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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 21
266Mission To MaliSave Your people, and bless Your inheritance. Shepherd them also, and bear them up forever (Psalm 28:9).
19th August 2020. 19:23. From John: Thanks Will. We are off to Mali. 20th August 2020. 8:23. From John: We are waiting for ferry to cross the Red Sea. We need more fuel. God bless. Comment: The angels stated the need as £200, but only £50 was found. 20th August 2020. 14:08. From John: We can't move on. Our fuel is over. We have no water nor milk and our kitty is completely dry. 14:19. Reply: Not an ideal situation... I presume you are in Saudi Arabia, beside the Red Sea. The place now known as Nuweiba [in Egypt] is where, according Ron Wyatt's research, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. There is a shelf on the sea bed there, making the depth of the water much shallower than either side of the shelf. Ron Wyatt went diving there and discovered that. He also saw remains of the Egyptians’ chariots, and the remains of one wheel which was coated in gold which was probably from Pharoah’s chariot. Comment: Thanks to Vivian and Joy £120 was sent. 21st August 2020. 7:30. From John: We managed to move up to Cairo Egypt. We are stuck here with no fuel to move on to Mali. Thank God no attacker has tried to disturb us. God bless. The 100 Muslim Imams God Killed In Nigeria20th August 2020. 7:53. To Rhoda: Where did those 100 Muslim clerics die in Nigeria? 20th August 2020. 8:34. From Rhoda: "SOUTHERN KADUNA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21st August 2020. 7:38. From Rhoda: "MAY BOB, ROLF, NIGEL, ELEANOR, FIONA PUT TOGETHER £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR FUEL TO GET THEM TO MALI FROM CAIRO EGYPT. GOD IS PLEADING FOR THE MM VAN TO REACH MALI TODAY. MM FOLKS ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. MAY THEY GIVE IN FAITH FOR GOD WILL BLESS THEM IMMEDIATELY. LET ROLF SEND TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to five supporters, the needed £550 was achieved. 8:24. To John: According to the angel message given to Rhoda, it sounds like the believers in Mali are in great difficulties. Perhaps they are being persecuted. No details were given. I didn’t even know there WERE believers in Mali whom you had reached! It amazes me that people can live in such an inhospitable place as the Sahara desert. 21st August 2020. 15:07. From Rhoda: "A FURTHER £185 SHOULD REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY TODAY TO KEEP THEM MOVING NON STOP UP TO MALI TONIGHT. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED. £50 FOR MILK AND WATER." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: Vivian managed to find £30. I said “We can’t go on like this.” They Reach Bamako In Mali22nd August 2020. 6:42. From John: Bamako city. Egypt - Libya - Algeria - Mali. This is the route we followed. We have just arrived in Mali at dawn. Everything is military. No police officers, it is the army people manning everything. Our fuel is over and our kitty dry. God bless. 22nd August 2020. 6:47. From Rhoda: THE VAN MUST REACH TIMBUKTU BEFORE AFTERNOON TODAY TO SAVE THE LIVES OF THE MM FOLKS HELD HOSTAGE DUE TO THE MILITARY INVASION GOING ON. THEY HAVEN'T TAKEN EVEN WATER NOW FOR FIVE DAYS. CHILDREN ARE IN AN AWFUL STATE. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, MAY BOB, ELEANOR, NIGEL, ROLF, FIONA, PUT TOGETHER £677 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THIS WILL TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY. 7 angels have said. 8:33. To John: That was an astonishing distance in the time! Do you know how far it was? 8:57. From John: It is about 3800km. We are stuck here and these soldiers are closing in on us. 9:02. Reply: ...God sped you along supernaturally, obviously. 10:09. Further: It’s strange that God propelled you all that way to Bamako. Is that the capital of Mali? [Yes.] Is that where the dictator has been deposed by the army? [Yes.] The angels are asking for you to go to Timbuktu, which you would have gone through on your way to Bamako, I presume. But clearly God meant for you to be there in Bamako for some confrontation and witness. God is working something out. A small amount of money is available and coming soon. 10:44. Further: God obviously has an important reason for taking the van there to Bamako. He involves Himself in the affairs of the nations, especially in relation to His witness with the Gospel. 