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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 24
296To GOD TV For Judgment!
Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it (Deuteronomy 12:32). Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book (Exodus 32:33).
21st Nov 2021. 20:06. From Rhoda: ANGELIC MESSAGE. £477. £477. £477. THE VAN MUST GET OUT OF BURUNDI SINCE GOD WILL START KILLING THE ROGUE SDA PASTORS. THIS MUST NOT FIND THE VAN THERE. VERY URGENT MALCOLM, VERY URGENT ROLF. "...URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, MAY £477 REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR WATER, MILK AND A LITTLE FUEL TO START OFF THE VAN TOWARDS UGANDA. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER TO BE PLACED AT THE SITE WHERE GOD DESTROYED THE SDA CHURCH IN UGANDA. JOHN MUST PLACE 7 COPIES THERE. THIS IS VERY URGENT. THE VAN MUST MOVE OUT OF BURUNDI..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £300 was borrowed (that was an almighty struggle, too!). Finally, late the next day, Monday 22nd November, the van was able to leave. That evening, Helena felt some big ‘stuff’ in her intercessions. God must have been wiping out the SDA pastors who blasphemed the Holy Spirit by opposing God’s Work. I wrote the piece the angels asked for: WHY The Mount Olives SDA Church COLLAPSED. In it I explained: God will bring JUDGEMENT upon EVERYONE WHO FIGHTS THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH which MM brings. GOD TV To Face God’s WrathOn 6th August 2021 the angels said: GOD IS OUT TO UNEARTH A BIG SECRET IN GOD TV. THE VAN MUST MAKE 7 CIRCUITS CLOCKWISE AND 7 CIRCUITS ANTICLOCKWISE STARTING TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. GOD IS BRINGING DOWN THE DEN OF SATAN... On 10th August 2021 they said: GOD WANTS TO GROUND GOD TV FOR THE FALSEHOOD IN GOD'S WORK THEY HAVE DONE FOR YEARS. On 12th November 2021 they said, (6:13): GOD TV: 1. THEY DON'T SPEAK GOD'S TRUTH BUT USE GOD TV AS A MONEY BAIT... On 12th November 2021 they said, (6:20). TO BRING GOD TV DOWN, MAY £7000 BE SENT TO JOHN FOR FUEL TO GOD TV HEADQUARTERS IN ISRAEL. LET THE VAN MAKE THE CIRCUITS AROUND IT FOR 7 DAYS. LET 7 MM FAITH LITS BE BURIED OPPOSITE IT. ON THE 7TH CIRCUIT GOD WILL ACT. MALCOLM, GOD NEVER LIES. HE BROUGHT DOWN A BIG SDA CHURCH IN MOUNT OLIVES IN UGANDA WHERE FALSE GOSPEL WAS GOING ON. HE CAN BRING DOWN GOD TV IF THAT IS DONE URGENTLY. ...THIS IS A MUST BE DONE MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. The Seriousness Of The Mission To GOD TVWednesday 24th Nov 2021. 10:12. From Rhoda: ANGELIC MESSAGE. GOD'S TIMING. FAILURE TO ACCOMPLISH THIS WILL BE AN UNPARDONABLE SIN. GOD HAS MANDATED MM TO CLEANSE THE WORLD VIA MM LITS EVANGELISM WORK FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH. FAILURE TO DO THIS WILL ATTRACT A BIG LOSS. "MALCOLM GOD IS EVER STEADFAST. GOD CANNOT LIE. GOD WILL BLESS ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS WITH MONEY THAT NO ONE WILL IMAGINE. GOD'S TIMING IS THE BEST. THE VAN MUST MOVE OUT TO GOD TV AFTER TODAY'S UGANDA MISSION. GOD IS VERY PLEASED WITH THE MIGHTY WORK GOING ON. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT SO THAT THE VAN LEAVES TO GOD TV BY MIDNIGHT. BY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT THE VAN SHOULD BE IN ISRAEL. A FURTHER £733 MUST REACH JOHN ON FRIDAY MORNING..." 7 Angels said that now. [Lack of funds held things up.] 11:06. From John: ...How I wish that God opens up financial doors so that we go on with this noble work uninterrupted. How I wish that God brings down all the people fighting MM. [The same day, 24th November, God gave Kassahun a dream which answered John’s petition.] God Wants To Wipe Out GOD TV24th November 2021. 11:18. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM IS STRESSING ON WHY THE VAN MUST REACH GOD TV AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. GOD IS READY TO WIPE OUT OPPOSERS OF THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:34. From John: God is out to wipe out liars calling themselves God's servants like Muslim imams and pastors of most megachurches... MM Warning Letter Left In Kampala SDA Ruins25th Nov 2021. 