK AND FUEL BACK HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12th June 2018. 22.22. To John: It’s quite a high figure the angels asked for [£1697]. But I guess it’s because of the things that need doing at Yvette’s place [to repair damage]... Did it cost £977 for you to reach Tz? It seems high. 13th June 2018. 10.04. From John: Thanks Will. Fuel charges are extremely high in Kenya and Tanzania. Getting to Ukerewe Island is costly with road blocks in every town. We spent that much on fuel, water and milk to reach. Ibrahim has been brought here, he will be taken to court at 2pm. 11:31. Reply: Unbelievable cost! Yet, that’s the way it is. Tuesday 12th June 2018. 20.40. To Jamal Ismael: How are you feeling now? Your time came. Not mine. 13th June 2018. 5.11. From Jamal: So that is how you talking to me after killing my 700 soldiers. I swear Ibrahim will be hanged and killed in Ukerewe. 9:23. Reply: I didn't kill your soldiers. God did. And by you attacking Ibrahim and wanting to kill him, another innocent man, God holds that against you too, and if you don't repent He will kill you. Why is it that you think it's acceptable for you to go round killing people to further your selfish and deranged aims, but when your killers are killed that's not acceptable? What a bent mind you have! You won't be able to touch Ibrahim. He belongs to God, not to Satan. Wednesday 13th June 2018. 12.04. From Jamal Ismael: You wont be able to defeat me, more reinforcement is coming. 12:26. Reply: Our God will defeat you all, no matter how many reinforcements you get. Don’t waste your time. They will all be dead, too. Our God will defeat all of you Satanists. Outrageous Kangaroo Court In TanzaniaWednesday 13th June 2018. 17.37. To John: Has everything worked out OK? Are you travelling back to Kenya tonight? 17:43. From John: We are still in the court. The charges are outrageous, we trust God to deliver Ibrahim. The judgement is death by hanging. 17:54. Reply: Outrageous indeed! Lukas is behind this corrupt court. He set it all up. I trust God to kill the judge and whoever obstructs us. God promised to get Ibrahim released, and He will. Obviously God wants a bit of a showdown first before He punishes these wicked liars. I wonder if the angels will manifest in white mist. If they do, that will be the sign to lift up your Faith booklets against the prosecutors and judge and let them have it. Then you can escape. (IF that’s the way God wants to deal with it.) But whatever He has in mind, they won’t win or get what they want. God will. 17:55. How could one unarmed man (Ibrahim) kill 700 gunmen?! 19:14. From John: Ibrahim is locked in till tomorrow morning when the court session will start at 8:00 am. 19:44. Reply: Maybe the angels will open the prison doors at midnight and let him out. Let’s pray for that, but of course, it’s God’s decision whether He wants to do it like that... 19:47. What’s happened to the Faith booklets you put at the court entrance? 13th June 2018. 19.47. From John: This is a conspiracy to have Ibrahim killed so that they take God's land. But God has demonstrated on many occasions that no one can defeat Him and grab the land. The judge looked at Ibrahim with very cruel eyes. We did not find them [the Faith booklets]. We guess the judge and court workers took them. God bless. God Descends In The Court In White Mist13th June 2018. 19.56. From Rhoda: "THEY PICKED THE MM FAITH LITS AND KEPT THEM TO BE USED AS EVIDENCE OF WHAT IBRAHIM USED TO KILL 700 PEOPLE. IBRAHIM IS LABELLED MOST DANGEROUS PERSON. GOD WILL DESCEND IN TO THE COURT TOMORROW IN THICK WHITE MISTS THAT WILL MAKE THE JUDGE MORE FEARFUL. IBRAHIM WILL BE SET FREE, BUT GOD WILL KILL THE JUDGE FOR ACCEPTING A BRIBE TO ARREST IBRAHIM. AT LEAST £997 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR ALL REPAIRS AT NDHIWA. JOHN WILL TAKE IT TO NDHIWA FOR REPAIR WORK TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14th June 2018. 11.04. To John: Are you all OK? 12:08. Since you haven’t replied, I presume that everything is NOT OK... Though God says He will deliver, He doesn’t say all that must transpire. 14th June 2018. 12.14. From John: Thanks Will. The hearing is still on. Full report coming ASAP. God bless. 14th June 2018. 19.21. From John: The judge has disappeared since afternoon. The court is filled with white thick mists, court clerks have lost their eyesights. There is total confusion here. The police won't allow us to get out. We are still trusting in our God to act and set Ibrahim free. The judge has just arrived now, surrounded by ten armed police, I’ll be briefing you as things move on. 14th June 2018. 19.26. From John: The judge is delivering his judgment. He has just said that Ibrahim is clean because unarmed he couldn't kill 700. But the police here want the judge to give a contrary judgement. We are up with opened MM Faith lits. God is on our side, Will. About the Niger case [see next chapter], I leave it to God to act. Islam and SDA are hell bent to confuse God's people but God through MM lits evangelism will destroy all their dirty tricks. 14th June 2018. 19.53. From John: They have shot the judge. There is total chaos here. We have managed to get Ibrahim out. The police are shooting each other. We must move out and collect Ibrahim's family members and leave... 2nd July 2018. 18.32. From Ibrahim: Jamal and his men caused great damage here. We can’t access water from the well now and we only rely on the nearby river. Jamal`s men destroyed the vegetables we had... the window glass are still broken. Concerning the 700 gunmen, the people around here said that their bodies were loaded onto big trucks by unknown people and nobody knows where they were taken to... Friday 15th June 2018. The price in intercession. Comment at the time: Yesterday and last night I was suffering severe attacks which were extremely painful. Helena had to intercede virtually without break most of the evening, clearing the d’s from me and also covering the other outreach aspects. I was also trying to print out some booklets about what God is doing. Perhaps that added to the onslaught. Then at midnight when I tried to get some rest, I couldn’t. Wave after wave of these evil beings hit me in the face. They managed to drill open a hole in a tooth that they had damaged before, but which since had healed over. For half an hour or so they put me through agony. Helena was pushing and pushing at them with her gift and though each wave was defeated and repelled, others came in to continue the assault. This went on till 1 am, and finally the attacks waned and the pain abated. I slipped off to sleep and didn’t wake up till gone 8. What relief! They have left damage, however, that still gives a bit of recurring pain from an exposed nerve. But God will heal that in His time... The attacks were so fierce (they were like the initial attacks I was subjected to in 2011, explained in Half An Inch From Death) that Helena had to intercede against them without break till 3 am! She couldn’t fulfil all the other intercessory obligations; they were put on hold till later today, What a slog!!! When you read Day of Vengeance which I was printing out yesterday for you, perhaps that is part of the reason, along with three other publications about what God is doing now. It is a fulfilment of Smith Wigglesworth’s 1947 prophecy of the coming together of the movements of Word and Spirit at the end of this age before Jesus returns.
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