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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 23 |
284To JerusalemAll Your works shall praise You, O Lord, and Your saints shall bless You (Psalm 145:10).
For three days, God had been announcing through the 7 angels the urgent need to get to Jerusalem to help the poor believers there and do other things that God had in mind. Money lacks again held up progress. 24th May 2021. 9:36. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, JOHN AND VUGA MUST CROSS IN TO ISRAEL NOW AND MEET THE MM FOLKS AFFECTED THERE. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY HAVE DONE A GREAT WORK IN GAZA CITY. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th May 2021. 17:10. From Rhoda: "THE MM VAN EVANGELISTS MUST VISIT JERUSALEM CITY AND MEET GOD'S MM FOLKS IN A PATHETIC SITUATION. MAY MM EVANGELISM WORK NOT STOP. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1300 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. THIS IS A MIGHTY MEETING. JOHN IS IN GREAT PAIN, HUNGRY AND THIRSTY. GOD IS IN THE STRUGGLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: On 26th May we only had £250 to send, not £1,300. God took away the dreadful pain John was suffering the day before, from the vicious attack. God Is Not Mocked!26th May 2021. 13:56. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, THREE JIHADISTS WHO ROBBED JOHN AND TOOK THE MM LIT ARE DEAD. THEY WANTED TO WRITE MM LIT COUNTERFEIT AND GOD HIT THEM WITH FIREBOLTS. THEY HAD GONE UP TO JERUSALEM. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW AND A FURTHER £800 TOMORROW MORNING. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that now. [We had nothing that evening.] Comment: The next day, 27th May, the angels again asked for £800. That was the need, but we could only manage £200. John and Vuga were in a very hostile place with enemies constantly following them. They could see the gunmen’s vehicle trailing them all the time. 14:23. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY A FURTHER £150 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY MUST NOT STOP ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. GOD WANTS THE VAN TO MOVE ON ON ON. THIS IS URGENT...." 7 Angels said that to me now. [Rolf managed to send £100.] 16:33. From John: We are 21km from Jerusalem. This region is very hostile. Air strikes are still on. Travelling is strictly day time. It is worse than Gaza. 18:05. From John: Thanks to God. We have arrived in Jerusalem. We will follow the lead of the Angels white mists. Pray for us. Life here is very risky. 18:37. Reply: Thanks for yours. I am surprised that you have managed to make it there on that small amount of money. The angels made fuel go further. They must have been pushing the van. What do you mean by “air strikes are still on”? The war between Gaza and Israel has temporarily ended, so what or who are Israeli jets bombing? God Warns Of A Severe Trial Because Of Blocks18:33. From Rhoda: "THE MAIN REASON WHY JOHN IS WORRIED ABOUT THE BLOCKS IS GOD WANTS JOHN TO DO HIS WORK NON STOP. MM EVANGELISM WORK IS A PROCESS THAT MUST NOT STOP EVEN FOR A DAY. THE BLOCKS ON MONEY TRANSFER ARE HINDERING THIS STEADY MISSION. THE TEAM MUST VISIT SEVEN AREAS IN JERUSALEM TOMORROW. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. THE VAN MUST NOT STOP IN JERUSALEM. THE ATTACKERS HAVE TRAILED THE VAN FROM EGYPT ALL THROUGH GAZA TO JERUSALEM. YES IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO SEND MONEY TO JOHN BUT THIS IS A MUST OCCUR TRANSFER BECAUSE FAILURE MAY CAUSE BIG DAMAGE. GOD HAS SPOKEN. MAY JOHN AND VUGA REMAIN STEADFAST WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THIS IS THE BIGGEST TEST FOR THE MM EVANGELISM TEAM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. From the three witnesses God has chosen to give visions to: 18:43. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: I saw John and Vuga walk through fire. Fire. Fire. God's Angels surrounded them crying for money for fuel to get to them. The fire was big big. 18:45. From Kachapim in Kenya: I saw seven Angel-like men in white clothes crying and calling “Malcolm to ensure that fuel is in the van. Fuel in the van. Fuel fuel fuel. Malcolm, fuel fuel.” They cried out like that. 18:46. From Eunice: Malcolm, I saw the MM van passing through fire. Everyone around was crying for fuel so that the van could move out of the fire. 18:48. From John: Israeli jets are still flying overhead maintaining surveillance at the borders. It can't be reported but that is it. We have no water, no milk and no fuel. Our kitty is completely dry. [We had nothing to help them.] 27th May 2021. 