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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5 |
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied (Jer 23:21). God’s Angels Speak About GOD TVMonday 4th May 2015. 6:09. From Rhoda: "£16,000 IS TO BE SENT TO EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY TUESDAY NEXT WEEK TO HELP THE MM MESSAGE BE DELIVERED TO ISRAEL BEFORE 16TH MAY, FOR GOD TV MUST HONOUR MM AND MY SERVANT MALCOLM." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. Of course, evil people are not going to honour God or MM, because their agenda is self determined. They have charted their course and are not about to change. Such is the way of the wicked. And there are wicked people (‘tares’) alongside the true ones (the ‘wheat’) wherever God’s people are. The wording above is God’s requirement if those people are going to be acceptable to God. God was not suggesting that the wicked men who run GOD TV would honour MM. “FOLLOW MM TEACHINGS OR PERISH”4th May 2015. 16:58. From Rhoda: "THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HAVE TO FOLLOW MM TEACHINGS OR PERISH. THE VANS SHOULD REACH ISRAEL BEFORE 16TH THIS MONTH. TUESDAY NEXT WEEK SHOULD FIND WHEN THE VANS ARE READY. £16,000 IS ENOUGH FOR THE WORK. JOHN TO RECEIVE [some of] IT BY THURSDAY THIS WEEK SO THAT ON FRIDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY THE MECHANIC CAN WORK ON THE VANS. BY TUESDAY THE JOURNEY TO ISRAEL SHOULD START." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. Comment: Tuesday is 12th May. If they are to be in Israel before the 16th that is some lightning trip! The Angels Said...5th May 2015. Uganda. From Nyasirwa: I’m relieved to know about the happenings with John, Vuga and Mark. I was informed about the death of the gunmen too before I received this mail from you. [The 7 angels told him.] I was also informed about the money which was burnt up. I was told to ask how much were they paid that they were not in a position to count? And did J, V and M get money to fix the wheels and maintenance of the vans to enable them to travel...? The angels said that this war is not to end soon as the Muslims are not ready to lose yet. It is good to know about the SDA pastors who have now seen God’s light that always shines and leads those who hold faith and follow it in truth. The angels told me that there is some money being shifted to Lukas from Qatar. This might be double what was burnt and it’s going to get lost during shipment to Kenya. They use TNT International to ship their goods and money, as they want to keep it confidential not to let people know where they get funds from. The Lord has ways to pay back. Our outreach programs have been disrupted and we have nothing right now to help us move. I have a planned outreach of about three weeks and to cover around 400 km by boat with many stops before I come back. The same for Musama and his boat group around Lake Albert. Yesternight the angels asked me too if 8000£ can make us move which is more than what we planned to use. We had budgeted for around 6000£. Musama needs 2500£ and I 3500£; total 6000£, which we still pray that God will help us with to get moving and reach the places. Thank you. If I can get the reply today it will be good in case I get another visit by the angels tonight. I will have a chance to tell them what they asked (how much was sent to J, how much they gave to the gang and how much they were left with). Reply. 12:01. Thanks for yours. I am still waiting to hear from J or M about whether they got the money which Vivian sent by WU to enable them to replace the wheels. There has been a tremendous demonic blockage which has delayed or prevented it reaching John. A huge sum of £10,000 [on top of 3k] was stipulated by the angels which had to be paid to bring the gunmen under God’s judgement, but it was all burned up when God killed the gunmen, and J and M were left with no money after that. They are still in S Sudan. There is insufficient money to do all that we would hope for. I am hoping that the restrictions on your fishing will be lifted soon so that you can get back to earning money from fishing. The angels originally told you that your catch would fund your trips. I don’t know if that arrangement has changed or whether they still expect you to be able to buy fuel from the proceeds of your fish catches. We just don’t have the money that is needed for your outreach, nor does John have all he needs for the various things with him and M, etc. It is all very difficult. Money has been borrowed, and that poses difficulties for people