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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 25
309Mission:God’s Last Appeal To Sinners
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet... (Malachi 4:5).
Felix arrived back at Trezaa’s place in Saudi Arabia at midnight. (Trezaa had died on 6th February 2022, so the place was vacant.) Muslim scoundrels were helping themselves to water from her well bore. When Felix turned up, they pointed their guns at him. He opened a Faith booklet and pointed it towards them. That immobilised their guns, and not long afterwards God killed them with lightning and firebolts. Felix reported all this to me on 22nd March. Those gunmen were part of a gang who were waiting for Felix to kill him when he arrived. Next day, another group turned up at John’s home. Eunice said they were looking for his new vehicle. I suggested she showed them a Faith booklet. The gangmaster threatened: 22nd March 2022. 13:33. From Mabele ping-pong’s e-mail: A killer: You will never meet God. You are a human sacrificer. That's why you are poor like heaven. Till I die you will know that African traditional medicine is real. Am aware you have a new van and driving in it alone but now parked at the Busia border. Tyres have bursted. We have followed you all along. We must bomb that new van. Watch out. 17:29. Reply: You are the killer! Try bombing it, and you’ll bomb yourself to oblivion! God Promises To Wipe The Enemies Out22nd March 2022. 4:43. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY £200 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THE NEW VAN AFFIDAVIT. THOSE THUGS TRACED THE NEW VAN UP TO JOHN'S HOME THEREFORE THIS AFFIDAVIT MUST BE OBTAINED VERY FAST BEFORE NOON TODAY. THEN LET JOHN START THE LAST CALL TO SINNERS MISSION. WHEN THOSE THUGS TRY TO BLOCK JOHN, GOD WILL WIPE THEM OUT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd March 2022. 4:47. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, GOD'S LAST APPEAL TO SINNERS MISSION MUST START IMMEDIATELY. MAY £300 REACH FELIX TODAY WITHOUT FAIL. GOD IS PREPARING A BIG AND MIGHTY PLAN TO DESTROY MANY MM OPPOSERS. FRIDAY BEING THE MUSLIM DAY OF WORSHIP, GOD WILL DESTROY A BIG NUMBER WHO WILL BE OUT TO KILL FELIX OVER THE WATER ISSUE IN SAUDI ARABIA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th March 2022. 8:50. From John: Am engaging them. I need fuel to move on. I need fuel...These people are warlike. May God save me with fuel so that I move further from Kisumu and face them with MM Faith lit at midnight. Comment: Thanks to the supporters, £777 was sent. Thursday 24th March 2022. 17:47. From John: Am in Kericho city in Kenya being trailed by those thugs. Three opened MM Faith lits are on the dashboard. Put me in prayers. I believe God will take up this battle at midnight. This is how I distributed the money. £300 went to Vuga who was to buy a simple phone of £150, open an address and use £100 for fuel, £20 for water and milk, and £30 to produce copies of God's Last Appeal to Sinners. £150 went to Felix. I fuelled this van with £200, bought water and milk at £27, and used £100 to produce copies of the God's Last Appeal to Sinners. I evangelised in Ahero market, Awasi market, and now I am in Kericho. My fuel will not get me to Nakuru... Pray for me. These people want to grab the new van. God is with me. God Reaffirms His PromiseThursday 24th March 2022. 18:41. From Rhoda: "JOHN DON'T FEAR. GOD IS IN THIS BATTLE. GO ON WITH EVANGELISM. GOD IS GOING TO DESTROY THOSE THIEVES AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, £1500 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THIS IS ENOUGH TO TAKE JOHN, FELIX, VUGA TILL MONDAY NOON. COPIES OF GOD'S LAST APPEAL TO SINNERS MUST BE PRODUCED, ENOUGH TO LAST TILL MONDAY. ENOUGH FUEL TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY NOON, ENOUGH WATER AND MILK TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY NOON. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THIS £1500 TO REACH JOHN BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. THIS IS THE MIGHTIEST EVANGELISM MISSION." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: We had no funds that evening. Next morning John wrote: 25th March 2022. 8:38. From John: God killed those thugs. God bless. 25th March 2022. 18:23. From John: At midnight in Chelimo area of Kericho city four people with guns ordered me to hand over the van keys. I pleaded with them and told them that we can make peace but they were after my life. They parked their Toyota Harrier about 200m away (three gunmen stayed in the vehicle). Will, I wasted no time and faced them with opened MM Faith lits. [What they saw scared the life out of them!] God did not kill them immediately but made their guns jam. They ran back to their car and when they drove off a big firebolt descended on them and burnt them inside their car as I watched. I then drove towards Nakuru city. I got stuck after my fuel got over. God bless. Comment: Of the £1500 which the angels requested, we could only manage to scrape together £482, but it helped to keep the missions going. 25th March 2022. 9:13. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE A FURTHER £1000 TO REACH JOHN, VUGA AND FELIX NOW. MIGHTY MIRACLES ARE GOING TO OCCUR TILL THE WHOLE WORLD WILL CONFESS THAT TRULY MM IS GOD'S VESSEL OF DESTROYING SATAN." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: The angels also announced that “God is very pleased with the work going on,” and that John should evangelise in the streets of Nakuru all night till morning, which he did. But the fuel ran out. Amazingly, Bob had some funds come from a legacy and £1300 was sent late the next day, 26th March. However, there was a problem meanwhile. Demons were attacking my computer, and Vuga was stuck inside a thick forest in Rwanda, unable to move till money came. He had no milk or water, and was very weak. Eventually he received the money. The Angels Announce Two Urgent Missions26th March 2022. 20:32. From Rhoda: "FELIX MUST COVER 7 CITIES IN SAUDI ARABIA TOMORROW AND SPREAD THE GOD'S LAST APPEAL LIT. GOD IS OUT TO WEED OUT SOME SINNERS WHO ARE NOT WILLING TO CHANGE. VUGA IS TO VISIT 7 CITIES IN BURUNDI TOMORROW. ONLY ONLY ONLY £600 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR FELIX AND VUGA. GOD IS OUT TO DEMONSTRATE HIS MIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £600 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels said that now. [That was part of Bob’s £1300.] 27th March 2022. 19:53. From Rhoda: "FELIX AND VUGA HAVE DONE A GREAT WORK TODAY... FORTY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BAPTISED TOO... GOD IS VERY PLEASED WITH THE MIGHTY WORK GOING ON. NOW THIS IS THE PROGRAMME: 1. VUGA TO CROSS INTO CONGO FOREST TONIGHT. 2. FELIX TO CROSS INTO EGYPT TOMORROW MORNING. 3. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE AT LEAST £999 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT AT EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY MIDNIGHT. MIDNIGHT OF GLORY IS TONIGHT. JOHN TO SEND THE WHOLE £999 TO FELIX AND VUGA, THIS IS ENOUGH TO TAKE THEM TILL WEDNESDAY..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20:01. From Rhoda: "FELIX AND VUGA HAVE DONE A GOOD JOB AND GOD IS VERY PLEASED... IAM IS MAKING A MIGHTY PLAN TO DEFEAT THE MM ENEMIES IN CONGO AND EGYPT. VUGA TO CROSS INTO THE CONGO FOREST TONIGHT, FELIX TO MOVE INTO EGYPT TONIGHT. THE WHITE MISTS WILL LEAD THEM. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £999 TO REACH JOHN AT EXACTLY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. 9 IS IAM'S NUMBER OF VICTORY [and judgement!]. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Bob, £649 was sent to meet the angels’ request. 20:04. From Vuga: Praise God. 23 people have accepted the MM truth. I have baptized 13. I am in the process of baptism. Am in Bujumbura Burundi... 27th March 2022. 20:05. From Felix: Am at the border of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. I have baptized 17 people today. Pray for me. God bless. Comment: Next day in the evening, the angels announced the need for a further £777. Bob again fixed that on 29th March from his legacy. What a boon! Fruit From The Missions: In Rwanda 29th March 2022. 