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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
175Burundi, South Sudan, Niger, For Judgement |
To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Indeed, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot give heed. Behold, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them; they have no delight in it (Jer 6:10). Therefore I am full of the fury of the Lord... (Jeremiah 6:11).
God has no time to waste. After the mission to Zanzibar was done, the MM van had to take God’s last warning to Burundi, as the angels instructed. Lack of finance was a major problem holding things up. We all scraped together whatever we could, but we always needed more. The Trip To Burundi23rd Feb 2018. 11:50. John: We have just arrived in Dar es Salaam. Friday 23rd Feb 2018. 17:49. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA FROM DAR ES SALAAM SHOULD BE IN BURUNDI AND RWANDA ON SUNDAY. TOMORROW EVENING THEY WILL LEAVE DAR ES SALAAM FOR BURUNDI TO TAKE GOD'S LAST LAST LAST WARNING TO MEGACHURCH PASTORS. THEY NEED ADDITIONAL £380 NOW NOW NOW BY WU. VERY VERY VERY URGENT. GOD IS WIPING OUT ALL FALSE MEGA TELE-EVANGELISTS AND RADIO AND TV STATIONS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd February 2018. 17:55. From John: God has sent a strong wind from the ocean and brought down a church belonging to Roho Hera Church in Dar es Salaam when the pastor promised to kill us for serving him with God's last warning message calling for repentance and honoring God's message through MM lits. He promised to kill all of us tonight but thank God he and his family plus 10 church members have died when the church collapsed on them. He is pastor Mutamu Kayamba Ngida. God bless. 24th Feb 2018. 8:42. John: God has killed two more corrupt pastors. 9:05. Reply: Where is that? In Dar es Salaam? What happened? Do you know who they are and why God killed them? 9:13. From John: In the outskirts of Dar es Salaam, a church called Jesus Love Ministry. Pastor Wanugu Bota ordered youths to attack us at midnight when we took God's warning to his church when they were in a pre wedding ceremony. God choked him to death and all the people ran out. The pastor ordered them [to attack] in our presence but before the youths could touch us, we pointed at the pastor with MM Faith lits and the pastor fell down crying with a lot of pain. He died crying. It happened twenty four minutes past midnight. An assistant pastor who tried to do first aid to the first one also fell to the ground and died instantly, pastor Mulisa Diaz. ...We will be leaving to Burundi and Rwanda shortly. 24th February 2018. 10:36. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE ON TO BURUNDI AND RWANDA. GOD TO BLESS REGULAR CHOSEN MM SUPPORTERS TO SUPPORT THIS MISSION. IT IS VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT. JOHN AND VUGA ARE PLANNING TO MOVE BACK HOME [because money simply wasn’t there!] BUT GOD IS INSISTING THAT THEY DO GOD'S ASSIGNMENT. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW..." 7 Angels have said that to me. 24th February 2018. 11:57. From Rhoda: "GOD IS BLESSING REGULAR CHOSEN ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO SUPPORT THIS GREAT WORK. JOHN AND VUGA TO TAKE GOD'S MESSAGE. GOD OWNS MONEY. HE WILL BLESS REGULAR MM SUPPOTERS TO HELP JOHN AND VUGA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th February 2018. 9:20. From Jamal Ismael: I am working out on warrant of arrest and auctioning of that land which led to my fathers death should you fail to meet my demands. 24th February 2018. 12:35. From John: We have milk and water to take us up to Monday. Mark's wife has been served with a court order from Sikwadhi law courts ordering her to vacate it [the land]. She has called crying. God bless. 24th February 2018. 12:44. Reply: Tell her not to worry. Just to leave it in God’s hands. Remind her of the last time they tried a court action against Mark, and how God obliterated them all in a fireball, and burned up the court and all in it, but whisked Mark up supernaturally out of the inferno. That’s God’s land and He’s not going to allow the devil to steal it. So tell her not to worry. It will be OK. God will deliver. She must learn to trust Him despite how circumstances look. ...tell her to ignore the court order. It’s illegal. It’s fraudulent and no court has the right to steal anyone’s land... Comment: I was VERY surprised to see that a supporter managed to find the needed money for the trip. Even though we are running on empty, God always has a solution. Things certainly LOOK bad, but our God sees beyond. 