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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 6 |
80Now To Niger
Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord goes forth with fury, a sweeping whirlwind. It will fall violently on the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord will not return until He has done it, and until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it. (Jeremiah 30:23-24)
After God killed Baba Rahman, the seven angels appeared again to Rhoda, to give further instructions. This time they brought good news of a jihadist Muslim to be radically reformed by God’s intervention. In the text above, the word “intents” is plural. God’s intents are of punishment upon the wicked, and of grace upon the penitent. Invariably, punishment must precede penitence to help bring it about. God is working out His plan. The e-mails below tell the story of one such wonderful turnaround. The Angels Send The Vans To Niger30th August 2015. From Rhoda: "THE VANS MUST LEAVE SOUTH AFRICA FOR NIGER FOR THE GREAT MM ENEMY IS GOING TO SURRENDER THROUGH MM LIT TOUCH." 7 angels have said to me. 1st Sept 2015. 10:28. From Jeftah Moha: You have killed Baba, why? 12:03. Reply: Hello Jeftah. For you to understand what has taken place and why, I will forward to you the e-mails Baba sent me which explain what he was trying to do, and my e-mails to him in response. There is a biblical principle which is immutable, which says that he who takes to the gun ('sword') to kill will himself be killed by the gun ('sword'). Man has no right to take the life of another. One of the Ten Commandments from God to man forbids that. God alone has that right to take life, and He exercises it when He must. God had to take Baba's life because he would not stop attacking God and God's Work on earth. I wish you well and that you will learn from this recent episode. The power of God is with us, not with you, so if you want to be 'IN' with God, you will need to take note of what I sent Baba about why Jesus is Lord. You are close to meeting Jesus whom you have not known until now. He killed Baba. God bless you, Malcolm Comment (at that time): Then followed the 9 e-mail exchanges I had with Baba Rahman, Muslim leader. Jeftah Moha is Baba’s nephew, mentioned by the angels to Rhoda on 6th July 2015. Later information from the angels suggest that he is part of Boko Haram, because he is in Niger, where the vans are presently headed, and the angels said (26th August 2015) that the gospel will be presented to Boko Haram. In Niger4th September 2015. 16:33. From John: Already we are entering Niger. We have had a smooth journey from South Africa apart from strong rains and winds last night that made our phones lose network. 5th Sept 2015. 17:58. From John: From SA we went through Zimbabwe, Zambia, DRC (Congo), Central African Republic, Chad, then to Niger. Now we are in Niamey City. 5th September 2015. 18:50. From Rhoda: "THE VANS ARE BEING TARGETED BY JEFTAH IN NIGER. MALCOLM IS TO INSTRUCT THE TEAM TO BE ON THE ALERT WITH FAITH LITS, FOR JEFTAH WILL ATTACK THEM, BUT ALL HIS ARMY WILL DIE LEAVING HIM TO SURRENDER AFTER SOME TIME." 7 Angels have said to me now. God bless. 5th Sept 2015. 19:45. From Jeftah Moha. Do you think am afraid. Have seen your messengers here. Am going to destroy all the vans. am a different being. you can't kill me as you have done to other fellow Muslims. I'll fight you to the end. 20:25. Reply: No Jeftah, you won't destroy the vans, because they are not our vans. They belong to God. They are His vans, used to distribute His truths about human life and human destiny that people do not know in this evil world. So, anyone trying to destroy those vans is trying to destroy God's Work on earth, and no one can do that, because God is supreme and all powerful. If your men try to kill us and attempt to destroy the vans, THEY WILL ALL DIE. How many men do you have there with you ready to attack us? Malcolm 7th September 2015. 11:41. From John in Niger: Jeftah Moha: He has given us a very hard time since yesterday evening. Wherever we stop to share the MM lits armed men come and force us to leave. 