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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
180Muslim Incursion
My defence is of God who saves the upright in heart (Ps 7:10).
The land and buildings on it which God arranged for Mark to buy in Kenya were constantly targeted by opponents of MM. First, Lukas Ogada and his gang tried to seize it, then he employed Muslims who tried their luck. God prevented all of them seizing it by whatever method they used. In the most recent episodes, the wealthy Muslim warlord Jamal Ismael, son of Mano Sood, tried on several occasions to invade with his gunmen. God’s Land Still Targeted By Greedy Grabbers16th March 2018. 16:33. From Yvette: Hope you are doing well. Some people are giving us sleepless nights here. They take advantage of power blackout, hurl stones on the roof and windows but am suspecting that they might be Jamal's gangsters. 17:44. Reply: That's who it is, yes. I wish we had money to be able to get your power back on. We don't have enough for other urgent needs. 22nd March 2018. 14:09. From Yvette: ...Two people came here Monday morning to enquire about the land title deed claiming they are land registry officers but Ibrahim warned them to leave and never come back again. We haven't heard of stones being hurled on the roof since that day. 24th March 2018. 17:46. From Rhoda: "£690 TO REACH JOHN FOR HIRING A TRACTOR TO PLOUGH THE FALLOW LAND WHERE CROPS AND VEGETABLES TO BE GROWN BY IBRAHIM AND MARK'S WIFE. THIS WILL HELP BLOCK A PLAN THAT IS UNDERWAY TO GRAB MARK'S LAND. THIS MONEY IS TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR TOMORROW THE TRACTOR SHOULD BE HIRED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: No money was forthcoming for this. We have waited MONTHS for someone to help with this need. Our regular supporters can’t do it, they are so hard up now. 25th March 2018. 17:00. From Jamal Ismael: You think I don't know why you killed my father? It's because of the oil deposit discovered on that land. I will make life unbearable for you and even loose that parcel of land you are claiming to be yours and sue those living on it in a court of law so be ready. Comment: All false accusations! He can get lost! 4th April 2018. 15:52. From Ibrahim on Mark’s land: ...Jamal came here today with armed police officers and clear a portion of the land, but left immediately after I pointed Faith lit at them, saying they will come back again tomorrow to continue with their work. 4th April 2018. 16:37. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN ON 10TH THIS MONTH FOR HIRING A TRACTOR TO PLOUGH MARK'S LAND. SOME GOONS HAVE GOTTEN INTO MARK'S LAND TO GRAB IT BUT GOD CANNOT ALLOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We were unable to raise those funds. God Strikes One Insurgent Dead6th April 2018. 12:39. From Ibrahim: Jamal came here a short while ago accompanied by 24 armed police officers with an aim of demolishing the wall and to plough the land but their plan failed when one of them fell down from the tractor and died instantly after I pointed at him with Faith lit. Then they took the body and left immediately... 12:41. From Jamal Ismael: you have decided to bewitch and kill my driver. You will pay dearly. Idiot! 14:13. Reply: He was killed by God. I warned you. If you come back, our God will kill the lot of you! So, be wise, and BACK OFF away from God's land!!! 14:21. To Ibrahim: Well done. They are quite determined, but they won't win. I have just had an e-mail from Jamal accusing us of witchcraft. The usual drivel that blasphemes the Holy Spirit. I have warned him to back off or God will kill the lot of them. But he probably won't listen, because he is possessed. If they come again, no matter how many, just do it again, and the Almighty will kill whoever He chooses next time. Thanks for letting me know. God bless! 14:45. Did they leave the tractor, or drive it away? 6th April 2018. From Ibrahim: No, they went with it. 7th April 2018. 20:12. From Jamal Ismael: You will know what am capable of doing tomorrow. 20:28. Reply: And so will you know what our God is capable of doing, too. Who was the man who got killed yesterday? Who are you sacrificing tomorrow, eh? The Gang Get Ibrahim Arrested8th April 2018. 11:41. From Yvette: Ibrahim was arrested today and detained at Ndhiwa police station. The officer said that he is responsible for the death of Jamal's driver. 12:42. Reply: OK. God will get him out. God is in charge. Thanks. 8th April 2018. 11:46. From Jamal: Ibrahim is already in custody and will be jailed for life, now come and rescue him with your powers. Son of a bitch! 12:42. Reply: OK. You are storing up for yourself a mighty nasty judgement from God. 8th April 2018. 12:10. From Rhoda: "IBRAHIM HAS BEEN ARRESTED FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF SOOD'S MAN. THEY DEMAND £250 FOR HIS RELEASE. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO GET IBRAHIM OUT AND £650 FOR TRACTOR HIRE. THE LAND SHOULD BE PLOUGHED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We could only put together £250.] 