18:51. From Rhoda: "... JERUSALEM... THE FUEL OF £100 GOT THEM IN. THEY HAVE NOTHING IN THE KITTY, NO WATER, MILK AND FUEL. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS MUST HELP RAISE £650 TO REACH JOHN VERY EARLY TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We were unable to send anything due to blocks.] 28th May 2021. 8:11. From John: We got badly attacked at night here in Jerusalem. It occurred in Ben Yehuda Street. They were 6. Two had guns. They ordered us to surrender and give out all the MM lits. We stood our ground with opened MM Faith lits. All the guns jammed and they resorted to throwing stones at us. They abused us and left just after midnight. The windscreen is smashed. We have no water, milk and fuel. 10:28. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS COMPLETELY STUCK IN BEN YEHUDA STREET IN JERUSALEM. THE MM VAN HAS ATTRACTED MANY OPPOSERS. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:34. From John: We stand being arrested any time. No vehicle is allowed to stand in this street. We have no fuel to move out of here... 10:57. To John: You did well. God is setting up a situation that will publicise MM’s presence far more extensively than any preaching could... 11:21. From John: We got hit Will. We are in pain... We will not run away. We will not bow to Baal. 12:37. From John: My head! We are under arrest. We are surrounded, being beaten up. We can't run away. It is sad but we can’t do anything. 13:26. From John: £10000 is the money these thugs in uniform want us to pay before leaving here. They treat us as international criminals. If not we risk a life imprisonment... God knows why. I will die in His service. Rolf has just written that his credit cards cannot work. He is £750 over the limit. Will, God made a promise to go with us. We will walk in His power. I have openly told the officers here to put fuel of only £50 in the van so that I can drive it to their station but they have rebuked us calling me a devil worshipper, a terrorist, a murderer. Will, this is a big test but God knew it before... 13:39. To John: ...You have done nothing to deserve this, just as Jesus had done nothing to deserve the suffering He bore. It’s for God’s purposes to be worked out so He can kill those thugs. They won’t get £10,000 out of us. God will deliver without money, or like He has done previously with smaller money. God is in charge, though He sometimes has to let us suffer. May He deliver soon and heal. 17:05. From John: We are weak and hungry. We are being treated as intruders. We leave all to God. They demand £10000. They have started ransacking the MM van. I fear for our lives. We will thank God always. God bless. The Terrorist Threats17:17. From Lokali Timu’s e-mail: How did you get to Israel? Who permitted you to get to Israel? What work do you do? Why move and take a rest, move and take a rest? Our team kept following you all the way from Chad. Your van don't move constantly but take stops every time. What are you after? We are a team of investigators from Syria. Please answer these questions before tomorrow morning. We are going to kill these two men and burn this van. Without £10,000 you can't escape this case. You train criminals. Malcolm reply before late. We have records of people you have killed. 18:54. Reply: I have killed no one. I live in the UK. John and Vuga in the MM van have killed no one. In previous attacks of your Muslim fraternity against us, on some occasions your own gunmen have killed each other with their own guns. We don’t have guns. We rely on God. In other situations, your Muslim brothers have been killed by God with massive supernatural firebolts, and incinerated to death. They became ash, as is prophesied in the Bible in Psalm 11:6 and Malachi 4:3. Get yourself a Bible and look up those prophecies. They were given by God to true prophets. The prophet you follow in Islam was a false prophet. God did not send him, and you have believed lies. When you kill others, or try to kill others, like in your present determination to kill the MM workers in the van, God holds you accountable and death is the price you must pay. After death, for having lived a life of murder and evildoing in the Muslim cause, you don’t go to paradise. That is a lie. You go to the most horrible place and suffer until the time when God will completely end your life forever. So, I recommend you back off and leave the MM van and MM workers alone, or you will pay the ultimate price of death and misery in hell. 19:18. Their reply: Death? Okay. Why is this van static? You are out for something. Come on. 19:32. My reply: Who are you? 18:46. To Trezaa: [She was very concerned for John and Vuga.]Don’t worry about it. These aren’t police, they are Muslim gangsters who are bent on killing John and Vuga and destroying the van. They have just e-mailed me without saying who they are, using Lokali Timu’s e-mail and phone, which has been used by a string of Islamic terrorists for years. These terrorists have been hired to kill us and put an end to MM’s outreach because the Islamic hierarchies are troubled by the number of people God has been bringing out of Islam to accept MM truths and give their lives to Jesus. God is shaking the Islamic world in the Middle East, and that’s what they are bothered about. God will kill these thugs... 