18:08. From Vuga: Glory be to our God. Immediately I crossed into Congo forest the phone lost network. [So he was delayed sending his news.] God has been wonderful here. 1. Cities in Rwanda visited: Kigali, Muhenga, Gisenyi, Kibuye, Ruhengeri, Byumba, Kibungo. A total of 47 people got baptized. We distributed 1777 copies of the MM lit God's Last Appeal To Sinners. We had some resistance from the SDA groups especially in Muhenga City, Kibuye and Kibungo cities. At one time pastor Rumanalo Ramka tried to curse us but on pointing at him with opened MM Faith lits he became lifeless till people in Kibungo started to cry. That's when I touched his chest with an opened MM Faith lit three times and he started breathing. We left Rwanda for Burundi when everyone feared the God of MM. We carried out baptisms after midnight in Kigali, Byumba and Kibungo. Bright light from the opened MM Faith lits kept sinners and people with bad intentions away from us. Observations: A) God is in this God's Last Appeal To Sinners evangelism work because no one tried to attack us in Rwanda. B) 3 people dreamt and shared with us: 1. Ramzy Awinda. She dreamt that some people were busy writing falsehood and sending to Malcolm to block financial support from reaching the MM van evangelism. In the dream she saw God kill many of those people with Firebolts. 2. Daniel Dallo. He dreamt that John's phone will not be able to send photos because its camera was destroyed by infrared rays from the torches that some attackers used in Cairo Egypt when they went to Diblo's home. God told him in a dream that a video camera costing £2000 be bought for John urgently so that he can compile a complete report. In the dream he saw God mightily bless all the anointed regular MM supporters. [There’s no money for a camera.] Pray for us because many times witchdoctors send demons who try to cause road accidents. We escaped 7 road accidents in Rwanda. Then one old witchdoctor told us in Kibungo city that our days are numbered, yes Mbuya Mabwata told us that. Pray for us. 3. Bwata Tita. He dreamt that God TV was completely destroyed by strong winds and Firebolts. He was told by 7 men in white clothes that £4500 to be deposited in the bank account on Friday. This money will save the team next week to store enough fuel since the Russian war has resulted in fuel being scarce and increase in fuel prices. He said that it was mentioned urgent 7 times. 19:06. Reply: Thanks for that. You are constantly under intercession, so you don’t need to fear those witchdoctors; their curses will come back onto them. Fruit From The Missions: In Saudi ArabiaTuesday 29th March 2022. 18:31. From Felix: Thanks to God. My phone that lost network on Friday night has regained it. Am in Egypt. Saudi Arabia mission: I visited the following cities: Riyadh, Jeddah, Medina, Dammam, Mecca, Alkhobar, Tabuk, Taij, Khamis Mushait, Dhahran, Yaubu. I distributed 2077 lits of God's Last Appeal To Sinners. In all the cities there was no opposition except in Mecca where mighty wealthy Muslims wouldn't allow me to drive near their mosque but I managed to leave behind MM lits as witnesses. A total of 36 people accepted the MM gospel of truth in Tabuk, Alkhobar, Taij, Medina, Yaubu and got baptized. Two had the following dreams. 1. Muhammad Usman. He saw a big red hot sun come from the MM lits and kill MM opposers who were writing falsehood about the MM evangelists and sending to Malcolm. 2. Asha Jumaa. She was told in a dream by three men in white clothes holding sharp swords that at least £4500 be deposited in the bank account to buy fuel next week. The Russian war will have negative effects on fuel supply. Needs: May two new tyres be bought for this van. They are extremely old. Helena to constantly put us in prayers. God bless. 19:12. Reply: Thanks for that. You are constantly under Helena’s intercession. She plugs away at it for 16 hours every day. It’s a very specialised form of intercession. It’s not like prayer. It thwarts and repels demons. Fruit From The Missions: In Burundi1st April 2022. 6:49. From Vuga and Kachapim: 1. Burundi cities. We visited 10 cities namely Bujumbura, Gitega, Muyinga, Ruyigi, Bururi, Koyanza, Kirundo, Rutana, Ngozi, Bubanza. We distributed a total of 2705 copies of God's Last Appeal To Sinners. A total of 29 people were baptized. There was a big challenge in Rutana and Bubanza cities when our fuel got over. 5 witchdoctors surrounded our van and started spraying it with African medicine and cursing us. God answered immediately and closed all their eyes. Dreams. Two people shared the following dreams. 1. Ndukuani. He saw in a dream all the anointed regular MM supporters receiving mighty blessings from God as a reward for the mighty work they are doing. 2. Malay. She saw in a dream a man in long white clothes stating that £999 is to reach John urgently urgently urgently today Friday to service all three vans today after evangelism work. The vans must be serviced to remove all the dirty charms witchdoctors have spilt on them. During the service, three opened MM Faith lits must be put on the steering wheels, failure to which a big challenge will be met. Fruit From The Missions: In Congo1st April 2022. 6:54. From Vuga: We visited 6 cities: Kinshasa, Likasu, Mbandaka, Bandudu, Goma, Kikunt. A total of 17 people got baptized and 1990 lits were distributed. Dream. One woman had this dream. Muamwali. She saw a man in white clothes clearly saying that the vans must be serviced today Friday at midnight and urgently urgently urgently £999 is to reach John. This service removes all the charms witchdoctors have pelted on the vans, failure to which a bad thing will happen. During the service, three opened MM Faith lits be put on the steering wheels. 6:59. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THE MM VANS MUST MUST BE SERVICED TODAY FRIDAY TO REMOVE ALL THE AFRICAN MAGIC THE WITCHDOCTORS HAVE METED OUT AGAINST THEM. 3 OPENED MM FAITH LITS SHOULD BE PUT ON THE STEERING WHEEL OF EACH VAN. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £999 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. TOMORROW SABBATH ALL THE VANS MUST TAKE A REST... THIS IS VERY URGENT. MAY £999 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Bob and Rolf that was sorted. Fruit From The Missions: In Egypt1st April 2022. 7:18. From Felix: 7 cities have been visited here in Egypt and 16 people baptized. A total of 1340 copies of God's Last Appeal To Sinners lits distributed. Giza, Hurghada, Edfu, Aswan, Luxor, Alexandria, Cairo. Dream. Two people shared their dreams with me. 1. Muamma. He saw a tall man in white clothes who insisted that £999 be sent to John for the servicing of the vans today without fail. 2. Chichi. She saw the regular anointed MM supporters receiving mighty blessings from God. Today am crossing into Sudan. God bless. Fruit From The Missions: In Kenya1st April 2022. 8:29. From John: I visited the following towns in Kenya: Oyugis, Katito, Ahero, Muhoroni, Naivasha, Bungoma, Kakamega, Burnt Forest, Njoro and Laikipia. I shared out 2757 copies of the God's Last Appeal To Sinners. A total of 99 people got baptized in Muhoroni, Bungoma, Burnt Forest, Kakamega and Katito. Challenges were met in Njoro where a wichdoctor Kilit Kiliti tried to kill me by throwing a snake inside the van. I tapped its head with an opened MM Faith lit. It died instantly yesternight at midnight. Dreams. 1. Kiget is an old man of 102 years. He saw a tall man in white clothes insisting that the vans be serviced today Friday without fail to clean off the demonic powers by witchdoctors. He clearly said that all the anointed regular MM supporters to send £999 to John without fail. 2. Mary. A lady of 77 years. She saw blessings from heaven falling onto all the anointed regular MM supporters like rain. Fruit From The Missions: In Brazaville, CongoComment: In Brazaville, Congo, three people tried to shoot Vuga and Kachapim dead. God responded by killing those three gunmen. In revenge, ten other people hounded Vuga and Kachapim, trying to force them to eat corpses. They were without money and fuel to move on to Niger. The thugs wanted to burn the van. They were stuck there a whole day. Vuga explained the outcome: 4th April 2022. 20:55. Vuga: The evil opponents: At midnight God descended on them in a big fire that made them run in different directions. I guess they all died. We left for Niger when the whole village was dead quiet. Fruit From The Missions: In Congo4th April 2022. 20:54. From Vuga: We visited 5 cities: Brazaville, Polute-Noire, Dolisie, Owando, Impfondo. We baptized 13 in Brazaville, Dolisie and Owando. We distributed a total of 2007 copies of God's Last Appeal lits. Dreams. God gave the following dreams. 1. Ifuamana. This young lady of 9 years was given a very powerful dream. 