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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 21 |
262From Gabon To GuineaO give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples. (Ps 105:1) |
John received the £340 sent and left immediately for Guinea, following the angelic white mists. But they were followed by a Landrover with a gang hired by enemies to kill and destroy MM: 31st July 2020. 12:34. From John: Five gang men followed us from Gabon just immediately we left. We have moved nonstop with very thick white mists leading the way. They are in a Landrover trailing us. Our fuel may not get us to Guinea, Will. The Angels said £400 but around £650 is what we need to get to Guinea. We used part of the money for water and milk to take us till tomorrow morning. May God's Angels check this. Our fuel is not enough and the enemies are trailing us. God bless. 13:50. Reply: We will do what we can. 31st July 2020. 13:33. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS BEING TRAILED BY HIT MEN BUT GOD WILL KILL THOSE HIT MEN AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. A FURTHER £250 SHOULD REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY TO HELP THEM REACH GUINEA SAFELY TONIGHT. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to two supporters, the money was sent. God’s Firebolts Killed The Five Thugs1st August 2020. 7:17. From John: God is surely faithful. Just after reaching the Guinea border, our enemies caught up with us because our fuel completely got over and money that Rolf sent hadn't come in. We honoured their order, came out of the van but we had opened MM Faith lits. They wanted to remove the boxes of MM lits out of the van and replace them with the human body parts they carried in their vehicle. It was exactly midnight, Will. We pounced on their leader after their guns had jammed and we beat him seriously till he lost consciousness. God took away the eyesight of the remaining armed men. They couldn't see. We then siphoned fuel from their vehicle into ours then sped off. We only moved 200m away and firebolts hit them burning them and their vehicle to ashes. We stood there for three hours witnessing how they burnt. We left behind a Faith lit to be our witness. We crossed into Guinea this morning after fuelling the van using the £100 Rolf sent. We have two big challenges. 1. Our water and milk are completely over and the kitty is dry. 2. Our fuel cannot allow us to move around in Guinea. God is faithful. God bless. 8:23. Reply Thanks. We’ll see if we can find some money. I’m not sure that it was right for you to beat that evil man. You should leave judgement up to God, how to deal with him. Your weapon, the Faith booklet, is what you should use, not your fists. God says “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” But I can well understand how difficult such a situation is and the stress you are put under. 1st Aug 2020. 9:00. From John: Their intention was to beat us. One hit my left eye which is swollen. God gave us excess energy which entered us via the MM Faith lits that we carried in our hands. It is God who used us to beat the man. Reply: OK. I see. Thanks.Comment: It’s not for me to judge them in their plight. They answer to God for how they respond, and who am I to say that their reaction was wrong? It is each person’s responsibility to follow the lead of the Spirit in every situation. When Jesus said turn the other cheek to wrongdoing, He was telling us not to get involved in putting right the wrongs of society or seeking revenge. In a situation such as this where they had to defend themselves from a bloodthirsty murderer who was sent to kill them and destroy the MM van and lit, if God came upon them to empower them to fight the man so as to stop him in his satanic objective to kill God’s Work, then who am I to contradict and say it was not of God just because it does not fit my own personal experience? Many doubt and deny this Work of God for that very reason: because it does not fit their own personal experience. Saturday 1st August 2020. 