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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 21
264To Syria To Rescue Five Yemeni WomenThe Lord executes righteousness, and justice for all who are oppressed (Ps 103:6).
After that scary rescue in Yemen, the angels urged the team to go urgently to Aleppo, Syria to rescue five women, relatives of Musa. They had been kidnapped in 2017 and made slaves and terribly abused there because they became Christians with Musa who accepted the Truth. Our problem, though, was we had no money for the journey. All the solid supporters were skint after the previous episodes. The angels were still asking for £400 to get the van moving again. Thanks to Vivian, Eleanor, Fiona and Bob £170 was sent, and later a further £51. But it didn’t go far: 13th August 2020. 10:11. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS STILL STUCK IN JORDAN. ALREADY THERE IS AN ARMED TEAM THAT HAS FOLLOWED THE MM VAN UP TO JORDAN, THEY ARE AIMING TO BOMB IT. MAY GOD HELP ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:13. From John: Will, we are surrounded by a big army. Pray for us. 10:15. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST LEAVE JORDAN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. GOD WANTS THEM OUT BEFORE THOSE BOMBS EXPLODE. THOSE BOMBS WILL KILL ANTI-MM PEOPLE SO GOD WILL ALLOW THEM TO EXPLODE. LET THE MM VAN MOVE OUT. MAY ROLF HELP SEND £400 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that now. 13th Aug 2020. 10:21. From Trezaa: Dream: A big big big bomb is aimed at MM van with John and Vuga as the main target. The van to move out urgently. 13th Aug 2020. 10:22. From Kachapim: Dream: Some people are aiming at the MM van with bombs. God says that the van should move out urgently. 13th August 2020. 10:24. From Eunice in Kenya: Dream: MM van with Vuga and John on board should move out urgently. A bomb is aimed at it. The Dire Situation: The Van Stuck In Jordan13th August 2020. 10:36. From John: Here is unsafe for us and the van. Pray for us. God bless. 11:18. From John: The situation is getting out of hand. They are beating up our van. We need at least £150 for fuel to get our van out of this place. 11:28. Reply: You will have to hang in there till this help comes. We can do nothing over here. 11:35. From John: We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. 11:43: From Rhoda: "THE VAN SHOULD BE MOVED OUT OF THAT AREA URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: After that exhortation, Rolf was trying to send to rescue the van, but God foresaw a holdup with what Rolf would send, so the angels said: 11:57. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £150 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW AS ROLF WORKS OUT £400 TO REACH JOHN LATER TODAY. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. £150 FOR FUEL." 7 Angels have said. 12:21. Reply: Rolf has sent you £250 so you can move out of Jordan as the angels have requested. [But the money was held up in the system.] 13:05. From John: Thanks Will. We are waiting for the money to come in. 13:07. From Rhoda: "IT MAY DELAY TO REACH JOHN." 7 Angels said. Comment: Because we were so short, Eleanor offered to reimburse Nigel £150 the next day so his £150 could go, otherwise we would have been stuck! 17:46. To John: [£150 was sent.] Did you manage to get away OK from those villains? Did you or Vuga get hurt at all? What is the damage to the van? God Kills The Enemy. The Van Reaches Aleppo14th August 2020. 5:27. From John: Thanks Will. We arrived in Aleppo past midnight after witnessing God destroy 6 vehicles carrying armed men. Their bomb exploded when we were 400m away. All the vehicles got destroyed and all the people in them got burnt to ashes. The left side of the MM van was destroyed but God enabled us to travel with it safely up to Aleppo. It needs repair. We received £250 from Rolf and £150 from Bob. The total £400 helped us reach Aleppo. We have no fuel and the van too needs some repairs. God bless. 7:47. Reply: Thanks. Where did those vehicles get destroyed? And were those all Arab Muslims? I hope you are both OK. 8:01. From John: In Aqaba city, Jordan. 8:19. From John: They were Arab Muslims. They hit the van with metal bars and stones. All left windows were smashed. I got hit on the back with a stone but am okay. Vuga is okay. We should repair this van then move on. Already thick white mists are surrounding the van. MM Library Established In Yemen14th August 2020. 5:39. From Rhoda: FELIX AND MUSA HAVE SET UP AN MM LIBRARY IN YEMEN AND ALL IS GOING WELL. JOHN AND VUGA ARE NOW STUCK IN ALEPPO FROM WHERE GOD WILL LEAD THEM THROUGH THICK WHITE MISTS TO WHERE MM FOLKS ARE BEING HELD HOSTAGE. THE VAN NEEDS SOME REPAIR. THEY NEED WATER, MILK AND ENOUGH FUEL. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN THIS MORNING. 1. £150 FOR VAN REPAIR. 2. £50 FOR MILK AND WATER. 3. £350 FOR FUEL URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THIS MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. £550. 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to all our supporters, the needed money was sent. At The Evil Islamic Prison14th August 2020. 17:57. From John: ...Pray for us. We are around the place where our sisters are kept. We have placed three opened MM Faith lits at the gate. At midnight we will get in through God's guidance. 18:45. Reply: Very good. Yes. Intercession is continuous. 14th August 2020. 18:16. From Rhoda: "AFTER THE RESCUE MAY THE VAN MOVE STRAIGHT BACK TO YEMEN WITH THOSE POOR WOMEN BECAUSE GOD WILL DESTROY THE PLACE AND KILL THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE ON THREE CONSECUTIVE NIGHTS STARTING TOMORROW MIDNIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1000 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. THIS IS FOR FUEL TO GET THE TEAM BACK TO YEMEN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:48. To John: That’s a tall ask, but we’ll see what we can do. Comment: Thanks to all the supporters £160 was sent. It was all we could do over here in the UK, but Rolf in Europe was also able to send £250. That enabled John to move some distance away, out of the danger area. But he couldn’t get far, lack of money prevented it. God Descended In Bright Light And Strong Winds15th August 2020. 