12:22. Reply: Is it not possible to counter the armed men by pointing Faith booklets at them? I realise that everything is according to God's will, so sometimes He allows the enemy to prevent us doing what we want to do. But I wonder whether you tried pointing booklets at them? 7th September 2015. 14:31. Reply from John: God through 7 angels has just spoken to us... "I WILL ALLOW MOHA TO BOAST FOR A WHILE. THEN, COME THURSDAY MIDNIGHT I, GOD, WILL BRING ALL HIS MEN DOWN THROUGH MM FAITH LIT." God bless. 7th September 2015. 19:06. From Rhoda: "MOHA WILL NOT STAND IN MY WAY, GOD OF gods. HE MUST SURRENDER BEFORE THURSDAY MIDNIGHT. THE VANS WILL VISIT ALL PARTS IN NIGER TO SHARE THE MM TRUTH WITHOUT INTERFERENCE." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. It’s Decision Time: “Will you choose life?”7th September 2015. 20:44. To Jeftah Moha: Let me know your decision, thanks. Hello Jeftah, Please leave our workers alone. They have God’s express permission to be doing what they are doing, so you have no right to oppose them and obstruct their work. If you do not remove your gunmen from obstructing us, they will be struck down by God. You have very little time to make a decision now. I wrote to you on 1st September, giving you the article Why Is Jesus Lord? He is watching and waiting for you to turn to Him in remorse and repentance for your wrongdoing. Have you read that article yet? If not, you have till Thursday midnight to read it and make your decision. God is waiting for you to turn to Him. He is giving you till Thursday midnight. At the end of Why Is Jesus Lord? under the heading “Finally” you will see a prayer you should pray to Him, so that Jesus can forgive you for opposing us and for all the sins you have committed in your life. God is asking you to give your life to Him and to turn your life completely around, so that you accept Jesus as more than a prophet, but also as your Saviour who died to pay the price of your sins. Let me know when you have read that article, and what your decision is. You have until Thursday midnight. OK? Do you understand? Your friend, Malcolm 8th September 2015. 8:38. Jeftah Moha’s reply: We will continue chasing them each and every time. Why can't they preach your dirty gospel now. I am coming for you. 9:15. My reply: How dare you call the Truth of God's purity and love a "dirty gospel"?!! I have offered you a hand of friendship and you reply with hatred. Your religion of Islam has shown how evil it is by such a vile response! The rule of the bomb and bullet will not win. Our God will win. OK, you have made your choice. We gave you till Thursday Midnight and you have already rejected our clemency. You will meet our God at Midnight, and Thursday you will see which power is greater. MBH 8th September 2015. 18:39. From John: The 7 Angels guided us through this route. There were no negative challenges apart from rains. Now we are taking a rest after a long journey in Niger. In Niger we have met people who have not heard of God but believe in witchcraft. Today we met Nyangulo, a 70-year-old witchdoctor who openly cursed us, but on pointing at him with the Faith lits he lost consciousness and fainted. God showed His power over African magic. 8th September 2015. 18:46. From Rhoda: "TOMAS IS IN PROBLEMS. HE GOT ARRESTED IN EGYPT WHEN HE WAS FOUND SHARING THE MM LITS WITH MOSLEMS. JOHN AND THE TEAM ARE TO BE ON THE ALERT WITH FAITH LITS FOR MOHA IS PLANNING TO BOMB THE VANS TONIGHT. MALCOLM IS TO WARN MOHA AGAIN." 7 Angels have said to me now. God bless. 8th Sept 2015. 19:29. To Jeftah: DON’T BOMB THE VANS TONIGHT. I know you are planning to bomb MM vans tonight. God sees all you plan, and knows all your thoughts. I suggest you don’t try bombing ‘our’ vans which belong to God, or the consequences to you will be worse than you want to consider. MBH Comment: I forwarded the above info to John. 8th September 2015. 19:32. From John: Two minutes ago we saw his armed men pass near us in an unmarked white car. We are set with the Faith lits. Muslim Attackers’ Bombs Fail To ExplodeWednesday 9th September 2015. 