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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 4
49 Kidnapped In Burundi
Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just; for the righteous God tests the hearts and minds (Psalm 7:9). 14th November 2014. 20:36. To Masjid Musa: So you think you have got God’s servants and their van surrounded by your gunmen? And you think you are going to burn God’s van that is distributing God’s heaven-sent literature that proclaims the solution to the world’s ills? Well, you’re wrong! DEAD WRONG!! ALL YOUR MEN WILL BE STRUCK DEAD BY THE POWER OF GOD, if they try to do such a thing. And the world will get to know of your evil motives, and of how God is invincible. And this little electronic piece of righteous wording will be there as mute testimony to the power and supremacy of the Christians’ God, for the police who investigate why these Muslim gunmen are all dead. Praise the name of the living God, JESUS CHRIST, the Almighty One!!! Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK Held At Gunpoint In Burundi16th November 2014. 10:27. The Muslims attack. They managed to surround us and forced us out of the van. Their leader gave us 3 conditions: 1) to swear in the name of Allah that we will never convert more Muslims to Christianity. 2) give them the details of the MM leader called Malcolm, 3) remove all our clothes and throw them into the van which they must burn. They showed us boxes of money which they promised to give to us to accept their long clothes. God allowed this to happen for His glory to be seen. God sent His power which closed our mouths and we could not even talk. The first person stepped forward and tied our faces with red cloths, stepped backwards and ordered the rest to aim at us with their guns. The guns jammed. They then resorted to beat us using rods. We were beaten the whole of Friday night and Saturday. But when it reached midnight yesterday, they shut us in the van and tried to set the van ablaze. Instead their clothes caught fire supernaturally and they all got burnt. We watched them crying in anguish, calling Malcolm’s name to forgive them. Because of rules barring night travel, we stayed there till this morning, but before we could sneak out to the Tanzania border, the Burundi and Rwanda police arrested us and put us in a cell in Kigali. Our case is on Manslaughter which is 10 yrs jail. We treat this as God’s way of sending His word into Rwanda and Burundi prisons. Thanks for your prayers. We are okay for the war is the Lord’s. John Comment: Ngozi town was the location of their arrest. Reply. 11:11. I have just got your mail. Thank you for the news. Oh how you must be hurting still from the beating! And exhausted, too, or has God already taken away the pain and restored you? If not yet, He will, as we wait on Him for His timing. Suffering draws us nearer to Him, which is where we need to be, much more so in these times of evil. How many were the attackers? J’s reply. 11:29. Masjid’s men were 5 in number. Even their vehicle got destroyed by God’s fire. Yes, my left eye is swollen and I can’t see properly, but okay, for this is God’s plan. Vuga’s neck is swollen. We are writing from the cell. Already God has touched one police officer called… who has really welcomed the MM message and has allowed us to discuss with him MM’s Why Forgive? My reply. 11:43. When you have opportunity, when God arranges it, perhaps you could show the police my recent e-mails to Masjid Musa (which I bcc’d to you), and Masjid’s threatening e-mails in which he states quite clearly that he intends to have his men kill you and burn our van. That is the evidence which shows who the wrongdoers were, and that you did not kill those men, but God did as I warned Masjid would happen. I realise God has taken you into the prison for greater spiritual reasons for His chosen ones there to be released. He will lovingly heal your eye and Vuga’s neck in His time, but the damage is probably also necessary for them to see as evidence of your attackers’ brutality, and that you are the victims not the villains. God is working things out. J’s reply. 12:06. Yes even now I am taking this officer through the contents of that mail, and it is clear God has just started His judgement. Masjid may use his money to corrupt his way out but let’s wait for God’s action. The Angels Predict The Outcome16th November 2014. 11:51. Thanks to God of gods, may His name be glorified. At night 3 angels came and each called me three times and gave the same message: ‘‘J and V will be falsely accused of manslaughter and thrown into jail, but God will open the heart of one of His servants who will pay £7000 to remove them from the jail. Seven depicts God’s number of action, just as soon as the money will reach the court, Masjid will faint and die. Then MM lit will be taken to Somalia where Masjid’s team train; and the arrival of the MM books in Somalia will mark the beginning of peace. J and V should be out by Tuesday next week to take MM lit to Somalia on Thursday.’’ I woke up feeling depressed, now I know why, J and V were beaten but it was God’s plan. Rhoda 16th November 2014. 