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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
174Struggling On To Zanzibar
We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). The shortage of funds, and the constant opposition and attacks were very wearing. God sent His angels to encourage us via Rhoda: Saturday 17th February 2018. 18:06. From Rhoda: "REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS ARE ANOINTED AND CHOSEN TO SPREAD THE MM MESSAGE OF TRUE WORSHIP OF GOD ALMIGHTY BY SUPPORTING GOD'S SERVANTS IN AFRICA AND BEYOND. GOD IS SAYING THROUGH HIS SEVEN ANGELS THAT HE WILL BLESS THEM MIGHTILY TO GO AHEAD TO STAND FINANCIALLY WITH MM WORK. THE TUNISIA BROTHERS ARE DOWN, TRACTOR PROJECT IS HERE, HOSTEL COMPLETION IS HERE, GOD IS BLESSING HIS REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS NOW, NOW, NOW. YES, GOD'S PROJECTS TO SUPPORT EVANGELISM CANNOT STALL. ANGELS TALKED OF A DREAM OF £2000 CHEQUE GIVEN TO MALCOLM. YES, GOD CANNOT FAIL. (THOUGH 20 PROPHETICALLY STANDS FOR CONSISTENCY, 20×10×10 AND 10×10×10 TALKS ABOUT PEOPLE), GOD CANNOT FAIL. GOD IS SOUNDING A BIG WARNING TO ALL MM OPPOSERS WHO WRITE FALSE INFORMATION ABOUT JOHN, VUGA, THE LATE MARK WITH THE AIM OF BLOCKING FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO PORTRAY MM EVANGELISM AS A FALSE WORK. GOD WILL UPROOT ALL THE FALSEHOOD WRITERS WHO SEND FALSE INFORMATION TO MALCOLM AND OTHER REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS. GOD IS SOUNDING A WARNING TO ALL WHO FIGHT HIS TRUE PROPHET MALCOLM HEAP AND SISTER HELENA THAT MM IS APPROVED BY THE GREAT IAM AND THROUGH MM LITS MANY SINNERS HAVE SEEN GREAT LIGHT. JOHN, VUGA, KASSAHUN AND ALL MM BROTHERS IN ALL CORNERS OF THE GLOBE MUST NOT LOSE HOPE. BEHOLD JESUS IS COMING WITH GREATER REWARDS IN HIS HANDS TO GIVE TO ALL HIS CHOSEN MM SERVANTS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th February 2018. 16:33. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE MOVING ON NOW TO ZANZIBAR TO MEET KING SALI WHO IS WILLING TO BE BAPTISED BY JOHN AND VUGA. HE IS WILLING TO SHARE SOME GOOD INFORMATION WITH THEM. THEY NEED £530 TO REACH." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:58. Reply: OK. Thanks. It may take some days to find that money, but we will do what we can. 17th February 2018. 18:12. From John: ...We had our Sabbath rest in Tarime town in Tanzania near Tarime Post Office where three people joined us. We baptized all in the evening and gave them a copy each of Why Jesus? 18th February 2018. 9:43. From John: Rhumba Kadienyi is not happy with our being here in Tarime sharing the MM message with people of all walks of life. She promised us hell and specifically cursed us with her gods but we are going on with the great mission. She rears snakes which she sends to oppress people who don't dance to her tunes. We humbly challenged her to try the MM with those her snakes. We can't move on for our fuel got finished here. We have little milk and water, only enough to take us up to tomorrow morning. God bless. 18th February 2018. 9:50. From Rhoda: "A WITCH WOMAN WANTS TO BURN THE MM VAN TODAY IN TARIME AND JOHN AND VUGA HAVE NO FUEL TO MOVE AHEAD. THE WOMAN IS LOSING CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE ACCEPTED THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH SINCE YESTERDAY. THE WOMAN TRIED TO SEND SNAKES TO KILL JOHN AND VUGA BUT INSTEAD ONE OF HER SNAKES DIED. AT LEAST SOME MONEY FOR FUEL TO REACH JOHN NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:20. To John: Well, the demons sent by the witch have killed one of our chickens this morning. Helena was not able to save it with her intercession even though she cleared a lot of demons in the process. Our chickens are under constant attack from these exploits. The demons attack them in various ways... Comment: MM supporters managed to scrape together and send £196. 19th February 2018. 9:50. To John: Did anything happen last night? 9:57. John: We left her mourning her two snakes that died. We are in Arusha where we are taking a rest because our fuel is over and the kitty is dry. 12:28. John: That witch is feared by almost every person in Tarime. She has been killing people there using her magic snakes. God killed the snakes. 