18:37. From John: Last night 3 bombs were thrown to the vans but God made them fail to explode. That happened at around 10 in the night. We stayed put in the same place trusting God to fight for us. As I write now the same attackers are surrounding us. God bless. 9th September 2015. 17:40. From Rhoda: "MOHA FAILED TO BOMB THE VANS. HE IS ANNOYED AND PLANNING AN ATTACK ON THE VANS TONIGHT. MALCOLM IS TO GIVE HIM THE LAST WARNING. HE TRIED BUT THE BOMBS FAILED TO EXPLODE." 7 angels have said to me this. God bless. 9th September 2015. 17:59. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST LEAVE THE MM FAITH LITS OPEN IN THE VANS TILL TOMORROW MIDNIGHT WHEN MOHA WILL MEET MY WRATH. MALCOLM IS TO WARN MOHA FOR THE LAST TIME." 7 angels have said this to me. 9th September 2015. 18:03. From Rhoda: "TOMAS SHOULD BE RESCUED ON WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT NEXT WEEK. 4 EGYPTIANS HOLDING HIM WILL ALL PERISH THAT DAY. MORE MONEY SHOULD BE PUT IN EVANGELISM ACCOUNT FOR THAT GREAT MISSION." 7 Angels have said. 9th September 2015. 20:38. To Jeftah: Your bombs failed to explode. Don’t you see that we have God’s supernatural protection and power on our side?! If you persist, GOD WILL KILL ALL YOUR EVIL GUNMEN. What will you do then? MBH 9th September 2015. 18:48. From John: Today Moha himself came near the vans openly cursing us and MM. He told us that we are using magic in MM to jam the guns and prevent bombs from exploding. He left furious. God bless. 9th September 2015. 20:44. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM IS TO WARN MOHA FOR THE LAST TIME TO STOP THE PLAN TO BOMB MY VANS TONIGHT." 7 angels have said now. God bless. Comment: My computer was jumped on by hordes of demons, trying to block it and prevent it working. (This happens frequently. Helena has to clear the demons off using her spiritual gifts.) They wanted to stop me writing to Moha. It took 15 minutes to clear them and get the PC working again. 9th September 2015. 21:14. To Jeftah Moha: Hey, Moha. GIVE UP YOUR PLAN TO BOMB THE VANS TONIGHT, OR ELSE THERE WILL BE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES FOR YOU. I AM WARNING YOU ON BEHALF OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD WHO RULES ALL. MBH 9th Sept 2015. 21:33. To John: Will God take Moha and send him back? Do you see the wording that Moha is warned for the LAST TIME? And this warning was repeated. It was in an earlier missive, too, that he is being given his LAST WARNING. That seems to suggest that God is going to strike him dead. He's not going to listen to me or anyone in his present state of mind. He's possessed. So, if God takes his life, and if he is going to surrender to God (as a previous message said), that would suggest also that he will be raised from the dead, I presume. And, then, he would have the courage and conviction given by God's Spirit to witness to Boko Haram. I wonder if my train of thoughts here is right. Time will tell. We'll see what God does, and how things work out. It's going to be interesting and remarkable, whatever God does. 10th September 2015. 16:45. From Rhoda: "...MOHA WILL DIE TONIGHT BUT WILL BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE FOR GOD'S GLORY." 7 Angels have said to me this. 10th September 2015. 16:47. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A GOD'S LAST CALL MESSAGE TO ALL MEN UNDER MOHA SO THAT IF AT LEAST ONE PERSON CAN SURRENDER TO GOD HE SHOULD DO IT BEFORE MIDNIGHT FOR GOD WILL DESCEND IN FIRE AND WIND, AND KILL ALL." 7 Angels have said to me. Thurs, 10th Sept 2015. 