13:11. In a very surprising way, it started as a strong wind. Then a rumbling sound filled the room till we all hid under the bed. Then a harsh [stern] voice called.....” RHODA! RHODA! RHODA! THE ACCUSER IS OFF TO FIX MY SERVANTS WITH 10 BOXES FULL OF MONEY. I THE MASTER OF THE EARTH AND ALL IN IT WILL ONLY USE £7000 TO DESTROY HIM AND HIS ARMY IN SOMALIA THROUGH MY POOR SERVANTS HE IS FIGHTING. DON’T FEAR. GO DOWN IN PRAYERS FOR NOW MY SERVANTS MALCOLM, HELENA, TONYA ARE ALL INTERCEDING FOR MY SERVANTS IN JAIL. WAKE UP! [See p 79.] DON’T FEAR. I HAVE INSTRUCTED MY PROPHET MARK NOT TO EAT OR DRINK WATER TILL WE CAPTURE MASJID AND HIS TEAM. THE MONEY TO RELEASE MY SERVANTS WILL COME. DON’T FEAR. REMEMBER I AM WITH YOU AND MM LITS ARE MY VEHICLES TO PUNISH THE SINFUL.” After that it rained for only 7 minutes then the rain stopped. R 16th November 2014.12:53. From John: Yes we saw with our eyes Masjid’s money which God destroyed by fire. He may bribe these people to put us in jail but he cannot put God in jail. He may boast of his money but I know that all riches and resources on Earth and Heavens are His. Let’s wait for God’s judgement tomorrow. We are more than ready to take this work to Somalia if God wills. What does she mean by ..........“seven depicts God’s number?” Reply. 12:58. She was given the number 7 in this revelation from 3 angels. 3 depicts completeness or finality, and 7 is God’s perfect number, showing that God is completely in perfect control of the entire situation. I’m hoping your phone remains charged so you can get this input. You probably don’t have time now to explain, but when you have time I will be most interested to hear how you got from Angola to Burundi in a day! I suspect God transported the van supernaturally for some of the journey, because I can’t see how you could travel that distance in a day. Isn’t it about 1500 miles? Surely the roads are so bad that it would take more than three days normally? J’s reply. 13:23. You are right. Our case was unique, we moved in that bad terrain as if in a Safari Rally, we were being chased by the Masjid army who followed us from Angola. Yes it is God who saved us, we had to move at that speed across DRC [Democratic Republic of Congo] which we felt was not safe. The journey is approximately 3 days. Yes we started off from Angola at night in the darkness of Friday morning. They kept chasing us through the day on Friday and caught us at night on Friday at the DRC Burundi border. Comment: The distance from Angola to Burundi is over 1100 miles. J and V must have had supernatural assistance to cover that distance in the time! A similar thing happened in Nagaland (India) when Chuba Ao did a four day journey in four hours but couldn’t explain how. 15th November 2014. 16:37. From Masjid Musa. You are just an idiot fool. Just wait My reply. 16th November 2014. 11:36. Praise the name of the living God, JESUS CHRIST, the Almighty One! As I said, all your gunmen who were ambushing MM’s van are now dead. They were killed supernaturally at midnight last night. They have been incinerated from Above like Sodom and Gomorrah (see Genesis 19:24), by the righteous power of God Almighty. You’re reading the wrong book, matey. It’s not the Koran which is holy, but the Bible which is the Word of God for humanity, and this recent episode is one more proof out of thousands. You’re in the wrong club, chum. Get real! MBH 16th November 2014. 14:19. From Masjid Musa. A hash! Those are not gunmen, they are saints who died on a holly war. You have been deceiving John and Vuga yet you are not here they are now in my hands and I’ll make sure they all rot in cell and that van. Let’s see if your god will drop money from heaven to deliver them. I’ll deal with them accordingly and ruthlessly. big fool 14:41. My reply. Holy war?! What bullshit you talk! Muslims are not holy. Only God Almighty is HOLY! You don’t know the meaning of the word “holy”. It means completely sinless, without taint, utterly undefiled by any trace of sin. And look at you, completely defiled by sin, by murder, by hate, by resentment, by hostility towards those who live for the pure and holy God who is LOVE. There’s not a gram of God’s love in you. You breathe out hatred, and spew venom like a spitting snake, snarling like a dog, growling like a lion. And if you think money is the medium of real power, you are so misguided it’s tragic! God’s power, which struck dead those gunmen of yours, is supreme. So if He wants to disburse money, He can disburse more than you get from your mercenary gun fund merchants. Money is no problem to our God. He provides what we need. If we need it, He WILL provide it. We don’t need guns. We have Jesus Christ to deliver us. He is ALL POWERFUL! Keep fighting us, and you will soon find out how powerful He REALLY IS!! Big fool?! You will see in due course who that is. Me, or you? MBH His reply. 15:22. You are a coward and for your information I have more than 2000 soldiers. Bitch! Silly fool. My reply. 