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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
181To Iran To Confront ISIS
Arise, O God, plead Your own cause... (Ps 74:22).
God stated to various MM workers in the field that the only counter to the vicious Islamic movement called ISIS or Daesh is the Truth which we carry in MM’s portfolio. Now God was about to demonstrate it! Facing ISIS Head-On With MM Lit24th March 2018. 17:59. From Rhoda: "ISIS HAS BEHEADED CHRISTIANS IN IRAN MOST OF THEM FROM EGYPT. GOD IS PUTTING A HEAVY YOKE ON MM THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM TO FACE ISIS HEAD ON FOR GOD IS GOD OF PEACE. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MUST MUST TRAVEL TO IRAN ON MONDAY MORNING TO OBSERVE PASSOVER AND FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD WITH MM BROTHERS UNDER GREAT FEAR OF BEING BEHEADED IN IRAN. AFTER IT GOD WILL DESCEND AND DISTORT ISIS TO GRASS. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT ASSIGNMENT. THEY NEED £777 TO GET TO IRAN. THEY MUST LEAVE KENYA ON MONDAY MORNING AND WILL MOVE NON STOP DAY AND NIGHT. BY WEDNESDAY MORNING THEY WILL BE MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR PASSOVER AND FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD MEETING PLACE. THEN ISIS WILL SEND ITS ARMED MEN TO CAPTURE MM BRETHREN IN THAT MEET AND GOD WILL SHOW THEM THAT HE HAS DIVINE POWERS TO DISMANTLE EVEN THE STRONGEST MAN-MADE ARMY WITH ITS WEAPONS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [I thought we had no money available to send and said so to our supporters. Then the angels spoke:] 25th March 2018. 10:17. From Rhoda: "GOD BLESSES FROM NOTHING TO SOMETHING. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW SO THAT THEY START MOVING OUT TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. GOD HAS GOT A REASON WHY HE IS INSISTING ON THIS MISSION. IT IS A DOOR OPENER. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The money was raised with difficulty. It was not ‘spare’ money. It was money our supporters needed for their own expenses. But since there was no other option, I had to borrow the money by drawing cash on a credit card to repay those who lent it. 25th March 2018. 12:40. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD BE SET TO FACE THE CHALLENGING TASK GOD HAS PUT BEFORE THEM THROUGH MM LITS OF TAKING ON ISIS HEAD ON WITH GOD'S MESSAGE OF PEACE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:07. To John and Rhoda: OK. We’re set to take them on and defend God’s own. God is with us, “so who can be against us?!” We have had a ‘lucky break’ and a supporter has been paid for some work done and can spare some money. I will borrow the rest on Helena’s credit card tomorrow to reimburse what he lays out today. So, £350 should be coming to you shortly. There’s nothing for the tractor / land issue, or the other pressing needs like the room in Tunisia. What about the believers in Syria, in Aleppo? Are they still alive, do you know? I fear for them because the £900 for their building was not provided [we simply don’t have enough funding], and after your visit they are sitting ducks for the enemy to wipe out. 25th Mar 2018. 19:08. From John: We are out to Iran for Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread observance. Comment at the time: That £350 will only last them one day because God sustains them without sleep and without food, only taking milk and water! They will drive all night and all day. I suspect we will get another request from the angels for an equal or greater amount to be sent to John tomorrow. 26th March 2018. 12:08. To John: £400 should be coming to you shortly, borrowed from credit card... I believe that figure of £777 is not literal but symbolic of God's perfect plan being worked out. But it was also a target for us. 26th March 2018. 17:39. From John: We have just crossed in to Egypt and will travel the whole night to be able to reach Iran by tomorrow midnight. 18:47. Reply: How do you plan your route to Iran? Do you have paper maps, or is it on the phone with some Google maps? Or do you follow the white mist all the time? 19:05. From John: We always follow the white mists. It is the Angelic guidance God gives us to challenge enemies. 28th March 2018. 17:18. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE ARRIVED IN IRAN SAFELY. THEY NEED TO TRAVEL 13KM TO THE DESTINATION OF THE MEETING. AT LEAST £290 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR WATER, MILK AND FUEL TO MOVE ON. THEIR KITTY IS COMPLETELY DRY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th March 2018. 