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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 4 |
51 To Somalia
Lord, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me. Many are they who say of me, “There is no help for him in God.” (Psalm 3:1,2.) But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory… (Ps 3:3). Monday 24th November 2014. 7:14. Another attack is planned against MM at the Somali border. There is another attack planned. I got a dream that some gang raided teachers at the Somali border thinking that John was among the teachers. They killed many people. I heard that J and V plan to cross that region. Let them get informed about the danger before they leave tomorrow. Paul Comment: 9:40. Attacks are a means for God to show His glory. So we don’t fear even though they are not pleasant. John’s reply: God is watching over our lives. I don’t fear. God was, is and will remain on our side. It is true 28 people were killed in Somali-Kenya border by Muslim rogue youths demonstrating about the raid by police in MASJID mosque in Mombasa, and Masjid’s demise. I am not afraid. God bless. J 24th November 2014. 9:38. Rhoda wrote [I think the angels may have given her the first part of her message, too]: Kenya-Somali border is burning. 28 people butchered by Islamic mafias demonstrating about the killing of Masjid and the raid by policemen into Masjid’s mosque in Mombasa. God’s angels also talked of MM books to be ferried to all islands in Lake Victoria. They talked of God providing an engine boat for that work. God’s timing is what we wait for… Somalia must be visited. We can’t fear. Mine: Was that mosque named after Masjid Musa? Was that the name of the mosque, “Masjid Mosque”? Was Masjid Musa an imam? J’s reply: Masjid was one of the trainers in Islamic jihardism. The name Masjid is an ancestral name used by Islamic radicals. Masjid Musa whose men blocked our way and God killed was a very dangerous Moslem. His name was one he inherited from his grandfather who was an Imam. With him he was a radical Muslim jihardist teacher just like Osama bin Laden. His grandfather I am told was called Masjid Khalifa Bin Rashid Osman a native of the Omani Arabs the richest family in the Kenyan Coast. J From Rhoda: There are several mosques here in Kenya named after Masjid who was a great imam long time ago. Masjid Musa was a radical Muslim trainer in Masjid’s mosques found in Kenya and Somalia. He was a fierce man who no one could dare face. It is God who stopped him. Amen. Another Demonic Threat24th November 2014. 13:52 (appropriate numerics!) From the madman Lukas Ogada: We made you waste your money in Rwanda we have known that John and Vuga are traveling to Somalia tomorrow and we are going to make it hard for them to reach there safely, they are not better than those christians who died in Mandera last week, i can gain more after now changing my faith to Islamic. I can now get more support through Jihad and clear you then put a new foundation to a true church im yet to find. The war will never end until you abide by what i want. Reply: 15:25. Ha! Ha! Ha! We shall be laughing at your demise, and how God our righteous God who is full of love and justice, will deal with your mob of maniacs. You should get yourself a Bible and read Romans 12:19 and all the other places where God declares that the wicked like you will end in misery being repaid for all the misery they have inflicted on others. Masjid Musa’s 2,000 men will all be struck dead, along with all yours who want to take us on again. The army of God’s angels is waiting for them, to mete out God’s just but severe punishment. MBH To John: 15:22. Look at this idiot! I find it absolutely astonishing that Ogada is so stupid! He’s so possessed by Satan. When Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword away. Don’t you know that I can summon twelve legions of angels to come to My rescue if necessary?” the same holds true for us today at the forefront of what God is doing. Elijah could not be taken or killed, and so it still is today. They may harm us for a moment, but God has the final word and the ultimate victory while God still has a purpose for us here. Ours is to do His will and stay in tune with His Spirit moment by moment. … God bless your trip tomorrow. No doubt God will give directions as to which route to follow – unless He has an angelic roadblock ahead for the infidels who want to try and stop us. Perhaps we’ll see lightning fall from heaven on them this time?!! The Seven Angels Manifest Again24th November 2014. 15:05. Angelic message: “NO REST. NO REST. NO REST. NO REST. NO REST. NO REST! NNNOOO RRREEESSSTTT TILL PEACE IS SEEN IN SOMALIA! JOHN, VUGA, MARK, GET UP, DON’T SLEEP! NNNOOO RRREEESSSTTT!” 