28th May 2021. 20:05. To John: The credit cards still don’t work, but we are hoping to get something to you after midnight for the morning. [After midnight some space cleared on a card and £500 was sent.] 29th May 2021. 5:31. From the terrorist: We are the peace keepers. We have identified your actions. You are out to wipe out Islam but we can't allow you. You took away our strong soldiers. This time you must part with £10,000 to get your van. 7:28. Reply: I don’t know what you are talking about. I know nothing about your soldiers. What soldiers? I am in the UK. Who are you? 7:42. From the terrorist: Idiot you are hiding somewhere in middle East. We will catch up with you. 8:21. Reply to the terrorist: I am in Britain, the UK. Get it?! I am not in the Middle East. The MM van is in the Middle East at present with John Ongoro and Vuga Rianga in it, whom you have abused, beaten up, treated despicably, and tried to kill, and though I warned you to back off and leave us alone, you ignore that advice. So, if you have had gunmen killed, that is your fault for ignoring the warning. How many gunmen did you lose? If you want to kill me, you will have to come to the UK, but that will be difficult for you. You won’t be able to afford the cost. 13:00. From the terrorist: You must pay £10000 to be able to get your van and your people. Idiot 16:02. Reply: OK. You will have to wait for that, then. 29th May 2021. 13:02. From John: It is a big fight. These people want to burn us to death. They want money to release us. We have been in a bad fight. 16:04. Reply: ...You have done well to keep them at bay. 18:13. From John: These people know everything about MM. They are after our deaths but we will not allow them. We can't allow them pick even a single copy of MM lits. Their guns can't work in presence of opened MM Faith lits. We have water and milk. We are praying. Pray for us. God bless. 17:52. From the terrorist: What are your parents names, we want to get to you even in UK. We must know the job you are doing. You are a chain killer. Your two men here are fighting us. Just wait 19:01. Reply: You tell me your name first. God’s Plan Changes18:22. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £777. LET THIS MONEY REACH JOHN EARLY MORNING TOMORROW. LET JOHN PUT THE MONEY INSIDE MM FAITH LIT AND HAND IT OVER TO THE ATTACKERS. SEVEN IS IAM'S NUMBER. ON TOUCHING THE MONEY GOD WILL BLOCK THEIR EYESIGHTS, LET JOHN PICK UP THE MONEY FUEL THE VAN AND MOVE ON WITH EVANGELISM WORK TILL WEDNESDAY WITHOUT REST. THOSE ATTACKERS WILL REMAIN BLIND FOR THREE DAYS THEN DIE A PAINFUL DEATH. 777, 777, 777. SEVEN IS IAM'S NUMBER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £175 went after midnight when a credit card gave space. And £50 also the next day. That was all the cards would allow because of the blocks Nationwide had imposed on MM supporters. God killed those gunmen the next day. He changed His scheme, as you will see, maybe because of lack of funds. 29th May 2021. 19:25. The terrorist: I am head of peace keepers, you have killed many of us but we are happy Allah has put you in our hands. Wait 20:29. Reply: Head of peacekeepers eh? You don’t practise peacekeeping. You practise making war. I have asked you what your name is. Presumably you can’t remember it. Sunday 30th May 2021. 5:10. From the terrorist: We need £10000 not less. We know your tricks. Idiot 7:46. Reply: Like I said, you will have to wait for the money. It takes time to get hold of a large sum like that. And anyway, you haven’t yet told me your name. You won’t get any money till you tell me who you are. I don’t go giving money to people I don’t know. 30th May 2021. 