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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
Our soul waits for the Lord. He is our help and our shield (Psalm 33:20).
Rhoda was stuck in Israel, with no money and no sustenance. (She was supported by God on only milk and water; no solid food.) John was stuck in Kenya for lack of £200 to get home. Our regular supporters were clean out of funds and carrying large debts. Despite God’s urgent request via the 7 angels, others were not willing to contribute to God’s missions. How shameful! Christians, who are called to lay down their own lives for God’s ends, can’t even lay on His altar part of their wealth! 17th March 2018. 15:33. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STILL STUCK IN BUSIA KENYA. PETROL COSTS HAVE GONE HIGH. THEY HAVE NO MONEY AT HAND. £200 IS ENOUGH TO GET THEM SAFELY HOME. THE TWO FORMER SOLDIERS GOT ARRESTED IN JERUSALEM AND TAKEN BACK TO SYRIA YESTERDAY. THEY HAVE BEEN HANGED TODAY MORNING. RHODA IS COMPLETELY STUCK IN ISRAEL. MONEY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PRAYER ROOM IN SYRIA SHOULD REACH JOHN WHO SHOULD SEND IT TO RHODA, £800 PLUS £400 FOR FARE BACK TO SYRIA FROM JERUSALEM. RHODA MUST SUPERVISE THE BUILDING OF THE PRAYER ROOM IN SYRIA BEFORE SHE TRAVELS BACK TO KENYA. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT AND INPORTANT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th March 2018. 15:38. From Rhoda: Hi Will. My two former soldiers are dead. They got arrested here yesterday, taken back to Syria and were hanged today morning. God covered me in white mists and I was not caught. May God help out with money so that we accomplish His will. God is able. 17:55. Reply: OK, thanks for letting us know. That’s tragic. I don’t know how we can raise funds yet. We are stuck at present. 18:42. To John: We have managed to get £80 together, but that is all... Hope you are OK. What a stun to be told the two brave ex-soldiers have been executed! But our God is not mocked and is far, far greater than any actions of man, and He raises the dead, so maybe that’s His plan for a greater witness in Syria and beyond! [Next day we managed to borrow £130 for John.] 18th March 2018. 18:05. From Rhoda: I am undergoing a big challenge here. No water or milk because I have no money. I am evangelising to a few in isolation. May God touch a supporter to help me move back to Syria and wait for God's time to get them a prayer room. I need £400 to move back to Syria by public means. God is good. 18th Mar 2018. 18:09. From John: We have reached Kisumu and hopefully by midnight tonight will be at home. Tomorrow we will see how Mark's family is doing in Ndhiwa. 19th March 2018. 15:20. To Rhoda: We are working on a way to find some money for you, hopefully tomorrow. Where do you sleep at night? 17:02. From Rhoda: The two Syrian men were hanged in Syria for being Christians. I am in touch with their wives. Their car was also burnt. I slept in the car stages which operates 24/7. Now I am on my way out to Kenya. God will heavily punish God TV management. May God open way financially for me to get home. Thanks. Rhoda’s Home Demolished!Mon 19th March 2018. 8:32. From John: We have safely reached home. It is raining badly and the message reaching us now is that strong winds have brought down Rhoda's house. A neighbour has informed us by phone. 8:37. Reply: If it’s not one thing, it’s another! The devil continually attacks us wherever he can! I don’t suppose you have any money spare for Rhoda, do you? 8:45. From John: I have not even a shilling in hand... 19th March 2018. 8:37. From Rhoda: "RHODA MUST NOT TURN IN TO A BEGGAR IN ISRAEL. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR RHODA TO MOVE BACK HOME. THIEVES HAVE BROKEN INTO RHODA'S HOME AND TAKEN EVERYTHING. GOD WILL SPEED UP RHODA'S JOURNEY BACK HOME SO THAT FRIDAY THIS WEEK FINDS HER HOME. THIS IS URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th March 2018. 8:42. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO GIVE JOHN INFORMATION ABOUT HOW TO HELP MARK'S LAND NOT BE GRABBED BY THE END OF THIS WEEK. THERE IS A PLAN UNDERWAY TO KILL ALL MARK'S FAMILY MEMBERS AND OTHERS IN MARK'S LAND. ALSO £250 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO GO AND BLOCK THE THIEVES MOVING AWAY WITH RHODA'S ITEMS AT KISII-KERICHO BORDER NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. THEY WANT TO GO WITH THEM TO TANZANIA THROUGH THAT ROUTE. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:46. From Rhoda: God to help out. It is not wind, it is thieves. They are moving towards Kisii now. Thanks. 19th March 2018. 12:40. To John: I trust you got the earlier angel messages that I forwarded which came to me from Rhoda this morning... I guess you are hammering along on your way to intercept those thieves. 12:43. From John: We are almost reaching Kisii town heading to the border. I have sent Rhoda the £100 from Nigel. Comment: Eleanor had gone early to draw £300 on her credit cards, and that quick thinking enabled John to get moving in the chase. So with Nigel’s £100, they had £400. 12:48. To John: Wow. That was quick! I take it that Vuga’s driving. You must be shifting at speed! 19th March 2018. 