7 Angels in glittering white linen gave this dream. £1500 should reach Vuga from John tonight for the mighty evangelism work in Niger and Nigeria where 1000 Muslims observing their fast are to get baptized after accepting the MM gospel of truth. This message was delivered 3 times in one night. The young girl kept on crying for the Angels stood before her with sharp swords in their hands. £1500 is purely to fuel Vuga's van, they said. 2. Ndakundo. This 111-year-old man, blind from birth, saw 7 bright lights glowing from the MM lits and a sound from heaven called all the anointed regular MM supporters to contribute £1500 to reach Vuga for fuel tonight tonight tonight without failure for Niger and Nigeria God's Last Appeal evangelism work. The old man said that the dream appeared to him 3 times in the one night. Will, we are on the way to Niger but we don't have enough fuel up to Nigeria according to the dreams recorded. 4th April 2022. 20:59. From Rhoda: "VUGA AND KACHAPIM HAVE A BIG ASSIGNMENT... THEY MUST EVANGELISE IN NIGER AND IN NIGERIA. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1500... " Seven angels said to me now. [Next day Bob sorted that need.] 5th April 2022. 12:16. From Rhoda: "JOHN TO PRODUCE 6000 COPIES OF GOD'S LAST APPEAL TO SINNERS, FELIX TOO TO PRODUCE 6000 COPIES. IAM IAM IAM IS IN CHARGE. SINNERS MUST FEEL THE MIGHTY HANDS OF IAM... " 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5th April 2022. 17:41. From Vuga: Lizarazu. This young child of five years surprised us immediately we reached Chad. He saw 7 Angels in white robes giving instructions that about £500 is to reach John and Felix now now now for production of 12000 lits. He was told that Felix is in danger in Sudan because after preaching the gospel of truth he has no lits to give out as a witness. God knows. The dream appeared to him three times in one night. Fruit In Tanzania & Malawi5th April 2022. 18:14. From John: Please communicate with me. Copies of God's Last Appeal To Sinners are over and about 1000 people are here with me in Arusha city requesting for them. 13th April 2022. 14:37. From John: I covered Musoma, Mwanza, Dar es Salaam, Makutano, Arusha, then I crossed in to Malawi. The white mists started leading me towards Ukerewe Island. I am heading there now... 14th April 2022. 16:50. From John: 9 dangerous witchdoctors in Ukerewe have come to me with a request to meet Malcolm. [They understood Malcolm to be a white man.] They claim that 7 bright lights dropped from heaven and surrounded them and a voice came from heaven ordering them to meet Malcolm to pray for them. I then gave them one MM lit each and they left. God bless. Comment: They 'meet' me by reading that piece of lit John gave them. It’s not me that’s important to see, but the truth God has given us to give to them. 16th April 2022. 20:49. From Rhoda: "GOD WANTS A SPECIAL MM LIBRARY TO BE PUT UP IN UKEREWE ISLAND WHERE WITCHDOCTORS REQUESTED TO MEET MALCOLM. THIS IS A VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT MISSION. £2500 MUST REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: It was a struggle to get the money for this, but it was done. 23rd April 2022. 7:26. From John: Thanks Will. Today am having a Sabbath rest with these old men in Ukerewe. Please do you have anything to share with them? Please write. God bless you abundantly. 7:57. Reply: Whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil (Prov 1:33, NKJV). The ‘me’ above is wisdom, personified. She is the woman of Revelation 12 – the truth or ideology of God, which the Church is supposed to espouse and never let go of. But those who let go of the truth – God will let go of them. He is very fair. So: Turn at my rebuke; surely I will pour out My Spirit on you; I will make My words known to you (Prov 1:23, NKJV). Offer to God thanksgiving, and pay your vows to the Most High. Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me (Ps 50:14, 15). But to the wicked God says: ‘What right have you to declare My statutes, or take My covenant in your mouth, seeing you hate instruction and cast My words behind you?’ (Ps 50:16,17, NKJV). Don’t look on this deliverance as physical, although He does deliver people physically according to His plan and purpose. Look on Him with spiritual eyes, and realise that He is delivering you from being crushed spiritually. He gives inner strength to those who live in Him. He gives courage, faith, fortitude, contentment, peace, resolve and love. These virtues that He grants through His Spirit will keep you and preserve you. The basic ingredient of character that will enable you to endure to the end – through His power – is what Paul expounded in Romans 12 – dying to self – loving God more than you love yourself. These are the ones whom God will gather to Him: Gather My saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice (Ps 50:5, NKJV). Such a mindset brings great assurance or peace! Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and staff, they comfort me (Ps 23:4). Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass (Ps 37:5). Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass (37:7). Transgressors shall be destroyed together; the future of the wicked shall be cut off, but the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble [this is an inner strength]. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him (Ps 37:38-40, NKJV). Let not your heart be troubled… In My Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you (Jn 14:1,2, NKJV). It’s up to you. How much do you want Him? (From page 14 of GET READY!) 25th April 2022. 17:07. From John: Thanks Will. Ukerewe district has got 25 wards. So far I have visited 5 wards namely: 1. Nyamanga. This is the den of witchcraft. God destroyed their powers via the MM lits and now an MM library has been constructed there. 2. Ngoma. A place inhabited by albino people who are mainly SDA members. They referred to MM as a devil worship sect. But God has worked out miraculous actions. Over 100 have accepted the gospel of truth here. 3. Bwiro. Most people here are Christians of the African Inland Church. They accepted the MM gospel of truth. 4. Igalla. This is a place of African traditional medicine men. They keenly accepted the MM gospel of truth. 5. Bukongo. This place is inhabited by alcoholics. God gave us 17 people here and we baptized them. God bless. Fruit In Niger16th April 2022. 18:31. From Vuga: Niger mission: It was one of the most difficult missions due to Islamic interference but our God remained faithful. Niamey, Tahoua, Agadez, Zinder, Tassaoua, Birni Nkonni, Gaya, Dogondoutchi are the cities we visited. We distributed a total of 3777 copies of God's Last Appeal To Sinners lits. A total of 45 people accepted the MM gospel of truth and were baptized. We had Islamic interference in Niamey, Zinder and Gaya. 1. Niamey. Four Imams lay flat on the road and tried to block us from accessing the city. We dipped 7 MM Faith lits in water then sprinkled that water on them and they all became insane and ran away. 2. Zinder. Islamic youths blocked us, calling us devil worshippers. They started throwing stones at us when we faced them with opened MM Faith lits and God descended in Firebolts and killed all 11. 3. Gaya. Here we almost lost our lives when a gang of Islamic men aimed at our van with arrows. We moved swiftly in faith and faced them with opened MM Faith lits and God descended fast with Firebolts and consumed all 17. Dreams. Here we recorded 4 unique dreams. 1. Jota Lila. On 9/4/22 a lady of mid 20's saw some medicine men in a country in Africa demanding to meet Malcolm. They were given MM lits which they were seriously studying. In the dream she was told that £2500 is to reach John urgently via his two sim cards for the construction of an MM lits library where many people will go read MM lits and get help, failure to which a big problem will befall MM. 2. Rita Wadhi. A woman of 45 years. On 10/4 she saw 7 lights from the east which abruptly changed into 7 rivers flowing towards a big clean water lake. Then a white man standing on the hill on the other side of the lake called many people to come and drink the water from the lake. All who drank water got healed. 3. Davis Kelli. A 47 years old man. He saw MM folks in Kenya, Somalia and South Sudan suffering from famine. A voice from heaven called the name Malcolm 7 times and said that £600 should reach John for their plight. The dream came on 11/4/22. 4. Said Meja. On 12/4/22 he saw 7 Angels holding 7 swords in their hands. They proclaimed in one voice for £3000 to be deposited in the bank account for the new van payment as fast as possible and very urgent before Tuesday next week. [Amazingly, a donation came in to cover that just in time.] God’s Archangel Visits An Old Man In Nigeria12th April 2022. 11:04. From Vuga: In Abuja, there is this 107 year old man called Onuachu. He has just given an urgent message he had in a dream that I must share. He saw a fire burning in 7 streams from UK to God TV in Israel. 