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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 3 |
36 Rakido's Torture Cell
The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor. Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised. For the wicked... blesses the greedy and renounces the Lord (Ps 10:2,3). He lies in wait secretly, as a lion in his den; he lies in wait to catch the poor. He catches the poor when he draws him into his net (Ps 10:9). Mark was the police’s head of CID in Ndhiwa, Kenya, in 2014. God drew him towards us through the court case against Lukas Ogada which we mounted to try to get him prosecuted for his crimes. Little did we know that God was also drawing Mark into a task much greater. First, however, he faced a huge trial. His boss called him in to Nairobi. Mark related: The Evil CID Chief Rakido3rd June 2014 I arrived in Nairobi safely and met my boss at our headquarters. It is another crime investigation against Lukas. A man called Antony landed at the National airport from Qatar with much evidence against Lukas’s crimes. He said much, he told us that Lukas planned for his going to Qatar without his knowledge. Antony has been working there and was not being paid, and we have the information through Lukas’s account receiving big sums of money from Qatar... Lukas sold Antony into slavery. Antony stated that Lukas killed his sister Emily... we pursued his case at the court in Ndhiwa but Lukas got off because we had insufficient proof from Fatmah and Ann’s statements. Antony is back with all necessary documents for the case – Emily’s birth certificate and burial permit to show that this girl existed and now is dead. There is also a doctor’s post mortem document with him to show that Emily was killed. Another document in the police screening documents that shows the fingerprints of those involved and these are much evidence against Lukas to help us pursue him for the past crimes and the recent ones at John’s place, Fatmah’s place, and at Beril’s place, and other terror attacks. I have the details of Lukas travelling to Uganda on Sunday. He returns to Kenya on Thursday via Kenya Airways landing at 1:15 pm and this should find me at the airport to arrest him because nobody knows where he lives. Lukas’s mission to Uganda was to meet rebel group leader Joseph Konyi to get weapons and more attack plans that Konyi uses. He also went to give Konyi some details regarding MM work in Uganda. He can’t use the plane to transport the weapons and we know there is a bus that ferries parcels from Uganda (Kampala coach) that he is likely to use. We are going to block it at the border as I plan to keep an eye through some people at the border through Border Inspection Unit. Lukas has been using trackers to find those he knows are within MM. He then uses the phone number to hijack mails with the help of Paul Thister. Paul Thister is not George Obunga but a professional working with Kenya Data Networks [who worked for and informed George Obunga]. He uses his position and machines at his work to provide Lukas with all information. Lukas has got protection from some high ranked personnel, some working at Justices and Reconciliation, Criminal Investigation Department and Flying Squad. He is connected to various lawyers too. I will spend in an hotel together with Antony here in Nairobi then make a way to get warrant of arrest that will help me catch Lukas as he arrives at the airport from Uganda. And if this happens, I will proceed to the high court through the support of Xxxxx who is based at the high court and too has known of the recent attacks that the police have tried to hide. We shall gather all... information to testify against Lukas... all that we have is more than enough to get a death sentence over Lukas or life imprisonment. He is a harmful man and it’s time for Kenya to know of the security instability and trade that is arising over churches trying to dominate the area with evil deeds. Antony has informed me too that before he left for Qatar, Lukas’s gang burn his home, he told me how he was rescued from death when Lukas charm man did put a snake in his stomach and how he was rescued through MM prayers. There are more lists of murders done by Lukas some with evidence like a lady who worked for him before Beril. That lady was killed a day after receiving Lukas threats. After the capture of Lukas, this will lead us to know where George Obunga is. We shall also arrest someone called Isaya Owak, and the wife to Alex Ogalo who has been Lukas’s latest catch. We shall not spare Charles Osutwa who plays innocent yet is very dangerous... There is a plan to do translation work through Lukas’s gang. They plan to use someone to reach you, rob you, then translate the books to Swahili and change some parts putting some misleading words to fly over the country and show that MM is a cult group. This has been told to me. It