8th April 2018. 15:33. From Jamal: After this am coming for your neck. 15:46. Reply: Oh good. I'll be glad to see you destroyed. 8th April 2018. 18:33. From Jamal: You can't. You are just a joker! 18:57. Reply: That's what you think. You're wrong there! Dead wrong! Our God will wipe you off the face of this earth! His name is Jesus, the Messiah, the Almighty One. 9th Apl 2018. 10:55. From Jamal: It's too late my plan will go on as planned. 11:33. Reply: You are grossly deluded. No. There's one thing you have omitted from your scheme. And that One is the Almighty who has ultimate control of everything, including you. Ibrahim Released, But Injured10th April 2018. 11:43. From Yvette: [On the land.] Ibrahim has been released. I talked to one of the officers who arrested Ibrahim and he told me that Jamal is working closely with their boss and county government. They want to build a stadium there since the land is big and underdeveloped and Jamal will benefit as the proposed contractor so we are waiting for their next move but am hopeful that our Almighty God will not let it go. From Yvette: 15:15. He was released after paying £250 which the judge demanded. 10th April 2018. 11:53. From Jamal Ismael: Despite the release of Ibrahim am hopeful that information has reached your desk. The proposed project will go on as planned. You will be updated on our next move tomorrow. 16:54. Reply: Well, you didn't win that as you expected, did you? Ibrahim was released by the judge, so your scheme failed, didn't it? And your next plot will fail, too, because you have no right to that land. You can go to hell! 12th April 2018. 10:44. To Yvette: Thanks for letting us know [about Ibrahim’s release from prison]. Has anything happened to the judge since? I wonder if he is still alive. Hope things are going well for you. Stay alert! 10:33. To Ibrahim: How are you? Are you OK after the ordeal you suffered a few days ago? Did they harm you or beat you up when you were held in custody? I wonder what has happened to the judge after he extorted money out of you that you didn’t have. If you hear anything about him, do let me know. Thanks. God bless. God will repulse any further attack over the land if you hold up and open a Faith booklet against them. 13th April 2018. 20:24. From Ibrahim: Thank you so much for your support towards my release. Yes, am ok even though I feel pain on my joints which were beaten. I haven't heard about the judge but I'll keep you updated. God bless. 21:31. Reply: Thanks for yours. Helena is interceding for you right now. She says there are loads of demons attacking you, which is why you have been feeling pains. They make injuries worse. The demons would have been sent from hostile people towards you. Hope you soon feel better. The money for your release was requested by the angels to Rhoda. We didn't have it, and the only way I could obtain it was to borrow it in cash on a credit card which is expensive. We now have large debts and no available funds, so we await God's financial deliverance. But I'm glad we were able to help you. God bless you. God Takes The Life Of The Wicked Judge15th April 2018. 7:58. From Yvette: ...The news going around here is that the magistrate who presided over Ibrahim's case (Okiya Rugut) was found dead in home and nobody knows what caused his demise. Land issue has been a major problem in Kenya since independence. The government yesterday announced thru the Ministry of Land that they want to recover idle lands or the owners to pay land rates yearly, so we are just waiting for the turn out [eviction notice] but I believe our God will not let us down... 8:47. Reply: Thanks for that news. Jamal Ismael has also e-mailed me to blame us for the death of that evil man. He [the judge] extorted money under false pretences so God took him for harming His Work. 15th April 2018. 8:11. From Jamal Ismael: It's not yet over. I know you sent Ibrahim with your charm to kill the judge. 15th April 2018. 8:36. From Rhoda: "THE MAGISTRATE WHO TOOK MONEY TO RELEASE IBRAHIM IS DEAD. GOD KILLED HIM. ALL THE BLAMES ARE PUT ON IBRAHIM. THEY PLAN TO TAKE THE LAND. GOD TO OPEN A WAY FOR THE MONEY TO REACH JOHN ASAP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15th April 2018. 6:29. From Rhoda: "IBRAHIM HAS BEEN GIVEN ORDERS THAT THE LAND MUST BE DEVELOPED OR ELSE THEY VACATE IT. GOD IS NOT HAPPY. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN FOR HIRING A TRACTOR FOR A START TO BLOCK THOSE LAND GRABBERS. THEN THE BALANCE OF £300 TO REACH JOHN ON TUESDAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: God gave that instruction on how this evil situation can be thwarted, but our regular supporters didn’t have the money. Others did, but other Christians are not willing to support this Work of God. 3rd Apl 2018. 18:19. From Rhoda: "THE MM OPPOSERS ARE WRITING FALSE LETTERS TO PRETEND TO BE TRUE BELIEVERS IN MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL SUCH LETTERS." 7 Angels have said now.
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