7 voices came from heaven and called the name John 7 times. The Voice ordered John to go back to God TV and take away the antenna from the roof. Cut the antenna into 7 pieces then put 7 copies of MM Faith lits on those pieces. Then he saw the 7 fires bring down God TV. [Someone must be trying to re-start that TV channel in Jerusalem.] He was told to inform all the anointed regular MM supporters to send £777 to John urgently urgently urgently for fuel. After delivering this message, he collapsed and died instantly. God knows why. 12th April 2022. 11:06. From Rhoda: "NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT THE MONEY SITUATION IS, MAY £777 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD SENT HIS ARCHANGEL WHO COMMUNICATED TO A VERY OLD MAN IN NIGERIA. THIS IS VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT..." 7 Angels have said. Fruit In Nigeria17th April 2022. 8:13. From Vuga: Nigeria: God is great all the time. Lagos, Ibadan, Kano, Benin, Onitsha, Umuahia, Aba, Abuja, Jos, Enugu are the cities we visited. A total of 10,300 copies of the lit God's Last Appeal To Sinners were distributed. 77 people accepted the MM gospel of truth and were baptized. We had a smooth mission with no attacks. Dreams: Three important dreams were recorded. 1. Mbaino George. He is a retired soldier. On 10/4/2022 he saw seven angelic beings running across the sky carrying long swords in their hands. All shouted at once that sinners should repent for this is the hour. 2. Julian Otoya. An old lady of 93 years old. She was given a dream on 14/4/2022. 7 men in white clothes strictly said that £2500 should reach John before Tuesday next week for the construction of a special Library in Ukerewe where magicians accepted the Gospel of truth. It was a very urgent message. 3. Nana Vuma. A little girl of 17 years cried on 15/4/2022 stating that a voice came from the tall mountain top saying that MM folks are almost dying and £600 should urgently reach John for them. [That need was met with difficulty.] 23rd April 2022. 7:45. From Vuga: Pray for us here. We almost got killed in Abuja, Nigeria. A gang of ten armed men came and took all our water and milk last night. They wanted to chop off our heads but we stood firm with opened MM Faith lits, then God only killed one person. They promised to trail us and kill us. 16:41. From Vuga: They have come. We don't fear them. God bless. 24th April 2022. 7:50. From Vuga: We are safe in Jesus’ name. God destroyed 9 attackers with firebolts at midnight when they came to finish us. We faced them with opened MM Faith lits. We are stuck with no fuel, water and milk. Fruit In Sudan. South Sudan, & UgandaLast Day of Unleavened Bread. 23rd April 2022. 7:22. From Felix: God’s Last Appeal To Sinners: 19 cities have been visited so far, a total of 15,777 copies of lits given out. 107 people got baptized. 1. Sudan. 6 cities were visited. Khartoum, Elobeid, Kosti, Nyala, Atbara, Rabak. In Kosti, 6 Muslim youths tried to block the way but on pointing at them with opened MM Faith lits, they ran away into the bush. 2. South Sudan. 6 cities were visited. Jonglei, Juba, Wau, Malakal, Yambio, Yei. Meetings in South Sudan were very smooth as people readily accepted the MM gospel of truth. 3. Uganda. 7 cities were visited. Lira, Kabale, Entebbe, Hoima, Kampala, Kira, Gulu. I had a challenge in Hoima where 3 SDA pastors organised youths to smash up the van calling MM a devil worshippers ministry. God gave me power to face them with opened MM Faith lits and all 12 lost eyesight before Firebolts consumed all of them. Dreams 1. Lisama. An old man of 97 years in Sudan. He saw a tall white man with 7 books in his right hand, calling out at the top of his voice for MM work to reach a secret place in Somalia called the desert of death near the shore of the Indian Ocean where bombs are being made to destroy MM. It was an urgent message. 2. Darisa. A lady of 57 years in South Sudan. She saw in a dream a man holding a sharp sword in his right hand saying that £3000 be deposited into the bank account every month so that evangelism work doesn't stop even for a second for God is wiping out sinners. It was an urgent message. 3. Kudara. A young girl of 15 years in Uganda. She saw 7 bright lights hitting God TV and soon afterwards God TV was no more. Comment: GOD TV in Jerusalem was warned 7 years ago about their promotion of falsity and lies to extract money from viewers. God sent MM vans to them, led by the 7 angels. Those missions are covered in Mighty Miracles of God volumes 5, 10, 13, 20, 23, and 24. Some have tried to resurrect the TV station and again screw money out of people under false pretences. God will finish them! Fruit In Rwanda26th April 2022. 18:28. From Felix: John just sent me £110 immediately after we had communicated. I have been in Rwanda since Sunday night and have visited 3 cities: Kigali, Muhenga, Kibuye. Kigali. I gave out 1543 copies of the God's Last Appeal To Sinners lits. The message was highly welcomed and 12 people got baptized. Muhenga. Here most people are SDA folks who only trust Ellen G White's lits. But 899 people accepted the gospel of truth and 24 got baptized. Kibuye. I have been in Kibuye since morning. They are very calm people and already 13 people have been baptized. From here I'll move to Gisenyi city. One dream here in Kibuye to a 99-year-old lady: Rukaruta is an old childless lady of 99 years who has lived alone in caves since 1994 during the genocide when her family of ten people got killed. She lost her mind and lived in the cave like a wild animal just feeding on leftovers. When she saw the MM van she came running and shouted, 'Yes yes yes, true salvation for sinners is here, come out everyone and get saved.' People were amazed and came to listen to me. She said that for 7 months every night she has been clearly seeing in a dream a van labelled MM coming with Angels and the Gospel of truth. Then a man in white robes told her last night that some people in the UK are chosen by God to donate £1999 for a small house to be put up near the cave where she has lived. 70 copies of MM lits on different topics be put in that house for people from all walks of life to come and read. The sick will get healed and all heavily laden will get relief. She said it was a very urgent urgent urgent message. Then she requested me to baptise her and give her a few lits. I gave her 3 Why series lits after baptizing her, then immediately it rained heavily. People wondered about this unique miracle they witnessed. God bless. 26th April 2022. 18:32. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS DESCENDED IN RWANDA MIGHTILY AND CURED A MAD WOMAN. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1999 TO REACH JOHN FOR THE MIGHTY RWANDA GOSPEL OF TRUTH. A SHRINE MUST BE PUT UP NEAR A CAVE WHERE ALL THE HEAVILY LADEN WILL VISIT TO GET HELP. 70 LITS WILL BE PUT INSIDE THAT HOUSE. MOVE MOVE MOVE... £1999 URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY." 7 Angels said. [We simply had no money for this.] Fruit In Cameroon27th April 2022. 7:15. From Vuga: We crossed into Cameroon yesterday evening. We have visited 2 cities up to now: Doula, Yaounde. Doula. We arrived here before midnight. We met 55 people and shared with them God's Last Appeal To Sinners. They were very receptive. Yaounde. We arrived at dawn, met 42 people, prayed with them and shared God's Last Appeal To Sinners. We are heading to the river to baptise 11 people. One street boy aged 17 years, Eboo, had this dream. Last night a Man in white clothes carrying a long sword announced that £777 is to reach someone called John now now now for evangelism work to go on nonstop. Then I saw that man go and sit on the top of a mountain. Comment: At the same time, the angels announced to Rhoda in Kenya that GOD IS DESTROYING ALL THE DEMONIC SHRINES IN AFRICA. That’s what money is needed for, but we don’t have sufficient funds to meet the needs. £420 was sent, but it didn’t arrive with John. It was blocked. It held things up for a day. I had quite a heavy load (demons) on my head and my back that day, so we knew some evil scheme was going on! John bought a new sim card and Rolf sent on the £420 again. It got over the problem enemies had caused.. However, Eunice had gone all the way to Homabay to try to claim another £350 which had been sent to her and which didn’t arrive. Without any justification she was arrested by police and locked up in a cell, falsely accused that money had not been sent. Then the police demanded £300 bail to release her. Can you believe it!!? Corrupt police are everywhere. We struggled to get that money, but somehow we managed, and she was released. But the cops kept that £300, and the lack of money prevented the vans moving. 