5:29. From John: We placed the letter Malcolm wrote in Mount Olives SDA church in Uganda minutes before midnight. Five pastors tried to attack us but thick white mists covered us. We then moved 2 km away. When we went back, they had taken the letters. We are stuck with no water, milk and fuel. 6:16. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MAY AT LEAST £550 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IT IS URGENT." 7 Angels said that now. [Rolf sent £600.] Comment: The van pressed on from Uganda, through South Sudan, using up all the money we could muster. On 26th November, they were at the border with Sudan. In the morning we managed to put together £567 and send it. That enabled them to get into Egypt by the following morning. But, having run out of fuel, they were stuck once again. The angels warned of impending danger: 27th Nov 2021. 13:12. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THE SAFEST PLACE WHERE THE MM VAN SHOULD BE IS CAIRO CITY. THE TEAM SHOULD WAIT FOR FUEL WHILE IN CAIRO. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, ONLY A FURTHER £450 FOR FUEL SHOULD URGENTLY REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO GET THEM TO A SAFE PLACE. OUTSIDE CAIRO IS A BIT DANGEROUS AND ANY DAMAGE ON THE VAN FROM ATTACKERS WILL COST THE TEAM A LOT. THIS IS VERY URGENT. TO AVOID DANGER MAY THE VAN REACH CAIRO." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Amazingly, the Swiss contingent managed to fix this need. 13:34. From Rhoda: "THERE IS A BIG DANGER IF THE VAN FAILS TO REACH CAIRO TONIGHT. SPIES FROM THE ANTI MM GROUPS ARE TRAILING THE VAN..." 7 Angels said that to me now. Enemies Rammed Our Van In EgyptSunday 28th November 2021. 9:34. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA GOT INVOLVED IN A ROAD ACCIDENT. MAY AT LEAST £250 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR FIXING THE TWO FRONT WHEELS. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th November 2021. 9:40. From John: Thanks to God, Will. We almost lost our lives in a grisly road accident. Our attackers abruptly crossed in front of us and our van rolled after a tyre burst. We were about 2 km from Cairo city. The front wheels got damaged. In fact we need at least £350 to fix the damage. I injured my forehead and lost a lot of blood. God bless. 10:14. Reply: May God heal your wounds and pain. I have notified the others and hope something can be found. Comment: Luc sent the £250, all he had. Sacrifice precedes blessing! 29th Nov 2021. 5:50. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, JOHN AND VUGA ARE STILL IN PAIN. ALL THEIR WATER AND MILK GOT DESTROYED IN THE ACCIDENT. THEY ARE IN PAIN, HUNGRY AND THIRSTY. THEY ARE STRANDED IN CAIRO. MAY AT LEAST £150 FOR WATER AND MILK ENOUGH TO TAKE THEM TILL TUESDAY MIDNIGHT REACH THEM NOW NOW NOW. VERY URGENT." 7 Angels said that now. 29th Nov 2021. 5:54. From John: We almost lost our lives. This was an organised assassination attempt on us. I guess it is Balaya doing this. We are still in massive pain. We lost all the milk and water we had in the van. Not even a single person came to the site of the accident to help us. But we are determined to get to God TV. We are in pain, hungry and very thirsty... 8:57. Reply: It’s often the way things work out, that God has to let us suffer for the sins of others so that He can bring them under judgement. There was a lot of intercession last night, so I wonder whether God has brought them under judgement already. Have you got the wheels replaced that were damaged? Did any glass get broken in the crash? What happened to their car? May God heal you and remove your pains! 10:47. From John: ...We are still in pain with no water and milk. We are very hungry. The windscreen got smashed but we replaced it yesterday, and the wheels. Their car was taken by the police. The vehicle was a Toyota Landcruiser V8. It was badly damaged. God bless. Comment: The angels asked for £150 for them, but we could do nothing. Next day, thankfully, £310 was sent. But the angels stated the need for £777, so the van ran out of fuel again in the afternoon. 30th Nov 2021. 