17:52. You seem to have ignored and forgotten what I wrote to you earlier at 14:41 – [Deleted that excerpt from 14:41.] You have 2,000 soldiers, huh? Does that make you powerful? Hardly. That is nothing to our God who has ALL power. You just don’t understand what all power means. It wouldn’t make any difference if you had 2,000 H-bombs, His power is far greater! Just look at the sun in the sky which He put there. It belts out more than that in power each day. It is recorded in the Bible: “The nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are counted as the small dust on the scales” to Him (Isaiah 40:15), so how much less your pitiful band of 2,000 thugs?! They just don’t register on His scales! You call us cowards, while you exert your ‘strength’ by guns and grenades; and your men beat John and Vuga with rods for approx 29 hours, though they had no weapons to defend themselves, not even sticks. Your men demonstrated cowardice. John and Vuga demonstrated fortitude. You come against us with your human weapons of murder and destruction. We come against you with the Spirit of the Almighty God. What a pathetic religion yours is, if you have to resort to guns and grenades to ‘persuade’ people that your ethos is right? When was coercion ever part of an acceptable creed? Only in the minds of madmen, inspired by demonic spirits! And, in time, they all fall. It is written that God “reduces the princes [powerful rulers] to nothing; He makes the judges of the earth useless” (Isaiah 40:23). And He will do that to you. That’s why I stand up against you, and why our team stands against all such illicit power, because false ideology never prevails. God’s true ideology prevails and cannot be thwarted because it is TRUTH. You have come against the Author of Truth, Jesus Christ, the HOLY ONE. And for that insolence He will strike you dead and put an end to your army of thugs from Somalia. MBH 15:17. Mark wrote: I am aware J and V are being detained. God is going to do a miracle that most people will not believe. Masjid will not escape God’s wrath soon. M Comment: Habakkuk 1:5 declares: Look among the nations and watch. Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you. 16 November 2014. 18:06. Charge Sheet. … The officer in charge has leaked it out to us. 1) John Ouma Ongoro and Vuga Rianga are accused of killing 5 Muslim youths who travelled with them from DRC. 2) This offence should land the accused to prison not less than 2yrs with payment of not less than £10,000 or both. 3) If not found guilty then the accused to be paid the same amount by the accusers. John [held in a prison cell.] 18:30. My reply to John: So, I presume you mean they are going to charge you and take this to court. Rhoda was told by the angels that “MM lits are the vehicles to punish the sinful.” So, you need to get out MM lit and use it as God moves you to do. Maybe point it to whoever is trying to charge you with the motive of wanting to extract a huge amount of money from you, and warn all those police officers that it is an offence in God’s Book of Justice to falsely accuse you of murder when it was God Almighty who took the lives of those yobs as He did to Sodom (Genesis 19:24). 16 November 2014. 18:22. To John: …Let me know who it is who is pressing charges against you. Give me his name, or who I should write to, and I will draft a letter to him that you can pass on to him. If they are accepting a bribe from Masjid Musa, then I’ll call down fire from heaven upon whoever has accepted that bribe and God will kill him. 17th November 2014. 5:53. The judge has considered our plea that we couldn’t kill 5 armed men; it took the hands of a supernatural being to perform that. However, he has given us 6 hours to ensure that the bodies are ferried to Somalia for burial [an utterly impossible condition!]. Look at his words: “John and Vuga, I can clearly see some supernatural hand involvement in this case. You did not kill them but because you were found at the crime scene, you will only be cleared once the bodies have been ferried to Somalia, you have 6hrs to agree with Masjid on how to do it. He is Masjid and co who will leave you go free, not us.” When I raised my hand to ask him why we are the ones being punished and yet it is clear that Masjid had the intention of killing us and burning the van, the judge instead gave Masjid time to talk and this is what Masjid said: “These 2 poor men are being misled by somebody who has been abusing me and threatening my life called Malcolm. I plead with the court not to set them free even after the burial of my martyrs. I need £8000 to ferry these bodies by plane to Somalia and if they cannot pay that then we sell this van of Malcolm and use the money for the activity.” At that point the judge laughed and asked whether we had that much or he would order for the sale of our van. But we both knelt and cried to God to act. Masjid told us in the face....” I want see if your God will drop to you money from Heaven now.” We have been moved back to the cell as Masjid laughs and curses us in the name of his gods. John Reply: 17th November 2014. 10:13. The missive for the judge has been sent to you. Don’t worry. God is in charge. He will perform some more wonders now. God bless! Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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