27th April 2022. 19:42. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, GOD IS IN MM AND HE NEVER FAILS. GOD IS GOING TO HEAL 7 MAD PEOPLE IN CAMEROON VIA THE MM LITS AND THIS WILL HELP WITNESS FOR MM [see p 42]. GOD NEVER FAILS. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT AND LET THE WHOLE MONEY REACH VUGA BEFORE MORNING. THOSE MAD MEN WILL THEN PROCLAIM THE NAME OF GOD VIA MM LITS IN THE WHOLE OF WEST AFRICA. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM THIS IS THE CLIMAX OF GOD'S LAST APPEAL TO SINNERS MISSION IN WEST AFRICA... IAM IAM IAM HAS SAID." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: We didn’t have enough money. Only £520 could be sent. It didn’t last long. Inflated prices soon gobbled it up. When the vans all ran out of fuel and were stranded, they all got attacked. I don’t know whether this was a co-ordinated attack by Muslims across several countries, but all three vans were attacked by mobs of violent Muslims, and all the windows got smashed. More problems to cope with, all because we had been robbed of money and couldn’t move! Vuga and Kachapim were in Mokolo Valley in Cameroon. He called it the valley of death. A mob of more than 50 attacked them there. Felix was in Burundi and John was in Mwanza, Tanzania. This all happened on 3rd May: All Three Vans Were Smashed Up By Mobs!3rd May 2022. 8:42. From John: Over 15 people attacked me in Mwanza city Tanzania. They were Muslims when they celebrated their 'holy day'. All the van window glasses got destroyed, my head is swollen. Am in pain. No water, no milk. God bless. 8:44. From Vuga: We are not ok. We got beaten up by Muslim youths in Cameroon. We are in great pain. They smashed all the windows. God knows why. 8:46. From Felix: I am in Burundi. With massive pain. Muslim youths beat me up last night. I have no water, milk, nor do I have fuel. God bless. But God Kills The Violent Thugs4th May 2022. 10:57. From John: At midnight last night, God killed all the youths who attacked me. I guess God allowed them to do so for Him to get rid of them. People are crying all over here. God bless. 10:59. From Felix: At midnight God killed all those thugs who attacked me. People are mourning here. 11:01. From Vuga: God is all powerful. All the Muslim youths who attacked us got killed at midnight. Their kins are mourning here. God is great. We can't move on to Ivory Coast Will. We need fuel. 11:05. From Rhoda: "GOD IS EVER PERFECT IN HIS PLANS. ALL THE MUSLIM YOUTHS WHO DESTROYED THE VANS WERE KILLED BY GOD LAST NIGHT WITH FIREBOLTS. THEIR RELATIVES ARE MOURNING. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £600 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE VANS WINDOWS SHOULD BE URGENTLY FIXED, AS POLICE WILL USE THAT TO CHARGE JOHN, VUGA, KACHAPIM AND FELIX ON THOSE DEATHS. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:44. Reply to all five: It’s God’s way of publicising the message to those who don’t want to listen to it. It’s done through actions and events that take place. (1 Corinthians 2:4.) Gossip spreads it further. Comment: Again because of lack of money causing the vans to be static, police descended on them and arrested them for having ‘unroadworthy’ vehicles with smashed windows or none. This was 5th May. Although £362 was sent, and a further £544, it was too late to avoid this police assault. They all got beaten up by those police thugs and suffered in great pain. Next day, 6th May, the angels informed us that £700 was needed to avoid being charged and landed with a ridiculous fine of £10,000. Thankfully £700 was achieved and sent, so they managed to get their windows replaced. Felix was in Bujumbura; Vuga and Kachapim were in Yaounde, and John was in Mwanza. Those moneygrabbing police didn’t release John. They demanded money from him, £450, claiming it was for a permit. Rubbish! The liars. They kidnapped John and held him for ransom. We didn’t have the money. So they beat John up again! He was stuck in jail for a further two days till we could find the needed money. John reported: God Takes Revenge On The Evildoers9th May 2022. 5:50. From John: God killed with Firebolts one police officer who beat me up. They are still holding me. I only need £200 to be out. 9th May 2022. 20:42. From Felix: For the past 4 days I have been to hell but God is faithful. The Muslims here in Burundi fear MM and the MM lits. They attacked me on the night when they celebrated their holiday [3rd May] and destroyed the van but God killed those youths, then I was put in custody for driving an unroadworthy vehicle. Today John sent me £120. I have moved into Kenya. I will visit the western part of Kenya: Busia, Kakamega, Bungoma up to mount Elgon when funds come in. Am still in massive pain but I thank God am out of danger. God bless. 9th May 2022. 8:14. From Vuga: We have seen bad things since Muslims started tracking us the past two weeks. We travelled from Ngaundere through Bafoussam to Yaounde on the eve of the Muslim celebration. On reaching Yaounde in the evening we got badly attacked by Muslim youths who called us devil worshippers. All the van windows were smashed with stones. We received cuts on the forehead. The following day police arrested us following the deaths of 17 Muslim youths. They wanted to put the case on our heads but God intervened. He confused them and instead they only concentrated on the damaged van. John sent us money in time and we repaired the van. We got released by police yesterday and we tried to move towards Ivory Coast but our fuel got over. We are still in pain but trust God for healing. We have no fuel, no water and no milk. Dream: Last night an old man Njanka Djemba, 99 years, crawled to where we parked the car in the south of Yaounde city. He first cried when he saw us, then he told us that 7 Angels appeared to him and told him that the van must reach Ivory Coast today for God is going to do a big thing in the police cell where we were held, so we should be completely out of Cameroon. He said that £999 should reach us for the entire mission in Ivory Coast. God bless. 9th May 2022. 8:56. From Rhoda: "THOUGH THE MONEY SITUATION IS WORSE MALCOLM, THE VANS MUST ACCOMPLISH GOD'S MISSION... GOD IS GOING TO WIPE OUT ROGUE POLICE WHO HARASSED THEM IN CAMEROON AND SO THE VAN MUST BE OUT OF CAMEROON. £990 IS REQUIRED FOR THE IVORY COAST MISSION, FELIX TOO REQUIRES £300 FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK. URGENT URGENT URGENT IS JOHN'S CASE. HE NEEDS £200 TO BE OUT OF THE POLICE CELL AND £300 FOR FUEL, MILK AND WATER. MAY GOD TOUCH ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE RAISE AT LEAST £700 NOW NOW NOW TO REACH JOHN." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: That night in Cameroon God killed with firebolts those evil police. We could only find £375 which was too little for each vehicle. Kachapim and Vuga had to get out of Cameroon to avoid arrest; cars were trailing them! 10th May 2022. 7:34. From John: At midnight God killed the 8 police thugs who attacked me. Am completely stuck with no fuel to move on. The Angels Are Jubilant9th May 2022. 20:49. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT GOD WILL DESTROY THUGS IN CAMEROON. THE VAN MUST BE COMPLETELY OUT OF CAMEROON ON ITS WAY TO IVORY COAST... GOD IS DESTROYING THE DENS OF THE SINNERS. GOD IS COMPLETELY SHOWING HIS GLORY VIA THE MM LITS EVANGELISM WORK. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS AND URGENT MISSION. £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. ALSO, £3000 SHOULD BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENT OF THE NEW VAN ARREARS URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We didn’t have that money.] 10th May 2022. 12:01. From Safina in Mogadishu, Somalia: Dream: Several vehicles chasing an MM van. Their intention is to catch the MM evangelists, cut them into pieces and use their blood as paint to write in all African countries "MALCOLM IS A HUMAN SACRIFICER, MM STANDS FOR MALCOLM MANEATER." May all the anointed MM supporters move swiftly and send £300 to Vuga before this bad thing happens. I saw a tall man in white clothes in a dream that appeared to me three times in one night. Am worried. From Eunice: I saw a tall man in white clothes calling out to all the anointed regular MM supporters to raise £300 to reach Vuga today before a big enemy trailing them in vehicles kills them. It was a dreadful sight. Pray for them. 12:05. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE A FURTHER £350 TO REACH VUGA NOW NOW NOW. THERE IS BIG DANGER." 