7 angels visited me and at once cried out telling me those words [all spoke those words in unison]. I wondered why put that burden on MM but I could not talk. Amen. Rhoda Comment: God has at least twice declared through the angels that peace will come to Somalia, after all the decades of war it has been through, and God is linking the arrival of that peace (or the beginning of it) to the arrival of MM lit in that country. It’s only God who can bring true peace, and the maintenance of peace is only achieved by obedience to the laws of God in the Bible. True freedom is based on biblical truth (John 8:32). The words NO REST, repeated with such emphasis, are a very strident call to ACTION! They are not meant to be taken literally that we are not allowed to sleep, but to fill us with the same zeal that God has to see His Word taken to the hurting, the grieving, the wounded, the desperate and the poor in spirit. They will welcome God’s truth with open arms! No madmen can stand in God’s way. God is in command of this mission, and any Muslim gunmen who stand in the way will be blown out of the way or brought to their knees in repentance for daring to stand against the Almighty God! The words declare God’s intense sense of urgency! Comment: Also on the news here [in the UK] is that the Kenyan army (KDF) have killed 100 al Shabaab gunmen in Somalia. J’s reply: Don’t ever trust Kenyan Government report. It was meant to cool down those families whose members were killed. No one hundred al Shabaab were killed. That report was a public relations exercise. It is only God who has the answer, not Kenyan army or police. 24th November 2014. From Mark: The Lord has revealed to me that Lukas has been converted to a Muslim to take over the position of Masjid and he is being paid a lot of money to block MM outreach. So Vuga will transport MM books to the shore of the Lake and a boat is needed to ferry books to Muslim dominated islands as soon as possible. The message was delivered by seven angels. Pray for this work. Somalia: Here We Come!25th November 2014. 9:57. We are in Kisii on our way to Somalia. We have changed 2 rear tyres and carry enough fuel, for we plan to stop in Nairobi and Mombasa only. So far I have spent £500; we are left with £1900. J John Ongoro on the Mission to Somalia: 27th November 2014. 19:09. We are okay in the hands of our God. We crossed through several roadblocks by God’s hand. These were manned by Islamic warlords in these towns: Raas Kaamboni. Here they stopped us and demanded that we pay for a permit to allow us into Somalia. When we showed them our permits they tore them into pieces and we were forced to pay them £400 to pass. They refused to take MM publications calling us “kaffir”. [Kaffir is an Islamic term of contempt for a non-Muslim.] We were forced to get temporary passports at Kismaayo for £100 each. When we reached Jamaame we came to the second road block. Here I refused to give out money, and when they wanted to shoot us, their guns would not work. They dashed into the bush leaving their guns. We called police who took the 6 guns and thanked us. We gave them MM lit. We are in Marka where we shall have our Sabbath. J From the chief opponent of MM in Africa: 29th November 2014. It’s good Mark, Vuga and John followed a new route to Somalia and passed the traps. The man you brought at Ndhiwa has killed four people and two still to die, their blood is on you, after the police investigation, im going to show all evidence that prove that you and yours are behind over the recent attacks in Kenya Somalia border and the moment they arrive here in Ndhiwa they will be locked up in police custody. I will also say that you sent to Beril’s mother stained money that killed her and you took their land. We are going to say that you took that land at a cheap cost and we shall pay more to Berils uncle who is now back from South Sudan and this land will no longer remain yours. I will make you sweat Malcolm. Lukas Ogada Reply: You’ll make me sweat, will you? That’s not much cop. It’s you who will be sweating soon, not me. Pity you didn’t hear the anguished cries of those guys you sent to destroy at Mark’s place, when God burned them up with heavenly fire! That was much more than sweat! And all you can threaten me with is a bit of sweat. You don’t learn, do you? I warned you of this outcome on 1st November. Whoever you send against us is going to be struck down, not by us, but by God. So, you had better take out your legal case against God, if you can locate Him. Ha! Ha! Ha! He has the last laugh, not you. Forgotten how God struck dead Masjid Musa, have you? And have you forgotten how God struck dead the judge Barunge Kibbegera and the four clerks who tried to miscarry justice in Burundi? And have you forgotten how God struck down Adrian Jaoko, and Charles Osutwa? Obviously you have. Short memory, chum! Too short for your own good. Better get yourself a better brain from