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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 24 |
291To Israel For The FoT
God spoke to Moses: “The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim HOLY convocations, THESE ARE MY FEASTS” (Leviticus 23:2).
Lack of funds caused the van to be stuck again, now in Iraq, almost as bad a place to be as Iran! The angels proclaimed the need for £750, but we could only manage £400. That was in the morning. By evening the van had run out of fuel. (Prices are inflated by the Muslims when we buy.) The angels asked for a further £400. John and Vuga needed water and milk, too. This time our luck was in. On 16th September Eleanor and Wilfred were able to send £480, and Vivian and Joy could stump up £700. Great! The van finally managed to reach Jerusalem, Israel. We Were Swamped At The Five Feast LocationsComment: The Feast of Tabernacles (FoT) is a commanded assembly which God has instituted, though the Church for the most part ignores it, deceived by false ideas that it was abolished. It was never abolished. There is no command to that effect in the NT. That erroneous idea came from misguided men. Read Matthew 5:17-19, Psalm 19:7-8, Psalm 111:7-8 and Psalm 119:144. Believers descended in large numbers to observe the Festival. That put great pressure on those in the five Festival site areas, and upon us to try to find funds to support them. Worse still, hundreds turned up two weeks early! We had no funds to help them, so all the attendees went hungry for a whole week! Eight people died of hunger. They shouldn’t have come early. They didn't inquire first whether that would be OK. So, a great problem resulted. Vivian and Joy had transferred £3,000 by the bank on the 10th, but it didn’t arrive until the 16th. The delay led to several deaths and great stress: 16th Sept 2021. 19:45. From Eunice in Kabuoch, Kenya: We have had a very hard time. People have called us names, devil worshippers, killers, human traffickers. Two children died in the camp due to hunger. The budget is around £2700 but John only sent £1000. I am devastated... Ooh God have my life. 19:47. From Kachapim in Ndhiwa, Kenya: It has been hell here. Five people died out of hunger and I may get arrested. John has only sent us £1000 but what is required here is £3500. It is worse. God knows why. 19:48. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: We have lived on water only. One man died. The budget should be £2300 not what John sent. God come down. 16th September 2021. 19:38. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, A FURTHER £777 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT... JOHN AND VUGA ARE EXTREMELY TIRED BUT GOD HAS ENABLED THEM TO SAFELY REACH ISRAEL FOR THE FOT MEETING. MAY GOD TOUCH ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW... IAM IAM IAM HAS SAID." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:53. From John in Israel: None has appreciated the money sent for FoT. Am worried. Here 737 people are assembled. It is a big challenge. God help us. 16th September 2021. 21:30. To John: What I wrote below needs to be said to the folks gathered there in Jerusalem... The booklet Meetings With Jesus explains that God wants home fellowships to form, not megachurch gatherings. Yet big gatherings seem to be what people want, but they are not God’s ideal. There are more opportunities for the Spirit to speak to people in small gatherings than in large ones. It’s the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing (Jn 6:63). 17th Sept 2021. 5:02. From Rhoda: "TO SAVE THE IMAGE OF MM IN ISRAEL MAY £777 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THESE PEOPLE ARE OUT TO HEAR THE WORD OF GOD. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY £777 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Miraculously, it became possible to send £777. Amazing! 17th September 2021. 18:40. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA SAVED THE SITUATION TODAY AND SENT £200 TO NDHIWA FOT MEETING, £200 TO SOMALIA FOT MEETING AND £200 TO SAUDI ARABIA FOT MEETING, AND £100 TO KABUOCH FOT MEETING. OUT OF THE £777 THEY REMAINED WITH ONLY £77. GOD'S ANGELS MOVED THEM TO DO SO. GODWILLING GODWILLING GODWILLING MAY AT LEAST £777 REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO KEEP THE ISRAEL FOT MEETING GOING ON. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:29. John:. We are going on with discussion of MM letters Malcolm sent today. I sent £700 for FoT in Ndhiwa, Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Kabuoch. Comment: Rolf wasn’t able to send £777. Only £300 was possible. 3330 Turn UpSaturday 18th September 2021. 18:30. From John: We have had a very good Sabbath meet with 3,330 people. Many people joined us to hear the gospel of truth. Will, our water and milk are over. We are still waiting for the £2500 to appear in the bank account. [What Vivian sent on 13th Sept.] We used the money sent last night to feed God's children who turned up for the gospel. Look at that number 3330. Does it have a prophetic meaning? [See later under 3330.] 19:20. Reply: It’s amazing that you can count that number of attendees! 3 symbolises finality. This is the Final Restoration (3) of God’s Truth at the end of this age. Finality, end, completion are all symbolised by 3. And 10 is the number of man. How did you manage to address that large number of people? Is there a spacious outside area where they can all sit down and listen? Sunday 19th Sept 2021. 8:28. From John: The kitty is completely dry and we have no water and milk. We are teaching these people the gospel of truth via MM lits. 779 people are seated here listening to the message. God bless. 8:30. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY AT LEAST £450 REACH JOHN NOW. THEY ARE IN A BIG NEED." 7 Angels have said. 8:59. To John: Somehow Rolf has been able to send £280 to you, which should have arrived by now. But our massive debts are preventing us doing much. All those people turning up uninvited have created this massive problem. Also the bank withholding your money... 20th Sept 2021. 6:24. From John: The number has grown so big. We are overwhelmed. We need water and milk, and money for more copies of MM lits 20th September 2021. 7:31. From John: Corona pandemic has put MM in to a big challenge. Will, people believe here that MM lits have the cure for Coronavirus. Am being beaten up for not providing enough copies of MM lits... 7:43. From Rhoda: "MANY PEOPLE ARE FORCING JOHN AND VUGA TO GIVE THEM COPIES OF MM LITS WHICH THEY BELIEVE CURE CORONAVIRUS. JOHN AND VUGA NEED MONEY TO PRODUCE COPIES OF MM LITS. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, MAY AT LEAST £450 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that now. [Thankfully, £450 was found.] 15:18. From John: ...We have 799 people here all comfortably seated and hearing the word of God. God bless. 3330, God’s Final Warning To Sinners20th September 2021. 15:33. From Rhoda: 1. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER TO ALL PEOPLE GATHERING IN ALL THE FOT SITES AND SEND TO JOHN. GOD WILL MAINTAIN THE NUMBER AT 799 IN EACH FOT SITE. COPIES NUMBERING 799 PER FOT MEETING SITE TO BE PRODUCED. ONE COPY TO BE SENT TO THE BANK BY JOHN FOR GOD IS OUT TO DEMONSTRATE HIS MIGHT. [God later killed the person at the bank who was trying to steal that money.] THE TITLE OF THE LETTER SHOULD BE “3330, GOD'S FINAL WARNING TO SINNERS.” FAILURE TO DO THIS IAM IAM IAM WILL SEND A DANGEROUS PROBLEM. JOHN AND VUGA TO PRODUCE THOSE COPIES STARTING TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT, MEANING THAT: 2. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £3330 TO REACH JOHN. £1330 TONIGHT, £1000 TOMORROW AND £1000 ON WEDNESDAY. [We couldn’t meet the ideal timeline the angels wanted.] 3. THE £2500 IN THE BANK MUST BE EQUALLY SHARED AMONG THE FOT MEETING SITES, FAILURE TO WHICH GOD WILL MIGHTILY PUNISH JOHN AND VUGA. 4. NO ONE SHOULD OPPOSE THIS DIRECTIVE OR ELSE GOD WILL COUNT IT AS AN UNPARDONABLE SIN. £3330, £3330, £3330. FINALITY FINALITY FINALITY OF GOD'S WARNING. 5. FAILURE TO WHICH A BIG PROBLEM WILL BEFALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE IT. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 799 At Each FoT Site21st September 2021. 8:03. From John and Vuga in Jerusalem: Thanks Will. We have 799 people here. God bless. 8:04. From Eunice in Kabuoch Kenya: 799 people are here for the Fot. We have no money to produce more copies. John is silent. We are worried. Comment: Kachapim in Ndhiwa, Kenya, and Trezaa in Saudi, and Safina in Somalia all lamented their difficult situation. No money, no food and many people: 799 in each area. The number showed God’s design by those attending. 