20.00. To Jeftah Moha: THIS IS THE LAST CALL. Hello Jeftah. THIS IS THE LAST CALL TO REPENTANCE for you and FOR YOUR MEN.Get all your men to read this, because it is their last call before God kills you all tonight. I previously warned you (8th and 9th Sept) to desist from attacking us, OTHERWISE YOU AND YOUR MEN WILL ALL BE KILLED. Our God holds life in His hands. He is supreme and all powerful. No one can stand against Him. For trying to thwart His Work on earth, and for trying to kill His servants in MM vans, He requires the penalty of death. The only way you or any of your men can be forgiven and spared death tonight is to repent towards God (not towards me) for having opposed Him. To repent means you are truly sorry for your evil motives, such that you determine in future NEVER to try to perpetrate such evils again. If there is in any of you a contrite heart, willing to turn away from your violent conduct, and you express that to God now before midnight tonight, God can spare you. But if you are not willing to acknowledge your wrongdoing and malice, if you do not renounce violence against people, God will descend upon you all tonight at midnight with His heavenly fire and fierce tempest and wipe you all out from the face of the earth that He created. I will be here if you want to ask any questions, or if you want to let me know that you accept this offer of clemency (forgiveness for your wrongdoing). Malcolm B Heap Thursday 10th September 2015. 21:39. To John: Have Moha’s gunmen been surrounding you all day? God Strikes Them All Dead!Friday 11th September 2015. 5:14. From John: Moha and his army are dead. At midnight after surrounding the vans the whole day, Moha ordered his men to shoot at us. We had left the MM Faith lits open the whole day and night making their guns jam. At midnight, strong winds and fire bolts descended on them, killing all. We could hear Moha call Malcolm's name to forgive him. He complained of hot coal burning him. When we realised that people were moving nearer to witness what had happened, we left very fast leaving the 11 bodies dead. We are moving out of Niger for the Egypt mission. God bless. Reply: If their guns had been jammed the whole day, why did Moha then command his men at midnight to shoot at the vans? Had he obtained new guns which he thought would work? Where did this take place? Town, or village, or open space? Was it in a highly populated area? The manifestations of fire bolts and strong wind must have created a lot of noise, which got people's attention nearby. Was it frightening? I guess you must be getting used to it by now, but I have never seen such demonstration of God’s power in the physical, so I guess it's quite terrifying to witness it for the first time. John’s reply: They were provided with new rifles at night before being ordered to shoot at us. It occurred near Diffa town near Lake Chad. Diffa town neighbours Lake Chad. It is here where Moha had an army. Fire bolts, wind and the sound ARE frightening! Friday, 11th September 2015. 7:35. From Rhoda: "MOHA IS NO MORE. NOW THE VANS ARE TO MOVE FAST TO EGYPT. MOHA WILL BE RISEN FROM THE DEAD AT MIDNIGHT. HE WILL ATTEND THE FOT TO TESTIFY ABOUT WHAT GOD TOLD HIM TO COME BACK TO DO." 7 Angels have said this to me. Jeftah Raised From The DeadSunday 13th September 2015. 19:00. From Rhoda: "...MOHA IS BACK TO LIFE. JOHN PLACED THE MM FAITH LIT IN THE POCKET OF THE DEAD MOHA. WHEN THE MUSLIM BROTHERS CAME TO TAKE HIM FOR BURIAL THE SAME DAY, THEY REJECTED HIS DEAD BODY WHEN THEY DISCOVERED THE FAITH BOOK IN HIS POCKET AND LEFT IT THERE. HE WAS BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE ON FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. HE MUST ATTEND THE FOT IN KENYA TO OPENLY SHARE HIS ENCOUNTER WITH THE GOD OF MM." 7 Angels have said this. 13th September 2015. 20:30. To Jeftah Moha: Hello Jeftah, I have been informed by Rhoda that you are back from the dead. The 7 angels who oversee God's Work with Midnight Ministries came to her and told her that your dead body was raised back to life on Friday at midnight. God sent you back, as I'm sure you were told on the other side of death, for God's purpose. He is a very loving God, full of grace and mercy. He has shown you great mercy because of Jesus' sacrifice. When you get time, please would you let me know what you experienced in the presence of Jesus on the other side of death, and what you were told. Thanks so much. I hope you are feeling OK now. Are you OK? Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need anything? Your brother in Christ, Malcolm Jeftah’s Life-Changing Experience18th September 2015. 