7 Angels said. Comment: Thanks to Luc £350 was made available and Kachapim and Vuga were able to cross into Nigeria and escape from the 15 cars following them. We didn’t have the needed £3,000 towards John’s vehicle repayment. Actually, £7,200 is the full figure needed to cover the monthly repayment. Since we had no funds, the angels said that God would shut down the network to prevent the creditors turning off John’s engine. So, while we were very short of funds over the next few days there was little communication between us. Five Madmen In Cameroon Delivered & HealedA brother in Cameroon wrote to Vuga and related this amazing miracle God did there: This is from Mboma in Cameroon: "Njaka, Ruiitu, Blande, Nkua and Bali. They were born insane. They did not attend any school. They were all residing in the streets of Yaounde city eating from leftovers. It was one evening when they joined our meeting, God's last appeal to sinners in Yaounde. When they came to disrupt our meeting, God put them in to a deep sleep [they were ‘slain in the Spirit’] when we touched their heads with opened MM Faith lits. We left them asleep and we moved on with evangelism. They slept for three days. When they woke up they started speaking fluent English and reading the MM lits we left near them as a witness. Since that day they walk in the streets and read aloud the MM lits to people, pray and call sinners to turn to God. They tell people that God sent His word to them via His prophet Malcolm. They have no place to call home. They sleep in the open streets. God bless. Mboma." Confronting More Witchdoctors10th May 2022. 18:27. From John in Tanzania: I am now meeting 27 people at the shore of Lake Victoria on my way to Dodoma, a place occupied by witchdoctors who boast of African magic. I have already shared 27 copies of God's Last Appeal To Sinners. I believe God has got a reason for leading me here. I am not afraid of them. Here people rear wild animals like hyenas, leopards, snakes and crocodiles. God is faithful, Will. Put me in prayers. 10th May 2022. 18:33. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT THE MONEY SITUATION IS, MAY AT LEAST £777 REACH JOHN TONIGHT. THIS WILL GET THEM MOVING TILL FRIDAY. GOD IS GOING TO DESTROY TWO DANGEROUS WITCHDOCTORS NEAR MWANZA LAKE VICTORIA SHORE, JOHN IS LED THERE BY THE 7 ANGELS. GOD IS MIGHTY... GOD IS GOD. MM IS GOD'S VESSEL OF WIPING OUT DEMONS." 7 Angels have said. [We couldn’t raise £777. Only £60 the next day.] 10th May 2022. 18:38. From Safina in Somalia: "Malcolm you are the living, steadfast truthful and holy prophet of God. No one will ever defeat MM. May £3000 be deposited to the bank account for payment of the new van. Some people are planning to switch off the engine from Syria. £777 to reach John, Vuga, Kachapim and Felix tonight. God is demonstrating His love for MM." Three men in white clothes all holding MM lits in their right hands said these words while standing on the mountaintop. I had this dream three times the same night. Comment: £60 is all we had on 11th May, and £100 on the 12th. So vans were static until £550 was achieved on 13th May. Fuel prices had tripled! 18th May 2022. 5:41. From John: Witchdoctors of Sumbawanga: Five witchdoctors came to me yesterday and wanted to know more about Malcolm. They did three miracles to make me afraid by calling snakes from the bush and ordering the snakes to dance. When I told them that I am not Malcolm they threatened to kill me but I moved swiftly and pointed at the three snakes with opened MM Faith lits and the snakes died instantly. They then ordered the whole village to attack me. I had to move towards Lake Tanganyika at the border with Zambia. I have no fuel, no water and milk. Felix and Vuga are also stuck. 19th May 2022. 20:41. John: Over 50 men in red clothes have arrived here speaking their native language which I can't comprehend. Put me in prayer. 20th May 2022. 7:23. From John: Tabora city. God did it at midnight. The witchdoctors jumped on me with the intention of eating me up but I had an open MM Faith lit ready with me. God descended in a big firebolt that covered all of us burning them but not me. Will, when I tried to get away 5 big snakes blocked my way but God killed them too with firebolts. Rolf sent me money for fuel and I left that place with people mourning everywhere because God killed over 50 witchdoctors. Vuga and Kachapim are stranded, they don't have fuel to cross over to Ivory Coast from Ghana. 21st May 2022. 10:50. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, IT IS A HOLY SABBATH OF GOD. THOUGH MONEY SITUATION IS WORSE, MAY £250 REACH FELIX NOW NOW NOW FOR HIM TO FIX THE FRONT WHEEL OF THE VAN. A BIG TEAM OF 55 ATTACKERS ARE HEADING TO WHERE HE IS STUCK. TEN PEOPLE DIED YESTERDAY WHEN HE POINTED AT PEOPLE WITH OPEN MM FAITH LIT. THIS IS VERY URGENT. FAILURE TO WHICH THEY WILL BURN THE VAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21st May 2022. 10:56. From Felix: Please please please come to my rescue. Yesternight I got ambushed by warriors along Lake Tanganyika and I pointed at them with opened MM Faith lit. 10 died when God descended with firebolts. When I tried to move towards Sumbawanga in Tanzania, the two front wheels got damaged by bad road. Am stuck and worried because I can feel a big team trailing me. I can't move. God save my life and the MM van. 22nd May 2022. 18:18. From Felix: Thanks to God of all creation. Will, God saved my life seconds after John sent the money for fuel. Those people had crude weapons like arrows. They aimed at my back but God diverted the arrows away from me. I faced them with opened MM Faith lit for three hours and God killed 30 with firebolts. Then a mechanic came with the wheels from 6 km away and fixed the wheels. I then headed to Sumbawanga city 180 km away from Lake Tanganyika. I arrived in Sumbawanga today morning and I was received with a battle again since John passed there and God killed a good number of witchdoctors. They thought that it was John's van coming back again. It was chaos till now. Will, I am hiding in Tabora forest after God killed 15 youths in Maji Moto town this afternoon when they blocked my way. I had to point at them with opened MM Faith lit and God descended in firebolts killing them. I am hungry and worn out but my soul is alive in Jesus name. I have no water, milk and fuel. 18:21. From John: God is good Will. I am in Mwanza city going door to door flushing out devil worshippers in the town... Devil Worshippers Warned22nd May 2022. 19:28. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO WRITE MM LIT WARNING ALL DEVIL WORSHIPPERS IN AFRICA AND BEYOND. GOD IS GOING TO WIPE THEM OUT VIA MM EVANGELISM WORK. FELIX IS STUCK IN THE FOREST, WEAK, HUNGRY AND TIRED. HE NEEDS WATER, MILK AND FUEL. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £300 TO REACH FELIX NOW NOW NOW..." 7 Angels said. Comment: Thanks to Rolf £92 was sent. And also I sent in pdf file the short paper Devil Worshippers In Africa and Beyond Take Note! 24th May 2022. 17:21. From Vuga in Ivory Coast: So far we have visited only 2 cities, Man city and Boundiali city. God led us here via the white mists. God sent us here for a purpose to uproot the devil worship practices. 1. Man city. Our arrival was held up by lack of fuel but thanks to John he sent us money for fuel. We met over 50 people who told us how in recent days there have been mysterious deaths of people whose private parts were missing. [Witchcraft rituals.] We then shared with them the MM lit about devil worshippers and we prayed. 3 young men came forward and accepted the MM truth. Diti, Mendi and Fueye. They requested baptism which we carried out the following day and gave them a few lits for study. We then moved to Boundiali city. 2. Boundiali city. Here we got blocked from entering the city centre by a group that lit a big fire on the road. We then moved to the west side of the city where we met 17 people and shared with them the MM gospel of truth. We are still here since we heard God has started killing devil worshippers in Man city. We are hoping to move to Abidjan city when funds are available. Lack of fuel is a big problem. We are ever alert to block attackers using the MM Faith lits. The devil worshippers are angry with us and want to kill us this evening. One old man has just passed by and warned us of dire consequences if we kill their folks... 31st May 2022. 8:24. From Vuga: Towns covered in Ivory Coast: Aboville, Dabou, Guiglo, Oume, Danane, Dimbokro, Katiola, Aboisso, Akoupe, Issia, Vavoua, Adzope, Soubre, Sassandra, Dabakala, Grand-Lahou, and Touba. We had a big challenge entering Aboisso and Dabou due to Islamic interference but we stood our ground with opened MM Faith lits. We are stranded in Touba city. People are laughing at our God for failing to get us fuel and food. They are calling us 'the real devil worshippers.' ... But God is in this battle. God Rescues Vuga & Kachapim In Ivory Coast1st June 2022. 