won’t work. ...After the arrest of Lukas, I will live with Antony until the case is over and Lukas is jailed or else they will pursue to kill him to block justice. Lukas has got fake documents under other people’s names and I have the evidence that he did get money from Kennedy Opith cheating to be Antony. He got this money by opening an e-mail account in Antony’s name and requested support from a man in the US called Xxxxxxx who did send money through Kennedy Opith. My boss has approved this case to proceed and I don’t want to take any chances after all I too have undergone... [Mark was shot in one skirmish.] Mark When I replied to Mark I mentioned what Helena discerned: ...Thuol Rakido. That man carries a full quota of demons! Masses of them! So, he's a bad smell. Although Rakido gave a lot of information to Mark, Rakido was playing a double game. After Rakido called Mark in to his headquarters again, he turned on him like a wolf. He was working with the gang, to protect them from prosecution. He tried to kill Mark slowly by putting him in a cell half full of water till he would drop from exhaustion and drown. But God delivered Mark. 4th June 2014 I am suspecting there is something going on between my boss Thuol Rakido, Lucas and Awidhi. He is planning to sack me or transfer me to Lodwar northern Kenya. He is insisting that I should stay in Nairobi to 16th June. Yet I don't have the money to sustain me for such a period of time. When I asked him whether he will fund my expenses, he threatened to sack me saying: If I am tired of work and cannot obey his orders, I am free to leave my job. Please pray for me because I don't see my future in the police force. Mark 22:32. Reply: We shall pray here for God to strike the man dead. ...They shot 14 people dead yesterday on the bus that John Ongoro was on in their bid to murder him. Rakido has obviously been bribed. This gang of Ogada's can run rampant throughout the country, pillaging, raping, kidnapping, murdering, maiming, bribing, perverting justice, and committing atrocities with impunity. With such corruption endemic in high places throughout Kenya, the country faces total collapse. It's only a matter of time. Rakido wants you out of the way till the 16th, presumably so that some big plans of Ogada's can be accomplished, and the MM faithful can be wiped out by the gang. Stupid man! Another one who dares to fight God! He will bite the dust. I HAVE EVERY CONFIDENCE IN GOD ALMIGHTY WHO HAS ALLOWED THE GANG THIS MUCH LATITUDE! HE HAS A PURPOSE FOR THIS PERVERSITY TO CONTINUE A WHILE LONGER. I BELIEVE IT IS MEANT TO BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF HIGHER POWERS IN THE LAND. Don't worry about your job. Ask God what is best to do, whether to go to Lodwar as he suggests, or to let him sack you, or just to continue and ignore his remarks. God will answer in some way and show you what is the best course of action. Such decisions are often made as you pray to Him about it. Do as you feel right in your spirit. Don't be deterred by fear or doubt in God's ability to resolve the situation. God has good reasons in allowing such crises, as you know. We will intercede! God is not just great; He is ALL MIGHTY! He never fails His faithful ones! God bless. Sleep well. Malcolm 23:26: So, Rakido was just getting you to go to Nairobi to find out what you know about Ogada’s gang, etc., and playing a double game. What a creep! I advise you NOT to go to the airport tomorrow (Thurs) to try and arrest Ogada. Just leave them in God’s hands. The battle is His, not ours. He will deal with them. M Vincent Awidhi taunted me on 2nd June 2014 (page 60 of Volume 2 of Mighty Miracles of God) that he would soon get Mark sacked. He also vowed to get John murdered but John survived the hail of bullets on that day, 2nd June. Now we know how the gang got hold of half a dozen police uniforms for their gunmen! From Rakido, the most powerful man in Kenya after the president. Awidhi continued to sneer: 4th June 2014. 21:26. If Mark doesn't coperate count him out. Idiot! Awidhi I received nothing from Mark. Then John wrote: 7th June 2014. ...I have called Mark. It seems he is put under house arrest for associating with MM; all his accounts frozen; he has no money, his family also have been harassed by unknown people suspected to be in touch with a bad gang. It forced me to send him all the kshs 8,000 I was left with after purchasing what I needed for Pentecost. Malcolm, Mark is being forced to reveal MM network in Africa but he is firm, he has been four days without food... he told me in a phone call that lasted 7 minutes. I am sure God will save Mark. Let’s pray for him. John 7th June 2014 Mark is still detained in Nairobi where he was called by his seniors. His suffering there is very painful but YES I KNOW, I AM A WITNESS OF GOD OF MM, OUR GOD WILL SET HIM FREE AND SCATTER ALL OUR ENEMIES. J God Blinded One