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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 22
279To GuineaPeople shall be brought down, each man shall be humbled. But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness (Is 5:15,16). |
The angels announced God’s next mission: 21st February 2021. 11:42. From Rhoda: "GOD IS LEADING THE VAN OUT OF SIERRA LEONE TO GUINEA NOW NOW NOW. A FURTHER £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR MORE FUEL. THICK WHITE MIST IN SEVEN PORTIONS ARE SURROUNDING THE VAN AS IT LEADS IT OUT TO GUINEA. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 angels said now. Comment: We had no money to send. It had to wait till the next day. 21st February 2021. 12:01. From John: Thick white mists in 7 sections are leading the van out of Sierra Leone towards Guinea. It is a very unique sight. The Van Arrives In Guinea, and God Declares:22nd Feb 2021. 18:21. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN GUINEA. MORE OPPOSITION FROM THE MUSLIMS IS AWAITING THE TEAM. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £477 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY TONIGHT. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LIT ENTITLED, GOD IS IN CHARGE OF MM MISSIONS IN THE WHOLE WORLD. THIS LIT WILL BE USED ONLY IN MM MISSION IN GUINEA WHERE GOD IS GOING TO WIPE OUT 55 DANGEROUS MM OPPOSERS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: I wrote that piece and sent it to John by pdf at 8 pm. It warned opponents that God will kill them if they oppose the van.] 22nd Feb 2021. 18:17. From John: Thanks to God. We have managed to reach Guinea this evening. We are in the capital city Conakry and we are going on with evangelism work. MM news had reached here before us because Muslims are abusing us and accusing us that we killed people in Sierra Leone. We expect big opposition here. Our fuel is completely over, water and milk are over and the kitty is completely dry. Comment: Thanks to Eleanor and Vivian, £60 was sent. It’s all we had. 23rd Feb 2021. 8:02. To John: I hope you were able to buy milk and water, and get some copies printed, with the little money that was sent last night. Comment: Not long after the van ran out of fuel, it was surrounded by Muslim gunmen, intent on doing harm. But when John and Vuga held up Faith booklets towards them, the terrorists’ guns jammed. This was in Kindia town. Next day, 24th February, the supporters managed to send £350. The angels in white mist led the van from Kindia to Boke, where John and Vuga continued evangelising. John wrote: 24th Feb 2021. 8:53. From John: We got attacked but God made their guns jam. We are moving on now to all corners to do massive evangelism work... 24th Feb 2021. 12:15. From John: Muslims are unhappy with our being here. Immediately we arrived here we started evangelism work without wasting time. They have promised to kill us tonight. Pray for us. 19:22. To John: Thanks. Yes, you are under constant intercession. Don’t worry. God will give you the victory, despite the opponents’ thuggery. 19:23. From John: Our van is now surrounded by a big team of armed Muslim youths baying for our blood. Pray for us. We need more fuel. This work looks bigger than the Sierra Leone mission. Muslims are unhappy with us being here. 25th February 2021. 8:38. From John: We are still in the suburbs of Boke city. God killed only 7 attackers at midnight with firebolts. At midnight they hit the windscreen which is cracked. They were ordering us to come out when God descended in firebolts killing 7 who were busy hitting the MM van. The rest ran into the darkness. The white mists are still guiding us through Boke... Comment: Thanks to Bob, Vivian and Rolf, a total of £677 went to John. Attackers Follow The Van In 5 Vehicles26th Feb 2021. 7:15 From John: We have seen God’s mighty hand... We used £300 to fix the windscreen and front headlamps that got smashed. We have managed to visit 9 cities since yesterday noon. Our fuel, water and milk are over. The kitty is completely dry. Our attackers are still trailing us in five cars... 1. Labe. Here no one objected the MM gospel of truth. We distributed the MM lits then left peacefully. 2. Kankan. A few people abused us calling us devil worshippers but we went through peacefully. 3. Mamou. Muslims blocked our way into the city but white mists scattered them. 4. Siguiri. We met very humble people who welcomed us. 7 got baptised. 