6:24. From John: We gave them the money at midnight, they counted it then one of them started running mad with the MM Faith lit with money inside while the rest lost eyesights. He dropped into an unused well and died, never to be seen again, with the money plus the MM Faith lit. Their leader did not die. He has gone to the police to report us. I managed to buy fuel of £50. We have moved 15km away. We are safe but their leader believes that we are still in their custody. Go on confusing him with writing as we go on with evangelism. We have no money but we are free. We have no water and milk. 10:34. To John: ...That guy who fell into the well must have gone mad by the influence of all the demons on him. Was there water in the well? [Answer, yes.] 18:09. From the terrorist: You have killed ten soldiers and pushed one in to a deep well. We have brought in 20 more. You will not win this one. If you need help then surrender. We will blow up that your van. 18:30. Reply: I haven’t killed anyone. You have, by your stubborn refusal to stop attacking this Christian ministry. It is God whom you are fighting, so God killed those fighters of yours whom you hired to kill us. You are getting what you deserve from God, and if you don’t back off, those 20 will die also, because our God does not tolerate those who are trying to finish off His Work on earth. 18:11. From John: These people are still following us but we don't fear them. We have bought water and milk. We are openly sharing the MM gospel of truth. God Kills More Than 777 Gunmen31st May 2021. 5:26. From the terrorist: Now you are using bombs to kill us. We have reported your case to the authorities here. You must suffer. 8:31. Reply: What bombs? I don’t know what you are talking about. We don’t carry any physical weapons. God protects us from you evil terrorists. Your complaint is against Him, then. So why don’t you learn and back off? You are fighting Him and He is ALMIGHTY, so you can’t win. 31st May 2021. 7:55. From John: We had a very hard time at night Will. 9:55. From John: We used opened MM Faith lits against them and their vehicle rolled and rolled killing all those on board. 9:56. From the terrorist: You bombed our vehicle killing all our 6 instructors. You are a killer. But we are with you 13:03. From John: It happened here in Jerusalem, in Hillel street at midnight. Will, right now 13 men in police uniform are here. We don't fear them. 13:55. To John: God is in charge, yes. So, He’s giving a witness to the police, too. I will send you the string of e-mails from the terrorist after this, in case you want to show it to the police. It shows them as the aggressors, not you. 17:09. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, A BIG BATTLE IS AHEAD. PLEASE, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. THEY MUST HAVE ENOUGH FUEL BECAUSE A BIG BATTLE IS LOOMING TOMORROW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:35. Reply: OK. That should be possible tomorrow morning. 18:24. John: We are showing the police all these e-mail threats to life. 1st June 2021. 8:02. From John: We can't move. No water, milk and fuel. Our attackers tried throughout the night to get to us but God covered us in thick white mists, so they left. And the police checked the messages and just left. 8:45. Reply: Rolf has sent you £1,000 a short while ago. The angels asked for £777, but Trezaa will need some money to begin her journey home... 1st June 2021. 11:34. From the terrorist: We have identified your van. You have bribed those police but we are with you. 12:32. Reply: No, we haven’t bribed anyone. You would do that because you are dishonest, a liar, a cheat, a murderer, a son of the devil, as it says in the Bible, in John 8:44. It’s a pity you got the wrong book to regard as ‘holy’. The Koran is no more holy than the Guinness Book of Records. The Bible is holy. It contains God’s Word, His Truth. Islam recognises Moses as a prophet. A prophet is given higher knowledge, revelation. Moses received from God, and wrote down what God told him. In Exodus 20 he wrote down God’s 10 Commandments that people are to live by. The 6th commandment states you shall not murder (Exodus 20:13). You are violating that command by wanting to kill us. Only God has the right to take life because He is the giver and source of life. So you are usurping a prerogative of God only, and playing God, which is utter blasphemy. You are doing the works of Satan. If you don’t back off, God will kill you. 14:43. From the terrorist: How can we back off you have killed our 777 trained soldiers. We will have to destroy you. We still have 1777 trained soldiers. 15:07. Reply: So you are sending another 1777 soldiers to their deaths, are you? That’s foolish. Give them the truth about Midnight Ministries. Tell them that they are coming against the power of God, so they know what to expect. It’s unfair to call them into battle against a force they cannot beat. God Kills Another 1777 GunmenTuesday 1st June 2021. 14:46. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1777 TO REACH JOHN ON THURSDAY MORNING. GOD WILL KILL 1777 ATTACKERS ON THAT THURSDAY MIDNIGHT AND MAKE THEIR LEADERS SURRENDER. ALREADY 777 ATTACKERS HAVE DIED. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said. Comment: It’s interesting that the angels confirm the figures the gunman gave by asking for the same amount in funds to complete the mission in Israel. 1st June 2021. 19:00. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, GOD IS DOING A UNIQUE MIRACLE, FINISHING THE HIGHLY FEARED JIHADISTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:01. From John: These people are blocking our way. They are using ten vehicles. We are doing street to street MM evangelism work. Pray for us.. 2nd June 2021. 7:49. From John: We stood our ground with opened MM Faith lits till morning. No attacker came close to the MM van. We are going on with evangelism aware that they are trailing us. God bless. 2nd June 2021. 7:54. From the terrorist: You blocked us from reaching your van but we are following you. 8:28. Reply: You still haven’t said who you are. Forgotten your name? 8:39. From the terrorist: I am son of Bin Karaffu Ismaili Yartouba. I am with you. I want peace. Get ready. 9:16. Reply: Where do you hail from? If you want peace, then leave us alone. Peace is created by tolerance between different individuals. 16:50. From the terrorist: Idiot. You talk of peace and already you have killed over 777 of our peaceful security personnel. Idiot. Stupid. 17:53. From John: Those attackers are going ahead of us, pretending that they are MM evangelists. They are spreading rumours that Malcolm is dead. 17:55. From the terrorist: We must spoil for you. You can't kill Islam. If we don't kill you we will move around all middle East and tell them the truth. Furthermore Malcolm died last year thats why MM has no money to support evangelism work strongly like when Malcolm was alive. You are fake. Malcolm is dead. 18:56. Reply: You are talking rubbish. I AM MALCOLM, and I am alive and very much engaged in confronting liars like you. As for the 777 gunmen who got killed by God, NOT BY ME, let that be a lesson for you to learn NOT to attack or denigrate MM, because God is behind us... 2nd June 2021. 18:01. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MOVE WITH SPEED AND INFORM ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE THE BALANCE £1277 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THE MAD ATTACKERS ARE SPREADING THE FAKE NEWS THAT MALCOLM DIED LAST YEAR. THIS IS DEMONIC. GOD MUST KILL THE 1777 ATTACKERS BEFORE TOMMOROW MIDNIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 3rd June 2021. 7:17. John: We had a big struggle last night trying to surround our enemies spreading lies about Malcolm's death. Our fuel is over. 8:02. Reply: How can you surround them if they have 10 cars? And how can £1200 go in such a short time? [John explains below at 8:13.] 3rd June 2021. 7:22. From the terrorist: You wanted to bomb our 1277 soldiers last night but you couldn't get to them. You are not Malcolm. You are an intruder who wants to inherit Midnight Ministry. I know you. We must reclaim our Muslim brothers to leave that your sect. We will cover Syria, Saudi Arabia, and all middle East countries where this your Ministry is much established. By the end of this year this ministry will be no more. Believe you me. 8:09. Reply: You said two days ago that you had 1777 soldiers to face us. Now you say it’s only 1277. Did those other 500 not want to face us? 8:15. From the terrorist: You are asking and last midnight you killed 500 in Jordan. You are killing us with a bomb in form of a booklet. We are now in Aleppo Syria. We will go up to Saudi Arabia. Comment: People not familiar with how God is in complete control will not understand how God can move an unconverted person to give us the information we need, to confirm what God is doing. God is supreme. He moved the unconverted king Saul in Israel to prophesy (1 Sam 10:10). 8:13. From John: We wanted to move ahead of them and block them with opened MM Faith lits but our fuel got over. We have been following them into Jordan and now inside Syria. The money got used in fuelling the van. They are moving into regions we had visited and lying to the people that Malcolm is no more. We must face them urgently. We managed to face a few in Jordan where a few died, we still don't know the actual number. God hit them with firebolts. 3rd June 2021. 8:36. To John: I see. Thanks. £280 is on the way to you. 8:18. From Rhoda: "URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MAY SOME MONEY REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW THEY ARE STUCK IN SYRIA TRAILING THOSE MAD ATTACKERS." 