16:03. From John: Thanks. We bought water, milk and little fuel. A strange car has been trailing us and now that our fuel is over, they too have parked their van about 500m from us. Pray for us. God bless. 17:20. Reply: Yes, intercession is much. God is drawing more evil people to their fate. We hope for money tomorrow. We can only do small amounts. The Enemy Spies Flee1st Dec 2021. 6:43. From John: There were 5 armed people in the car. We faced them head on with opened MM Faith lits. They sped off at midnight. 13:23. From John: It occurred about 55 km from Cairo on our way to Eilat city. The car was a white Toyota Premio. We are stuck 200km from Eilat. Fuel is over. Comment: £241 was all we could send them. God Warns Of The Opponents’ Evil Scheme1st Dec 2021. 13:37. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THE VAN IS ALMOST CROSSING INTO ISRAEL ONLY ABOUT 200KM AWAY. THE VAN MUST BE IN ISRAEL BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT OR ELSE BIG DAMAGE WILL BE SEEN. GOD NEVER TELLS LIES. MAY URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY £450 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR FUEL TO GET THE VAN INTO ISRAEL. FAILURE TO DO THIS WILL ATTRACT A BIG LOSS. YESTERDAY JOHN AND VUGA CHASED AWAY SOME SPIES WHO WERE SENT FROM GOD TV TO HIT THE MM VAN WITH BULLETS BEFORE THE VAN GETS TO GOD TV. THIS IS A SERIOUS CASE. MAY £450 REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NOW FOR FUEL. A BIG TEAM OF ATTACKERS ARE PLANNING TO BLOCK THE MM VAN TOMORROW MORNING FROM GETTING INSIDE ISRAEL SO THE VAN MUST GET INSIDE ISRAEL BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels said that to me now. 13:52. From Kachapim in Ndhiwa: Dream of MM van: They are not safe where they are. A big team of armed men are heading to destroy the van. 13:53. From Eunice in Kabuoch: John and Vuga may be attacked badly today evening. Prayer prayer prayer. 17:06. From John: ...Their number plate was blocked. Pray for us the attackers are here, very many. God bless. Comment: Thankfully, and amazingly, £450 was sent, and they were able to get into Israel at the Taba border crossing just after midnight. 2nd December 2021. 8:22. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MUST BE AROUND GOD TV BEFORE EVENING TODAY. MAY AT LEAST £400 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE VAN CROSSED IN TO ISRAEL BEFORE THE GANG COULD BLOCK THEIR WAY. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said. 2nd Dec 2021. 8:23. From John: God helped us last night. We are inside Israel. We still need fuel to get to God TV. God bless. Comment: Thanks to Rolf, £400 was sent. By evening, they managed to reach the MM library building in Jerusalem in the evening, tired and without water and milk. I said: God bless this mission to see the downfall of so-called ‘GOD TV’. It’s a misnomer, for it’s the devil’s TV masquerading as God’s. God Instructs About Confronting GOD TV2nd December 2021. 18:52. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MUST START THE CIRCUITS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT WITHOUT FAIL. THE VAN MUST MAKE 7 CLOCKWISE AND 7 ANTICLOCKWISE CIRCUITS AROUND GOD TV FOR 3 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS. NOW NOW NOW, MAY AT LEAST £777 REACH JOHN. THIS IS ENOUGH TO TAKE THEM TILL SUNDAY MORNING. URGENT URGENT URGENT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £777." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: Rolf was somehow able to send the needed £777. Great! Next morning, John wrote to say they had completed three clockwise circuits and two anticlockwise. The angels said a further £450 would be needed for milk and water so that they didn’t touch the £777 set aside for fuel. Thanks to Rolf, he managed to send £489 to John. But then disaster struck again: 3rd Dec 2021. 16:48. To John: Opposition: At about 4 pm our time I got stabbed in the gut very strongly by inimical forces. It was the most severe stabbing pain I have had in about ten years! The demons are mad at what is going on, so I guess you are also under attack too. Hence you can’t reply. 4th December 2021. 4:10. From John: Just after midnight last night the two front headlamps blew out mysteriously. We can't move in the dark. This was in our fifth circuit clockwise, after four anticlockwise. Each circuit is 3km. We need not less than £340 to replace the headlamps. God bless. 