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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
97Danger in Iraq
“These men... exceedingly trouble our city” (Acts 16:20).
28th March 2016. 19:09. From Sujadi: We have captured today your van in Iraq, with Yasmin and Tomas. We will kill them and burn your van you Pig. Java's son Mohammadi bin Java Rama is on them now. We want to know your worth you Pig. 20:01. Count yourself a loser in this battle. Dog. 28th March 2016. 19:14. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM. MM SERVANTS OF GOD ARE IN DANGER IN IRAQ NOW. TWO MM EVANGELISTS ARE CAPTURED. THEY HAVE MM VAN WITH LITS. NO ONE WILL BE KILLED. GOD WILL RESCUE THEM BY KILLING THEIR MAIN CAPTURER CALLED MUHAMMADI BIN JAVA RAMAHU ABDALLA. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TO WARN SUJADI TO KEEP OFF MM AFFAIRS.' 7 angels have said that now. 28th March 2016. 19:26. From Tomas: In Iraq, we are captured. We have Faith lits with us. Pray for us. 20:28. Reply: You'll be OK. God has spoken to Rhoda about it. Just be vigilant with the Faith booklets, etc. And stand your ground. You know how to do it. God will back you up. 28th March 2016. 20:30. To Sujadi: Look here, Sujadi. Don't meddle with God's Work on earth. You have been warned often enough, but still you flout God's instructions. As Java died at the hands of God, so his evil son will die also at God's hands. Tell him to back off, or else....! 29th March 2016. 16:57. From Sujadi: Re Tomas, Yasmin, your servants. Haaaaaaa Yasmin is no more. 18:12. To Rhoda: This from Sujadi seems to contradict the message from the angels that no one would be killed. So I can only assume that if it's true, God will raise Yasmin again from death. 29th March 2016. 19:17. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THAT IS PROPAGANDA. THE TWO SERVANTS ARE OKAY, EACH HAVE GOT A FAITH LIT.' 7 angels have said that to me now. God Strikes Sujadi’s Men in Iraq Dead29th March 2016. 20:13. From Sujadi: This your book Faith is having Charm in it. 20:40. Reply: I told you. You can't kill them because we are servants of God and He is in the literature. It's not a charm. It's God's Spirit. And stop lying to me. Yasmin is not dead. Your man will die if you don't tell him to back off! Tell him to get on his knees now and beg for forgiveness from our God, otherwise his days are numbered. 29th March 2016. 19:19. From Tomas: We are blocking them with Faith lits, but we are very tired and hungry. 20:50. Reply: Hang in there! God is taking you to the limit, but He will deliver... How many of them are there? I am hopeful that God will have killed them at midnight. I await your news. God bless. 29th March 2016. 20:11. From Riek in S Sudan: Thanks to God... One more man was hit by thunder when he passed the point where Java got accident showing that he was in the team that killed my wife. God bless. 30th March 2016. 18:43. From Sujadi: Don't annoy me and you threw hot burning coal on Zwaima Zinai Vukata bin Loba my field marshal. [This was the man in Sudan stalking Riek.] You killed him. Advise your men to hand over the Faith lits to my guard in Iraq if they want to be safe. 30th March 2016. 18:54. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, TOMAS AND YASMIN ARE OUT, ALL THE FUEL HAS BEEN DRAINED OUT OF THEIR CAR, THEY ARE LEFT WITH NOTHING APART FROM THE FAITH LITS THAT THEY USE AS HUMAN SHIELDS. AT LEAST £2K TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. OUT OF IT, £1K TO GO TO TOMAS AND YASMIN AND 1K FOR EVANGELISM IN EGYPT STARTING TOMORROW. TOMAS AND YASMIN TO GO ON WITH EVANGELISM IN IRAQ FROM TONIGHT. ALL THE 6 PEOPLE WHO HELD THEM CAPTIVE ARE NO MORE. TWO DIED LAST MIDNIGHT WHILE FOUR HAVE DIED NOW. TOMAS AND YASMIN HAVE GOT MOUNTAIN MOVING TESTIMONIES TO GIVE A REPORT ON. MALCOLM TO CONTINUE WARNING SUJADI FOR HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED." 7 angels have said that to me now. 30th March 2016. 18:59. From Tomas: Thanks to God, thanks to God we are out. J has just sent us £100 for fuel because all was taken away from us except the Faith lits. We want to fuel the car then move to a safer place where we can write a full report. God bless. 30th March 2016. 