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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
177Syria Mission
I was sought by those who did not ask for Me; I was found by those who did not seek Me (Is 65:1). You and I would not want to go to Syria, right into the epicentre of the war zone, during the conflict! Yet God told the MM duo to go there! Many people read the soothing words of Psalm 23, but most of them have not experienced walking through the valley of the shadow of death literally! 7th March 2018. 8:50. From John in Syria: We are right here. The reports are coming now. Let us park in a safe place. This is horrible. God bless. 9:06. Reply: Thanks... What is your money situation like now? Do you have enough milk and water, and any funds left? 9:08. We have milk and water to take us up to tomorrow night. Our kitty is dry. We have no money in hand. God bless.. 11:21. It is gun shots all over here. 12:00. Reply: I can imagine! The whole country is a battlefield. But the angels are around you with their invisible shield. We’re just trying to find some money to send to you later today. 7th March 2018. 14:52. ...£100 should be coming shortly, all being well. 14:57. Now we are in a secluded place... We had to avoid gunmen in big numbers which have been trailing us. 7th March 2018. 16:48. From John: We are in Aleppo Governorate in Syria the epicenter of civil war. The clients who came out from the GOD TV premises confirmed to us the deaths of the watchmen. [In answer to a query.] Yes, I and Vuga in the van we only see the white mists leading our way and directing us but the drivers of vehicles we met and behind us confirmed to us the thick cover of a white mist covering our van. Here Will, the sound of guns is all over. We trust God to descend and honor MM Faith lits message and protect the lives of His people. We are now set with MM Faith lits and want to move around under the lead of God's Angels. God bless. 7th March 2018. 16:49. From Rhoda: "GOD THROUGH MM LIT HAS LANDED IN SYRIA, ALEPPO CITY. GOD HAS GOT POWER TO JAM THE GUNS. JOHN AND VUGA WILL REMAIN IN SYRIA TILL SUNDAY. GOD WILL TRANSFORM THE LIVES OF THREE SOLDIERS WHO WILL DROP THEIR GUNS AND ACCEPT MM TRUTH, GET BAPTISED AND JOIN JOHN AND VUGA ON SATURDAY SABBATH MEET. AT LEAST £440 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW AFTERNOON TO HELP THEM GET FUEL TO MOVE IN THE ENTIRE SYRIA TILL SUNDAY. THEY SHOULD BUY ENOUGH WATER TO GET THEM UP TO MONDAY. THEY MUST LEAVE SYRIA ON SUNDAY NIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF TWELVE MAD SOLDIERS FIGHTING GOD'S PEOPLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Footnote On God’s Judgement Of GOD TV7th March 2018. 17:02. From Rhoda: "GOD IS GOING ON WITH KILLING OF ROGUE WATCHMEN AT GOD TV RIGHT AWAY. A TOTAL OF SIX WHO BLOCKED JOHN AND VUGA FROM ACCESSING GOD TV HAVE DIED. AZIZ, NAGBI, ZOUPHAR, NETANUE, BRAMIN, AND ZORA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Protected From Syrian Gunmen 7th March 2018. 18:39. From Rhoda: "FIVE ARMED SHARPSHOOTERS ARE TRAILING JOHN AND VUGA BUT GOD HAS COVERED THE VAN IN THICK WHITE MIST. THEY CANNOT SEE THE VAN TO SHOOT AT IT. TWO OF THEM WILL GIVE THEIR LIVES TO GOD AND ACCEPT MM TRUTH BUT FOUR WILL DIE WHEN THEY WILL TRY TO HIT GOD'S VAN WITH GRENADES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th March 2018. 11:56. To John: All being well, £440 should be coming to you this afternoon. Hope you are managing OK in that difficult environment. 12:00. From John: Thanks Will. This place is horrible. But God is good. 14:50. There is a lot of hostility, abusing us, aiming guns at the van. 16:04. Reply: OK. Have the angels led you to where the brothers are yet? 16:06. From John: We are on the way heading there. God bless. 8th March 2018. 18:32. From John: Life here is guns and gun sounds all over. Today morning a soldier aimed at our van with a hand grenade which missed and didn’t hit the van. We then stopped and called the six soldiers who speak very little English. They came running, calling us dogs, worshippers of the devil. They tried three times cocking their guns which jammed. Then two of them, Youssef and Khalid tore their uniforms and cried out asking us for forgiveness. [They must have seen a vision of Jesus in His glory to respond like that, or of powerful angels in glory.] They threw back the torn uniforms plus guns to the other four and refused to leave us and wanted to go with us wherever we go. We prayed for them and gave them each two copies of MM Faith lits and sent them to go back to the barracks and preach the same Gospel of truth to their fellow soldiers which they have witnessed. We promised them to use the Faith lits as guards against any attacker. We challenged them to demonstrate faith in God by replacing the man-made guns with heavenly given weapons against Satan called MM Faith lits and the holy Bible. We are heading north of Aleppo where two MM brothers are held [captive] and their families. God bless.