9:09. From Rhoda: "IN THEM ARE A FEW FORMER MM FOLKS WHO BETRAYED MM. THEY ARE THE ONES GIVING THE ATTACKERS MM SECRETS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The terrorists may be spreading lies, but God uses the opposition to spread the message through confrontation and controversy. That was one way God spread the Gospel in the first century, and at other times. 9:11. From John: I can't tell how they know everything about MM. I guess those who left MM due to lack of money are leading them. God will expose them. 12:38. From the terrorist: You are still following us? Stop it. We have very powerful weapons. We will wipe you out. 12:50. To the terrorist: Ah, but you have been following us for a long time. So.... You reap what you sow. We have more powerful weapons than yours. They’re supernatural, not like yours. 15:18. From the terrorist: Yes we know that you have bombs and Firebolts. You are hiding in religion that Malcolm left for you. We must meet all the Muslims and tell them that MM is a cult. 15:46. Reply: Rubbish. You are well deceived. Our weapons are based on faith in God. They are HIS weapons to kill enemies who are used by the devil to try and stop His Work advancing. We do not intrinsically possess such supernatural abilities. Those are God’s abilities, and He is the one who kills your men with firebolts. So, since we are following God, as proven by the miraculous signs which follow in our wake, we cannot be a cult. A cult is a following of a mere man, not God. Islam is one of the biggest cults around, following Mohammed, like the Catholic church which follows the pope. The language of the supernatural power of God speaks far louder than the lies of Satan which you are brandishing as weapons. 16:07. From the terrorist: Allah is the most powerful being not you. If you kill these our strong 1277 soldiers then you use supernatural powers. Come on. 18:49. Reply: Allah is not the most powerful. He is Satan the devil. And he is not as powerful as the Almighty God, El Shaddai, whom we serve. From the terrorist: Who is Elshadai? Idiot. You mean you are fighting Allah? You will meet your medicine. 3rd June 2021. 20:06. From John: Will, we are in Syria. Our fuel is completely over. We can't get to Damascus where our attackers are. God bless. Friday 4th June 2021. 8:08. To John: Did anything happen last night? Comment: Thankfully £1,000 was sent early in the morning. 4th June 2021. 11:00. From John: Thanks Will. We have surrounded them in Damascus. I'll give a report. Rolf sent us money early today. We have moved very fast and blocked their way out of Damascus city. 11:37. Reply: That’s good. God is cornering them. 4th June 2021. 18:18. From the terrorist: Please if you want peace, stop killing us. Please please please. 19:03. Reply: You didn’t want peace. You wanted to kill us, so you are reaping what you have sown. 19:24. From John: They can't move out of the city. All their plans must come to an end. 19:26. From the terrorist: Do this, allow us move out of Damascus city. The whole place is completely covered with thick white mists. If you don't we will bomb your van. 21:35. Reply: Go ahead, try and bomb it! 19:33. From Rhoda: "THE MM VAN NEEDS SERVICE URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY BEFORE TOMORROW MIDDAY. THEN THE VAN MUST MOVE TO SOMALIA NEAR MOGADISHU AND DESTROY A SHRINE WHERE THE ATTACKERS TAKE OATHS. GOD WILL WIPE OUT ALL THEIR SOLDIERS. MAY ONLY £700 REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY TOMORROW MORNING TO GET THEM TO SOMALIA. GLORY GLORY GLORY TO GOD. THE ENEMY IS AT OUR FEET. AMEN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: Money sorted, thanks to Wilfred and Rolf.] 21:40. To John: He says they’re surrounded by white mist and can’t move. Is the mist visible to you, too? 5th June 2021. 5:25. From John: At exactly midnight, God hit the attackers with firebolts killing all of them. We then moved on. The £700 Rolf sent last night has not reached me yet. God bless. 5th June 2021. 5:27. From the terrorist: You killed all our soldiers. I am moving to Somalia now to come back with 3777 well trained men. I can't bow to you. Allahu wakbar. 9:10. From John: We still have £550 from the £1000 sent yesterday. The van requires £680 for service. The white mists could be seen clearly by everyone. 11:07. From Rhoda: "JOHN HASN'T RECEIVED THIS MONEY AND THEY MUST MOVE OUT VERY FAST..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Another £700 was sent by another system. Demons regularly interfere with money supply, hindering us and holding things up. 14:07. From the terrorist: You must pay dearly. You can't kill this big number and go unpunished.
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