here who have borrowed to make things feasible. I don’t have any money for printing, just enough for postage... God will provide in due course, but He expects us to do our part. God bless. He Sought Power, So God Struck Him10th May 2015. From John in S Sudan: Yesterday we truly saw God punish an SDA pastor Deng' Wakiwch. He pretended to come to share with us in our MM lit study but wanted to steal the Faith lit. When he drew a pistol to shoot at Mark to give him the lit, I pointed the Faith booklet at him and he fell on the ground crying out Malcolm's name. He died. The two women then told us that the pastor has been fighting MM. Prophetic Message Against GOD TVSunday 10th May 2015. To John: I think Bob has been working out about the 6k the angels said below. They haven't said anything about going back to Kenya first. Do you plan to do that, to pick up the GOD TV Prophetic Message booklets that I sent you? 11th May 2015. From John: I left for Kenya yesterday (Sunday night) using public means through Uganda. I have reached Kendu Bay on my way to collect those lits. I plan to move back to Sudan, where the vans are, immediately after collecting them from Eunice. It was cheaper to do that than go back with the van that was being serviced. 11th May 2015. 5:02. From Rhoda: "THE VANS HAVE BEEN MADE WELL AND THE JOURNEY TO ISRAEL IS TOMORROW TUESDAY. "THEY ARE LEFT WITH ONLY £2000 AFTER DOING ALL THE FIXING ON THE SECOND VAN. LET £6000 BE PUT INTO J'S EVANGELISM ACCOUNT LATEST WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK, FOR THE JOURNEY WILL BE VERY VERY VERY FAST. FRIDAY NIGHT SHOULD FIND THEM THERE. "MORE SDA PASTORS WILL DIE FOR FIGHTING MM AND MY SERVANT MALCOLM. "£200 BE SENT TO EUNICE FOR SHE DID NOT GET THE £1000 SENT BY VIVIAN. "MM LIT WILL REACH DUBAI FROM ISRAEL. LET JOHN BE MADE AWARE. THEN TO BOMBAY, INDIA, AND LASTLY TO ERITREA AGAIN. "LOOK AT WHAT THE SDA LEADER IS DOING IN BURUNDI. HE WANTS TO REMAIN IN POWER. JOHN AND MARK WILL TAKE THE MM LIT FAITH TO THE PRESIDENT'S GATE AFTER COMING FROM ERITREA AND THAT'S HOW THAT SDA LEADER WILL GET DEFEATED." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. Further from Rhoda: The president Nkurunziza, a staunch SDA believer, is plunging the country to war. Faith Booklet Made Police Tremble11th May 2015. 19:34. From John: I am in Kampala moving back to Southern Sudan. In this vehicle I have shared with 20 people the truth in MM. The driver is from South Sudan called D. He has accepted the truth and promised to walk out of Islam right now. God is good. Q: Wonderful. What made the man change so radically so quickly? Was someone healed on the bus? A: A police officer blocked our way, demanding a bribe for the bus was speeding. He handcuffed the driver. This prompted me to face the police, not talking, but pointing Faith lit at him. He trembled and released the bus as fast as possible. All the passengers praised the God who honoured His Word through the MM lit. Friday 15th May 2015. 8:37. We are entering Jerusalem. John What GOD TV claims to be: GOD TV offers a diverse 24-hour schedule of international programming that conveys Christian values in a contemporary way. This includes live events, youth r... God TV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia En.wikipedia.org/wiki/GOD_TV God TV is an international faith-based television network that claims a potential viewership of 951 million viewers. It is said to be available in 262 million homes. [That is rather overstating it! Most people don’t tune in to the channel. They are not interested.] The Prophetic Mission Against GOD TV18th May 2015. 10:57. From John: It is today evening when we are delivering the lits to GOD TV. From Saturday we have been held by [bogus] police who insisted that we baptize them, which we did not. We did not want them to know that we are contacting you so we switched off our phones. 11:26. From John: Benitez Perez the [fake] police officer and 6 others stopped us in our downtown move to GOD TV on Saturday night. We became suspicious when Perez insisted on all of them accompanying us to GOD TV after baptizing them. When we were almost doing that, one of them insisted that we explain to them who Malcolm is, where he lives, and why he kills Moslems. Those questions were clear evidence that they were spies sent to know MM secrets to fight us. From then we decided not to engage them in any discussion. We all removed Faith lits. They held us the whole night and yesterday. Today morning they just left us without any harm but with this word: "PLEAD WITH MALCOLM NOT TO DESTROY OUR FINANCIAL BASE IN QATAR AND WE SHALL NOT KILL HIM OR YOU TOO." 18th May 2015. 