8th March 2018. 18:41. From Rhoda: "MM MEETING ROOM OF SIMPLE MABATI STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED TOMORROW. 1. IT WILL BE A PRAYER ROOM FOR ALL WHO WILL TURN TO GOD. 2. IT WILL HOUSE MM LITERATURE. 3. IT WILL BE A CENTRE FOR ALL MM FOT MEETINGS. 4. SIX MM BROTHERS AND THEIR FAMILIES WILL LIVE IN IT. IT MUST MUST MUST BE CONSTRUCTED TOMORROW FRIDAY, SO AT LEAST £890 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR ITS CONSTRUCTION AND PHOTOCOPYING OF MM LITS TO BE KEPT IN IT. GOD MUST BRING TO END THE MASSACRE OF CHRISTIANS IN SYRIA." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: Though God appealed to various people for money that He can see they have, they refused to donate for the above (not regular supporters). So the task was not accomplished till a few weeks later. Intercession at that time: Helena’s intercession of about 16 hours each day doesn’t usually end till 2 or 3 am. But this week one day it didn’t end till 3.30 am and last night it went on till 4.30. Sacrifice: Yesterday demons killed one of our chickens. Helena had to intercede against demons that were oppressing it the day before, making it feel unwell, and not wanting to move or eat. Then, overnight and in the morning, before Helena could harness her gifts against them, the demons managed to kill it. It’s the second one they have killed within a few weeks. These are part of the price that we have to pay on the front line. But, the upside of this is that it portends significant inroads into Syria, which would be why God allowed the loss. We only have six chooks left now. To lose two in the spring just as they are about to come into lay is a bit of a blow. All the investment over winter is lost. But the spiritual investment in Syria is for great gain! This is the Front Line. 9th March 2018. 11:27. From John: It is worse over here. People are undergoing great mistreatments and deaths. God bless. God Wipes Out 4 Hostile Imams & 10 Gunmen9th March 2018. 14:37. To John: I wonder how those two former gunmen have got on at their barracks! 14:39. From John: They promised to join us tomorrow for the Sabbath rest where we hope to hear their witness. God bless. 9th March 2018. 17:09. From John: Thanks to God Will. Today armed men numbering ten, Muslim clerics numbering four, surrounded us in Aleppo and demanded that we leave the town or else they will cut us into pieces. They ordered us to get out of the van so that they could check inside the van to see for themselves what we are carrying. We then opened two MM Faith lits placed them in the van and let them check what we carried in the van. On opening the van window a strong force like a whirlwind knocked all to the ground and they lost consciousness. We left them lying there with two MM Faith lits as a witness. Now the two converted soldiers have come and we will spend time with them in the van and have the Sabbath rest. They are giving us accounts of how rogue soldiers who tried to assault them for accepting MM truth died when they pointed at them with the MM Faith lits. I’ll be reporting their detailed witness. Fugitives Who Were Living In CavesFriday 9th March 2018. 16:54. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE FOUND THE MM BROTHERS IN PATHETIC CONDITIONS, SLEEPING IN CAVES TURNED INTO THEIR HOMES, WITH NO FOOD OR WATER, LIVING BY FEEDING ON DEBRIS ON ROCKS. GOD HAS SUSTAINED THEM TO DATE FOR MONTHS. CONSTRUCTION OF THE ALEPPO MM MEETING ROOM WILL GIVE THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE GOD BETTER. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD BE LEAVING SYRIA ON MONDAY MORNING, HAVING DONE WHAT GOD SENT THEM OUT TO DO ....THE ALEPPO MM MEETING ROOM WILL ATTRACT MORE MUSLMS IN SYRIA TO ACCEPT THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. AT LEAST £580 TO REACH JOHN ON SUNDAY FOR THEIR JOURNEY BACK. THIS WILL GET THEM TO JUBA SOUTH SUDAN. THEN ANOTHER £450 ON TUESDAY NEXT WEEK TO GET THEM BACK HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th March 2018. 5:20. From John: [About the above fugitives.] They received MM gospel in Iraq where they worked in oil fields. They are Syria natives. 10th March 2018. 