7:28. From Vuga: God rescued us from killers who blocked our way and tried to bomb our van. It happened between Bouake and San-Pedro cities. We faced them with opened MM Faith lits and God responded in firebolts killing them instantly. We are required to write a report with police. 8:32. To Vuga: God is witnessing to the locals through this episode. The police who want a statement from you about what happened will do well to have a couple of copies of the lit you are distributing. That will educate them. Crisis With The New Vehicle In TanzaniaComment: We were financially exhausted by the huge costs of the outreach. Our supporters couldn’t find any money for the second payment on the ‘new’ (secondhand) van. It should have been £7,150. We had nothing. The angels said £3,000 would get us out of trouble, but we couldn’t raise even half of that. The angels had warned on 23rd May that the van dealers would immobilise it electronically from Syria. Next day that happened. John was distraught! Because the vehicle’s central computer was turned off, all the doors were locked and windows inoperable. John was locked inside the vehicle! When he ran out of milk and water two days later he had to break a window to get out to save himself. We owed more than £21,000 on the vehicle. Funds which had been raised towards it were gobbled up by the next financial emergency – an attack. The unscrupulous dealers sent a posse of ten thugs to repossess the van, and first bomb John’s home in Kenya. They turned up at John’s home on 29th May, cut the electricity supply to the home and wrecked the powerline. Eunice bravely stood up to them with an opened Faith booklet, pointing it at them till God acted, which He did. He fireballed two of the thugs. The remains of two dead bodies now lay on the ground. It wasn’t long before police arrived. They took John’s and Eunice’s two teenage sons hostage to demand £460 bail, accusing them of being responsible for the deaths. That, on top of the £650 needed to repair the damage and reconnect the electic supply, wiped us out of funds. Comment: So now John was stuck in the forest in Tanzania between Maji Moto and Sumbawanga because of lack of funds. Felix was in another van in Mpanda, Tanzania. While in Mpanda, Felix said: “7 youths of Sukuma tribe trailed me up to Mpanda city and wanted to rape me. They tore all my clothes. I faced them with opened MM Faith lit and thanks to God, 4 died immediately. God descended on them with firebolts.” After spreading the word in Mpanda, Felix was able to reach John on the small amount of money that was available. The angels announced a need of £700, but we only had £200. They decided to try, with the little fuel in Felix’s tank, to tow John’s vehicle to Maji Moto. They got as far as Bunda bridge when the fuel ran out. Now they were in a worse fix! Our vehicles were blocking the road. 70 police appeared! John feared the worst! They have been arrested and beaten up in prison so often, he thought that would be the fate that awaited them. They had no fuel. We had no money. Disaster loomed – or so we thought. Next day, 3rd June, I e-mailed John: “I wonder whether the vans might have been glowing or emitting light all the while they were stationary on the bridge. Or perhaps God’s Spirit did something different to cause the police to stand back and not harass you.” John related the miracle God performed: 3rd June 2022. 14:51. From John: They explained to us immediately we got fuel that they saw seven white mists standing between them and us, and at midnight a thick wall of white mists surrounded us. God bless. God performed a similar wonder for Vuga and Kachapim in Ivory Coast: 3rd June 2022. From Vuga: Today in Abidjan city, five Muslim clerics came with 7 police officers and told the police to arrest us because we are devil worshippers. When those police tried to arrest us, thick white mists from heaven formed a ring around us till they all ran away. Will, we need water, milk and fuel. Syrian Thugs Take Revenge On Innocents3rd June 2022. 19:37. From Kachapim: Thieves broke in to the MM site [farm] in Ndhiwa and beat up my family, took away all their food, clothes and stole all lightbulbs last night. They are in darkness, no clothes and food. 19:41. From Eunice: Those Syrian thugs went and destroyed things in Ndhiwa to revenge for the deaths of their people in my home. They stole food, clothes and light bulbs from Kachapim's family. They are in darkness, hungry and with no clothes. I have taken for them sweet potatoes and water. I have no money for bulbs and clothes. [We could only send them £33. We were skint!] Vans Smashed Up Again By Rabid Mob of SDAs4th June 2022. 18:15. From John: We have met 26 people who were from church and shared with them the gospel of MM here in Maji Moto city. Amongst them were two pastors Jolawi Kawira and Mgwati Vula of New SDA Church. They openly rebuked us and called us names but before long they started shaking and fell to the ground when we pointed at them with opened MM Faith lits. They are dead. Now over 500 people are crying here and telling us to raise them up. It is a big confusion. They want to burn the two vans... Comment: That night they threw stones at the vehicles and smashed all the windows. The angels announced a financial need of £777 to rescue the situation, but only £75 could be raised. The angels also proclaimed: "MM IS IAM'S VESSEL OF DESTROYING SATAN AND HIS PLANS ON EARTH. GOD HIMSELF DESIGNED IT AND GAVE IT TO MALCOLM... MM EVANGELISM IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF MM WORK..." God proved it thus: 5th June 2022. 8:59. From John: At exactly midnight they started aiming at us with stones and they broke all the window glasses of the two vans. We kept on facing them with opened MM Faith lits, then suddenly a strong wind blew and hailstones started falling but no rain. Many of them got wounds from those hailstones and they cried while running away and calling Malcolm a chief devil worshipper. We are still stranded here. There is no money in the bank. Chronic Lack of Funds Creates Huge ProblemsComment: The chronic lack of funds led to more trouble. As we couldn’t pay the overdue instalment on the van which God commanded to be bought, it was immobile – a sitting duck for attackers! On 7th June, John reported that five thugs tried to commandeer the van. He got seriously beaten up, nearly killed. They smashed all the windows. In reprisal, the angels proclaimed to Rhoda: "EVANGELISM WORK MUST GO ON NON STOP. JOHN TOO MUST DO DOOR TO DOOR EVANGELISM IN MAJI MOTO. GOD WILL KILL THOSE WHO ATTACKED HIM. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN NOW." We could only find £423. Better than nothing, but totally insufficient. We needed thousands to pay the arrears and get the vehicle moving. John was in great pain, but could just walk. He and Felix steadfastly went on with evangelism. In Ivory Coast, Vuga reported: 6th June 2022. 18:26. 6 SDA pastors: They have been trailing us since morning as we went on with evangelism work on the outskirts of Abidjan city. Then this evening they approached us and told us that they want to see the charm we are putting inside the MM Faith lits that make us perform miracles. Will, they had counterfeit copies of the MM Faith lits where they have put charms. They wanted to exchange it for one of ours then raise an alarm for people to attack us. But when one of them touched the MM Faith lit, he fell to the ground and the remaining 5 ran away. Now when he regained consciousness he told us all about that trick and he is ready to take us to where those counterfeit copies are being produced so that we can destroy or collect them. This pastor is called Didier Deskip. Lack of fuel is causing us a lot of problems. God bless. The angels again appealed for £1500 to pay part of the arrears on the van but the money was not forthcoming, only £202 on 9th June. Chronic lack of funds continued for weeks. Evangelism Coverage In Ivory Coast & TzMonday 13th June 2022. 17:44. From Vuga: So far from Wednesday we have visited the following cities in Ivory Coast. 1. Tobou. 2. Sakassou. 3. Adiake. 4. Bongouanou. 5. Bonoua. 6. Bouna. 7. Tingrela. 8. Dabakela. 9. Zuenoula. 10. Seguela. 