19:06. From Sujadi: Tomas and Yasmin your soldiers must be jailed in Iraq for killing six. Get ready you are in a hot soup. 19:28. Reply: Our God who struck your 6 men dead will strike you, too, if you do not desist from trying to harm us. You can start paying compensation to us for all the harm you have caused us. Get your wallet out, mate! Or do you want to pay with your eyes, your legs, or your life? 30th March 2016. 19:35. From Sujadi: You kill our people and talk of compensation? How foolish are you. What hell do you think you are? Dog pig... 19:41. Reply: Look, I warned you that they would get killed by God, but you didn't listen. Nor are you listening now. You are stupid to fight against God. There is no army in the world that can defeat God. So your puny little setup isn't going to make any impression on his armour at all. Get your cheque book ready, because God requires payment from you for all the damage you have done. Since you don't want to pay in money because that's your god, He will require payment in other ways from you. And it won't be nice. Remember what God did to your eyesight, and to your leg? So, give up your evil designs or face God's vehement retribution. Hot coals are extremely painful! 31st March 2016. 8:26. From Tomas: Yasmin developed strong headache while we were put in custody. He has been bleeding from yesternight. He is very weak... Yasmin cannot walk, or take water. I am worried of his condition. “Yasmin Is Dead!”31st March 2016. 8:32. From Sujadi: You boast and your people are very poor. Have no money for food, water. Just beg for food in Iraq. One must die today from hunger in Iraq. I can't lose this battle. Dog. 31st March 2016. 8:45. To Tomas, cc John: Let not your hearts be troubled (John 14:1), Jesus said. Why? Because He is in charge of everything. He has our future mapped out, and knows where the next money will come from. We have nothing to send. We all have huge debts that we are struggling to cope with. No supporters here have any money to send. They have completely emptied themselves, all their savings, and have big debts. But we are not worried, because God is allowing this for a reason. Everyone must LEARN to TRUST in God fully. You only fully trust Him when the physical arm has failed. The booklet The Missing Dimension In Christian Living expounds this truth in the 2nd part of the booklet. God is our Healer. So, don't let the physical situation trouble you too much. God can heal Yasmin quicker than He raised him back from the dead. God is teaching us all to rely upon Him FULLY, and not upon some human crutch. God bless. 31st March 2016. 8:46. From Tomas: YASMIN IS DEAD. I'm stranded, my brother is no more. I want to organize for his burial then leave for Egypt to meet J and evangelism team. I have to pay for burial ground and have no money. 8:54. Reply: No. GOD RAISES THE DEAD! Don't capitulate to the devil by accepting death in the face of adversity. Place a Faith booklet on Yasmin and ask God for his life back. We will intercede here. God will restore Yasmin's life again. Just keep trusting God for as long as it takes, whether it is minutes or days. 31st March 2016. 8:54. From Tomas: Now I'm lost in this case. I wanted to bury the body, then leave. These people may arrest me and kill me too. They are very bitter following our MM evangelism here. God bless. 8:57. Reply: Trust in God. 8:59. From Tomas: He died holding the Faith lit. The fuel I have can't take me to Egypt.. The condition here is that the body must be BURIED today. It is hard on me... 9:23. Reply: Look, just wait upon God to act. You are HIS. Yasmin is HIS. Jesus has used you both for His outreach and He's not going to let this be the end... 9:02. From Sujadi: Your servant is dead in Iraq and the living one will be arrested today. You fool I'm with you. 9:25. Reply: Forget it! You've lost. Our God raises the dead. You can't beat us. God is in charge, not you!! 31st March 2016. 9:59. From Tomas: I'm arrested with the body in the car. Already they have beaten me badly, the left eye swollen. I have put everything to God. God bless. 10:26. From Tomas: I have escaped on foot and left the car plus Yasmin body in it, They want £140 for burial. I had no option but to run due to beatings. 31st March 2016. 10:12. From Vivian: I was shown in the night how to organise £1k! That has gone to John. 31st March 2016. 10:13. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IF TOMAS IS ARRESTED AGAIN IT WILL BE A BIG BLOW. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN BY WU TO HELP TOMAS MOVE OUT OF IRAQ TODAY. THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE YASMIN’S BODY BUT GOD WILL RAISE HIM." 7 angels have said that to me now. God Raises Yasmin Again31st March 2016. 18:41. From Sujadi: Tomas your man poured hot coal on 11 people who went to bury Yasmin. The 11 are dead and Tomas escaped from Iraq. Yasmin too pretended to be dead yet alive. Yasmin ran and he is being looked by the team from Iraq. It is a trick you taught them to kill our people. Tomas must be killed. 19:12. Reply: You don't listen, do you? I told you that Yasmin would arise from the dead, because OUR GOD RAISES THE DEAD! Read it again. That e-mail is below. I told you that God is in charge, not you. So back off, or do you want to die, too? 31st March 2016. 18:47. From Tomas: Praise be to God. I don't know but someone has called and his voice is Yasmin's. He wants me to send him fare to join me at the border. He says all who took him to the graveside got consumed by hot coal and died as he walked away. I am waiting for angelic confirmation before I send him £35 for fare. Let's trust God. 19:06. Reply: Yes, it’s Yasmin!!! 31st March 2016. 18:56. From Rhoda: 'ALL WHO WENT TO BURY HIM ARE WIPED OUT BY GOD. GOD USED YASMIN’S SLEEP TO BRING DOWN SUJADI. YASMIN IS RAISED FROM THE DEAD AND 11 SUJADI MEN ARE DEAD.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 31st March 2016. 19:12. From Tomas: God is great! God has done it! He has used a good Samaritan phone called Djanet Hamis. I have sent Yasmin’s fare, tonight he will spend in Hamis home, tomorrow he will join me so that we move to Egypt for evangelism with the team from Tunisia. God is great. Amen. 19:17. From Sujadi: A killer, a killer, a killer. You should be arraigned in an international criminal court you idiot. 19:42. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 4th April 2016. 18:19. From Yasmin: Thanks to God, the God who destroyed Goliath of Gath. This is Yasmin. ...The night before my going into sleep seven Angels came and surrounded me and said to me "Yasmin, tomorrow we shall cover your body and confuse your enemies. They will see that you are dead and we will use your body to destroy your enemies, but don't tell Tomas for he will be afraid." I knew then that I will be killed by God's Angels. After being taken into a deep sleep the enemies took away my body, not to bury it, but to eat it. They are cannibals. In that deep sleep I saw Angels descend in numbers carrying MM Faith lits. The Angels then pulled the enemies away one by one killing them. Then the Angels touched my head, mouth and nose and energy flowed through my body and I ran away, leaving the bodies. After covering about 3 km a good Samaritan came my way [and helped by using his phone] and that's how we joined hands with Tomas. This happened in the outskirts of Baghdad, Iraq. Now in Egypt the Angels yesterday warned that a group of MM betrayers have stealthily got back and are planning to send false information about MM evangelists... God bless. From God About Iran and Iraq26th April 2016. 18:38. From Tomas and Yasmin: OBSERVATIONS MADE ON IRAN-IRAQ EVANGELISM. 1) Evangelism team should revisit Iraq for if not done before October 2016 then God may punish us. It is only through MM that ISIS activities can be reduced. 2) Some lits like MM Faith lit should be made in tapes and shared to Muslim brothers who love listening more than reading. 3) Iraq and Iran should be visited every year to spread the MM truth to help the few Christians there. 4) Helena should hold prayers for the Christians in those 2 countries once every week for God to protect them. [Her intercession is untiring!] 19:58. Reply: What is the source of those statements? From the angels? 27th April 2016. 16:57. From Tomas: About the 4 points above (on 26th April). These were dreams brought to Yasmin and myself more than 7 times. To Tomas: About your comments. Helena intercedes every day for many hours; she will be including Iran and Iraq in those general intercession sessions. 27th April 2016. 17:01. From Tomas: ... ISIS will be weakened only through MM EVANGELISM. 7 angels gave us that dream. God bless. 26th April 2016. 19:54. From Sujadi: ...Don't ever send your people to Iraq and Iran those are our strong holds. Never ever step or send people to ZANZIBAR it is our town. Stop converting Muslims to Christianity. Okay? Yes. 20:03. Reply: NO. |
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