4th Dec 2021. 8:02. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THE VAN CAN'T MOVE AT NIGHT. THE HEADLAMPS AND BRAKE LIGHTS BLEW JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT. THE TEAM IS WORRIED..." The angels said. 8:52. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MUST MOVE BOTH DAY AND NIGHT FOR THIS NOBLE WORK TO BE FINISHED IN TIME. LET THE WATER AND MILK TAKE THE TEAM UP TO TUESDAY MIDNIGHT. MAY AT LEAST £499 FOR FIXING THE HEADLAMPS AND BRAKE LIGHTS REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. THE TEAM DID WELL TO HAVE ENOUGH STOCK TO GET THEM THAT FAR. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: Thanks to Rolf, £450 was sent.] Comment: Next day, 5th December, John and Vuga had two more circuits to do but they ran out of fuel. The angels requested £650 to complete the mission and have money in hand for what must happen next. Amazingly, £650 was found, sent in two lots: £288 and £362 – faithful supporters shelling out everything! Intercession was continuous, as usual. Helena felt some considerable pressures in her head. The intercession is very arduous. Helena gets attacked a lot, and the demons cause discomfort regularly. Every day, her eyes are attacked and weep. The demons have caused bone growths on her shoulders, feet and hands, like big boils in shape. And she has to put up with other ailments caused by them, one of which is memory loss, like mild dementia. They try every way they can to thwart her efforts, but can’t. All they can do is cause these various ailments, which we look to God to heal in due course, but she does intercede against them specifically one by one, which limits their success. It is very trying for her, having to sit for two sessions of about 8 hours each, every day, and only gets to walk around and do chores for 2 hours or so. When she gets up at about 4 pm after slogging away since before 8 am, she nearly can’t stand up. We look forward when all this can end. God’s Warning To GOD TV Gunmen7th Dec 2021. 7:30. From John: We need more fuel to clear the work. A group fought us last night and blocked our way from accessing the God TV gate. They had powerful AK 47s. We faced them with open MM Faith lits but none died. 7th December 2021. 7:27. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £999 REACH JOHN NOW. TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER WARNING THE HIT MEN HIRED BY GOD TV (TO DESTROY THE MM VAN). £999 £999 £999 TO REACH JOHN, NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: Thanks to Rolf, £825 was sent, the daily max. The ‘letter’ warning of God’s impending judgment, To GOD TV Gunmen; A Warning, was sent. 8th Dec 2021. 6:21. From John: The thick white mists kept leading our route after completing the circuits around God TV. We have covered a big distance. So far we have visited four cities since yesterday leaving an MM lit to be a witness to the people that God brought down the 'God TV.' We haven't taken any rest, not even ten minutes. Those gunmen followed us throughout the night but the thick white mists covered us. We are heading to Tel Aviv now... God’s Witness To Israeli Towns8th December 2021. 6:33. From Rhoda: "ALL BIG CITIES IN ISRAEL MUST KNOW WHY GOD TV IS A FALSE ORGANISATION PREACHING FALSEHOOD. THE LORD'S ANGELS IN FORM OF THICK WHITE MISTS ARE LEADING THE TEAM TO VISIT THOSE CITIES AND LEAVE BEHIND AN MM LIT TO BE A WITNESS THAT GOD HAS REJECTED GOD TV AND ITS FALSE TEACHINGS. MALCOLM, THE TEAM HASN'T TAKEN EVEN A TEN MINUTE REST SINCE YESTERDAY. THEIR WATER AND MILK ARE COMPLETELY OVER. MORE FUEL MUST BE ADDED. SO FAR LOD, NETANYA, ACRE AND HAIFA CITIES HAVE BEEN VISITED. GOD WILL PERFORM A MIGHTY WORK IN ISRAEL. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £300 FOR WATER AND MILK AND A FURTHER £477 FOR FUEL TO GET THEM MOVING TILL SATURDAY. VERY VERY VERY URGENT. GOD DESIGNED MM AND GAVE IT TO MALCOLM AND HELENA SO THAT THE WORLD CAN RECEIVE THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH. GOD TV MUST FALL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We were only able to send £250. Since only one letter was left in each city, that may mean that God planned to bring one chosen person (presumably a believer) to pick it up and then spread the word to others. 