12:35. John: She blocked our way and sent the two big black snakes to attack us and at midnight God sent down thunder that killed the two snakes. She cried sorrowfully, we left at that point. God bless. 13:16. Reply: The angels have just added to what you have said: 019th February 2018. 12:40. From Rhoda: "A WITCH WHO USED TWO SNAKES TO TRY AND KILL JOHN AND VUGA IS IN DEEP SHOCK AFTER GOD KILLED HER TWO SNAKES AT MIDNIGHT BY THUNDER. JOHN AND VUGA ARE STRANDED IN ARUSHA TOWN AND CANNOT MOVE ON, THEY DON'T HAVE FUEL. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £125 was scraped together from all who could help. That’s all. The Land In Jeopardy From Sood’s Warlike Son19th February 2018. 18:44. From Jamal Ismael: It's either you compensate my fathers death or I'll seek revenge. 19:20. Reply: I did not kill your father. Tuesday 20th February 2018. 8:42. From Rhoda: "SOOD'S SON WANTS TO BRING DOWN ALL STRUCTURES ON MARK'S LAND. GOD SHOULD PROVIDE MONEY FOR THE TRACTOR TO BRING ALL THEIR BAD PLANS TO AN END. JOHN AND VUGA NEED MORE MONEY FOR FUEL NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:49. To John: I can’t see any money coming today. But then, I never can until someone comes up with something. We are in God’s hands... 20th February 2018. 10:54. From John: We cannot move on now since our fuel is over and the kitty completely dry. We are in the middle of a thick forest on our way to Dar es Salaam. We have water and milk to take us up to tomorrow. 20th February 2018. 10:57. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STRANDED IN THE FOREST WHERE THE FUEL HAS ENDED. GOD TO OPEN A WAY FOR THEM TO MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:40. To John: ...Our regular supporters have nothing... 20th February 2018. 11:46. From John: This place is dangerous with wild animals roaming all over. I’ll instruct Eunice to sell our piece of land to help us... 20th February 2018. 11:53. From Rhoda: "JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. GOD IS BLESSING THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS NOBLE NEED. VUGA TO REMAIN FIRM FOR GOD IS TOUCHING MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £300 FOR JOHN AND VUGA TODAY. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. GOD WILL BLESS HIM FOR WILLING TO GIVE TO SUPPORT GOD'S WORK. GOD IS BLESSING MM REGULAR SUPPORTERS TO SUPPORT JOHN AND VUGA. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:00. Reply, cc John: Yes, I realise, but I am helpless to do anything, just as we all are. God requires from humans the money to support His work, but all our supporters are completely empty. We can’t even find the last remaining £250 to get John to Zanzibar to meet king Sali. As for the £15k for the tractor. Well, that’s a dream, except to those who have that sort of money. But rich men are loathe to part with what makes them feel secure. They haven’t learned yet to have security in God, who is our all. I could talk to ten thousand rich men and ask them if they would like to support God’s end-time outreach, but I would get a better reception from the sheep. ...God first asked for a tractor back in December 2017, so that Mark’s land can be farmed and income produced for the outreach in Africa. No wonder Satan is blocking that, because it blocks God’s Work. The same with the hostel work. And now that Mark is dead, God has done His part by bringing Ibrahim into the area to farm the land. As long as there is no tractor and the land is not tilled or producing, the current Kenyan legislation allows land that is not being used to be seized and made productive. So the enemy uses that as a justification for their invasions. That’s why God continually reminds folks over here that the tractor is urgently needed. It’s three months late! I don’t understand why it takes three months to turn someone’s mind around. I am not finding fault with God over this, but I do wonder why He has not acted sooner to bring in the money through whomever He has in mind. Why should God be mocked by mortals who block His will?! Why doesn’t He doesn’t just use His might, His power, and with His thunderous lightning shake the living daylights out of the errant one(s)? I suppose it’s because He wants WILLING compliance. He doesn’t want to coerce, and He won’t force anyone. But the tragedy is that demons win in this situation, because they hold whoever it is in their grasp, neutering God’s efforts and preventing His Work going forward. Like the Psalmist, we cry “Rise up, O God, let Your enemies be scattered...!” May every knee bow to the Almighty God, King of the Universe. 