9:35. To John: The £125 sent today is probably all we can do today. ... we have to plod on with the little we have and do the best with that. It’s imperative that you get the ‘3330’ sent today to the bank. Then God can bring judgement upon them. I’m expecting Him to kill the culprit... 21st September 2021. 10:18. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL KILL ONE BANK WORKER TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT WHO HAS BEEN SITTING ON MONEY FOR THE FOT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:41. From Rhoda: "THE CALL FOR £30,000 VAN IS A VERY IMPORTANT NEED. A DOUBLE CABIN VAN IS REQUIRED TO HELP IN THE MISSION. GOD'S IMPORTANT '3330' MESSAGE IS THE MOST VITAL STEP. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, PLEASE LET ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THE £30000 FOR THE NEW VAN. GOD IS OUT TO PERFORM A BIG MIRACLE VIA THE '3330' MM LIT. 1. DON'T DOUBT GOD, FOR THE WHOLE WORLD MUST FEEL THE MM LITS FIRE THROUGH THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH. 2. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £30000 URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. 3. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM YOU ARE THE ONLY CHOSEN PROPHET OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD NOW IN THE WORLD. [God means chosen for this particular assignment. That’s why we don’t get the needed support from people. They prefer to support false prophets.] 4. JOHN JOHN JOHN, JUST REMAIN FIRM. GOD IS GOING TO HELP YOU, COMPLETE YOUR HOUSE, FOR YOU HAVE REMAINED FAITHFUL TO HIS WORK. 5. VUGA VUGA VUGA, DONT FEAR, GOD IS WITH YOU." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd September 2021. 4:32. From John: The crowd angrily demanded for the copies of the lits. It forced me and Vuga to lock ourselves inside the MM van. We have no money to produce more copies. God knows. God bless. Comment: I got virtually the same message from all the other four sites. This is because the people have been healed by having the Faith booklet laid on them. So they think it has intrinsic powers, and are demanding it. But you can’t convince them that it doesn’t have intrinsic powers, and that the miracles are according to God’s plans and purposes. 22nd Sept 2021. 4:34. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £1330 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels said that now. [We couldn’t do it, but Rolf managed £476.] 10:34. From John: [About God’s judgement on the dishonest bank clerk.] You are right. The culprit was killed with thunderbolt last night. Am waiting... [for the money to come through. John phoned the bank. They told him of the death.] 22nd Sept 2021. 20:28. John: The bank released the £2500. I have sent £500 to Kabuoch, £500 to Ndhiwa, £500 to Somalia and £500 to Saudi Arabia. God Performs A Miracle Of Sustenance22nd Sept 2021. 20:34. From Rhoda: "JOHN JOHN JOHN, MONEY FOR THE FOT WHICH IS £2500 MUST BE GIVEN OUT EQUALLY TO NDHIWA, KABUOCH, SOMALIA, SAUDI ARABIA AND ISRAEL. THIS MONEY SHOULD BE FOR WATER AND MILK TO FEED GOD'S CHILDREN IN THE FOT. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS SHOULD HELP RAISE £2500 FOR PRODUCTION OF COPIES OF MM LITS. TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT, £1000 TO REACH JOHN. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: We didn’t have funds to support and feed all these 4,000 people so God performed a miracle. Just milk and water satisfied their hunger. 23rd Sept 2021. 7:18. From John: The pressure from these people for MM lits is too dangerous, Will. God help us. [The angels requested £1,000.] 8:16. To John: Yes. These people are out of order. I had a dream this morning about black kittens in our shed (building). [Black = evil.] 8:18. From John: Thanks. The whole population need the copies. They are very hungry for the lits, that controlling them is a big challenge. 