25th February 2018. 16:47. From John: Thanks to God we arrived in Bujumbura Burundi in the morning today and visited five churches where we delivered God's last warning. We then crossed into Rwanda where so far we have visited one SDA church. God bless. 17:25. Reply: That’s good. How did you know which churches to visit? 17:32. John: We follow the lead of thick white smoke, the Angels of God. 17:51. From Rhoda: "GOD SENDS HIS ANGELS BEFORE THEM IN BRIGHT WHITE SMOKE TO SEND FEAR TO THE CORRUPT PASTORS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: What the angels added to Rhoda explains more about it. Obviously this mist or ‘smoke’ is seen by the pastors, not just by John and Vuga. It is probably also visible to the church members. Mmmmm! 18:48. From John: To churches we give a copy of the Faith lit which they throw away and there and then God kills the pastor. God bless. 18:58. Reply: God said yesterday through the 7 angels that He would kill the evil pastors where you are sent in these countries. How despicable that those pastors treat that booklet on faith as dung to be thrown away! No wonder He throws them away! So, how many pastors did you see struck dead today? 26th February 2018. 7:37. From Jamal Ismael: I rule the whole of Africa and beyond after the death of my father. 8:48. Reply: No you don't. Our God does. So push off! God’s Judgement On Three Evil Pastors26th Feb 2018. 9:40. From John: Three pastors died, one in Burundi and two in Rwanda. We travelled all day and night. Now we are two km from Juba South Sudan. We are stuck, our fuel is over and the kitty is dry... 26th February 2018. 9:48. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £150 TO REACH JOHN NOW BY WU. THEY ARE IN SUDAN AND CANNOT MOVE ON. THEY WILL BE IN JUBA TODAY THEN LEAVE FOR NIGER TOMORROW. THEY NEED A FURTHER £360 TO GET TO NIGER." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: 26th Feb 2018. Nigel sent £200 to John by WU. 26th February 2018. 17:08 From John: How God struck the Burundi pastor dead on Sunday 25th Feb 2018. We were lucky we found pastor Butoye Pierre Ngeke of Soul Search Ministry in his office at 5 p.m. preparing the church budget [counting his money!]. After introducing ourselves he boastfully tried to tell us how powerful he is. We explained to him why God had sent us to his church and at that juncture he ordered us out. We pleaded with him to accept our gift of MM Faith lit which he threw down and stamped on. God paralysed him immediately and he fell down convulsing. He died instantly and we left the lit behind as a witness. How God struck dead two Rwanda pastors on Sunday 25th Feb 2018. Pastor Muragira Muleka and Mdaswera Njiwa of Holy Ghost Church gave us no minute to explain ourselves but started abusing us by saying all sorts of mud about MM. They even claimed that MM is the poorest ministry based on our clothing and they linked us to a devil worship cult. They started cursing us aloud. That's when we pleaded with each of them to read out at least a word in MM Faith lits to see for themselves that we worship the God of gods but in unison they tore the lits. Like lightning God struck them dead, each wailing for being burnt in hot coal. We left at 11:42pm leaving the torn Faith lits behind as a witness. We then moved on to South Sudan. Thanks we are getting in to Juba city now. 27th February 2018. 7:05. From Jamal Ismael: You are just an idiot blinded by Satanism. God’s Judgement On 4 S Sudanese Evil Pastors27th Feb 2018. 8:13. From John: Four pastors are dead in South Sudan. 8:30. Reply: OK. Thanks. When you get time, can you give more details? Comment: Some money became available, £220 of the needed £360. 14:32. From John: Thanks Will, we are off to Niger. Full report coming in a shortwhile. God bless. 27th February 2018. 17:01. From John: We found a church called Israel Fellowship having an open air meeting in Juba with big speakers, drums and piano, singing and dancing. We then asked for a chance to share to the congregation the message that God sent us to deliver to them of end time warning. But just after mentioning MM, four pastors came up and started shouting at us calling us devil worshippers and ordering the congregation to beat us up. It was a big confusion so we just removed the MM Faith lits and pointed at the four pastors who started trembling and crying of being burnt with hot coal. The congregation ran in different directions leaving behind pastors Muoki, Singa, Mugisha and Jetu all crying at the tops of their voices. We left a copy of MM Faith lit on that ground as a witness. That occurred at 7:25 pm yesterday. Today a pastor from SDA, Rika Nguta, came to us in the morning and we shared the word of God through MM lits study and when he requested baptism we baptised him before leaving for Niger and gave him a few MM Faith lits. We are on the move to Niger. God bless. God’s Judgement On 5 Evil Pastors In Niger27th February 2018. 