11:41. From Rhoda: "THE MONEY BEING USED TO OPPOSE MY FOLLOWERS IS FROM A RICH MAN IN QATAR. HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED. FROM ISRAEL JOHN, MARK, VUGA AND THE TEAM MUST BE READY TO MOVE AND BRING DOWN THAT MAN USING MM LIT. "MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A LIT COVERED RED TO WARN ALL PEOPLE SUPPORTING MM OPPOSERS. THIS BOOK IS TO BE CARRIED BY THE VANS TO ALL PLACES I GOD WILL DIRECT." 7 angels have delivered to me this message now. God bless. 19th May 2015. To Rhoda: We are having difficulty with this instruction below. The first part I have done last night. I have written the small booklet, and it has been e-mailed to John to get duplicated with a red cover. That was a bit of a struggle, because of the demonic opposition against us, but we managed, even though there are minor mistakes (typing errors) that will need correcting for the next version. Those small mistakes don't alter the meaning or make it difficult for the reader to understand, so we let it go anyway. The part I am having great difficulty with is the money requirement. MM has nowhere near that amount. We are operating on so little that it is only enough to keep things afloat and pay the postage costs. As you probably know, that is the way things have been for years. People who have been very morally supportive of MM have emptied all their savings, and given all that they can, to enable the outreach to continue. Bob has sent £2k to John yesterday, which is what he had available. It was part of money he had saved up over many years. He also has further savings that are invested in a fund; he is withdrawing that money, too, and giving it all. But it won't be available by Friday. Such withdrawals can take two weeks, sometimes longer, to accomplish. Vivian and Joy have used up all their savings, and borrowed huge sums to fund the outreach. They are now heavily in debt, and can't borrow any more. So, we can't see where that further 10k, (or the entire 12k) can come from by Friday, if the angels meant that it was meant to come from someone over here who is in touch with us. However, maybe there will be a change in plan, and the requirement will be changed, or the date changed. I'm sure you will let me know if there is a change. Another possibility is that the money is meant to come from someone connected with GOD TV. They've got lots of money, unlike us. Or, perhaps the money is going to come supernaturally organised by the angels into J's evangelism account. I am puzzled. The thing is in God's hands. God bless. "TO MOVE TO QATAR THEN TO DUBAI TO TAKE 'THE RED COVERED LIT' WHICH SHOULD BE PUT IN THE FAITH BOOKLET. THAT LIT BE SENT TO JOHN BY E-MAIL. ADDITIONAL £12000 SHOULD BE SENT TO EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BEFORE FRIDAY THIS WEEK. JOHN SHOULD USE PART OF THE £4000 IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT TO PRODUCE 70 COPIES, FIX RED COVERS. THIS SHOULD BE DONE TOMORROW. A MAN CALLED [name protected] IS DOING COMPUTER WORK IN JERUSALEM IN A SHOP CALLED [name protected]. LET JOHN GO AND DO THAT WORK THERE. THAT MAN WAS CONVERTED TO MM DURING THE FIRST VISIT... TONIGHT LET JOHN AND MARK GO TO GOD TV AND DROP 7 WARNING LITS AT THE GATE. THEY MUST NOT STEP IN THE COMPOUND, THEN MOVE BACK TO THE VANS WITHOUT LOOKING BACK. TOMORROW TWO LADIES WILL GO STRAIGHT TO JOHN AND TELL THE SECRETS ABOUT GOD TV. THOSE WHO WILL NOT OBEY MY WARNING THROUGH MALCOLM WILL PERISH." 7 angels have said this to me now. 19th May 2015. 12:48. From Rhoda: "BY THIS WEEK FRIDAY £6000 SHOULD BE IN EVANGELISM ACCOUNT FOR QATAR MISSION, THEN £6000 BY NEXT WEEK, FRIDAY, FOR DUBAI AND ERITREA MISSION. "GOD TV LEADERS ARE NOW CORNERED, ALL THEIR SECRETS WILL BE OUT." 7 angels have said to me now. God bless. Reply. 13:21. Thanks, Rhoda. But I can't see where that 6k is going to come from this week. So, God must have an unexpected provider up His sleeve! To Rhoda. 14:26. I was hopeful that someone from GOD TV might be able to fund them for this week (and next week), because I can't see it coming from here. 17:59. From Rhoda: "GOD TV IS DEMONIC AND CAN NOT FUND MY NOBLE MISSION. IT WILL BE A DISGRACE TO ME, GOD OF VICTORY. NO WORRY, NO TURNING BACK... QATAR SHOULD MEET MY TRUTH VIA MM LIT." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless God’s Angels Attack GOD TV19th May 2015. 18:08. From John: God brought everything to a standstill at GOD TV. 4 employees resigned and gave us an account how GOD TV makes money dubiously. 19th May 2015. 