Police OfficerThen I received an e-mail from Mark. God enabled him to endure the worst episode in his life: 9th June 2014. Sacked! Hi Malcolm, Greetings. I thank God for His kindness and protection. I went through a hard time for the past 4 days. I was detained in a dark room filled with water half way. I couldn't sleep. Just standing day and night. I had no food at all for the four days. [They were trying to kill him slowly.] Today morning I was grilled why I associate myself with MM and to explain in detail how MM operates in Africa as a whole. [They wanted Mark to inform on all the others connected to MM in Africa.] But I told them that only God can answer such questions. My boss got annoyed and ordered that I be punished. They took all my clothes and forced me to roll in the mud for 2 hours. Then they asked me to bring all the items I had. They checked my phone and found that John sent me some money via Mpesa and ordered withdrawal and took the whole sum of money. Then returned the phone and the book Faith: Raising Our level of Expectation. I picked the book and opened it facing heaven for a minute, then gave it to one of the officers who was standing next to me. Immediately he touched it, he fell down on his back and within seconds cried out that he cannot see anything [his name was Denis Lukindo]. Everybody around panicked, running up and down. When Rakido saw that, he ordered I should be released [sacked] immediately. He took my work ID and asked me to return my credentials within a week and evacuate the house I stay at with my family in 3 days. Right now I am in Nairobi town in a good Samaritan’s house and I am looking forward to go back to Ndhiwa as soon as possible. I beg for your prayers. May God bless and protect. Yours M Reply: ...What an awful ordeal! You must be utterly exhausted!! It's a pity you didn't point the booklet at Rakido! But then, maybe he needs a bit of warning first. Can you give me his e-mail address? I'd like to write him a warning to hand back the money to you, and deal fairly in your case, or face the judgement of God. (Was it the 34,000 ksh John sent you today?) I've asked for his death. It's only a matter of time... God's timing. But first God warns before He acts, so I need to write to him, if you can provide me with an address. Do you know any name in the organisation which is higher in authority than Rakido? Mark’s reply: Hi Malcolm, It is 11:00 am here. Yes, John sent 34000 Kshs. Thuol Rakido Muhoro is the overall CID director in Kenya. He has more power and he is appointed by the President of the republic. So when you try to challenge him then you are being fired... Malcolm, I shed my tears because of Lukas and his gang. The God of Israel who delivered the Israelites from bondage will help me fight for justice till my death. God bless you and have a good day. Mark 10th June 2014. Have you heard that Mark was sacked. we deal with them ruthlessly. we cannot sit down and watch him hinder our operations. Idiot!! Awidhi Reply: And have you heard what is going to happen to you and to Rakido?! You have a short memory, so I'll send you after this an e-mail sent recently to Osutwa. It will remind you what happened to the others, and which fate awaits you, too. It is only a big fool who would fight God! MBH 10th June 2014 You're a witch. how can a book turn a police officer blind? witchdoctor! pretending to be a man of God. Awidhi Reply: Matthew 22:29. John 9:39. Acts 9:1-9. Acts 13:8-11. MBH Deceitful Plotters’ Plotting Exposed10th June 2014. The gang has formed a unit within itself to write to you lies informing you that some old MM supporters (who cheated and were unearthed by God's Spirit) have been arrested. It is a well calculated move to fix MM and water down the great work God is doing in Africa as a whole. They will quote names of people like Policarp, Lukas, Awidhi, Isaiah Owak, Opith and Alex's wife. Pls dont bother to reply to them. It is the same group that has tried to fight God but ........OUR GOD IS GOD OF GENUINE VICTORY... John Comment: I’ve already had a couple of these, but they’re pretty obvious scams, so I don’t reply. They’re quite crude in their attempt to deceive! Q. How did you find out? A. Thuol Rakido openly boasted before Mark that already his agents have narrowed down to linking with Malcolm in a clever way. Rakido thought that Mark was asleep and he was chatting with his corrupt officers over the same. Mark has got a lot to share with MM family. John God Is Guiding In Each Situation 10th June 2014 ...I will also send you Thuol's address tomorrow... Yes, I have a right to appeal to the higher authority but Kenya is leading in corruption and I don't have the money to hire a lawyer. So I don't feel like going to court. I only want to settle and look for way forward. Hope you heard of what happened several months ago. The Chief Registrar of the high court was sacked when she