10:17. To Rhoda: In a previous message a few days ago (7th Mar), you mentioned that £440 was needed for the van to go through the whole of Syria. They haven’t been through all of Syria. Maybe that word “entire” shouldn’t have been in there, or it has an implication that I don’t understand. Anyway, we can’t see where the now requested £580 can come from, and I expected them to still have enough of the £440 left to be able to make it out of Syria, so I’m a bit puzzled and can’t see what we can do. Thanks. 10th March 2018. 10:43. From Rhoda: "THAT IS WHY ONLY £580 IS NEEDED BECAUSE THEY HAVE £300 IN HAND NOW WHICH PLUS THE £580 IS ENOUGH TO GET THEM TO JUBA SOUTH SUDAN. GOD WANTS AN MM ROOM TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ALEPPO SO THERE WAS NO NEED OF THEM MOVING AROUND SYRIA. ALEPPO IS THE EPICENTER OF ALL THE CIVIL WAR. THEY SURELY NEED £580." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:03. Reply: Thanks for the clarification. We don’t have £580, so we leave it in God’s hands to move someone else to help with this vital requirement. 10:45. From John: Six people have joined us in our Sabbath meet. God Caused Evil Gunmen To Shoot Each Other10th March 2018. 17:30. From John: We had a good meeting with our brothers. The two soldiers have stopped being soldiers and accepted the MM truth. They got baptised today and promised to preach the MM gospel of truth to their brothers still serving in the forces. They narrated to us how some soldiers not happy with their conversion organised to execute them after they had accepted the MM truth. They were made naked and told to kneel down with their eyes tied [blindfolded], but they held the MM opened Faith lits tightly as they prayed to God. God confused the nine soldiers who all killed each other instead. They then took their clothes, got dressed, and left the forces to serve God. They also promised to walk and visit all cities in Syria where civil war is the order of the day and prove to them that there is a God in heaven all powerful, much more than man made guns. The other four brothers whom we rescued from the caves accepted the MM truth in Iraq but due to fear of death left the MM lits with the brothers who remained in Iraq. They have nowhere to call home. When they saw our van labeled MM they came out and joyfully met us thanking God. We are with them in the van now going round the outskirts of Aleppo city. We meet war vehicles and God has covered us, Will, because not even one police officer has stopped us on the way. We will move around till midnight meeting those people in need, and to whom only God can give a lasting peace. God bless. 17:54. Aleppo MM meeting room is a very needed project but money issue, Will, is the big challenge here. These people need the word of God through MM lits library set up near them for daily studies. God to open away for this money. Life here is worse. Guns and gun sounds are the order of the day. 19:41. Reply: Thanks for the info. God is doing amazing things, just as He prophesied those many centuries ago in the Prophets. He is doing a Work in our day that “you would not believe, even if it were told you.” (Habakkuk 1:5.) I would never have believed that God would insist on us going into Aleppo while the war is on! God’s Commission To The Two Syrian Soldiers10th March 2018. 17:40. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS ASSIGNED THE CONVERTED TWO SOLDIERS TO MOVE AROUND SYRIAN CITIES AND REMOTE VILLAGES TO PREACH THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH STARTING MONDAY. SO JOHN AND VUGA TO MOVE BACK TO SEE HOW MARK'S PLACE AND JOHN'S HOME ARE FOR THE MM OPPOSERS ARE PLANNING TO BURN DOWN JOHN'S HOME NEXT WEEK. A PRAYER ROOM IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ALEPPO. JOHN AND VUGA WILL TAKE MM LITS TO ALEPPO BY THE END OF THIS MONTH. THEY SHOULD MOVE BACK AND PHOTOCOPY AS MANY COPIES OF MM LITS AS POSSIBLE. THOSE THE CONVERTED SOLDIERS WILL BE LENDING TO PEOPLE TO READ AND RETURN TO THE PRAYER ROOM IN ALEPPO WHICH WILL ALSO BE THE MM LIBRARY. THOSE WHO WILL RUN AND READ MM LITS THERE WILL GET SAVED. " 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:44. Reply: Thanks. We just need the money to fulfil God’s word... Comment: As you will see as you read on, the proposed plan from the angels did not happen because the soldiers were later executed. But I believe God will raise them from the dead, and then the proposed plan can be fulfilled. 11th March 2018. 8:49. John: It is 10:45 in Aleppo. We are set to leave for home but with only £240. This can take us to Port Suez in Egypt. We expect to be in Egypt tonight. We have bought water and milk to take us up to tonight. 