somewhere, coz yours ain’t working properly with all that demonic stuff in it. Ha! Keep challenging us. We’re not afraid of your silly antics, because the angelic armies are defending us, as the whole world will come to know about it in due course. Yeah, keep the attacks coming, because you’re writing a fitting epitaph on your gravestone that will match that of Genghis Khan or Stalin or Pol Pot. We look forward to all your challenges. I told you the angels will deal with them all, no problem. No sweat! MBH To John: I sent him the above missives, and: This idiot Ogada is still doing stupid things. What a sick joke he is! God will repulse all the attacks as we continue in His love, in humility and obedience to His every command. God bless you all!! The Angels Told Him…29th November 2014. 14:58. Sabbath at Mark’s home. I was visited by the angels on Thursday night and they ordered me to travel to Ndhiwa and rescue the prophet’s home. I was told to keep watch until midnight to ensure no stranger enters the compound to attack. I travelled so with the £100 that John left to me on Tuesday and last night it so happened that the attack was to take place. Six men entered the compound but their raid was not successful. I used the MM book and with the Lord’s power placed upon the book, I directed it onto them. I heard them scream “Fire! Fire!” They got burned. I came to hear that two of them have passed away while four are still in Ndhiwa district hospital with no hope of survival. I have been told by the angels to keep watch till J, M and V return which I also don’t know the day. I haven’t heard even to know if they are safe. Benjamin Reply: Thanks for the news. I think they are alright. I heard from J last night and they were fine. Six gunmen had been dispossessed of their guns when they tried to obstruct J and V. God caused them to drop their guns and run off. They must have seen a frightening apparition! I have just had an intimidating (stupid!) e-mail from Lukas Ogada saying that 4 men have died and the other 2 will die also. That’s the price of trying to fight against God. Ogada never learns! God bless. I asked Benjamin whether he actually saw the fire that burned them to death. He wrote: 30th November 2014. I did not see the fire but their bodies were burnt and the remaining two died this morning. B In Somalia30th November 2014. 20:01. We are okay in the Lord. He has demonstrated His genuine love to us. We plan to baptise more Muslims here tomorrow before leaving to Kenya in the evening tomorrow. We have £600 left. Life is very difficult here. Safe drinking water is like gold here – very expensive. Roads are pathetic, rocky and rugged… God bless. John 30th November 2014. 20:52. …We had a meeting at Marka town where we managed to baptize 5 people because we believe in the one true God. Most of them fear large gatherings because they are the al Shabaab terrorists’ targets. The place is very dry with no food or water. We had to give what we had to the needy. We are now down financially. A 300 ml bottle of water costs 300 kshs. Today we visited Mogadishu area where we wanted to baptize some people but we couldn’t due to opposition from Muslim leaders who attempted to poison us by selling to us poisoned water. We later moved to Jarwa and now we are at Buulobarde town where, after baptizing 5 people we will leave to Kenya to be ready for Uganda trip as the Lord required. The van should be serviced fully and the tyres changed. Below are the names of those we baptized… Mark 3rd December 2014. We have safely arrived home. Many got baptised. John 7th December 2014. Report on Somalia trip. Marka Town: 5 people got baptized. They tore their Muslim robes in the open and accepted MM lit. When Didoo Gulio stepped forward to be baptized, Muslim youths in the meeting started to cry, and when I asked one of them why, he told me that Gulio was their trainer on Islamic radicalism and they came into our meeting to bomb all of us and they are lost on what to do next if their leader has accepted our God. That’s how God saved our lives. In Mogadishu we were not given permission to baptize people even though the group accepted our lits. In Jarwa and Buulobarde. We managed to baptize 5 people in Buulobarde. Here is where God directed us to dip the booklet Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation in the bucket of drinking water. The Muslims had attempted to poison us by selling us poisoned water, but their plot failed. Vuga drank some of the water and very soon got violent stomach pains. Mark was then moved by God’s Spirit to dip the MM booklet on Faith into the water and then give some of the water to Vuga to drink. After Vuga drank it he was instantly made well. This caused the thirsty people to change their minds. Everyone in the meeting including the Muslim leader here called S (a woman) were then given this water to drink and that’s how GOD met with them. They all got drunk in God’s power, and were baptised. All accepted MM lits. John Violent gun battle at Marsabit: [See on page 20 — 24th November 2014. 