9th Dec 2021. 4:18. From John: We placed those letters on the ground about 100 m from God TV and we saw the gunmen come and pick them up. They fired at us but God deflected the bullets. They chased after us the whole night with intention of hitting the van but God covered us in thick white mists. We remained steadfast with opened MM Faith lits but God did not kill even one. Our fuel is over, we can't move. The gunmen kept aiming at us with bullets from yesterday morning up to now. We place a letter at the entrance of a church or a marketplace and wait till we see a person pick it up then we move to another city. 4:31. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THE VAN IS STUCK IN A DANGEROUS PLACE. THE TEAM HAVE NO FUEL. THE ATTACKERS ARE VERY CLOSE TO THEM. IT IS PATHETIC. MAY £777 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO TAKE THEM TILL SUNDAY. GOD WILL WIPE OUT ALL THOSE 17 ATTACKERS. GOD TV IS A FINISHED CASE. GOD IS IN CHARGE..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Rolf, £777 was sent. The Angels Warn of Another Evil Scheme9th December 2021. 21:02. From Rhoda: "AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL KILL ALL THE 17 GUNMEN. JOHN AND VUGA WILL BE FORCED TO ACCEPT THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE. £10,000 WILL BE REQUIRED AS CASH BAIL. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £1000 NOW NOW NOW TO REACH JOHN EARLY TOMORROW. JOHN MUST CHANGE THIS MONEY INTO SMALLER UNITS, WRAP IT INSIDE THREE MM FAITH LITS AND HAND OVER TO THE JUDGE WHO IS A GOD TV SYMPATHISER. ON TOUCHING THE MONEY HE WILL DIE INSTANTLY AND THAT’S HOW OTHER GOD TV LEADERS WILL FOLLOW. JOHN WILL COLLECT THE MONEY AND THE TEAM WILL CONTINUE VISITING CITIES. LET THIS MONEY REACH JOHN BEFORE MID MORNING. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: By selling his property, Rolf was able to meet this requirement. Saturday 11th December 2021. 6:43. From John: Thanks to God of all creation. On Thursday night at midnight a group of 17, fully armed, surrounded the van, removed the MM signs on the van and started banging on the van to come out, chanting "Midnight Midnight Midnight." Will, God first gave us courage to come out and face them with opened MM Faith lits. They then started to shoot indiscriminately at us but God of all creation jammed their guns. Then they lost their eyesight and fought among themselves. In that confusion a big firebolt engulfed all of them. Each started crying and blaming God TV for misleading them to fight God. We moved the van out of that scene to about 300 m away. God consumed all those hitmen in a big blast. Yesterday midmorning, a group of uniformed servicemen who looked like police (though we came to realise today that they were not) arrested us and handcuffed us. They took all our milk and water. They beat us up. They removed the van’s two front wheels, broke all the window glasses and poured salt into the engine. They demanded £10,000 and took us before a highly rated judge who danced to their tune and held us the whole day. The trial took place in the open. I then left Vuga plus the destroyed MM van with them, moved to Tel Aviv to collect [Rolf’s] £1,000 from a Forex shop. I changed it into small denominations, packed it in three MM Faith lits, then went back. At exactly noon, I handed over the wrapped money to the highly rated fierce judge. 'The bench' was five fierce looking, cruel tough men. Three judged us, while two were bodyguards. Just by touching the money they all fell asleep. I crept stealthily, got the money back, and released Vuga who had remained in the stationary van. Then I went into Tel Aviv to buy the two wheels. We went back with a mechanic who fixed the wheels and poured a special oil into the engine to neutralise all the salt. He also siphoned out all the adulterated petrol and put in fresh. We then moved back to Tel Aviv where all the window glasses were replaced, the engine was serviced and thoroughly cleaned. We left those dangerous men dead. God just cut off oxygen from them by suffocation. We placed three MM Faith lits there to be a witness. This happened on the southern outskirts of Tel Aviv city. We were left with only £200 all of which we used to fuel the van after midnight. God is great. God bless. God’s Judgment Is Inexorable11th Dec 2021. 