8:57. Reply: Ask God first about whether you should leave yet, because we have no money. 9:01. Thanks Will. We will go on with visiting the Syrian cities... The Angels Tell Rhoda To Go To JerusalemSunday 11th March 2018. 9:29. From John: Rhoda left us here yesternight. She has gone back to God TV on Angelic mission. God bless. 9:31. Reply: So, how is she getting there to Jerusalem? 9:31. From Rhoda: I am in Israel, back to God TV. John and Vuga are in Syria. God bless. 9:37. From John: She left on Angelic instructions. She travelled together with the two converted soldiers. The soldiers have a personal car that they used. 9:52. To John: What is the cost of that trip and how is it being funded? 10:02. From John: It costs £450. The converted soldiers used their car and money. God bless. 9:59. From Rhoda: "THE ANGELS OF GOD HAVE DIRECTED RHODA TO TAKE THE CONVERTED SOLDIERS TO GOD TV. THE CONVERTED SOLDIERS WILL BE FOLLOWING UP GOD'S PUNISHMENT TO GOD TV. THEY HAVE USED THEIR CAR. RHODA HAD GOT NO MONEY SO IT IS THE SOLDIERS WHO HAVE CARRIED HER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:18. Reply: Thanks. What does the trip cost and can you give me the names of the two? 10:25. From Rhoda: Youssef Binaden and Khalid Benayun are their names. They say the car uses fuel of £465 to get to Jerusalem. Thanks. 10:31. To John: What are the names of the two converted Syrian soldiers? 10:34. They are Khalid and Youssef. Footnote On Rwanda Pastor Who Mocked God11th March 2018. 12:09. From Rhoda: "GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED. THE RESULTS ARE OUT. GOD DESCENDED ON SDA CHURCH IN SOUTH RWANDA AND KILLED A ROGUE PASTOR. ONE OF THE PASTORS WHO TOOK MM WARNING LESS SERIOUSLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:32. Reply: Oh right! Thanks. Should we know his name? 13:21. NDAKISE NKURUGENZA. 11th March 2018. 15:39. To John: Re this pastor who was killed, whom do you know in Rwanda who could confirm this? Obviously you witnessed to him in some way by your visit in Feb. And I guess he has blasphemed God and the MM outreach to others, hence he was struck dead. 15:55. From John: It is true we have confirmed. A total of 16 people perished in the strike by God. God bless. 16:20. From John: It happened yesternight at Midnight. It occured in Southern province in Muhanga town. We have received the latest information from Eunice who has obtained it from our brothers in Rwanda. It is SDA Church. 16:34. From Rhoda: "THE PASTOR DIED, STRUCK BY THUNDER[bolt], GOD'S PUNISHMENT FOR DISOBEYING GOD'S WARNING THROUGH MM LITS. IT ALL HAPPENED AT MIDNIGHT YESTERDAY IN MHANGA CITY IN SOUTH PROVINCE RWANDA. 15 CHURCH MEMBERS ALSO DIED. THE SAME PUNISHMENT ALSO AWAITS OTHER PEOPLE DISOBEYING GOD'S COUNSEL THROUGH MM LITS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12 Mad Soldiers!17:32. From John: We are currently at Port of Tartus where there is massive exchange of fire now. One group that has been trailing us from Aleppo, on arriving at the port just opened fire on civilians and are met with the same force by soldiers manning the port. It is chaotic. We believe it is God that has confused them to fight each other. Syria is a risky place. God surely honors MM lits. 11th March 2018. 19:50. To John: On 7th March Rhoda wrote that 12 mad soldiers would fight God’s people (presumably you and Vuga) and they will die tonight, Sunday night. I guess you are in the middle of that skirmish now. 12th March 2018. 6:30. From John: Thanks Will. All died at the port. Full report coming. We are heading to the third city today. God bless. 12th March 2018. 9:24. From John: The gun exchange at the port left 12 soldiers dead. Those soldiers followed us all the day till we reached the port. They came till they surrounded us at the port and were convinced that they had captured us. But all got killed. To our surprise they were crying that it is we MM people killing them. God sent His Angels to fight for us. Will, we have no milk or water, we used all the money to fuel the van. Now we are heading the fourth city. 10:46. From John: They died some 15 minutes to midnight. People ran for safety leaving us behind in the van. We guess they belong to Assad's army. 12th Mar 2018. 9:34. From Rhoda: "THE TWO CONVERTED SOLDIERS AND RHODA ARE CURRENTLY MOVING INTO GOD TV PREMISES. JOHN AND VUGA ARE STUCK AND CANNOT MOVE ON. THEY HAVE NO WATER, MILK AND MONEY FOR FUEL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12th March 2018. 