16:57. From John: Rhoda's items must have been stolen by people who know well about MM. This is because when we reached the border we blocked two numberless lorries carrying the items and when the driver of the first lorry spotted the MM van he made a u-turn and took the Kisii- Sirare route and the second driver too. We have been trailing them and now we are in Uriri market. We want to block them at Kakrao junction before they get to Sirare border. 16:58. Reply: Good. When you hold them up and point Faith booklets at them, as usual, they will have to surrender or die. 20th March 2018. 18:35. From John: Thanks to God Will. We have managed to get all Rhoda's belongings here at Masara centre border to Tanzania. The seven thieves opened fire on us today at noon after we had managed to block their way to Tanzania. With MM Faith lits opened and pointed at them they lost consciousness and died there. These items are too many to carry in our small van. We are watching over them here. My phone dropped on the way while we were confronting the thieves yesternight. A good Samaritan has just brought it to me in good condition. 18:44. How amazing! [Was it an angel, I wonder!?] 18:46. To Rhoda: We are stuck for money at present... [Vivian rescued the situation by sacrificing all he could, £200.] 20th March 2018. 18:41. From Rhoda: ANGELIC MESSAGE. "AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO FERRY RHODA'S ITEMS TO NAIROBI BY LORRY FROM MIGORI. GOD HAS KILLED THE THIEVES. A FURTHER £480 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR RHODA'S FARE TO KENYA. RHODA IS STUCK IN ISRAEL AT THE BORDER TO EGYPT. SHE HAS NO MONEY TO MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20th March 2018. 18:49. From John: One of the thieves is a pastor who has been fighting MM, a neighbour to Rhoda. He cursed us calling us devil worshippers but God killed him. Pastor Omweri Majanja of Holyghost Assemblies. 19:25. Reply: Thanks. What’s happened to the dead bodies? Have the police been on the scene yet? I hope they don’t give you any trouble. But then, the Faith booklet deals with any trouble. 20th Mar 2018. 20:14. To John: I am guessing that they demolished her whole house and loaded it onto the lorries. Is that right? Comment: We borrowed the needed money for John. 22nd March 2018. 8:34. To Rhoda: How are you progressing in your journey? Hope you have all you need. 11:14. From Rhoda: Thanks. I am in Uganda on my way home. 22nd March 2018. 12:57. From John: We are in Rhoda's compound constructing the house... 13:24. Reply: How amazing! So they destroyed the whole house and took everything away, did they? 13:25. From John: Yes Will. It is pathetic. God bless. 22nd March 2018. 16:32. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE FINISHED FIXING RHODA'S HOUSE. THEY HAVE DONE A GOOD WORK. THEY HAVE NO MILK, WATER NOR MONEY IN THE KITTY. THEY ARE HUNGRY. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR FUEL TO GET THEM BACK TO JOHN'S HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. About the great need. Isn’t it shameful that the Church, with all its massive funds rolling into their coffers to glorify the ministries of various preachers or established popular churches, do not have a care about the Work of Elijah done by God’s Spirit in this late hour?! All they can see in their stupor is their very limited agenda, not the scope of God’s Spirit. They do not appreciate that this is a time of God’s judgement, and that where the MM vans go, God brings upon opponents His swift judgement that sweeps them off His earth! Jesus told the Pharisees in His time that they had had their reward in this life. Many churchmen, preachers and ministry leaders will learn similarly. The mind of man is not the mind of God (Is 55:8). The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him (Ps 25:14). Many Christian leaders don’t really fear God. Those who truly fear God will do anything He says. Most Christian leaders serve a compromised set of values that puts church or ministry in place of God. And the Jesus whom they serve is a distorted conceptualisation of Him, an image or idolatrous substitute in which grace has been liberalised to excuse lawbreaking, just as was prophesied and declared by Peter (2 Pet 3:15; Jude 4). They deny their only Lord and Saviour as Peter warned (2 Pet 2:1), because they don’t want the restored biblical truths that God offers them through MM. Instead they blaspheme that way of truth (2 Pet 2:2). That is the root of this financial lack -- human selfishness, humanistic compromise in the broad Church, and a stubborn refusal to repent of doctrinal error. Bodies Carted Away To The Morgue24th March 2018. To John: 16:22. I was wondering what happened to the 7 guys whom God struck dead who had stolen Rhoda’s stuff. Did police come and take the bodies away? Or why didn’t police try and arrest you? You had to stand guard over those two lorries for a long time before we could find some money. There must have been a lot of people come by and wonder what was going on. I also wonder what happened to the thieves’ two lorries after you took Rhoda’s belongings off them. 24th March 2018. 17:41. From John: The bodies were taken to the morgue at Sirare border by a big group of people who came. The big group helped us to remove Rhoda's belongings from the lorries which were later taken by Tanzania police. Later the ID's of the thieves were used to find their relatives who collected them for burials.
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