20th February 2018. 11:55. From John: Thanks Will. Pray for us. Lions, leopards, hyenas and baboons are surrounding the van. God bless. To John: God can protect you from wild animals. God can protect the land and buildings at Mark’s place. God can move you to Zanzibar. He can do anything, so when the human arm fails, don’t let your faith in Him fail. 12:44. Just use your MM booklets against those animals. The angels will then push them away or do whatever they need to do with them. 12:47. From John: Yes, we have held up the MM Faith lits. The Lions are chasing other animals away from near the van. God is great. God bless. Comment: Nigel was able to get John out of trouble. He sent £70. I asked John how he managed to get petrol in a can from a garage to move on. He said: 21st Feb 2018. 4:22. From John: A boy on motorcycle took me to and fro at no cost. He was God sent. Juma Mwabiro is his name. 9:04. Reply: That’s amazing. Was he a Christian lad or an angel? He was certainly God-sent! How far do you think you can get on the little money we sent? 9:07. From John: Thanks Will. He was God sent. A very polite boy. I gave him MM lits. Will, we need £120 to reach Zanzibar. God bless. 12:32. From John: We are stuck in Dar es Salaam. 12:40. Reply: Yes. I’m not surprised. We needed more money yesterday and didn’t have it. We are trying to get some together today. Comment: Fiona managed to get the whole amount and I will reimburse her tomorrow (50) and Monday (80). It was the only way we could do it. It means I will be short for a dd in early March but I hope to borrow that off Tonya (yet again!) when her wages come at the end of this month. It’s amazing how God works it out that we have just enough to accomplish what He asks, though it is a great struggle and is slow. The lack of funds holds things up, wasting many days... 21st February 2018. 13:41. From Janes in Tz: I received info from Yvette that the son of the late Sood is daring to take revenge on his father’s death. 21st Feb 2018. 14:17. To Jamal Ismael: Back off, or else! We know your evil plans, but what you don't know is that you are planning to attack God's property, and God defends His own, as your father discovered. I warn you, desist from any attack or evil motivation against the property where Mark Odhiambo Ongoro formerly lived, or you and your men will suffer very regrettable consequences. Not What We Expected At The King’s Palace!21st February 2018. 14:30. To John: Some money has been found and will be coming in due course this afternoon. Probably in a couple of hours. How much does it cost you to take the van over to Zanzibar by the ferry? 15:49. From John: Thanks Will. The cost to ferry us plus the van to Zanzibar is £105. I suggested £120 because our water and milk are over. 17:23. To John: Nigel has sent you £130 by WU... 21st Feb 2018. 18:09. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA WILL ARRIVE IN ZANZIBAR ISLAND TOMORROW MID MORNING. THEY WILL TRAVEL ON LAND 11KM NORTH TO THE KING'S PALACE. GOD'S ANGELS ARE ON THE GROUND AND WILL GUIDE THEM IN WHITE SMOKE. THE £130 SENT IS LESS, THEY NEED ADDITIONAL £100 TO REACH THEM NOW BY WU. THIS WILL HELP THEM FUEL THE VAN TO TRAVEL ON LAND TO THE KING'S PALACE. IT IS URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: Vivian managed the £100 needed. 22nd Feb 2018. 8:02. From John: His sons and ten wives are against the king's willingness to support us. It is chaotic. Wives and all his sons are Muslims. 8:53. Reply: How do you know? Have you met the king yet? 22nd Feb 2018. 8:59. John: His sons have locked the gate we can't get in. 9:25. Reply: Oh well, God has a solution to every problem. 22nd February 2018. 