18:04. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA NEED ADDITIONAL £140 TO SAFELY GET TO NIGER. THEY ARE MOVING VERY FAST AND IF THIS MONEY REACHES THEM TONIGHT, THEY WILL BE IN NIGER TOMORROW AFTERNOON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The needed money became available, though it took time. Thursday 1st March 2018. 6:43. From John: We reached Niger at 3 am. We are meeting seven pastors now. Our milk and water are over. The kitty is dry. 8:59. Reply: Clearly the journey wasn’t as fast as the angels expected. It’s a heck of a long way! And there are always obstacles, demonic blockages... 11:32. From John: Heavy rains and strong winds slowed us down. 1st March 2018. 7:43. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL KILL FIVE PASTORS TODAY IN NIGER AND AT MIDNIGHT JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE OUT TO GOD TV. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH THEM NOW." 7 Angels have said. 9:09. To John: I had a dream this morning. I was in the bank in a queue, and when I wanted to draw some money with my card, it wasn’t there in my pocket. I had all my other cards and bits of paper in my pocket, but the one card I needed wasn’t there. I wasn’t able to get any money. That is our present situation. Comment: Fiona, Wilfred and Bob managed to pool £110 which Bob sent, so at least that got John and Vuga out of trouble for the night, though they didn’t have money for travel to Israel GOD TV who are blaspheming God. We trusted that God would make a way somehow. 1st March 2018. 17:03. From John in Niger: We have visited six churches so far. In two of them we received a very warm welcome while in four a pastor died in each. These were in Niamey and Maradi. Pastor Malawe of Church of Brethren threw down the Faith lit but before he could step on it God paralysed him and he fell down dead. Pastor Ngori of Holyland Ministries tore the Faith lit and cursed us but God struck him instantly and he died. Pastor Kajulu of Miracle church threw the Faith lit into a pit latrine. God pushed him into a deep open pit latrine with water, he died. Pastor Ndlovu abused us and called us all sorts of names. When we gave him the MM Faith lit he refused to touch it, calling it the devil's book of destruction. On uttering that he started losing blood from all the body openings and he died. In all the incidents we left the MM Faith lits as witnesses. Many people witnessed it all and got scared. Most of them ran away but a few accepted the MM truth. Two churches received us well and accepted God's last time warning: Pastor Mulika of Jesus Fellowship and Pastor Nicannor of Someone Calling Ministries. We are off to God TV now. 17:53. Reply: The angel message said FIVE pastors would die, but only four died. Do you still have to go somewhere else in Niger first? 18:40. The angels said to move out at midnight, not earlier. So, presumably there is one more evil pastor to be dealt with. 1st March 2018. 18:49. John: You are right. We are meeting a Catholic priest at the border. He is extremely arrogant. I’ll brief you on what transpires. 20:14. To John: The angels lead you by a white mist or cloud to where you are meant to go. But what about by night? 2nd March 2018. 9:51. From John: Yes God manifests Himself in a very bright light at night which guides us. At night yesterday God killed one more pastor. Will, we are on the way to God TV but our kitty is dry. Bob sent us £110 yesterday and we have spent it all. God pushed us very fast. We are in Khartoum Sudan. We travelled the whole night. Comment: We scraped together £126. It was all we could find between us. 3rd March 2018. 4:48. From John: As we entered Bilma city we met Father Kirwaka, very tough arrogant and rude. He cursed us and promised us death. He organised rogue youths to block our way. That's when we pointed at him with opened MM Faith lit and he fell to the ground trembling and crying aloud. All the youths he had gathered ran away as we too left but left behind a Faith lit next to his lifeless body as a witness... We are currently in Egypt. We are having our Sabbath rest. Our water and milk are over and the kitty dry.
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