7:14. A prophecy: Another attack is planned against MM at the Somali border.] On our way back to Kenya at Marsabit corrupt Kenyan police demanded that we pay them a bribe. We refused. They made us stay there for 3 hrs. I opened MM lit Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation in front of them and one of them grabbed the book from my hand and tore it into pieces. Suddenly a large group of al Shabaab gunmen ran into town spraying bullets everywhere and killing those policemen. This made the president fire the Security Minister and Police Inspector General. After leaving the town and moving for about 10 km we heard the news from the van radio announcing that al Shabaab gunmen had killed 32 people including police officers in Marsabit town. God helped us pass through in a miraculous way. He shut down their guns when we passed through. John Comment: I asked John and Mark to give me more details of how God made it possible for them to escape. Here is how they each described the incident: Answers to Somalia Questions 1. Those who drank the water behaved uniquely, some speaking in tongues. 2. S (a woman) also spoke in tongues and declared her support for MM and got baptised. All this happened on Sunday 30th Nov. at Buulobarde. 3. On Monday on our way back home, when we reached Marsabit at about 5 pm, corrupt police demanded a bribe from us. Our escape was supernatural. At that moment, hundreds of al Shabaab gunmen appeared, surrounded the town and started to shoot anyhow [indisciminately]. They were firing at anyone in all directions. They were many – in hundreds! The police ran for cover when they saw the al Shabaab. That allowed us to get away. John Mark explained: This is how things happened at Marsabit town on our way back from Somali land. We reached Marsabit at 5 pm. A senior police officer demanded that we must pay some bribe but we refused. We were held up there for about three hours. John opened the book Faith: Raising our Level of Expectation pointing it at them and one of them grabbed it out of his hand and tore it into small pieces. Suddenly al Shabaab gunmen surrounded the whole area shooting anyhow [indiscriminately] including at the police officers. Then I told V to turn the van to face them, and with the Faith book open, we headed straight towards them. [They must have seen a frightening vision of angels or fighters coming against them] and those who blocked the way ran out of our way and gave us room to pass thru. Mark 7 Angels Say Go To RwandaRhoda on the Mission to Rwanda: 4th December 2014. 19:33. ANGELIC MESSAGE.... “GO! GO! GO! WHY WORRY FOR MONEY, MONEY, MONEY? JOHN, JOHN, JOHN, VUGA, VUGA, VUGA, MOVE TO RWANDA AND SAVE MY PEOPLE FROM SDA BULLYING. GO! GO! GO! IT IS NOW.” This is what 7 angels spoke, all carrying MM lits in boxes labelled “THE WORLD’S ANSWERS.” They woke me yesterday to call John and Vuga which I did. John tried to cry over [question the feasibility of it due to] lack of money, and after explaining to him what God said through the angels, he said one word: “I AM HERE GOD. USE ME.” THE ANGELS ALSO STRESSED ON THE COMPLETION OF PROPHET MARK’S WALL, FOR VERY SOON ISLAMIC WARLORDS FROM SOMALIA AND LUKAS WILL TRY TO SURROUND IT WITH THEIR ARMY AND THAT DAY OVER 700 MAFIAS [700 of their evil soldiers] WILL DIE. THAT WALL WILL HAVE POSTERS OF MM LITS WHICH GOD WILL USE TO KILL THEM. THE ANGELS GAVE ME A BUDGET FOR ALL THESE ACTIVITIES AS: Mark’s wall… £1200. Rwanda mission… £4500. THEY REPEATED THE WORD NOW! NOW! NOW! IN A LOUD CHORUS AND WARNED ME, “RHODA, CALL JOHN AND VUGA JUST NOW AND INFORM THEM, FAILURE TO WHICH IF MY PEOPLE IN RWANDA PERISH THEN THEIR BLOOD WILL BE ON YOUR HEAD.” I did as the Lord commanded. Comment: [Because funds are very low,] The solution to our dilemma was given last night. Tonya is parting with 7k of the inheritance she received a week or so ago from my mother’s will. Effectively, I am borrowing it off her, and will pay her back when we can borrow against our house (equity release) prior to selling the house. She needs the money for a camper van for her ministry outreach. All the above is fulfilling this prophecy: I saw a small light spring out within the Isles of the UK. It grew rapidly with finger-like rays of light spreading out in all directions. The rays to the South spread out wider and with longer beams than the rest, and soon cut across the European mainland… They spread out even farther touching across the entire African continent… (From More Than A Prophet, pp 11-12.) Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk |
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