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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 23 |
282Martyrs In ChadWhen He avenges blood, He remembers them. He does not forget the cry of the humble (Psalm 9:12).
The trip to Chad was fraught with problems. Lack of funds mainly. Because of that, the van was often stuck, and a sitting duck for enemies. It was attacked, and windows smashed. That cost us more money to replace them. The lack of support is a result of lack of spiritual focus and perception: spiritual blindness. Jesus prophesied of it in His missive to the Laodiceans (Rev 3:14-22). Rich and without lack, such believers are blind to their faults and deceived they have got all they need. Jesus rebukes them for their failings. This is the state of the church ‘out there’ now. The few supporters who stood behind these MM exploits were fully committed and stalwart. It was the church at large at fault. They should have been supporting us, but even though many knew of the MM outreach, none except one (a poor man in Russia) opened their wallets. Paul lamented that same problem which hampered him (Phil 2:20, 21). The selfish state of mind of these folks contributed to our hardships. The guys in the van frequently went hungry and thirsty. And the victims of terrorism, whom they were sent to rescue and help, were killed because the van was held up time and time again due to lacks. 80 believers died! They were martyred for their faith in Chad by Muslim jihadis. If we could have reached them sooner, their lives could have been spared. God holds various church folks accountable for those losses. They could have helped, but through fears, misgivings and selfishness, they chose not to. Stuck In Central African RepublicThursday 6th May 2021. 16:34. From John: We are very hungry and thirsty. We are still stuck here. 16:38. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE VERY HUNGRY AND THIRSTY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said now. 17:48. To John: Rolf has sent you £250 about 5 hours ago. Let’s hope it comes through quickly now. [It didn’t. It was blocked!] 7th May 2021. 8:09. Thanks Will. We are still stuck. The money that Rolf sent yesterday did not reach us. We are hungry and thirsty. Comment: The £250 which was sent by Small World did not arrive, and it left them without. They were stuck for a whole day without water and milk. The next morning Rolf was able to send £300 by another system. 10:16. From John: Yes, I got it. We are moving on. God bless you. Finally, Inside ChadFriday 7th May 2021. 14:35. From John: Thanks. We are inside Chad in Baibokoun city. We are still waiting for the £250 sent yesterday to produce copies of the lit Malcolm wrote for the Chad folks. We only have a little water... 14:56. From Rhoda: "THE VAN HAS SAFELY CROSSED INTO CHAD BUT THE FUEL IS COMPLETELY OVER, KITTY DRY. THEY NEED WATER, MILK, AND FUEL TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY. MAY A FURTHER £250 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said. 15:31. Reply: Hopefully something should be coming later... Comment: Thankfully, £500 reached John on Saturday morning. 8th May 2021. 16:47. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST VISIT A TOTAL OF TEN CITIES BY MORNING TOMORROW. IT IS GOOD THEY PRODUCED 30,000 COPIES OF THE LIT MALCOLM WROTE AND FIXED THE WINDSCREEN OF THE VAN. THE £200 FUEL WILL HELP THEM VISIT THE TEN CITIES AND SHARE GOD'S MESSAGE TO THE WAR RIDDEN CHILDREN OF GOD. GODWILLING GODWILLING GODWILLING, MAY £777 REACH JOHN TOMORROW EARLY IN THE MORNING TO TAKE THEM UP TO TUESDAY MIDNIGHT. 7 IS GOD'S NUMBER. 7 IS GOD'S NUMBER. 7 IS GOD'S NUMBER. 777 REBELS WILL BE WIPED OUT BY GOD ON TUESDAY MIDNIGHT. [IF the money is forthcoming, which is highly unlikely!] URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The inclusion of “God willing” suggested to me that it was not possible to achieve such an amount in the timescale, because man is not willing. And it proved to be so. Funds were desperately short. 8th May 2021. 