10:51. Further: You covered 3800 km in about 17 hours to get to Bamako from the Red Sea. That averages at about 220 km per hour, which we know is impossible humanly. God propelled you somehow supernaturally without you even realising what He was doing. It’s quite astonishing. Comment: A total of £184 was sent. That’s all we could do between us. Beaten Up In Bamako, Mali23rd Aug 2020. 6:37. From John: We had a very rough night with rogue army people physically assaulting us. MM folks have had a very tough time here in Timbuktu. Our water, milk and fuel are over and the kitty is completely dry. 8:28. Reply: OK. I have notified the others. I am amazed that you managed to get to Timbuktu on that small amount of money sent yesterday. God is stretching it to make it achieve His purpose. 23rd August 2020. 6:43. From Rhoda: "MAY BOB, ROLF, ELEANOR, NIGEL, FIONA PUT TOGETHER £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY WERE BEATEN UP BADLY BY SOLDIERS. BUT THEY STOOD THEIR GROUND WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. URGENT URGENT URGENT. THEY HAVE NO WATER AND MILK. THE VAN CAN'T MOVE BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO FUEL AND NO MONEY IN THE KITTY. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd August 2020. 8:06. From John: We are being beaten up. We can't allow them to destroy our van. 9:25. Reply: No, I agree, you mustn’t allow them to destroy the van. Before God, they have no right to be opposing us, and they are signing their death warrant by trying to harm you and destroy the van. Evil Muslim aggression will be punished by God, so hang in there. God will heal you both, restore you... 11:00. Comment: Bob sent £12 to John. Pitiful. It’s all we had. Can’t Move For Lack of Money23rd August 2020. 17:49. From John: Thanks. We have been beaten up. We can’t move on. Our tank is dry. Vuga is unconscious. Our kitty is dry. We bought water with the little money Bob sent. God bless. 23rd August 2020. 18:05. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE BEING BEATEN UP SERIOUSLY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Rolf, he borrowed and sent £300 to John at night. 24th August 2020. 10:35. From John: Will, we are badly injured, we are still waiting for the money Rolf sent. God bless. 24th August 2020. 10:37. From Rhoda: "URGENT URGENT URGENT. THE MONEY ROLF SENT WILL REACH JOHN IN THE EVENING TODAY. THEY ARE IN GREAT PAIN. MAY BOB SEND AT LEAST £150 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON AS THEY STILL WAIT FOR £300 FROM ROLF." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob was only able to send £131. It’s all we had between us. John was obviously worried because money was taking too long in coming, and they were in pain, suffering because of the neglect of the church. They were actually bearing burdens, like God has imposed upon us for the sake of the church. Suffering is part of the course, as Peter wrote (1 Pet 4:12-16). 12:25. To John: Bob is sending. May God relieve your pains. When you feel up to it, let us know what happened. Thanks. God bless and heal you both. 15:34. From John: Thanks. It is in. God bless. 24th August 2020. 19:18. To John: The sufferings you have had to endure are part of the burden bearing necessary to free up people from demonic oppressions. They are part of the burden we have to bear for the church which needs to come into the will of God. All the prophets in times gone by had burdens to bear. If you have read Half An Inch From Death about the sufferings I had to endure for months in 2011 you will know how severe some of this can be. It sounds like yours was severe, too, and was imposed by the enemies there in Mali, presumably Muslim. When you get time, let us know what transpired. I hope your pains are easing now, and may God completely heal you both and enable you to help the believers there who are also greatly troubled. The Attackers Wrecked The Van19:53. From John: All the four tyres were damaged by the rogue people in army uniforms. They thought that we were carrying valuable things in the van. All the windows were smashed. Vuga was hit on the forehead till he lost consciousness. I was hit on the left cheek till I bled. But in all these we stood our ground with opened MM Faith lits till not even a single MM lit was stolen by the earthen men. This evening we received money from Bob and from Rolf. We fixed all the glasses and the four tyres with £200, bought water and milk with £50 and fuelled the van with the balance. We are here where 8 children of the MM folks have died. The 12 families have lost everything. Their homes burnt, animals killed and farms burnt. They are living in the open field west of Timbuktu city. Their story is completely outside the military coup. They were once Muslims but Ndiaye, who is their grandfather received MM Gospel of truth while he was in South Sudan working for the UN army in 2017. He went back with copies of MM lits, started teaching his family and relatives about MM. He used all the proceeds from his job and they constructed an MM library where they had meetings till on the 25th January 2020 Muslim authorities surrounded them and destroyed their home and burnt all their belongings calling them devil worshippers. It is painful to see God's people suffering like this. It is painful. They have no food. They feed on wild fruits and roots. We have shared with them our milk. God knows. God bless, it is very painful. 