17:23. From John: Thanks to God Will. We have arrived in Kazerun city. The white mist is still leading the way but our kitty is dry. We have no fuel to move ahead nor water and milk. We have had a challenging travel with strong winds and long rains. Thank God we are here to do His will. 10:53. To John: Can you describe the border crossings, for they are often unusual in the way God miraculously enables you to go through without any paperwork or having passports checked (because you don’t have any passports). 29th March 2018. 10:59. From John in Iran: Yes, will do shortly. We are engaged in a very challenging exchange with some ISIS men. I’ll give report. God Descended With Firebolts On ISIS29th March 2018. 17:42. From Rhoda: "FIVE FULLY ARMED MEN TRIED TO BOMB THE MM VAN TODAY IN IRAN BUT GOD HAS DESTROYED THEM. JOHN AND VUGA STOOD THEIR GROUND WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS AND GOD DESCENDED IN FIREBOLTS AND KILLED THEM. NOW JOHN AND VUGA ARE SETTING UP THE ROOM FOR PASSOVER AND FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD OBSERVANCE. JOHN MUST STOCK ENOUGH WATER AND MILK TO LAST THEM FOR ONE WEEK. FIFTEEN BROTHERS WILL JOIN THEM. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO KEEP THEM UP TO THE END OF THE OBSERVANCE." 7 Angels have said that now. 29th Mar 2018. 17:48. From John: Thanks to God. As usual, we placed 7 opened MM Faith lits in the van when we approached all border crossings. We crossed all following a thick white mist. The most highly guarded border crossing is between Egypt and Israel but God went ahead of us in thick white mists and we crossed without having passports or paying any fee. God bless. 17:57. To John: How do you know they were ISIS gunmen? And where did this standoff take place? Thanks. 18:00. From John: Our MM brothers over here confirmed it to us. They [ISIS] kill Christians en masse. 30th Mar 2018. 19:11. From John: God directed us to S town through the thick white mists leading us. We are here with 16 brothers. We bought enough water and milk to take us through. The town is a Moslem center and we are sure there will be attempts of attack. We are prepared with our MM Faith lits... 1st April 2018. 10:08. To John: ...You mentioned how the angels led you to the town. Do all those 16 brothers live there? How did they get to meet you? 1st April 2018. 12:02. John: On arrival, seeing the MM van covered in very white mists the brothers started coming one by one till there were 16. Desperate Needs In Syria30th March 2018. 17:45. From Rhoda: "GOD TALKED OF A PRAYER ROOM TO BE SET UP IN SYRIA AT £900. NOW THE 11 MM SYRIA BROTHERS ARE STRANDED. ALL THEIR HOMES ARE DEMOLISHED BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH AND ACCEPTANCE OF MM TEACHINGS OF TRUTH. ONLY £460 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THIS GREAT NEED." 7 Angels have said now. 1st Apl 2018. 10:46. To John: I wonder about the folks in Syria, how they coped after their homes were destroyed. £460 can’t help them much. The needs are so great! We pray for God to help them in their awful predicament. 1st April 2018. 12:05. From Rhoda: "THE SYRIAN BROTHERS ARE MEETING NOW. THE £460 THAT JOHN SENT THEM IS FAR MUCH LESS [much too little]. AT LEAST A FURTHER £440 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 1st April 2018. 12:22. To John: Thanks for all you are doing. I’m sorry, we have NOTHING to send. We emptied ourselves. The last SEVERAL transfers have been money that I borrowed on credit cards, that we now can’t afford to repay until God delivers us from this pit. I know the money sent £460 is too small to do much for them in Syria in their harsh predicament, but we fulfilled the angels’ request by borrowing on expensive credit and it was as much as we could do at the time. The number 460 was given for spiritual reasons also. It is a multiple of 20 x 23, where 20 stands for consistency (according to what the angels said a week or so ago) and 23 is a numeric symbol of hypocrisy. God wants ALL Christians who know of MM’s outreach to contribute and take part, but hypocrisy holds some back from doing as God asks, and it is irritating God very much. 1st April 2018. 12:55. From Rhoda: "GOD BLESSES FROM NOTHING TO SOMETHING. THE GREAT IAM IS OPENING A WAY. SYRIA TO SEE HIS GLORY THROUGH MM IN THIS PASSOVER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:34. Reply: Well, I can’t see this, but obviously God can see everything. [And somehow money was obtained.] 3rd April 2018. 13:15. From John: In IRAN. Thanks to God. Seven armed men invaded our camp at midnight and God confused them till they passed the camp and went ahead to bomb three mosques. We are in a meeting now and will conduct baptism in the evening. God bless. 