11. Affery. In every city we give out God's Last Appeal To Sinners lits plus God's Warning Against Devil Worshippers then share testimonies of how God has walked with us in other African cities and the mighty miracles God has performed via the MM lits. On Friday some Muslim clerics came to test us by bringing a madman called Nyoso Mwija. They challenged us to make the man okay. Will, our God is a miracle working God. Just on touching the madman's head with opened MM Faith lit, the mad man started calling names of the people he had killed when he was a policeman. He was being tormented by the spirits of the dead. He had killed 9 people. One of those spirits called Dida Swa, cried out and pleaded with us not to cast him out because Nyoso killed him with no issue [for no reason]. We prayed and touched his head three times with opened MM Faith lit. He went into a deep sleep and when he woke up he asked for drinking water after which he started asking people around for forgiveness. One of those Imams called Shaban Bia called us Beelzebub, that we are using demonic powers, but the people around accepted the MM Gospel and we baptized 13 people on Friday alone. Dreams. 1. Masuka Ndiala. An old lady of 107 years in Tingrela town today shared with us this dream. 'I saw in a dream a tall man surrounded by 7 angelic bodies. He had white clothes. He called out with a sharp [penetrating] voice for ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £1500 TO REACH JOHN TODAY AT MIDNIGHT FOR THE NEW VAN TO MOVE ON. He repeated those words three times, then I saw those angelic bodies bow three times before Him, then I woke up.' 2. Dan Barow. A young Muslim of 16 years said this, 'In a dream I saw 7 angel like people crying aloud saying "Anointed regular MM supporters, raise £1500 tonight tonight tonight to reach John for the new van to move." Their voices were very sharp and clear. They said it three times. 3. Mwana Visa. A young Christian girl of 15 years old today came running to us and said that a tall man in white clothes appeared to her in a dream three times in one night repeating these words "May all the ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1500 TO REACH JOHN AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR THE NEW VAN TO MOVE ON." Our fuel is completely over but we believe God is on our side. God bless. Comment: The needed £1500 didn’t come till 20th June! Felix reported: 13th June 2022. 17:51. From Felix in Tanzania: Since Wednesday I have visited these cities in Tanzania: Bukoba, Lindi, Kahama, Mbeya, Bunda, Babati, Kasulu, Iringa, Kigoma, Singida, and Tunduma. The challenge has been many people demanding for MM lits but I don't have enough copies. Today in Singida a young girl of 17 came to me and told me that she had a dream where a tall man in white clothes talked to her three times in one night for £1500 to reach John at midnight tonight for the new van to move on. She was called Asha Mano. Will, the parents of the boy who died when he attacked me in the forest want me arrested. Please pray for me. My fuel is completely over. God bless. God Kills 7 Police Who Imprisoned EuniceThe incident in Ndhiwa, reported earlier, when corrupt police took hostage Eunice’s two teenage sons as a bargaining ploy, didn’t end positively. The police didn’t refund our desperately needed £460. When Eunice went to demand for her sons to be released, she was put in police custody and the bail of £460 was not given back to her. She saw in a dream that “God killed 7 policemen till they pleaded with us to forgive them. I guess God may act now” she said. God did! News came that those wicked police got riotously drunk on our money. Then, some said, they got killed in a road accident, but the angels said: 14th June 2022. 19:45. From Rhoda: "THOSE POLICE OFFICERS USED THE £460 TO DRINK ALCOHOL AND CELEBRATE. GOD KILLED ALL THE 7. GOD WILL ALSO KILL THEIR FAMILIES. MAY EUNICE LEAVE AND GO HOME. GOD IS IN THIS BATTLE..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: It was God’s kindness to kill their families, otherwise they would have suffered total destitution without their breadwinners (Is 57:1). But the loss of that £460 seriously impacted us, and Eunice had no food for her family. “No One Will Be Able To Stand Against You”Meanwhile, John suffered another attack where he was held up in Tz. Thieves tried to kill him and steal the van, but he fended them off using a Faith booklet all night. His back got hurt and all the windows smashed again! All because the £1500 God was asking for, to get the van moving again, was not forthcoming. That was on 13th June. Four days later he wrote about another attack: 17th June 2022. 7:46. From John: We fought till dawn. They were around 8 people. Will, I am in serious pain. They sprayed something like peppered water on me. My body is itching. May God descend and save my life. God did. And God killed five of those thugs. The others will never forget! But two days later, there was another attack. God dealt with them too: 20th June 2022. 8:10. From John: ...I fought them till dawn. My left eye is swollen. They came at midnight but I stood my ground with opened MM Faith lit. I saw four fall down and cry of being burnt with hot coal. God then descended in firebolts and burnt them as they ran towards the forest. I guess many died. Comment: Finally, that day, the last £500 came for the van. A supporter had sent £1,000 three days before, but it was not enough. It had to be £1500. 21st June 2022. 7:47. From John: God bless you abundantly. The van is moving now. I have paid the Syrians the £1500. Now Vuga, Kachapim and Felix are completely stuck with no fuel. God is good. Praise His holy name. Comment: Thanks to Vivian and Eleanor £310 was sent for that need. Further Evangelism Coverage In Ivory Coast25th June 2022. 17:35. From Vuga: The 5 warriors of Affery city: God is all powerful Will. They blocked our way for 6 hours and the 7th hour occurred at midnight when they arrogantly started throwing stones at the van. Thanks to God they only hit the metal parts, not the window glasses. We opened MM Faith lits prayed to God then faced Ndimu, Guage, Lita, Chiewo and Dugba with opened MM Faith lits. They started fighting among themselves and they disappeared into the dark night. Yesterday night our MM sister in Affery informed us that their remains were found in the bush burnt beyond recognition. Glory be to God. She told us their names. 17:44. From Vuga: More cities witnessed to: Anyama, Odienne, Divo, Bouafle, Dabou, Katiola, Toumodi, Aboisso, Danane, Oume, Seguela, Sinfra, Soubre, Grand-Bassam, Guiglo, and Issia. Muslims in Oume, Sinfra and Issia blocked our way into the cities but on realising that we removed the opened MM Faith lits, they all ran away. In all the cities we gave out copies of MM lits and taught people about the MM Gospel of truth. We left Danane when God healed a woman who had lost her eyesight for six months. God led us into dipping 3 MM Faith lits in water and gave her water to wash her face. After one day Siffuami Mose gained her eyesight. God bless. God Gives The Next Directives10th June 2022. 10:56. From Rhoda: "MM FOLKS IN AYOD, SOUTH SUDAN HAVE LOST EVERYTHING TO FLOODS. THEIR HOMES, ANIMALS, ALL HAVE BEEN SWEPT AWAY. AYOD IS KACHAPIM'S HOME. MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THOSE VICTIMS FOR FOOD AND CLOTHING. RIAM, SAUDA, MOLIK, NGUMA, ACHOK, BIMA, NDWARI, KULAYU, AND SINKA ARE THE MM FOLKS WHOSE FAMILIES HAVE SUFFERED. THANKS TO GOD THEY SAVED THE MM LITS. AMEN." 7 Angels said that now. 21st June 2022. 18:47. From Rhoda: "MAY VUGA AND KACHAPIM NOW MOVE BACK TO KENYA, WHILE JOHN AND FELIX USE THE NEW VAN TO MOVE TO SOUTH SUDAN TO SAVE THE FLOOD VICTIMS. VERY URGENT..." 23rd June 2022. 17:57. From Rhoda: "THIS IS THE PROGRAMME FOR THE MM EVANGELISM TEAM FOR THE WEEKEND. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH VUGA AND KACHAPIM TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO ENABLE THEM TO REACH NIGERIA ON THEIR WAY BACK TO KENYA. A FURTHER £377 TO REACH JOHN TO GET THEM TO REACH THE KENYAN BORDER ON THEIR WAY TO SOUTH SUDAN. THIS IS VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th June 2022. 19:22. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM THIS IS VERY URGENT. FOUR CHILDREN AND ONE ADULT ALL MM FOLKS HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES DUE TO THE FLOOD EFFECT IN SOUTH SUDAN. GOD WILLING MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £750 TO REACH JOHN FOR FUEL TO KEEP THEM GOING TO SOUTH SUDAN. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: The two vehicles were hampered by lack of funds and only made slow progress. On top of everything else, east Africa was now in the grip of famine, and all the MM folks were suffering hunger, going without food for many days. It was sapping what little strength we had left (Revelation 3:8).
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