24th August 2020. 20:04. From Rhoda: LET JOHN AND VUGA AT MIDNIGHT BURY SEVEN OPENED MM FAITH LITS AROUND THE OPEN FIELD WHERE THE TIMBUKTU MM FOLKS ARE CAMPING. AT EXACTLY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT THIS WILL END ANY FURTHER ATTACK BY THE MM ENEMIES IN MALI. MAY GOD MOVE ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT. 1. £200 FOR THE LESS FORTUNATE MM FOLKS TO LOOK FOR CEREALS TO FEED ON. 2. £300 TO PUT UP A SIMPLE MAKESHIFT HOUSE TO KEEP THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN WARM BECAUSE COLD WEATHER HAS KILLED SOME CHILDREN. 3. £50 FOR WATER AND MILK FOR JOHN AND VUGA. MAY THE £550 REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT... GOD'S CHILDREN, WHO ARE MM FOLKS, ARE IN DIRE NEED. 7 Angels said that to me now. 24th August 2020. 20:20. From Rhoda: "... GOD IS STRESSING THE NEED FOR £550 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY TONIGHT. GOD'S CHILDREN WHO ARE MM FOLKS ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM... GOD IS DELIVERING HIS CHILDREN IN TIMBUKTU MALI." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20:24. From Rhoda: "MAY ROLF SEND £550 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW AND BOB'S £200 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. THIS IS A BIG NEED THAT GOD WANTS TO USE MM TO DESTROY ALL THE PLANS OF THE DEVILISH PEOPLE IN MALI. NO ONE WILL EVER STAND IN THE WAY OF MM FOLKS IN MALI FOR GOD IS OUT TO UPROOT ALL THE OPPOSITION..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Rolf for borrowing further and sending that £550 and to Bob for sending £250 the next morning. Helping The Destitute Persecuted Believers25th August 2020. 12:06. From John: We are almost through with construction of makeshift houses one for men and one for women and children. We have serviced the van and fixed all the windows. News reaching us now is that 13 men who hit us have become insane and they are crying in Malcolm's name to save them. I believe God will kill them. 13:48. Reply: Very good... How long were they without decent food? 16:00. From John: Three weeks without food, only feeding on wild roots. God stood with them. Will, this is big inhuman treatment... 25th August 2020. 16:08. From Rhoda: THE GREAT IAM WILL PROVIDE RAINS AND NO MUSLIM AND ANY OTHER ATTACKER WILL EVER BURN DOWN THEIR FARM PRODUCE. FOR NOW NOW NOW MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP PUT TOGETHER £1777:- 1. £500 FOR DRY MAIZE. 2. £500 FOR DRY BEANS. 3. £400 FOR RICE. 4. £200 FOR GREEN GRAMS. 5. £177 FOR SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS TO BE PLANTED STARTING TOMORROW MORNING.THESE FOODS WILL TAKE THEM TILL HARVEST TIME IN DECEMBER. THIS IS URGENT URGENT URGENT. IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT. VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT. 7 Angels have said that to me now. To Nigeria For God To Kill More Evil Opponents25th August 2020. 19:59. From Rhoda: THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS NEED. GOD'S MM FOLKS IN TIMBUKTU MAY ALL DIE OF HUNGER IF NOT VERY URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY HELPED. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD LEAVE FOR NIGERIA AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, WHERE 100 MUSLIMS WERE KILLED, TO TAKE SEVEN MM LITS THERE FOR GOD TO KILL MORE WHO PLAN EVIL ON THE MM FOLKS THERE. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR FUEL TO NIGERIA. THE MM FOLKS IN TIMBUKTU ARE IN CRITICAL NEED. FAMINE WILL KILL MORE OF THEM AND THIS MAY GIVE MM A BAD NAME IN WEST AFRICA. £450 TO REACH JOHN. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th August. Comment: Bob sent £250 last night, his last money. Today Rolf managed to send £200 on another credit card, and Anna put in £200, borrowed. So the van got away. 11:05. From John: They [the believers in Timbuktu] are in massive need. Total squalor with no hope. We prayed for them and left them MM lits to help build up their faith in God. 26th August 2020. 