6:50. From Rhoda: "GOD WIPED OUT ALL 17 GUNMEN SENT TO KILL JOHN AND VUGA. THEY STOLE ALL THE WATER AND MILK FROM THE VAN. THEY TRIED TO DESTROY THE MM VAN BY POURING SALT INTO THE ENGINE. GOD RESTORED THE ENGINE. THEIR 3 HELL- BENT POWERFUL JUDGES ARE ALSO DEAD. GOD TV MUST FALL. LET THE TEAM GO ON WITH NON-STOP EVANGELISM WORK IN THE REMAINING CITIES IN ISRAEL TO EXPOSE THE DIRTY GOD TV. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MORE FUEL, WATER AND MILK ARE REQUIRED NOW. MAY AT LEAST £700 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Rolf, £700 was sent. 8:49. From John: Benayun Rafa was the name of the mechanic and his firm is called Benayun and Co. workshop. God bless. 9:39. To John: How are you both now? Are you still suffering pain from what you suffered? 10:04. From John: Thanks. Yes we are in pain. God bless. 10:51. To John: I have looked on the web, and apparently GOD TV were forced off the air by the Israeli govt and ceased TV broadcasting on 2nd July 2020. But they transferred their activities to the web at www.shelanu.tv where they stream stuff online in Hebrew. It was their TV licence which was revoked, but they continued online with video streaming there. It will be interesting to see how long that continues, as God pulls the plug on the operators one by one. Sunday 12th December 2021. 11:37. From John: We have covered 16 cities since yesterday. At times we face the attackers head on. God TV is hiding under another Channel to send news and video content but it must come down in Jesus' name. Our fuel is almost completely over. God bless. Comment: Again Rolf met the need of £450 which the angels stated. 12:44. To John: So, despite God killing 17 gunmen yesterday, there are still MORE enemies trying to kill us!? They are such an evil bunch!!! In their pride they just want power and control, which is what motivates Satan... The Angels Lead The Van Back To GOD TV Again13th December 2021. 8:26. From John: Thanks to God Will. We are now heading to God TV premises. We have not taken even a slight rest since yesterday. The white mists are leading us to the God TV premises. Pray for us... 14th December 2021. 9:15. From Rhoda: "ARMED ATTACKERS SURROUNDED THE MM VAN AT THE ENTRANCE OF GOD TV FROM LAST NIGHT UP TO NOW. JOHN AND VUGA ARE STILL BATTLING IT OUT AGAINST THAT BAD GANG. ALL TYRES WERE DEFLATED, ALL WINDOW GLASSES DESTROYED, ALL THE WATER, MILK AND MONEY GOT TAKEN. JOHN AND VUGA ARE FIGHTING TO GET BACK THE MONEY, MILK AND WATER. IT IS A BIG FIGHT. GOD IS IN IT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:19. From John: We are in the middle of a big fight: Thanks. Pray for us Will. We got attacked last evening when we made our way near the God TV gate. Pray for us. A big gang of men armed with AK-47s deflated all four tyres of the MM van, destroyed all the window glass, took our water, milk and our money. God hasn't killed them up to now. We are still facing them with opened MM Faith lits. Thanks to God all their guns have jammed. Pray for us. God bless. 10:09. Reply: Yes, you are under intercession. We are bearing burdens, too, because of this attack. God will deliver. Comment: The angels asked Rolf for £450. Thankfully he could do that. 15th December 2021. 8:03. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS BROUGHT DOWN ALL THE 25 ARMED ATTACKERS. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD NOW MOVE IN AND PLACE THREE MM FAITH LITS IN THE GOD TV COMPOUND. URGENT URGENT URGENT, £777 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said. [Forwarded to John at 8:13. Thanks to Rolf; he fixed the urgent need.] 8:05. From John: Thanks Will. We fixed the tyres and windows then went ahead with the battle. At midnight, God descended in Firebolts and killed 25 armed men. We have no fuel, water and milk. The kitty is completely dry.
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