18:51. From John: We placed the lits at the gate at exactly 8 p.m. We then left back to the vans without looking back. At midnight 2 ladies X and Y came running to our vans pleading with us to allow them to share with us... They narrated to us how their programmes are structured to rob money from viewers, how lies are told to win many viewers. It took the whole night. This morning Z and W came and told us that two computers blew up at midnight and 7 Angels entered the station and ordered them to leave. The TV station does not honour God though they use His Name. We have left to Qatar. Hopefully we shall be there tomorrow. God bless. 19:03. To John: Thanks for the latest info about the scurrilous deception about GOD TV. Has the TV station now closed down because of what happened there last night? [The answer to this is ‘No’. It is a completely deceitful set-up!] When you have time, could you fill me in on the details about your trip to get to Jerusalem. It must have been quite a journey! Thanks. And we are very much looking forward to hearing how you manage to get to Qatar and the route you take. God bless! John’s reply about the trip from S Sudan to Jerusalem: From Juba Southern Sudan we moved non-stop through Khartoum to Aswan in Egypt. We passed through roadblocks but this time no police stood in our way. It was miraculous. We rested for 3 hours here. That was on Wednesday night. Then we started a long journey to Taba past Sinai Peninsula to Eilat, where we reached on Thursday midnight and rested till Friday dawn when we moved in to Jerusalem. Policemen blocked our way on Saturday but God became our Victor. God bless. God’s Judgment Upon ‘GOD’ TV16th June 2015. 18:54. From Tomas: I am from Israël. I came face to face with servants of God, John, Mark, Vuga who demonstrated God's power through MM literatures. It was a good moment when True God of MM brought down the false teachings of God TV. Pls I need to read your literatures on-line. Thanks. Reply. 21:09. Thanks for yours, Tomas. Did you see the angels? How long were you an employee of GOD TV in Jerusalem? Did you work in the office where the computers were? John told me that the angels blew up some computers in the office. I wonder whether you witnessed that? What did you actually witness there on that fateful night when God manifested His power and displeasure of what they are doing? I will gladly send you some MM literature if you can give me your postal address. While we have some articles on line on our web page, www.midnightministries.org.uk, we don’t make available on there our core publications, otherwise some of that material can be siphoned off by others and used for their benefit. So, the main publications are only available from us in print. 17th June 2015. 10:42. From Tomas: God bless you again and again and again. Malcolm I witnessed the wonderful demonstration of True hand of God when 7 angels in long white shining and sparkling clothes visited the TV station in Jerusalem after John and Mark had delivered the MM lits warning the management to follow God's steps instead of humanly instigated methods. It started like a strong wind with thunder and spikes of fire, then all the 36 doors and 69 windows opened all at once. All the computers in the operational section went off with 4 blowing out, a standby generator went off, one watchman called Harris Khogller, a Russian by birth, died on the spot. 7 angels then landed, their eyes were as bright as the sun. This happened at Midnight. I have more to share but I fear for my life. Since then I was sent away, my belongings taken, for I stood firm and denounced God TV programmes. I am hiding at a place near Egypt border. I need your lits especially Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation. I will be receiving the lits through John... Reply. 11:24. Thank you for taking the time to explain what occurred at Jerusalem GOD TV. Who threatened your life? The Russian man who was struck dead by God, did you know him well? Was he an evil person? Perhaps he was going along with the deliberate deceit being promoted. About the "spikes of fire", do you mean lightning bolts, like bolts of electricity that were visible like bolts of lightning during a thunderstorm? ... our literature is in print, in booklet form, so if you get a safe postal address some time, let me know and I'll send you more. Thanks for your time. God bless, M Answers from Tomas: The managers benefiting from God TV tricks threatened my life. The Russian man was sinful supporting God TV. They were bolts or spikes like electricity.
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