10:15. To all sites: This is a message for all the people gathered there who are harassing you for lit. You folks who have come to attend the Feast of Ingathering (Feast of Tabernacles), some of you are behaving in a despicable, disgraceful manner by harassing your hosts. Many of you have come without invitation, and have imposed on your hosts, putting them into difficulties. Then you turn on them with hostility, demanding lit which you haven’t contributed towards the cost of producing it. Some or most of you haven’t contributed to the costs you have incurred by your presence. We have had to borrow money to pay for your upkeep. It’s money we don’t have, so your uninvited presence has created bigger problems for us. You who behave so demandingly should be ashamed of yourselves and repent before God for being so evil. Back off, stop your demands, and wait for God’s deliverance. By demanding you are not exercising patience, nor trust in God. Your fruits of unrighteousness betray you (Matthew 12:33). Comment: The angels requested £1,000 to provide lit. We didn’t have it. 24th September 2021. 14:27. From John: Thanks Will. Will, the sick are getting healed. May God's power protect us from the evil people. I sent £60 each to the 4 FOT meeting sites, Kabuoch, Ndhiwa, Somalia ,and Saudi Arabia. We are in the middle of a serious MM lits study session. God bless. 14:55. Reply: Yes. God honours His word, and on occasions like this, even to the people who don’t honour Him. The miracle each day of enabling them to just survive on milk and water without food is a testimony to His grace. 14:46. From John: 1. Martha Malo. I came here with a stiff neck. MM lit was dipped in to water, a prayer was done by John and Vuga. Then I drunk the water. Am healed. 2. David Sizia. I was involved in a motorcycle accident and broke my left knee. I have lived with pain for the past 6 months. I drunk the water. Am healed. 3. Njuka Mawe. I have been practicing witchcraft and wizardry. I came here to kill John and Vuga. Light from the MM lits made me lose my eyesight and when I drunk the water I regained my eyesight. [He was delivered of those demons.] These are some of the testimonies we received today. There are more. God Speaks Again To Encourage Us14:52. From Rhoda: "JOHN, VUGA AND OTHER MM FOLKS GUIDING THE FOT MUST NOT LOSE HOPE. GOD IS VERY PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON. GOD IS HAPPY WITH THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS. GOD IS OPENING WAYS FOR THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. JOHN AND VUGA, REMAIN STEADFAST AND DON'T FEAR. GOD WILL NOT ALLOW ANY EVIL MAN TO DESTROY MM EVANGELISM WORK DURING THIS FOT. GOD WANTS ANOTHER £30,000 VAN TO HELP CARRY ENOUGH MM LITS SO THAT NEXT YEAR THE FOT IS OBSERVED IN SMALL GROUPS TO AVOID WHAT HAS OCCURRED THIS YEAR." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15:25. From John: The dream that appeared to me on my first calling appeared to me again. I was taken to the top of a tall mountain. A man and his wife, both light skinned, held my hands, one on the left and the other on the right. The mountain was covered with white ice. Down the valley were very hungry people who received white ice from us on the mountaintop. God help me. 24th September 2021. 18:45. From John: The budget for water and milk is completely depleted. Our kitty is completely dry. The meeting is going on well. 19:57. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. £150 TO GO TO KABUOCH, £150 TO NDHIWA, £150 TO SOMALIA AND £150 TO SAUDI ARABIA FOR MILK AND WATER TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY. THERE IS URGENT NEED..." 7 Angels said that now. 20:19. From Rhoda: "NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO BLOCK MM WORK VIA LITS EVANGELISM. THEY [opponents] USE CHARMS DAY AND NIGHT TO BLOCK MONEY FROM REACHING JOHN AND VUGA SO THAT MM EVANGELISM WORK CAN STALL. GOD HAS SEEN IT. GOD HAS CLEANSED JOHN'S E-MAIL ADDRESS NOW. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MAY £777 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. 7 IS IAM'S NUMBER. THIS MARKS THE END OF [that particular] MONEY PROBLEM..." 7 Angels said that to me now. Threats From Hit Men Hired By GOD TV!24th Sept 2021. 20:25. From Mabele Ping-pong’s address: Balaya Mutu: You thought that you killed all of us. Haaaaaaaaaa. Our charm has blocked all your Money sources that's why this year's FOT meeting for MM is substandard. Malcolm you are a devil worshipper. Our charm has locked enough Money from reaching your team. Haaaaaaaaaa. If you pay me £100,000,000,0000 then I can make you have money like before. MM is dead. Poor like idiot. I am the king of Charm. I live in Congo forest. 25th Sept 2021. 9:58. To John: Rolf’s son was able to send £777 this morning, but he is owed that money back. [John disbursed it as requested.] 