18:31. From John: Thanks. We produced 30,000 copies of the letter Malcolm wrote @£100, fixed the windscreen @170, fuelled the van with £200, bought water @£10 and milk @£20. We also met 20 MM folks here and shared with them the MM lits. We are still doing evangelism work. We are in Pala city. Life is horrible here. God will protect us in this hostile environment. Sunday 9th May 2021. 7:01. From John: We had a very smooth work. We visited ten cities, giving out 3 copies of the lit you wrote. We even met the police and shared the good news. The cities we visited include: Mao, Bongor, Doba, Mongo, Koumar, Kelo, Abeche, Sarh, Moundou and Ndjamena. We are still in Ndjamena where we are completely stuck with no fuel, water and milk. 8:22. Reply: You did well. We are having a look to see what can be done. In those towns, what did you do? How did you spread the short article to people? Comment: Rolf managed to send £50 to them. [£600 over his credit limit!] 13:19. From John: In every town we left 3 copies of the letter Malcolm wrote. We first read it aloud to attract people around then share with them the lit. It is Muslims’ month of Ramadan, every street is packed with people till morning. 9th May 2021. 12:25. From Rhoda: "HOWEVER DIFFICULT IT IS MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY A FURTHER £150 REACH JOHN TODAY. THE SITUATION THEY ARE IN IS MUCH MORE RISKY... THEY ARE IN THE WORST SITUATION. THE VAN MUST MOVE OUT OF NDJAMENA CITY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE BEFORE NIGHT TODAY." 7 Angels have said. 14:59. From Rhoda: "IT IS RAMADAN FOR THE MUSLIMS. GOD WANTS TO PROVE IN CHAD HOW WRONG THEIR MAD LEADERS ARE. MAY ONLY £150 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE VAN MUST MOVE MOVE MOVE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15:02. From John: Here most people are Muslims but they generally accepted the lits. God bless. God Wipes Out 333 Jihadis9th May 2021. 18:28. From John: After reading the lit, these Muslim youths have ganged up against us and they are throwing stones at us. We just fixed the windscreen yesterday. We can't afford to allow these mad sinners to destroy God's MM van. Pray for us because we have no fuel to move the van on. 18:37. From Rhoda: "GOD'S MM VAN IS BEING TARGETED. MAY £100 OR £50 BE SENT TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW, TO MOVE THE VAN TO AN OPEN FIELD WHERE GOD IS GOING TO WIPE OUT THE NOTORIOUS MUSLIM JIHADISTS. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM THIS IS VERY URGENT. THE WINDSCREEN WAS JUST FIXED YESTERDAY, IT MUST NOT BE DESTROYED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:44. From Kachapim: "Let God's van be moved to safety, a wide field, the attackers will then follow the van and God will wipe out 333 tonight." A tall man in a long white robe holding a sharp sword said this to me in a dream. 9th May 2021. 18:58. From Rolf: £50 worked. [Rolf rescued the situation!] 9th May 2021. 21:17. From Rhoda: "AFTER MIDNIGHT GOD WILL KILL 333 ARMED YOUTHS THEN THE VAN MUST BE MOVED 133KM TO THE NORTH UP TO WHERE THE WHITE MISTS WILL STOP. TO COVER THIS DISTANCE, £350 MUST REACH JOHN TOMORROW. GOD IS OUT TO WIPE OUT ALL THE 777 JIHADISTS BY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. THOUGH THE FINANCIAL SITUATION IS EVEN HARDER, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS JUST TRY TRY TRY VERY HARD TO DO GOD'S REQUEST VIA THE ANGELIC MESSAGES. GOD IS NEVER WRONG. GOOD TIMES ARE COMING AHEAD. IT IS IMPORTANT TO ACCOMPLISH GOD'S MISSION IN HIS TIMELINE. JOHN AND VUGA MUST NOT BECOME WEARY FOR GOD IS IN CHARGE. THOUGH MONEY IS SCARCE, MALCOLM PASS THIS INFORMATION TO ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £350 NOW NOW NOW, TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY TOMORROW MORNING. IAM IS IAM, IAM IS IAM, I AM IS IN CHARGE OF MM MISSIONS. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY £350 REACH JOHN EARLY TOMORROW MORNING. GOD WANTS TO WIPE OUT ALL DICTATORSHIP IN THE WORLD, GOD WANTS TO DEMONSTRATE TO THE MUSLIM WORLD THAT IAM IS IAM AND MM IS HIS VESSEL FOR WIPING OUT SATAN'S PLANS ON EARTH. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, £350 £350 £350 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21:22. From John: Will, over 500 armed youths baying for Malcolm's blood are here. We have moved out of Ndjamena into a vast field where we have found Muslim youths taking an oath to destroy Malcolm, his family and MM. Pray for us. Pray for us. We don't know what next but God knows. We don't know how we will move out of here with this number of attackers but God knows. God knows how it will end. We have no money for fuel but God knows, we have no money for milk and water tomorrow but God knows. God knows. God bless. 21:45. From Rhoda: "GOD SENDS HIS MESSAGES VIA THE ANGELS WITH A LOT OF FORCE THAT IF RHODA FAILS TO DELIVER, THEN SHE WILL DIE IMMEDIATELY. GOD IS MASSIVE." 7 Angels said that to me now. 10th May 2021. 8:16. From John: At midnight when the attackers landed on the van to destroy it, God first confused them. They started fighting among themselves. They had pangas and knives. At exactly half past midnight God moved them about 200m away from the van as they continued to fight. God then hit them with firebolts killing and burning them. In fact a big number died in our watch. This morning over 1000 Muslims are gathered here. They want to engage us but we can't talk to them. Pray for us. [Enraged Muslims don’t listen!] Monday 10th May 2021. 8:21. From Rhoda: "GOD WIPED OUT 333 ARMED JIHADISTS. GOD IS SAYING THIS, LET THE VAN MOVE SOUTHWARDS TO WHERE IAM WILL STOP THE TEAM. LET JOHN AND VUGA NOT TALK TO THE BIG TEAM OF IMAMS WHO WANT TO ENGAGE THEM. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, HOWEVER DIFFICULT THE FINANCIAL SITUATION IS, MAY AT LEAST £350 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. LET IT BE NOW FOR THEM TO FOLLOW GOD'S DIRECTIVE. 777 NOTORIOUS JIHADISTS MUST BE WIPED OUT URGENTLY. GOD IS GOD. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We couldn’t send any money because the debts on the credit cards were over limit and wouldn’t allow more. Nor could we send direct because of the blocks Nationwide illicitly imposed on our accounts. So, we all suffered, especially John and Vuga! And there was more damage to the van as as result. 10th May 2021. 9:00. From Rhoda: "SO SO SO URGENT. MAY THE VAN MOVE OUT NOW BEFORE THE 21000 MUSLIM COMMUNITY SURROUND THE VAN TO ENGAGE JOHN AND VUGA. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The angels expressed the urgency, but there was nothing we could do. We suffer for the sins of others, both omission and commission. Unable To Move10th May 2021. 9:45. From John: ...we need to move a bit out of here... These people want to attack us. They are claiming we are part of the warlords in this country. They feel that we are sent to fight Muslims. They have thrown stones and destroyed the right side mirror. I fear for our van. God come down! 15:46. From John: The two side mirrors are destroyed plus all the left side windows. God knows how it will end. We are both injured. My forehead is swollen. God knows how it will end. God bless. 16:32. To John: God must take vengeance on the evil attackers! 11th May 2021. 4:05. From John: We trust God to act urgently. Pray for us. 7:31. Reply: Yes. We trust God even when things look very bleak. 11th May 2021. 7:57. From John: I understand how you have struggled to keep us going. I understand how the few anointed regular MM supporters are now. Will, we cannot suffer in the hands of these people like this. God protected us from imminent death. Now what can we do? Our water, milk and fuel are all over and the kitty is completely dry. God I have nothing in hand only my small piece of land. Have our lives, God. Don't allow these sinners to beat us like this. My whole body is painful, Vuga's eyes are swollen, the van is badly damaged. I'll sell this land. God don't allow us to die in these sinners’ hands. God no no no don't my Father. We have given our lives to serve you. God why? 8:08. Reply: Yes, it’s tough, having to endure all this suffering and damage. We are persecuted here also, victimised, and hampered severely. Peter wrote in 1 Peter 4 about the suffering we have to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. God will see us through. 1 Peter 5:10. 7:59. From Rhoda: "HOWEVER DIFFICULT THE SITUATION IS MALCOLM, MAY AT LEAST £200 REACH JOHN AND VUGA NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE IN SERIOUS PAIN. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. LET JOHN'S LAND NOT BE SOLD BECAUSE THIS MAY CAUSE A BIG PROBLEM. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We could do nothing to help them other than intercede. 9:10. To John: There is £350 available to come tomorrow morning. Because it has to be transferred before it can be sent, it is delayed, hence it can’t come today. We are doing our best to get round all these problems that opponents have caused us. May God heal you speedily and strengthen and restore you both. He is our Rock and our Healer. 11:17. To John: Has the mob dispersed yet? 13:00. From John: No not yet. They are baying for our blood. They are convinced that I am Malcolm. God bless. 13:32. Reply: The devil’s deceptions are so deep sometimes. They are utterly convinced in their errors. I think God is setting up more than meets the eye. This episode in Ndjamena will be a great witness to all in the vicinity. Confrontation, controversy and persecution against the Truth helped spread the message in the first century. And it’s similar today. It spreads the witness of the Truth, though the majority reject it. 14:08. From John: They will be celebrating their holy day starting tonight. With fuel of only £50 we could have moved a bit out of here. It is worse. My head is swollen and very painful. 14:20. Reply: Yes, I know. I wish we had access to the money that the authorities over here have locked up. They have made our lives impossible... 15:48. From John: Am in great pain. God knows why. Tonight may be worse. Pray for us. God bless. Comment: God answered by getting a credit card to release £50. The Call To Go To Gaza11th May 2021. 18:38. From Rhoda: "GOD'S MM FOLKS IN GAZA ARE BEING BUTCHERED. ISRAEL IS AT WAR WITH ARABS. AFTER THIS MIGHTY CHAD MM VAN MISSION THE VAN MUST MOVE VERY FAST TO GAZA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:53. Reply: Well, this is something else! I wonder how we can do that with such paucity of funds. God will show us somehow. 12th May 2021. 3 dreams: 14:54. From Kachapim: It is death death death for God's children in Gaza. Ooh God why? 14:52. From Trezaa: It is worse in Gaza. MM folks are being bombarded. 14:55. From Eunice: Bloodshed is on in Gaza. God TV is not God's TV. MM folks are being butchered. “Pray For Us!”11th May 2021. 20:48. To John: Before you went to Chad, God said that believers were being butchered there. Have you met any families of those killed, or found out anything about the atrocities that were taking place there? I wonder how many good Christian folks were murdered in Chad by Muslim militants. 11th May 2021. 21:24. From John: Pray for us. It is a big battle. Biggest. But our God is mightier. Pray for us. Gun shots at every corner. Pray for us. 21:51. Reply: YES! Wednesday 12th May 2021. 7:58. To John: How are you both now? I hope your pains have eased. What happened last night? Did God kill quite a number and make the crowd disperse, or are they still troubling you? I’m hopeful that some money can come to you today, but I’m waiting to hear at present. 12th May 2021. 11:09. From John: It forced us last midnight to surround the van with three opened MM Faith lits. Our attackers were shocked because all their guns jammed immediately. God killed only 5 leaders with firebolts. The big group then dispersed in various directions. We have received £550 from Rolf. We are fixing the window glasses plus the side mirrors at £200. We will buy water and milk at £50. £200 is for fuel. God bless. 11:26. Reply: Very good. Has God now taken your pain away and Vuga’s? 11:58. From John: ...still in pain but we believe God will give us victory. 12:54. Reply: You may be bearing burdens of suffering for the sake of the Chad believers who are being victimised. I am curious to know about their state and what has happened. God said on 25th April they were being butchered. This is very troubling. 14:49. From John: We visited five homes where all the breadwinners, MM folks got killed and were buried one week ago. Children aged 12 to 15 left in quagmire. Two houses completely burnt down. It is pathetic. It is sad. 15:07. Reply: How tragic. Are there any other believers who can take those children in and care for them? 18:06. From John: We suggest they get an MM meeting house cum library built where we can put them and the lits for daily study. 