5. Faranah. Megachurch pastors cursed us calling us devil worshippers but we went on with evangelism work. 6. Macenta. Witchdoctors tried to block our way but their three black snakes got killed instantly by God. We went on with evangelism. 7. Kamsar. There was no opposition. We carried on evangelism smoothly. 8. Dabola. A group of SDA and Islam people tried to abuse us but we went on with evangelism work. 9. Dalaba. We are completely stuck here with no fuel to move on. No water, milk or money in the kitty. Our attackers are surrounding us. Pray for us. 26th February 2021. 7:18. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE COMPLETELY STUCK. THE EVANGELISM WORK MUST GO ON. URGENT URGENT URGENT. THEY HAVE NO WATER, NO MILK AND FUEL. URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Rolf, Fiona and Bob, £350 went. 7:52. To John: Thanks for your news... God will deal with the opponents trailing you. He has His time for that. He is using them as a publicity magnet. 8:17. To John: Did you leave that piece of MM lit for Guinea in each town? And other pieces of lit to feed the ones who are baptised? 9:14. From John: Yes we do. God bless. 16:22. To John: I’m getting heavy stabbings. Has been going on for hours. Those are demons unhappy with what’s happening. What’s going on to cause this where you are? Are there many being converted? Or are you under attack? I haven’t had such an assault as heavy as this for months! Comment: Despite all Helena’s intense intercession, the stabbings continued for five hours. There must have been hundreds of these blasted things attacking me! It was like someone grabbed hold of my intestine with two hands and wrung it like a wet dishrag. I hadn’t had such a strong attack for months! 26th Feb 2021. 18:48. From John: Will, pray for us, the battle is even bigger. We need more fuel... We are surrounded by over 100 armed people. 26th February 2021. 18:50. From Rhoda: MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £200 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. MORE AND MORE FUEL IS NEEDED. THEY ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BIGGER BATTLE. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: Thanks to Eleanor £200 was sent.] God Wipes Out The Troop Of 77 Gunmen27th Feb 2021. 8:59. From John: We are in Lola city, completely stuck after all night evangelism. We arrived here some minutes to midnight. 77 armed people surrounded the van and carried it with us inside, to take it to the sea. God did a unique thing. God covered His MM van with very thick white mists, so thick that they couldn't see. They put the van down and instantly lost their eyesight. Each started running away but God descended with firebolts burning them to ashes. We then placed 7 MM lits at the spot and moved inside Lola city. The incident occurred about 2 km north of Lola. We are stuck. A group of Muslim youths are currently abusing us here in the town but they fear coming closer. 27th Feb 2021. 9:03. From Rhoda: "IAM WIPED OUT 77 KILLERS WHO CARRIED THE MM VAN ON THEIR SHOULDERS TO TAKE IT TO THE OCEAN AND KILL JOHN AND VUGA. GOD WILL KILL MORE TONIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said. Comment: Thanks to Bob and Fiona £270 was sent, and £135 next day. More Attacks Against Us!28th February 2021. 18:34. From John: 1. Buba. Here we took almost 5 hours fighting off attackers with opened MM Faith. God protected our lives. 2. Gabu. We are still in Gabu now. The white mists are taking us around all corners of the city. Here is where most Muslim attackers reside. We have intelligence about it. Pray for us. We don't have enough fuel to go on till morning. 18:54. Reply: Intercession is ongoing. You don’t need to ask, because the Spirit moves Helena in what to push through in intercession, and she senses some of the demons involved as she shifts them, and knows when the job is done. Comment: God said He intended to kill more opponents the night of 27th to 28th, but it didn’t happen. The reason was because of human failure this end (lack of funds). All conditions must be met for God to fulfil His predictions. Since there wasn’t enough money for travel, God deferred His actions till sufficient money was available for the van to cover the distance necessary. Thanks to Vivian and Joy, £150 was sent.