13:11. From Kachapim in Ndhiwa, Kenya: A total of 17 people got healed from various illnesses. Our meeting was very successful though am left with no food. God bless. Comment: Over the next three days, we struggled on bit by bit, to provide funds for the 3330 article to be given to every attendee at the five feast sites, and to help with their other basic needs. We were stretched beyond our ability! 28th September 2021. 20:07. From Rhoda: "GOD BLESS ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS FOR FIRMLY SUPPORTING FOT MEETINGS. NOW NOW NOW, £777 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO START THEM OFF OUT OF ISRAEL. THE VAN MUST VISIT SAUDI ARABIA THEN SOMALIA, THEN NDHIWA THEN KABUOCH FOR A FOLLOW UP MISSION AFTER THE FOT. JOHN SHOULD THEN GIVE A REPORT ON THE SAME. THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION. £777, £777, £777 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We had no more money.] 20:10. From John: Over 30 attackers are here demanding to have our heads. Pray for us. God bless. 20:11. From Mabele Ping-Pong’s e-mail: Come out Malcolm. You can't destroy God TV the way you have killed prophet TB Joshua . We need that your head. We know you are here in Israel idiot. [John mentioned that T B Joshua was “the late self proclaimed prophet of a church in Nigeria. He died this year.”] God Kills With Firebolts Balaya’s Gunmen29th Sept 2021. 6:39. From John: God killed by firebolts all the attackers at midnight when they came to kill us. At midnight God made their guns jam when we faced them with opened MM Faith lits. We have no fuel to leave here. 29th September 2021. 6:40. From Mabele Ping-Pong’s e-mail: (Balaya Mutu.) You killed my spies yesternight. Now get ready for a big fight idiot. 29th September 2021. 6:49. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £777 REACH JOHN NOW NOW TO GET THEM MOVING. GOD KILLED THE ATTACKERS WHO WANTED TO KILL JOHN AND VUGA. MORE ARE COMING TODAY TO ATTACK THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. “Hired By GOD TV To Kill Malcolm”7:54. To John: What did the attackers try to do? Did they harm you at all? 7:58. To Rhoda: Whoever this is, behind this e-address (Mabele Ping-Pong was killed by God in a former attack against us) seems to be hired by GOD TV. Can the angels say what his connection is with that TV setup? Or does his statement [about GOD TV] come from demonic revelation? 7:57. From John: They harmed us. My head and Vuga's back was hit with an iron bar. We are in a big pain. God bless. 8:00. Reply: May God heal you speedily. A bit of money is coming soon. Comment: £271 was available but the credit card wouldn’t acknowledge it. The system wouldn’t respond. [Demons cause trouble.] 8:38. From John: They are Islamic killers and you are right, these people are heavily paid to kill Malcolm... 8:41. From Mabele Ping-Pong’s e-mail: I Balaya promise to present your head to my seniors. You killed Ping Pong but you cannot match me. Come out we meet in a ring. 9:09. Reply: I am in the UK, so you will have a hard job trying to knock my head off. How much has GOD TV paid you to kill me? It won’t be enough. Who are your seniors? 9:09. From John: They had AK-47 rifles. Those people were very fierce. They were Arabs. I believe our God is in charge. God bless. 9:33. To John: I’m hoping that the 271 we have to send today isn’t much longer in coming to you. The angels asked for 777, and we can nearly do that tomorrow, so that should be with you tomorrow. 11:16. From Rhoda: "IT IS A BIG TEAM BUT GOD WILL WIPE THEM OUT. THEY ARE ORDERED BY GOD TV TO KILL MALCOLM. MAY AT LEAST £777 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:22. From John: We are completely stuck and the money is not yet in. 14:12. To John: May God open the card up to let your money go. How are you feeling now? I hope the pains are easing. 15:13. To John: The hindrance on the transfer is a demonic blockage. 30th Sept 2021. 8:02. To John: How are you feeling now? Are the pains eased? What happened last night? Did you get another band of attackers come against you? £600 has finally gone this morning. Hope you have got that now. 9:28. John: The big team of attackers camped around us till morning. They are trailing us... roughly 10, in 3 cars. We are heading to Saudi Arabia.
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