17:58. To John: A further £200 has come in. How far do you think that £500 will get you? Egypt? Or just Israel? 18:14. Thanks Will. It can take us up to Egypt... Tuesday 13th March 2018. 8:26. From John: We are in Suez port in Egypt. We bought enough water and milk to take us up to Friday this week. We have £50 in hand for fuel. We will move on up to where this will get us. 9:18. Reply: ...Have you heard from Rhoda? I haven’t since that short one yesterday via the angels saying that she and the two were in God TV. 13th March 2018. 16:54. From Rhoda: "THE CONVERTED SOLDIERS ARE STILL IN JERUSALEM AFTER VISITING GOD TV. THEY WILL WAIT FOR SEVEN DAYS THERE FOR GOD TO ACT AND DISAPPROVE THE MAD OPERATORS THERE. WITHIN THE SEVEN DAYS GOD WILL TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO SEND JOHN MONEY TO SEND TO RHODA TO MOVE BACK TO KENYA. JOHN AND VUGA ARE STUCK IN CAIRO WITH NO FUEL TO MOVE ON. THEY NEED £600 TO REACH HOME." 7 Angels have said that now. 13th March 2018. 19:59. To John: I think Eleanor has managed to get you some money, so hopefully that should be coming shortly, all being well. How did you converse with the two former Syrian soldiers? Did they speak English? Skirmish In Sudan14th March 2018. 8:20. To John: Did you manage to reach any people in Egypt while you were stationary? Or did hostile Muslims or Muslim leaders try to move you on? 12:00. Have you managed to move on to Sudan? 13:41. From John: Yes we have arrived in Khartoum city. We have £90 in hand to push us on. While in Egypt we evangelised to hawkers in Cairo and gave them MM lits. A few yelled at us calling us devil worshippers. If we can get £350 today then I am sure tomorrow evening we shall be crossing into Kenya... 14:14. Reply: I agree! It would be nice if we had that money, so you can get back without delay. But the fact is we simply don’t have it. We have borrowed and borrowed and borrowed. The money sent yesterday was also borrowed... Keep plenty of water and milk in stock to last for several days, because it could take that long. I just don’t know. 15th March 2018. 9:16. From John: Thanks to God, Will. Past Khartoum we evangelised to a small group and baptised two: Dado Mika and Susan Dado of Roho Biro Church. This irked their leader Pastor Gueng Traore. That Pastor Gueng Traore of Roho Biro ministries then organised a group to attack and kill us calling us a satanic sect. They claimed that our van is covered with thick white fumes, a power they said is derived from the devil. They forcefully took my phone, and a few copies of MM lits. This happened yesterday night. Thank God they erred by taking MM Faith lits too. They left us stranded in the outskirts of Khartoum. At some minutes past midnight Pastor Gueng and his wife Loice Chumbi came to us wailing. All their four kids who accompanied the team that robbed us have died of thunder and hot coal. They brought back my phone and MM lits. I took my phone plus the lits but did not engage them any further. [God then struck them dead.] We left them unconscious with a copy of the MM Faith lit as a witness. Will, we cannot move on. We have no money in hand... To John: He blasphemed the Holy Spirit, calling you of the devil, and according to God’s promise (to kill those who have committed unpardonable sins) God killed him. Romans 11:22. 17th March 2018. 5:33. From John: We are having our Sabbath meet at Busia Kenya. Here is where the money helped us to reach. We need £150 to get home. Our kitty is completely dry. God bless. 9:32. Reply: This is galling that there isn’t enough money. I don’t understand. The angels said £600 to get you home. We sent 740 of which 50 went to Khalifa, and still you need another 150, which we just don’t have! It’s frustrating this continual lack. Just like God said in a recent dream to Kassahun March 10/18. Kassahun’s dream: MM is hindered by lack. Both tyres of my bicycle were worn out and needed to be changed. It was difficult and risky to move from place to place because of that. The slow speed was a problem. (The bicycle symbolises our ministry. Worn out tyres depict the situation with lack of support which holds us up. The few supporters whom God has raised should be respected. They are wonderful. God is pleased with them.)
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