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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 14 |
186Destroying All False Megachurches
God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day. He also prepares for Himself instruments of death; He makes His arrows into fiery shafts. (Psalm 7:11,13)
When God’s sacred land in Kenya was invaded by Jamal Ismael’s men, God struck dead his 59 gunmen. (MMG14, p 79.) Another squad of Jamal’s fighters was trying to kill John and Vuga and destroy the MM van, but God pushed them back and John and Vuga chased them all the way to Qatar, to rescue Kachapim (MMG14, p 80). In that wipe-out God killed another 60 of Jamal’s men. When John reported that news, it brought out some other points: 3rd June 2018. 11.50. From John: Yes Will. 60 more died apart from the 59 at Ndhiwa. God bless. 12:44. Reply: No wonder God said that He had deployed many more angels to the situation. Each gunman would have had at least one of God’s angels monitoring him, if not more than one, to ensure that no bullets hit you. The big force needed a bigger than usual army on God’s side to deal with. I presume you are in Saudi motoring towards home. What’s happened to Jamal? It’s rather like the time God killed all Sujadi’s gunmen but left Sujadi alive to continue doing things that would promote God’s reaction for a wider witness. The news of these episodes will reach further afield in these Islamic countries. Imams and some other leaders will know about MM as a result, and word will spread through higher echelons as well as through the ‘common’ people. God is directly challenging Islamic society and making His name known. It will continue to spread until it’s a worldwide witness. -228Islam has tried to keep God out, and systematically thwarted or killed Christians. In recent years they have martyred thousands of Christians in an attempt to consolidate their power and eradicate what they consider ‘opposition’. Now they are more fiercely mounting attacks, and we are their chief target because we can get through all their defences and neutralise all their weapons because GOD IS WITH US!! Praise His name. Isaiah 61:2 comes to mind, where Jesus said He sends us out to preach good news to the poor and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (in other words His time do the things He has wanted to do for a long time), and THE DAY OF VENGEANCE of our God. When Jesus quoted that in the synagogue in his home town Nazareth He omitted “the day of vengeance of our God”. He stopped at “the acceptable year of the Lord.” NOW, in this end time, it’s His time for judgement upon all those who oppose His Last Move of the Spirit. After us the two witnesses will carry the same baton through the 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation with even greater powers from God and the nations will then be without excuse. Now, all these gangsters are without excuse, because they know they are doing wrong but they don’t care; they want to do it; and MM lit has been offered to them but they reject it. I sent WJL (Why Is Jesus Lord?) to Jamal months ago by e-mail, but he rejected it all, and rejected Jesus in favour of Satan. So he’s got what he chose: the losing side. Jamal Plans A Big AttackOn 3rd June, the angels told Rhoda: JAMAL IS PLANNING A BIG ATTACK IN NDHIWA BY THE END OF THIS WEEK. This would involve 700 gunmen! More about that later (see p 8). 3rd June 2018. 17.33. From Jamal Ismael: You are to next to be slaughtered. 18:10. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s nice of you. 5th June 2018. 14.29. From John: Thanks Will. We are moving on, in Egypt now almost crossing in to Sudan. God bless. But So Too Does God – On The Megachurches6th June 2018. 9.54. From Rhoda: "GOD IS HONOURING MM LITS EVANGELISM BY DESTROYING ALL FALSE MEGACHURCHES. THE VAN WILL MEET THE GREATEST OPPOSITION WHEN JOHN AND THE TEAM REACH UGANDA. THEY WILL STAY IN UGANDA FOR ANOTHER THREE DAYS DOING GOD'S WORK. A FURTHER £799 TO REACH JOHN BY WU TODAY. SDA LEADERS WILL OPENLY PUT ALL THESE ON MM VAN EVANGELISM TEAM. YES, THEY WILL ATTACK THE VAN, BUT ONLY TWO TYRES, SIDE MIRRORS AND BACK EMERGENCY DOOR GLASS WILL BE DESTROYED. MANY OF THE ATTACKERS WILL DIE. JOHN TO FUEL THE VAN AND BUY ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH WATER AND MILK TO TAKE THEM UP TO SUNDAY. THEY MUST VISIT AT LEAST 10 SDA CHURCHES AND DROP A LIT THERE. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER THAT THEY WILL USE IN UGANDA. ALL THE SDA CHURCHES IN MITIYIANA CITY, ESPECIALLY KIYINDA AREA MUST BE VISITED. GOD IS GOD, AND HE HONOURS MM LITS MESSAGE WHICH DELIVERS THE END TIME GOOD NEWS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: I wrote the article Mission Uganda and sent it to John in pdf the same evening. The money situation was dire. We didn’t have anything to send to John, but one supporter gave up what he needed for his own needs to keep the van moving. We must reimburse him later when provision comes in. 7th June 2018. 9.17. From John: We are in Uganda doing God's work. Already there is opposition but we cannnot fear SDA intimidation. 9:43. Reply: It looks like it’s going to be quite a struggle... But God will protect from really serious harm, and just allow some damage to the van... A Vicious Attack In Uganda Costs Us Hugely8th June 2018. 