18:45. Reply: That would be nice. There’s a long list for which funds are needed. £3,500 for the Aleppo water project to be finished. Funds for a library in those other two African countries. Funds to get to Gaza to rescue believers there. That’s 10 grand for starters! And we can’t get the bank to release the funds for these necessities. It is utterly galling! I am hammering on the walls of the police [Scotland Yard] who are culpable in this travesty of justice. If nothing else they get a witness to the truth that raises the dead and jams enemies’ guns! 12th May 2021. 23:43. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY £400 REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. £200 FOR FUEL TO TAKE THEM TILL FRIDAY AND £150 TO BUY BLANKETS FOR THE VULNERABLE CHILDREN LEFT AFTER THE MM FOLKS WERE BUTCHERED. £50 FOR WATER AND MILK. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Nothing was possible.] 12th May 2021. 23:44. From John: It is so so sad. We have spent time with them here. To make it worse, they have no blankets to cover themselves in this rainy season. God God God why this? God come down. Thanks. Thursday 13th May 2021. 8:01. To John: I had a dream last night. It was very vague, but it seemed that someone helped us with some money, although not enough, and God supernaturally made up what was lacking. 8:37. From John: We spent [the night] here with these young children... 13th May 2021. 19:04. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS SURROUNDED BY ARMED YOUTHS WHO WANT TO BURN THE VAN PLUS THOSE VULNERABLE CHILDREN. THEY HAVE NO WATER, MILK AND FUEL. IT IS A BIG ISSUE. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £150 FOR WATER AND MILK TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We had no money to help them.] 14th May 2021. 8:04. From John: We are in a big problem. God bless. 8:25. Reply: Yes... How did God deal with the opponents last night? 14th May 2021. 8:28. From John: ...One child was killed by the attackers before midnight. They got in to the compound and started beating us. But when they left God killed 7 with firebolts. We did dig [bury] opened MM Faith lits in this place to protect these kids. God bless. 8:55. Reply: What’s the name of the child who was killed? Boy or girl? 8:59. From John: A boy called Diaz Wami. We are hungry, thirsty and weak. God why? 16:42. From John: We are surely hungry and thirsty to fainting point. But we can't allow these demonic people to harass us. This evening three attackers came and demanded for all MM lits in the van. Instead I pointed at them with opened MM Faith lits, they have fainted here and we foresee police coming for us because a group has come here abusing us seriously and throwing stones... Comment: While credit cards didn’t allow £50 to go, there was nothing we could do. They suffered because the church has let us down. In The Valley Of Death14th May 2021. 17:00. From Trezaa: A dream: “Milk and water, milk and water, milk and water. God's MM evangelists are in a serious problem.” A tall man in white clothes cried to me in a dream. 17:02. From Kachapim: A dream: “My people are thirsty and hungry. Hunger Hunger Hunger.” A tall man with long sword said this to me in a dream. 17:02. From Eunice: A dream: “John and Vuga are in massive hunger.” 17:20. To John: Well, if nasty police come, just show them the inside of the Faith booklets. That should cure them like it did the nasty Muslims who harassed you. And it should deter the mob throwing stones. God is with us. 18:38. From John: We must move out of here, they have bombarded this place. We are in a valley of death. We are pushing the van. We are very hungry, thirsty and weak. God God God why? Our van must not burn. God no no. 18:53. Reply: God can kill these people after they have been allowed to do some damage. 19:14. From John: I understand how the regular anointed MM supporters have remained steadfast in supporting God's work. I know it is not your fault. It is devil's plan to block God's work. Letters have been written by Evance Ochieng' and his team from Kenya. They are envious about the great work God has done via MM van evangelism. God please protect me, my family and MM work... 14th May 2021. 