God Kills 23 Gunmen. Police Accuse Us Falsely1st March 2021. 9:18. From John: We are being falsely accused: 23 got killed by God through firebolts last night. Now police are accusing us of killing them. We don't have enough fuel and police are on our neck. God willing we should move on. We don't have water and milk. The £150 has gone in to fuel. 9:51. Reply: Where did this take place; where were those remaining 23 killed? 10:31. From John: It all happened in Boke city, southwest of Boke. Comment: Wilfred sent £50 for John. John got it next day, Tuesday. 2nd Mar 2021. 7:39. From John: Arrested and released: They arrested us. They have found no fault though harassing us. We are out. We have no fuel, water and milk. We were beaten at the time of our arrest. It was past midnight. 2nd March 2021. 7:50. From Rhoda: "THEY ARRESTED JOHN AND VUGA AFTER MIDNIGHT AND BEAT THEM UP SERIOUSLY BUT THIS MORNING RELEASED THEM AFTER SEEING SEVEN ANGELS WITH SWORDS WALK INTO THE CELL. THOSE FOUR POLICE WILL DIE TONIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We had nothing to offer. 2nd March 2021. 14:43. From John: Seven police officers followed us to know where the 7 people in very white clothes came from. They suspect us to be using supernatural powers. Our heads were beaten thoroughly. We are in pain... 2nd March 2021. 16:46. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE IN A BIG BATTLE WITH POLICE WHO WANT TO KNOW THE SOURCE OF THEIR POWER. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Rolf sent £50. It’s all we could muster.] The Team Suffers. God Kills 13 Rogue Police3rd March 2021. 8:36. From John: ...I lost three teeth when we got beaten up. We have been evangelising since dawn today. We have no fuel to move on... God wiped out those 13 rogue police who put us in a big problem. They wanted to burn God's MM van. At midnight God descended in firebolts killing all. We need at least £200 for fuel to get us moving till night. 3rd March 2021. 8:38. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE COMPLETELY STUCK. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:46. To John: What a hellish experience! That must have been awfully painful, having your face smashed in and teeth broken?! How do you feel now? 12:48. From John: We are in great pain. We are stuck here. 12:56. Reply: I don’t know what to say. We can’t find any money at present, and as for your pain, God decides when to heal us and remove our sufferings. Comment: Thanks to Fiona, £120 was sent later. To John: 1 Cor 4:9-13: Paul wrote about what he, you, and we have had to suffer for the sake of taking the Gospel to others: “For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death, for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. We are ‘fools’ for Christ’s sake... We are weak... we are dishonoured. To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless... being persecuted, we endure... We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now.” 4th March 2021. 6:49. From John: ...We will clear the remaining part of Boke city today. The white mists took us all round this city occupied mainly by arrogant Muslims. Bob sent us £120, we fuelled the van and bought a little water and milk. We are currently stuck in Boke with no fuel to move on. Last night God covered us from the attackers. The pains are still there but we trust God to heal us. 4th March 2021. 6:55. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, GOD HAS CLEANED UP THE CITY OF BOKE AND A FEW ROGUE ATTACKERS CAN'T BELIEVE IT THAT THE TEAM ONLY HAD GOD'S MM LITS AND NOT MAN MADE WEAPONS. MALCOLM, YOU ARE ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN FEEDING GOD'S CHILDREN IN THE VALLEY. MALCOLM, TODAY AND TOMORROW IS THE FINAL MM MISSION IN ROTTEN BOKE CITY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS WORK IS VERY BIG AND IMPORTANT. THE TEAM IS COMPLETELY STUCK IN BOKE. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:08. From John: Thanks Will. Yes we have improved. God bless. Comment: Thanks to Vivian and Bob, £350 was sent. News of the miraculous power of God spread fast in the area. A crowd of over 1200 people in Boke gathered and heard the Word. They had a witness! 70 were baptised.
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