18.21. From John: The van is destroyed by armed youths. We have had one of the fiercest attacks here. From midnight last night we met opposition in every village. We managed to visit nine SDA churches here and the reception is 'devil worshippers' chants. But this evening they have attacked us deadly. All the backdoor window glasses are smashed, all tyres destroyed, windscreen smashed. The van is in bad shape. The good news is that all the 11 armed youths who did this have lost their eyesights and are crying at the tops of their voices of hot coal burning their bodies. They are lamenting that they were sent to kill us by their church elders. We are certain all will meet God's punishment. We will move on once the tyres, window glasses and windscreen are fixed. We have engaged a mechanic to do the work throughout the night... Thank God none of us is injured apart from some little pain on my right arm which got hit by a stone, but I am well. God bless. 18:27. Reply: Oh hell! The angels said only two tyres and the back door glass, but they have done more damage. I wonder why? Did not all four of you hold up Faith booklets against them?... May God heal your shoulder!... 8th June 2018. 18.44. From Rhoda: "THE OPPOSERS HAVE DESTROYED ALL THE CAR TYRES, WINDSCREEN, ALL WINDOW GLASSES AT THE REAR. THEIR AIM WAS TO KILL JOHN WITH STONES. THEY MANAGED TO HIT HIS RIGHT ELBOW BUT HE IS OKAY. GOD HAS ALREADY KILLED 11 YOUTHS WHO DID THAT BAD ACT. THEY WILL HAVE TO MOVE ON TOMORROW AND SUNDAY BEFORE MOVING BACK HOME ON MONDAY. NINE SDA ELDERS WHO ORGANISED THIS ATTACK MUST FACE GOD'S WRATH. THE TEAM IN THE VAN MUST CATCH UP WITH JAMAL'S ARMY WHO ARE HEADING TO NDHIWA. AT LEAST £850 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THE MECHANIC WANTS £2750. GOD ALLOWED THE DAMAGE SO THAT HE CAN SHOW THE EARTHEN SDA ELDERS HIS MIGHT AND THAT HE THE GREAT IAM SENT OUT THE VAN FOR MM EVANGELISM OF END TIME MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. GOD WILL KILL ALL THE PLANNERS OF THIS ATTACK AND DESTROY THEIR FAMILIES UP TO THE SEVENTH GENERATION. THIS IS UNPARDONABLE SIN. AT LEAST £850 TO REACH JOHN. HE NEEDS TO ADD THIS TO THE £500 BOB SENT TO HIM AND GIVE TO THE MECHANIC. GOD IS ALREADY PUNISHING THE ORGANISERS NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th June 2018. 18.54. From John: We all carried the MM Faith lits high and pointed at the attackers, but the stones kept on coming. They pierced the tyres with sharp knives and destroyed them. When they attacked us God's white mists disappeared. God allowed it, we don't know why. The damage is massive, we don't know how to explain this or where to start from. The mechanic wants £2800 to finish the work. All the 11 youths have died now and we can hear cries all over that the church elders who organised this are also dying one by one. Already six are confirmed dead. We have information from the people who have just come to see the damage on the van and to request for the MM lits. 19:02. Reply: Surely the mechanic is ripping you off! That’s exorbitant!! Does he want to be punished, too, for trying to rip us off?! The mechanic must be reasonable with us. That’s more than double what the real price should be... 19.22. To John: According to the angels, the price of the work to the van should be £1350, which is still pretty good for the mechanic! He does well out of it. I would suggest to him to accept that, or God will not be pleased with him. Hasn’t he seen what God did to all those evil ones who have tried to harm us? And if he tries to harm us by ripping from us money that we cannot afford, I wouldn’t put it past God punishing him in some way also. Doesn’t he have any fear of God after seeing what God has done in striking dead all that lot?! Comment: Bob sent John £900. 9th June 2018. 15.57 From John: The mechanic has just finished the work now... We want to visit the churches till tomorrow then move back home on Monday. The mechanic is requesting us for a further £250 but we don't have it. 9th June 2018. 17:37. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN GOOD SHAPE NOW. THE MECHANIC WORKED WELL ON IT. HE WANTS AN EXTRA £250 FROM JOHN WHO LOOKS WORRIED SINCE THE KITTY CANNOT SUPPORT THAT EXTRA COST. THE MECHANIC HAS REFUSED TO RELEASE THE VAN. GOD WILL MEET THE ATTACKERS AND EVIL PLANNERS AT MIDNIGHT AND WILL NOT SPARE THEM. A FURTHER £599 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW TO HELP THEM MOVE BACK HOME ON MONDAY AND FOR WATER AND MILK. GOD WILL MEET JAMAL TOO AND HE WILL BE NO MORE WITH ALL HIS ARMY AND WEAPONS." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: Notice that the angels say the mechanic worked well on the van - from a physical perspective. But HE says he wants another £250... Another case of being ripped off, and God lets them rip us off, exploiting us in our penury! Such Africans think we are rich and have no clue of the situation. The free moral agency God has given man allows him to do wrong, to steal, to cheat, to defraud, to exploit, to pursue such paths of selfishness. God lets people. They get what they want in this life, but in what is beyond they get rewarded for what they have done. And it’s not nice. Thanks to Bob for shelling out yet again! [See page 30 for further extent of God’s judgement on ones in Uganda.]
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