questioned the Chief Justice about the loss of funds. She went ahead to appeal but at the end gained nothing and remains jobless till today. Our President is the most corrupt person. He rigged the 2013 presidential election. When the opposition leader filed a petition in the court of Appeal, he bribed the judges and declared him the winner. He was also involved in the post-election violence of 2007. He hired large trucks to deport Mungiki group to Rift Valley Province killing innocent people. Currently he has a case at the International Criminal Court at the Hague. M 11th June 2014. ...I had a safe journey and I have been very busy the whole day removing my belongings in the office. The guy who was blinded is called Denis Lukindo. I am no longer an officer and they have already replaced me with someone known as James Mwakazi who will move in my home on 16th June 2014, so I have to abide by the law and look for some place to settle for the time being. About my health, I only have high fever... M 11th June 2014. In a dream I saw Mark given a plot of land where he made a homestead, reared cattle, grew vegetables and made a lot of money while serving God in MM. The plot was sold to him by a lady. What surprised me was that Mark turned into a wealthy farmer. John Reply: I wouldn’t take the dream literally about the wealth aspect; there is a more important spiritual parallel. Beril’s mum has generously let Mark use her land (9 acres). God was leading Mark into a new situation, where he would figure more prominently in God’s plan. Part of that plan was to relocate Mark, but we are jumping ahead of the story. First, other dramatic developments were about to take place. More of God’s miraculous power was to be unleashed. Rakido Is Warned 22nd June 2014. To Thuol Rakido Muhoro [CID chief in all of Kenya] Thuolmuhoro@gmail.com I write to you concerning recent events in Kenya, in relation to your position in the country. As a law enforcement official of high rank, you have a great responsibility to pursue evildoers and bring them to justice. One such evildoer is Lukas Ogada Atoka. He is responsible for manifold crimes in your land, yet you have not brought him to justice. Instead you have protected him as a ‘special person’, and allowed him to pillage, attack and murder innocent citizens. You had an exemplary employee in your retinue – Mark Bakari Odhiambo – who has served you and your country faithfully, attempting to bring criminals to justice, and to maintain law and order insofar as he was able. In the course of his duty, he was shot and wounded, but you didn’t care about that. You didn’t attempt to pay his hospital expenses. And, instead of wanting to help him, you did the opposite. You called him in – at his own expense, which you should have paid if you require an employee to follow your orders – and then abused him, mistreated him severely, and sacked him without cause. In addition, you stole money from him, to leave him destitute, without financial means. The treatment you meted out to him was sadistic, barbaric, inhumane, and deliberately intended to inflict misery and harm. I suggest it was also intended to kill him. God was watching all that. He was letting you demonstrate outwardly your inner motivations. Let me tell you what God says about your despicable actions: Whoever rewards evil for good, evil will not depart from his house (Proverbs 17:13). Psalm 109 also augments this judgement. If you don’t have a Bible, I suggest you get one fast and read what it says there in that Psalm, because you now face a severe judgement from the Heavenly Court which reigns supreme over all human behaviour. You are under God’s judgement and He is about to pass sentence upon you. “Vengeance is Mine, and recompense” (Deuteronomy 32:35), says God. Malice is repaid. It is repaid in hell after death. Trouble is also repaid in this life on the troubler: “it is a righteous thing with God to repay with affliction / tribulation those who trouble you” (2 Thessalonians 1:6). The only way to avoid reaping the death penalty for your evildoings is to get on your knees before God, admit your guilt to Him, and repent of what you have done. If you mean it, and ask Him for His forgiveness, He will rescind the penalty. And the test of whether you mean it is this: refund what you stole from Mark, and compensate him financially for the harm and additional expense you caused him. If you dismiss this warning with highhandedness, God will dismiss you. Remember Denis Lukindo. From a prophet of the Almighty, Who takes vengeance upon evildoers (Ecclesiastes 14:12). Sincerely, Malcolm B Heap 23rd June 2014. His reply: Don't dare me my friend. If I may ask is your Ministry registered in Kenya? So don't threaten me and this is the last warning to you. Never write to me such nonesense. we are the highest authority in Kenya and Mark will not be allowed to work in the police service