18:45. From John: We have sent them £50 for food. They have strong faith but have been rendered in total squalor, no food, clothes and necessary human amenities. I believe God will stand by them. When we left they all mourned and pleaded with us to stay even for only one week with them. But we encouraged them to study MM lits in groups daily, carry out baptism and believe in God's hands to deliver them. We advised them to be ever ready with opened MM Faith lits to destroy all demonic plans. We are left with 6 hours drive to get to Nigeria. We have entered Accra Ghana. White mists leading our way. Comment: Later, Rolf was able to borrow £780 and sent it to help them. In Nigeria God Kills More Than 100 Persecutors27th August 2020. 8:16. To John: Have you got to Nigeria? Are you still being led to the final destination town / area? 9:21. From John: Yes Will. We are in Nigeria being led to our destination. 27th August 2020. 19:23. From John: We are here at last. MM folks are locked inside a fully fenced compound and are being beaten up by Muslim gangsters. They are being beaten up because of the killings of 100 Muslims here by gunmen. These Muslims are unaware that it is God who wiped their men out for continuing to punish God's children. [God can cause people to become deranged and insanely kill other evil people, as we have witnessed many times before. He gets two factions of gunmen to fight one another. He may employ demons in the spirit realm to cause human minds to behave insanely.] We are getting ready to move in at midnight with fuly opened MM Faith lits. Pray for us. Our kitty is completely dry. We have no fuel to move on after the midnight mission. God bless. 27th August 2020. 19:29. From Rhoda: TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL KILL A GANG OF OVER 100 MUSLIMS PERSECUTING GOD'S MM FOLKS IN KADUNA STATE... THE VAN MUST MOVE TO ABUJA TO CONFUSE THE DETECTIVES WHO WILL TRY TO FIND OUT THE CAUSE OF GOD'S KILLINGS TONIGHT IN KADUNA STATE. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £577 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS IS FOR FUEL TILL SUNDAY NIGHT. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED. GOD IS GOING TO DESTROY THE MUSLIM GANGS BADLY WITH FIREBOLTS. 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: Bob sent £100 to John.] Comment: The angels’ statement: THE DETECTIVES... WILL TRY TO FIND OUT THE CAUSE OF GOD'S KILLINGS TONIGHT IN KADUNA STATE. Yes, that will be quite a headscratcher for them! They will look at the forensic evidence, to just find ash in each area where a person stood with his gun. They will be scratching their heads in wonderment at what sort of weapon was used to make a localised fireball over each of 57 men![See the angels’ statement below at 8:34 on 28th August.] 28th August 2020. 7:58. To John: What happened last night, and have you managed to get away from the area with the little money that was sent? 8:24. From John: God hit the place with firebolts. We are in the middle of a fierce battle now. A big team of armed Muslim youths surrounded us just after we had rescued our brothers. We need more fuel. We need more fuel. 28th August 2020. 8:34. From Rhoda: "MAY BOB, NIGEL, ELEANOR, ROLF SEND £477 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE IN A BIG BATTLE. GOD BROUGHT DOWN 57 ARMED MUSLIM YOUTHS LAST NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: Thanks to those faithful supporters, the money was raised. 28th Aug 2020. 13:55. From Rhoda: GOD HAS MOVED JOHN AND VUGA TO STAND IN FAITH WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS BEFORE A MAMMOTH GANG OF ARMED MUSLIM YOUTHS. IT IS A BIG BIG BIG STRUGGLE. MAY ROLF JUST SEND THE £777 THAT GOD IS MOVING HIM TO SEND TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW BECAUSE GOD IS MOVING THE MM VAN TO UKEREWE ISLAND WHERE 35 MM FOLKS ARE DIPPED INTO A BIG VALLEY WITH SNAKES AND CANNIBALS BY THE RELATIVES OF THE WITCHDOCTORS GOD KILLED THE OTHER YEAR. THE VAN WILL LEAVE TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT TO UKEREWE ISLAND. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. 7 angels have said now. Comment: Thanks to Nigel another £200 was sent God Totally Wipes Out The Evil Muslim Gang29th August 2020. 18:45. From John: At midnight God descended in firebolts and killed over 50 armed Muslim youths in Zangon Kataf in Kaduna South who fought us with all sorts of crude weapons. This time round God protected our van. We then left for Ukerewe Island...
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