8:33. From Jeftah: Dear brother M Thanks once again. I am now doing better. l have realized that you serve the TRUE GOD after what I went through. I can't recall what caused my unconsciousness. l saw seven angels surrounding me in long white robes with sharp swords in their hands. Their faces were shining like the sun’s rays, so that I couldn't look twice. They spoke in one voice saying that, "the time has come for you; remove your dirty clothes and leave your evil ways, the Lord has chosen you to be His servant. Leave everything that you own and start a new life. Arise from the dead!" Then they disappeared. When I regained my consciousness I found myself lying on wet ground with Faith literature on my chest. When I opened it I found a letter showing the route to Kenya where the Lord’s feast will be celebrated and 10,000 kshs. I took the money and bought a phone for communication. Don't mind if my sentences and wordings are not correct, am not such good in English language. God be with you, Jeftah 9:33. Reply: Thanks so much for explaining what you experienced. John was told by the angels to put the Faith booklet in your pocket after God took your life. When people came to take the dead bodies away for burial, they took the bodies of your gunmen (I think there were 10; is that right?) but they left your dead body alone because they saw the Faith booklet in your pocket. The angels must have taken the booklet out and put it on your chest with the letter and the money. It's not often God provides money like that, but obviously it was what He chose to do in that instance. May I ask about your background, because I don't know much at all? How old are you? Do you come from Egypt? Is that where you were born? Presumably you were born into a Muslim family. What was your occupation in life? How did you come to command a small troop of 10 gunmen? Were you appointed by a higher authority to carry out various military missions? Did someone else tell you to attack the MM team? What were the objectives of these attacks? Thanks so much for your time. God will lead and guide you as you look to Him continually. He watches over all of us. Your English is good. Thanks. God bless you. M [More of Jeftah’s answers to the above are on page 61.] 30th Sept 2015. 17:24. From Jeftah: I Jeftah Moha was raised in a Muslim family in Kismaayu Somalia and was trained from childhood to fight Christianity. In the year 2014 a man by the name John visited our town of Kismaayu and gave out the MM lits. What confused us was how miracles happened to those who accepted the lits, for example the sick got healed. To me, I moved out of Somalia and organized a group to fight MM, but most of our members got killed by God for fighting His chosen people. Myself, I was almost killed for fighting God. I am here to testify that God is all loving. Still, there is a group under Muammar Said Sani my cousin who took away my phone on my way to Kenya to attend this FOT. He is planning to attack me and others after this FOT. He is in the group of other people who were once with MM and now oppose it. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for me. I need a house, a family and means to go across Africa to tell the goodness of God. 2nd October 2015. 15:14. From Jeftah: ...Yesternight in a dream I saw two people one in black clothes and one in bright white clothes. They were fighting to have me, each holding one of my hands. The struggle went on till the one in white linen removed a book from his pocket and pointed it at the opponent who then trembled and died instantly leaving me free. God bless. 2nd October 2015. 15:27. From Jeftah: Thanks. John did send me 14000 kshs by M-pesa when I reached Congo. I used it as bus fare to Rwanda from where I crossed into Uganda. From Uganda to Kenya John sent me 10000 kshs. This took me up to the FoT site. From Niger to Kenya 7 Angels kept appearing to me at midnight encouraging me to believe in God and have faith in God, study MM lits faithfully daily. They taught me how to pray in faith. Also they assured me of prayer support from God's true servants Helena and Malcolm Heap. Thanks.
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