again. I want you to understand that I have the power to stop your Literatures from circulating into this country. Be very carefull with what you say. Muhoro My reply: << Don't dare me my friend. >> I'm not daring you anything. And I am not your friend, so don't give me that hypocritical lip. << If I may ask is your Ministry registered in Kenya? So don't threaten me and this is the last warning to you. Never write to me such nonesense. >> You will find out in due course, when you stand before the Heavenly Judge, that my words are not nonsense. << we are the highest authority in Kenya >> No, you are not. The God I serve is the Highest Authority in Kenya, and He is warning you to quit your criminal abominations, and make restitution for what you have stolen from Mark Odhiambo, or face the wrath and judgement of Almighty God. I represent Him in this instance. << and Mark will not be allowed to work in the police service again. >> Good! Who would want to work in a corrupt police service, that accepts bribes, that acquits criminals, and that allows all sorts of evil to take place because the ones responsible (like you!) are not interested in upholding justice, but merely serving themselves with power and money? << I want you to understand that I have the power to stop your Literatures from circulating into this country. >> That's what you think. Dream on! You'll probably be dead before you can do anything to stop God circulating our literature. It's all over the country already, anyway, and in various other African countries. You come against us with your evil rhetoric. I come against you with the Spirit of the Almighty God. We'll see which is greater! << Be very carefull with what you say. Muhoro >> I am very careful. It is you who have been foolish in what you have said. MBH 27th June 2014 To Thuol Rakido Muhoro thuolmuhoro@gmail.com Sir, I asked you [previously] whether you have a Bible. You have not replied. If you do not own a Bible, I suggest you procure one and examine these texts below, because the Bible contains the Word of God for mankind to live by. It has been given to humanity as a textbook for living, containing the living principles that govern life and death, setting moral standards and offering the secret to eternal life. If you don’t want to know, that would be a folly and shame to you, as Proverbs 18:13 declares. But, if you care to take notice, these texts could enlighten you: Psalm 2:1-12. Why do the nations rage against God? Why do rulers plot maliciously against God and against His anointed servants? God holds evil tyrants in derision and He will distress them in His deep displeasure. “Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Almighty with fear...” lest you perish in the way when His wrath is kindled... Matthew 21:44. “Whoever falls on this Stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.” To fall on the Stone of God in repentance is the only way to secure one’s safety. Repentance is turning around, turning away from doing evil, and doing good. Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. The 10 commandments are God’s basic moral foundation for living. Obey them and you will be blessed. Disobey them and you will be cursed. To break them is sin, for which death is the required penalty (Romans 6:23). Romans 3:23. You have sinned, and have incurred the death penalty. Acts 2:38. Therefore, repent... Or you will not be spared the judgement of God. Romans 14:10-12. “...for we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God. For it is written: ‘As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.’ So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” 1 John 1:8-9. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Romans 10:13. “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord [Jesus] shall be saved.” Hebrews 10:30-31. God said, “Vengeance is Mine, I WILL REPAY... It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!” Psalm 35:1, 4-8. Sincerely, Malcolm B Heap God Gives A Vision About Rakido Being Killed John received this dream which exposed Rakido’s evil plans: 25th June 2014. Rakido’s planned attack foiled. There is a network of Awidhi and co who have organised a move to send to you fake ID's of all MM supporters here through assistance of Thuol, to claim that MM has worked with non-existing people. Then they will go to court and claim that MM is not registered, after which Thuol Rakido will die through a road accident. It was a vision I saw last night. I saw Thuol Rakido and a group organising a fresh attack on MM folks by claiming that it is not registered in Kenya, and to my surprise I saw them send fake ID's to you claiming that those are the ID's for genuine MM people. John Comment: That was what he planned, so God took him. If God had not taken him out, Rakido would have got MM’s work in Africa stopped by using the power of the State illicitly. Then God Takes Rakido’s Life 27th June 2014. We heard that Thuol Rakido got involved in a crash somewhere near Voi on his way to Nairobi. When I will have clear information I will brief you. John 10:36. So you want to kill Rakido as you have done to others. You are cursing us. you will not succeed. Donkey!!! Awidhi Reply: No, I don't want to see Rakido killed by God. I would prefer to see his repentance. Same with you. But you are obdurate and REFUSE to repent before God. Because you have rejected Him, He has rejected you. MBH [I also sent Awidhi the 2 long e-mail letters I wrote to Thuol Rakido (22nd and 27th June).] 