10:30. From John: We rescued 5 Yemeni women and left immediately. We are moving on but this fuel can't get us to Yemen. After we had approached the tightly guarded place with opened MM Faith lits at midnight, God descended in sharp bright light and wind that made the gate keepers and the oppressors run away leaving our sisters free. 10:51. Reply: Very good. Thanks. Do you know how long they were incarcerated in that water prison? And how did they end up there if they were from Yemen? Were they captured in Yemen and taken to Aleppo? 15th August 2020. 10:57. From John: From December 2017 they have been housed there. They are related to Musa. They were being persecuted for leaving Islam. They were captured while reading MM lits. Am still compiling their stories. I will send. God bless. 15th August 2020. 21:49. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MUST REACH YEMEN BY TOMORROW EVENING. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £600 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THERE IS A BIG REASON WHY THE MM VAN MUST REACH YEMEN BY TOMORROW EVENING. A BIG GANG IS TRAILING THE MM VAN FROM ALEPPO AND ANOTHER GROUP IS MOVING FROM SYRIA SO THAT THEY CAN INTERCEPT THE VAN AT THE RED SEA CROSSING AT NUWEIBA. GOD WANTS THE MM VAN TO MOVE ON ON ON. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £600, £600, £600 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THOUGH THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS ARE DOWN FINANCIALLY, MAY THEY CONTRIBUTE LITTLE BY LITTLE FOR £600 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. The Women’s Dreadful Ordeal15th August 2020. 21:35. From John: The captives: [John gave names of the five women and their relation to Musa, but for security they must remain anonymous for this account.] They were captured on 25th December 2017 by the Muslim authorities who are anti MM mission. They were captured in Yemen and taken to Syria as slaves to work for the Arab Muslim merchants. They stayed in water bath for three days a week, they were used as sex tools every night. They did domestic work like washing clothes and pet dogs. We are still far from reaching Yemen at the Jordan Egypt border. God bless. Followed On Return Journey By Islamic Assassins15th August 2020. 21:53. From John: We have crossed into Egypt and our fuel is over. We can see vehicles trailing us though we still don't know the number. Our kitty is completely dry. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. Pray for us. God bless. Sunday. 00:33. To John: Thanks for relating all that info. What a dreadful ordeal those poor women were subjected to! May God heal their wounds and emotional scars, and give them inner peace, so they know His love, for all they have received up to now is the opposite, until you were sent to rescue them. What a dreadful society Islam breeds! Eleanor has managed to get £20 for you. Coming in the morning. I don’t think there is anything more at present. God will deal with the attackers as you confront them with Faith booklets. He will do it in three stages, I think the angel message said. This is because we have insufficient money to get you back quickly, so it will be little by little, as the angels said tonight. 16th August 2020. 7:04. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM MUST NOT HESITATE ON THE WAY. THE ATTACKERS ARE GETTING NEARER. WITH THOSE POOR WOMEN ON BOARD, THE TEAM IS IN A BIG CHALLENGE. MAY EACH ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTER DONATE LITTLE MONEY FOR £600 TO BE GENERATED TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IF THE ATTACKERS REACH THEM THEN THEY WILL KILL THOSE POOR WOMEN THEN SPREAD THEIR FLESH ALL OVER AND ACCUSE JOHN AND VUGA OF DOING HUMAN SACRIFICE. THIS WILL TAINT THE NAME OF MM. MAY £600 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IT IS A BIG CHALLENGE. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, IF THE ATTACKERS REACH THE VAN IT WILL RESULT IN A BIG DAMAGE TO MM. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th August 2020. 7:29. From Trezaa: Dream: John, Vuga and some five women are in a big problem. Attackers, many in number, are aiming to hit them. Money for fuel not less than £700, 7 for God's victory, to reach John or else a big damage is imminent. [Kachapim and Eunice were also given similar dreams.] 16th Aug 2020. 19:34. From John: We are surrounded by 7 vehicles right now. These women are crying like hell. We are in a big problem. We have placed seven opened MM Faith lits around our van. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. We lack fuel to move on. God bless. 16th Aug 2020. 19:36. From Rhoda: ...£600 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THEY ARE IN A BIG BATTLE. 7 Angels said that now. Comment: Only £54 was available and sent. Then a further £122 at night. 17th August 2020. 8:33. From John: God covered us in thick white mists. We moved on a bit. God destroyed three vehicles and killed all occupants. We are stuck now. It occurred in the no-man's-land between Jordan and Egypt. We need at least £300 to get us to Suez canal. The other vehicles are still trailing us. Comment: Thanks to Eleanor and Rolf £325 was sent. 18th August 2020. 6:07. From John: ...The white mists lead our way. We follow the path of the white mists. We managed to cross in to Saudi Arabia and our fuel got over. We still need roughly £350 to get to Yemen. God bless. 18th August 2020. 6:11. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN SAUDI ARABIA. GOD LED THEM THROUGH A DIFFERENT ROUTE TO ESCAPE THE ARMY THAT WAS PLANNING TO INTERCEPT THEM AT THE RED SEA. THE ATTACKERS FROM SYRIA AND THOSE FROM YEMEN MET ON THE WAY AND KILLED EACH OTHER AND BURNT ALL THEIR VEHICLES AT MIDNIGHT AS THE VAN CROSSED IN TO SAUDI ARABIA SAFELY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO GET THEM TO ADEN CITY IN YEMEN. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now.
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