19:19. Reply: I wonder what happened to the bombers, the gunmen, whether they died also? 3rd April 2018. 22:39. To John: [About the £440 for the building in Syria.] Have you heard from them? ...the building the angels talked about, which would be a meeting place and where several families can live. I do wonder whether it is enough to build what they need, and big enough to house six families. 4th April 2018. 10:01. From Rhoda: "THE SYRIA MM BROTHERS HAVE CONSTRUCTED A BIG HOUSE TO ACCOMMODATE SIX FAMILIES BUT THEY RAN SHORT OF MONEY TO COMPLETE IT. THEY STILL REQUIRE £490 TO FINISH IT. THEY ARE PRAYING IN IT NOW." 7 Angels have said now. ISIS Scared Of MM In Iran6th April 2018. 17:14. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS HONORED MM LITS GOSPEL OF TRUTH IN IRAN. ISIS ARMY IS SCARED TO ATTACK THE MM CAMP. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD MOVE BACK HOME ON TUESDAY 10TH. AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THEIR JOURNEY BACK. THE MONEY SHOULD REACH THEM NOW FOR FROM TOMORROW UP TO MONDAY NIGHT THEY ARE REQUIRED TO BE INDOORS TO BAPTISE OVER FIFTEEN PEOPLE COMING IN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:40. Reply: OK. Thanks. We don’t have that sort of money. So God must be requesting it from someone else. Comment: About this figure of £777 given by the angels. The last time it was given by them was to do with the trip to Iran. John and Vuga needed more than that figure to make the journey. The trip cost over £1000, so it is not given to specify the exact cost. It is a numeric metaphor. It is to do with the unique commission. It is a combination of 37, Jesus’ signature number, multiplied by 3 and by 7. It is to do with the end-time (3) witness and God’s perfect plan (7). It is a numeric symbol to indicate that Jesus is behind the trip; that He is guiding things; that it is part of His perfect plan. Helena has been interceding for some hours today over the money supply, to clear demons off, so that God’s plan can go ahead. Now it’s up to those with the means to offer them on the altar, and God will be pleased. 7th April 2018. 13:20. From John: In Iran. We are through with our Sabbath meet attended by 21 people. We are conducting baptism for three people now. Saturday 7th April 2018. 19:09. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA WILL BAPTISE MORE PEOPLE TOMORROW INCLUDING TWO FORMER ISIS FIGHTERS. THIS INFORMATION WILL ANNOY OTHER ISIS OFFICIALS WHO WILL TRY TO ATTACK MM VAN ON MONDAY NIGHT BUT GOD'S ANGELS WILL THWART THEIR PLANS. AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN FOR THE RETURN JOURNEY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th April 2018. 10:05. To John: The Iranian believers who saw the van arrive and covered in God’s white mist were all converts from previous visits. But how did the new believers, such as the two former ISIS soldiers, come to you and get converted? 10:50. From John: They surrendered to God when the team they were in, which came to attack us, became confused and bombed a mosque instead. They have a long testimony which I will send to you. God bless. 8th April 2018. 19:07. To John: Thanks. I know money is in short supply. Do you have anything to send to Khalifa? They have nothing much for the people tomorrow. If you don’t have anything to spare, then don’t worry, God will have to do some miracle for them. We are still waiting for the 650 and the 777 to materialise and come to you, but there’s no sign of it yet. Two ISIS Fighters Converted9th April 2018. 12:51. From John: Thanks to God. We are currently meeting, and more people have joined us. 9th Apl 2018. 19:03. John: We are under attack now. We are surrounded by a big number of armed men. We are alert with opened MM Faith lits. 19:53. Reply: OK. Intercession is ongoing. 9th April 2018. 19:13. From Rhoda: "BECAUSE JOHN AND VUGA BAPTISED FORMER ISIS SOLDIERS THEY WILL BE ATTACKED, BUT GOD WILL BLOCK THE ATTACKERS. TURKEY, TURKEY, TURKEY. CHRISTIANS ARE BEING PERSECUTED BADLY. GOD IS NOT HAPPY. MM THROUGH THE VAN EVANGELISM SHOULD REACH TURKEY NEXT WEEK. JOHN AND VUGA MUST NOT GO BACK HOME BUT SHOULD HEAD TO TURKEY. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th April 2018. 