27th June 2014. ...l received info that Rakido was involved in a road accident and is still in a coma... Mark 30th June 2014. 11:11. To John: The last thing Rakido wrote to me was on 23rd June: << Don't dare me my friend. If I may ask, is your Ministry registered in Kenya? So don't threaten me and this is the last warning to you. Never write to me such nonesense. we are the highest authority in Kenya and Mark will not be allowed to work in the police service again. I want you to understand that I have the power to stop your Literatures from circulating into this country. Be very carefull with what you say. Muhoro >> That tells me that he was going to use his power, as the highest authority in the land, to block our activities. And it's why God struck him down. I await the news that he is dead. Malcolm [Because I told him that he would probably be dead before he could stop this Work in Kenya.] Comment: In J’s dream on 25th June about Rakido, J saw Rakido conspiring to attack MM and finish us off: “they will go to court and claim that MM is not registered, after which Thuol Rakido will die through a road accident.” That’s what Rakido was planning, so God had to take him out otherwise he would have finished off the Work in Kenya. To John on 30th June: The attack against Mark was instigated by Awidhi and he got Rakido to sack him. Then, the attack against you on the way back from a prison visit, where 14 people were killed on that bus, that was instigated by Awidhi. Rakido would have supplied the gang with the police uniforms. Rakido and Awidhi were in cahoots. But Awidhi has just written as I write this, saying that Rakido is dead. I praise God for delivering us!! He could have got our work stopped in Kenya if God allowed him, because he was the highest power in the land other than the president. He wasn't answerable to anyone other than the president. And he could get any number of judges to get us stitched up and prosecuted on trumped up charges, and such an 'official' ban in Kenya would have been unwittingly supported by the authorities over here, because they wouldn't have known it would have really been a malicious, evil 'stitch up'. M Awidhi Worried30th June 2014. Now you and Mark has killed Rakido and I am aware I am the next person. why are you killing us? Awidhi Reply: Go and read Hebrews 10:26-31. Luke 13:3. Romans 11:22. Galatians 6:7. You are reaping the result of your own evil ways. MBH Awidhi’s reply: I don't know anything about bible. I only know of Quran. I Joined muslim group called Alshaabab several years ago. So don't waist my time. Awidhi Reply: Why did you join al-Shabaab? MBH 1st July. His reply: No need to tell you. Awidhi Reply: That's true, there's no need to tell me. The reason you were lured by al-Shabaab's false ideology is that it appeals to your ego – your pride. You get power and money – two main aims people seek to acquire when ungodly. Al-Shabaab provides a purpose in its ideology, albeit a destructive and harmful one. Shooting, killing, and destroying for an ideological aim, even though terribly misguided, gives people a sense of worth. It is a deranged sense of worth, fuelled by evil spirits. But if that's what some people want, God lets them have it, till their lives end in misery. They have chosen their course. And their punishment fits their choice of crime. That's why I gave you those scriptures from the Bible. They declare the truth, which you won't find elsewhere, especially in the lies of demented ideologies like that which you are following! MBH 30th June 2014. Response from John on news that Rakido was dead: GOD THANK YOU, THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU GOD. YEEEEEES OUR GOD IS GOD. YEEEEEES HE HAS DESTROYED THE PROUD. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! THE GOD OF MM. J The deliverance from that wicked man in power was a massive relief! But Awidhi was still alive, and he was about to perpetrate more evil to try and kill Mark. God had a plan in allowing Awidhi the latitude to attack Mark again. He was going to demonstrate more GREAT THINGS by His miraculous power. (The biblical expression, Great Things, is explained in Inspired By The Spirit Volume 12. Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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