20:58. From Rhoda: "GOD IS EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH THE STRONG FAITH JOHN HAS DEMONSTRATED. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS ARE WORKING OUT WAYS TO GET MONEY TOGETHER NOW NOW NOW. MONEY WILL GET TO YOU JOHN AND VUGA. DON'T PANIC. DEMONSTRATE FAITH." 7 Angels have said. 15th May 2021. 7:16. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE TO JOHN AND VUGA NOW. GOD COVERED THEM LIKE AN EGG." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Maybe He means He has covered them like a broody hen covers her eggs to hatch them. Vuga Taken Captive: 4 Days Without Anything!15th May 2021. 7:26. From John: How are you? Vuga and two young children here got captured by the jihadists. We are trekking to look for them. 8:11. Reply: God allows these things in the working out of His purpose. He said through the angels at the beginning of this mission that He intended to kill 777 jihadis. So lots of things have to happen to work that out. 10:46. From John: Now it is 4 days without milk. I am very weak. Serious. 11:05. Rolf tried sending this morning, like he did yesterday, but the card didn’t allow him. But it doesn’t mean it won’t go later. It can open up any time... 15th May 2021. 14:02. From Rhoda: "GAZA IS IN FLAMES. GAZA IS IN FLAMES. GAZA IS IN FLAMES. MM VAN MUST MOVE OUT TO GAZA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: That is what God would want... 15:48. From John: Thanks. I am pursuing the attackers to get Vuga and the children. Pray for me. God bless. 17:21. Reply: Yes, intercession has been constant for hours and hours and is still going on constantly now. Demons are being countered. Trying To Encourage Them In Their Desperation18:44. Here it is: Part of the ‘letter’ Malcolm wrote for the Chad folks. Jesus gave several warnings about opposition and hostility towards us as His followers. They have been recorded for us in the New Testament. In John 16, Jesus told the first disciples: “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (Jn 16:33.) It is comforting for us to realise that God knows everything we suffer. He knows our pain, our suffering, our grief, our fears. And, as we learn to trust in Him, despite the physical circumstances we all face, He comforts us. He is the “God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3). ...He comforts us in all our tribulation... (2 Cor 1:4). When we suffer pain and agony, you may not feel His comfort. It is not always physical. It can be internal. He comforts us internally as we learn to yield to Him. We can then accept our situations and not panic. It is easy when under great stress to get so distressed we nearly give up. We can lapse into great discouragement and despair. We can even become so depressed that we feel suicidal. But that is the result our enemies, demons, want to induce. They want to make us panic and lose faith in God. We must remember God never leaves us (Matthew 28:20). Jesus encourages us: I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matt 28:20). Paul exhorted: Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise (Hebrews 10:35-36). [Letter truncated.] 18:51. From John: Thanks Will. May God's Will be done. God bless. Vuga Rescued15th May 2021. 19:50. From John: We have found Vuga. He was captured by the Muslim youths who wanted to learn more about MM. He was taken to a mosque and asked to explain what MM stands for. Who is Malcolm? Where is Malcolm's home? Is Malcolm married? Who are Malcolm's children? After which he was given rice and meat to eat but he objected. Thankfully he had an MM Faith lit in his pocket. The children he got captured with refused to come back with Vuga because those Muslim youths gave them food. At last those youths promised to completely burn the van because Vuga was unwilling to change to Islam. Over 50 of them escorted Vuga to here and insisted to get inside the MM van but we didn't allow them. Pray for us since I believe that they will attack us tonight. God bless. 15th May 2021. 19:58. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST NOT PANIC. VUGA ABDUCTORS ONLY WANTED SECRETS ABOUT MM AND AIMED AT CONVINCING VUGA TO JOIN ISLAM WHICH THEY FAILED TO. VUGA IS SAFE. TONIGHT ATTACKERS WILL TRY TO HIT THE VAN BUT GOD WILL COVER IT IN PROTECTIVE THICK WHITE MISTS. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £777 TO PROPEL THE VAN TO GAZA. MM FOLKS THERE ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20:01. From John: They even promised to destroy MM folks in Gaza. I don't know what is going on in Gaza. God bless. The Urgency To Go To Gaza15th May 2021. 20:17. From Rhoda: "GOOOOOO GO GO GOOOO, MM VAN TO MOVE OUT TO GAZA URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. GAZA IS ON FIRE. MM LITS TO QUENCH THE FIRE. GO GO GOOOOO. MM VAN GOOOOO. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW. MM VAN TO MOVE OUT OF CHAD TO GAZA. IAM HAS SAID." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21:01. Reply: Yes, that’s the ideal, but it’s not possible because we have insufficient funds or no means to get the funds through. 15th May 2021. 20:23. From Kachapim in Kenya: These dreams need urgent action or else God will send massive punishment. They were spoken to me in a dream by 3 tall men in white clothes holding MM lit. 1. Gaza MM folks. Big fires are in Gaza. MM lits must be taken there by the evangelism team to rescue the situation. 2. MM Van must urgently move out of Chad to Gaza. 3. Water and milk. John and Vuga urgently need water and milk. They are hungry and weak. 21:01. Reply: Yes, agreed, but we have no funds. If God makes it possible, then we do so. At present we can’t because we simply don’t have the means. 16th May 2021. 6:28. From John: I know very well how you have tried to help us receive money and proceed with evangelism work... The MM folks we tried very much to come and save we found were already killed because we couldn't reach here in time due to lack of money... 16th May 2021. 6:54. From Kachapim in Kenya: Do you know that MM opposers are aware of the financial problems MM evangelism work is undergoing? They convened a meeting yesterday night to come and possess this land [the Ndhiwa farm] and take everything. The whole night they stood at the gate here laughing at us how the devil we worship doesn't give us money. It was a big team. I cannot accept that. They will kill me is when they can take it. 8:06. Reply: Stand against them with your Faith booklets open if they try and possess it. GOD is in charge. Not them. At Last! Funds!16th May 2021. 10:33. To John: Apparently the card worked today, so you don’t need to wait till tomorrow. Rolf said that £365 has gone through... 17:23. Thanks a lot Will. Yes the money came in just immediately after noon. We bought water, milk and fuel. We are moving and giving out copies of the letter Malcolm wrote. We are heading towards the border with Sudan. The Dreadful Cost In Lives In Chad17th May 2021. 13:24. From John, summarising the Chad situation: 1. MM folks. In Chad we had a total of 137 individuals who accepted the MM truth and were truly doing a mighty work with group discussions and studying of MM lits. They used to do this in a hidden place in Ndjamena city. For the past 3 years they had been having MM lits study in D’s home [name protected]. Chad is a mainly Muslim country, so our brothers had a very difficult time doing God's work. 2. Serious damage to MM truth. The Muslim community had known of the power God put in the MM lits. They therefore used to take by force MM lits from the MM folks and burn them. They also tried to change some powerful MM lits like Faith: Raising Our Level of Expectation by writing counterfeits. They lastly managed to kill many MM folks and some were taken captive to work as slaves. 3. Over 80 MM folks got killed. Our going saved the lives of 40 plus adults and children, though some children ran back to Islam to get food. 4. What is urgently needed. The remaining MM folks need an MM library and two houses, one for men and another for women. Brick making business costing £3000 should be started for the MM folks to make them self-reliant. They undergo serious attacks from Muslim jihadists but God is on their side. God even recently killed the dictator Muslim President. |
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