11:41. From John: Trip to Zanzibar. We boarded the Stone City ferry at 6.10 am and reached Zanzibar city at 8:45. We then drove westwards to Stone City then moved northwards being led by the thick white smoke. We reached the king's gate at 9:50 am. The king himself and two aides received us and allowed us to drive in past the gate, but we hardly took five minutes when a group of king's sons and their mothers refused completely even after the king pleaded with them that we are sent by God to deliver an important message. They objected and forced us out calling us devil worshipers. Some of them carried placards written, "DONT KILL MUSLIMS, THEY ARE NOT TERRORISTS." We were forced to move out. The king remained inside as we got kicked out. He is king of Swahili people around Stone City. He has a magnificient home. He heard of our previous visits and longed to meet us but the devil has blocked it. (Some of his sons are older than me and Vuga.) 22nd February 2018. 12:30. From Rhoda: "THE KING'S FAMILY MEMBERS ARE PLANNING TO KILL THE KING SO THAT HIS ELDEST SON CAN TAKE OVER. THEY HATE THE KING CHANGING TO CHRISTIANITY. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN AND VUGA NOW. THEY WILL EVANGELISE FOR SOME TIME." 7 Angels have said that now 22nd February 2018. 17:44. From John: We have been forced to move back to Zanzibar city because more and more people have gathered near the king's gate, all Muslims, not happy with us and hurling at us all sorts of abuses. They are not happy with the king turning from Islam to Christianity. We have gathered information from some youths here who told us that the king is a cheerful giver and development conscious person who is down to earth. 22nd February 2018. 18:01. From Rhoda: "THE KING WILL BE KILLED FOR ACCEPTING THE MM TRUTH. ALREADY MUSLIMS ARE GATHERING AT HIS HOME TO CHOOSE HIS SON LIMA MOHA TO TAKE OVER. GOD IS STRESSING ONCE MORE THAT NO ONE WILL SUCCEED IN FIGHTING MM. GOD WILL CONTINUE TO BLESS REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE TOWARDS MM LITS EVANGELISM. JOHN AND VUGA HAVE GOT THIS ASSIGNMENT TO VISIT ALL THE PLACES THEY VISITED BEFORE E.G. 1. SOUTH SUDAN. 2. NIGER. 3. RWANDA. 4. BURUNDI. 5. MIDDLE EAST (GOD TV). AND SOUND THE LAST WARNING TO MEGACHURCHES TO TURN TO GOD'S MM TRUTH. MANY RENOWNED MEGACHURCH PASTORS WILL DIE THIS YEAR, FOR GOD'S JUDGEMENT IS FALLING ON ALL WHO HAVE DONE UNPARDONABLE SINS. JOHN AND VUGA WILL START SOUNDING THIS WARNING IN ZANZIBAR AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT THEN MOVE OUT TOMORROW MORNING TO DAR ES SALAAM, THEN BURUNDI, RWANDA, SOUTH SUDAN, NIGER, GOD TV. IN THAT ORDER." 7 Angels have said to me. 22nd Feb 2018. 19:09. From John: The insult is excessive. We trust God to descend on these earthen [heathen] Muslims. They are threatening to throw us in to the ocean now calling us all sorts of bad names. God is on our side Will. We have no money to board the ferry tomorrow but we can’t fear them.. 22nd Feb 2018. 22:00. To John: I believe God is going to bring that dear man back from the dead at some time in the future, because God said he would donate money. His experience will also release him legally from his Muslim wives. God will then probably create a much greater witness for the truth... Comment: Next day Bob’s pension came in and he sent John £300. 23rd Feb 2018. 17:42. From John: From afternoon yesterday to now we have seen God stretch His able hands and defeat our enemies in a unique way. A big group attacked us yesternight and planned to plunge us in to the Indian Ocean. At midnight they surrounded us claiming that we visited Zanzibar to teach devil worship and enrol many to a sect. It was a mixture of Muslims and megachurch pastors. They ordered energetic men in large numbers to attack us but when we pointed opened MM Faith lits at them, God descended in a thick white smoke that formed a wall between us and the attackers till morning when we boarded the ferry. We could hear them abuse us but they couldn't get to us. The ferry operators too turned wild with us and refused to sail us to Dar es Salaam but when they removed the van plus us out, the ferry refused to move, the engine refused to start until noon when they allowed us in and the ferry moved to Dar es Salaam. We are visiting a few churches and sounding God's warning. We will be here tomorrow and will move out in the evening to Burundi to do the same. Since Yesterday we have seen God mightily show his power...
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