18:19. From John: Thanks to God Will. Iran is a hostile place for Christians but thank God He has enabled us to spread His holy MM message to many here, including the tough former ISIS members K and R [names protected]. In our stay here we shared MM lits, water and milk, with the many people who came daily to hear from us, having seen us arrive in a Mist covered van. To the many people who joined us they surely believed by seeing how the true God honored the MM lits and protected us as we shared the MM Gospel of truth. On two occasions the ISIS tried to attack us but God blocked them. In the first case God confused them till they bombed a mosque instead. Then two members repented and joined us for MM meetings, [R and K, names protected]. The last attack was yesternight when armed men numbering nine attacked us claiming that we had baptised their members. God covered us in very very very thick white as snow mists, so that they couldn’t see us till morning. Then they left in different directions, each crying that the mists were painfully itching their eyes. All this happened just after we had faced them and pointed opened MM Faith lits at them, a confirmation that God honors MM lits message. Glory glory glory be to God! TESTIMONIES: R and K are cousins from the same grandfather. They are Iraqis who joined ISIS to get money since they are total orphans. Their parents were killed in the famous Iraqi-Kuwait wars of the mid '90s. They have killed many Christians in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey. They confirmed that they were in the forefront to bomb us but they lost their eyesight and only regained it after [mistakenly] bombing their own mosque. That's when they made up their minds to accept God and got baptised. They left for Iraq today morning to go and spread the good news. Go To Hostile, Horrible Turkey10th April 2018. 17:55. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE WITHOUT WATER OR MILK. THEIR KITTY IS DRY. THEY MUST TAKE GOD'S MM MESSAGE TO HOSTILE TURKEY. GOD'S ONLY ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th April 2018. 18:22. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW BY WU WU WU. THEY MUST LEAVE FOR TURKEY TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:35. "WU WILL BE MUCH FASTER FOR FOREX SHOPS OPERATE FULL TIME." 7 Angels have said now. 10th April 2018. 19:21. From John: F, a young girl of 18, literally ran from her parents on Friday while being forced to join them at the mosque for worship. She joined us. We baptised her and gave her a MM Faith lit to use if in any case she is attacked for accepting Jesus. She went back home. 10th April 2018. 19:35. From Rhoda: [Because of the absence of any money at this time.] "JOHN AND VUGA TO REMAIN STEADFAST AND SET TO REACH THE HORRIBLE TURKEY AND TAKE THE WORD OF LIFE THROUGH MM LITS. GOD ANOINTED HIS ONLY CHOSEN SUPPORTERS TO STAND FINANCIALLY WITH MM LITS EVANGELISM. GOD THE GREAT IAM WILL ENABLE THE MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP IN THIS. JOHN AND VUGA MUST NOT NOT NOT FEAR." 7 Angels have said that now. 10th April 2018. 19:45. To John: Some money has been collected. It’s not 300, but it’s a start. Comment: £223 was sent, thanks to our supporters! 11th April 2018. 8:58. To John: I don’t suppose you have been able to get very far on the small amount we scraped together from everyone here last night. It’s all we can do, but God is in charge. I pray for God’s breakthrough in finance. The devil is continually blocking it. Helena intercedes against the blockages every day. She ends up spending 16 hours or more each day in intercession, clearing the demons off, so things can move forward. It’s arduous. The angels will be leading you through Iraq and Syria, I guess, to get to Turkey. Some journey! God bless. 9:11. From John: Thanks Will. We are moving on. 9:39. To John: Are you still in Iran at present? 9:41. From John: Yes, we are now at Razi, the border. We cannot move on the fuel is over and the kitty dry. 10:27. To John: OK thanks. Maybe God has a purpose for you to be held up there? We’ll have to see what He intends to do. 10:38. From John: Our fuel is over and the kitty dry. Now we will share the MM gospel of truth here as we trust God to act. God bless. 11th April 2018. 13:24. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STUCK AT THE BORDER ON THEIR WAY TO TURKEY TO DO GOD'S GREAT COMMISSION. IT WILL MARK A GREAT WORK FOLLOWING THE BIG NUMBER THAT WILL BE BAPTISED. GOD TO BLESS THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP THEM REACH TURKEY AND DELIVER GOD'S MESSAGE THROUGH MM LITS." 7 Angels have said now. 11th April 2018. 16:00. From John: The Police here have ordered us to leave the border before night and we have no fuel nor money in the kitty. 11th April 2018. 16:32. From Rhoda: "GOD NEVER FAILS. JOHN AND VUGA MUST NOT WORRY NOR LOSE HOPE. GOD IS WORKING OUT THE FINANCE PROBLEM AND ANY POLICE TRYING TO HARASS THEM WILL MEET GOD'S WRATH." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Smyrna was poor (Rev 2:8-11), but highly approved by God!
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