7:24. From Rhoda: THE TEAM MUST TAKE ONLY 3 DAYS IN GUINEA EVANGELISING USING THE MM LIT ON CORONAVIRUS. ENEMIES WHO WANTED TO PORTRAY MM AS A DEVIL WORSHIPPING SECT ARE NO MORE. GOD BURNT THEM TO ASHES AT MIDNIGHT. THE TEAM NEEDS £150 FOR WATER AND MILK TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY NIGHT. THEY NEED £300 FOR FUEL TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY NIGHT. THEY NEED £100 FOR PRODUCTION OF COPIES OF THE MM LIT ON CORONAVIRUS. THOUGH THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS ARE DOWN FINANCIALLY, MAY THEY ALL PRODUCE LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE MONEY TO MAKE A TOTAL OF £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR GUINEA EVANGELISM WORK WHICH ENDS ON MONDAY NIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT. 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Vivian and Bob, £55 was sent. It’s all we could do. 1st August 2020. 16:34. Received 19:25. From John: It is not easy here. We are in a big challenge. We can't remain stuck in this place. It is hostile. It is hostile. We must move on. SDAs and Muslims Plan To Burn The Van1st August 2020. 19:32. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THE VAN IS IN A HOSTILE PLACE AND THERE IS A PLAN BY ROGUE PEOPLE THERE TO BURN THE VAN. THERE IS NO FUEL IN THE VAN AND JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN A BIG WORRY BECAUSE THE KITTY IS COMPLETELY DRY. MALCOLM, LET THE VAN BE MOVED DEEPER INSIDE GUINEA. LET THE VAN NOT STAND STILL. THERE ARE BAD PLANS BY ROGUE SDA AND MUSLIM WARLORDS TO BURN THE MM VAN. LET JOHN AND VUGA NOT CRY. GOD IS MOVING ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP THEM." 7 Angels said that to me now. 1st Aug 2020. 19:38. From John: Strange people, very many are singing anti MM songs. We heard them say that they must burn the van, that they can't allow devil worshippers in their country. We foresee a big battle. Pray for us. Comment: We managed to get £110 sent. 2nd Aug 2020. 9:56. From John: We have covered 7 cities. Our fuel is over. We are surrounded by 11 hugely built Muslims armed to their teeth. Pray for us. 11:25. Reply: Well, they are not as hugely armed as the invisible angels are who are constantly with you. Those thugs must be Islamic mercenaries. 2nd August 2020. 11:47. From Rhoda: THE VAN IS ALMOST BEING BURNT! "URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:37. From John: We are in the middle of a big battle. Our van can't [mustn’t] be burnt. God bless. 14:01. To John: £100 has just been accessed. Coming soon... Witnessing In Guinea’s Hostile Cities2nd August 2020. 20:34. From John: This is the list of cities we have visited with the MM lits on Coronavirus. Kindia, Kankan, Conakry, Dabola, Dalaba, Kamsar, and Mamou city. We visit a city, leave behind seven copies of the MM lit on Coronavirus and move on. Currently we are in Conakry where we have met serious opposition being the capital city dominated by Muslims. A gang has tried several times to scare us then burn the van. We have been abused and called devil worshippers several times since we landed here but we can't lose our focus. Today in the afternoon when we arrived here in Conakry city and our fuel got over, that gang almost burnt our van because they threw a hand grenade that landed just a few metres from the van. Thank God we stood our ground with opened MM Faith lits [so it failed to explode]. After we received the £100 from Bob, we bought fuel and are visiting mosques and distributing the MM lits on Coronavirus to tell these Muslim radicals that MM is a ministry with Gospel of truth. We want to move around till morning. We can't stop since our enemies are on our necks. Pray for us. We pray to God to kill them at midnight tonight. A Query About Yemen31st July 2020. 15:12. To Rhoda: In 2016 [when two MM vans visited Yemen], this message from the angels predicted that a Yemeni man would use one MM vehicle and spread MM lit in the country. That proposed plan obviously was changed because both vans were recovered and brought back to base. Is the prediction about the Yemeni man still going to happen, or does God have another scheme to cover that nation? Perhaps after the war there is over? 30th Sept 2016. 10:15. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, IT WAS BETTER BOTH THE VANS GO. THOUGH IT IS GOD'S MISSION, THE TEAM WILL GET ARRESTED IN YEMEN BUT WILL MANAGE TO ESCAPE IN ONE VAN. THE OTHER VAN WITH LITS WILL BE LEFT BEHIND AND GOD WILL PICK A YEMENI MAN TO USE THE VAN TO SPREAD THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. 7 angels said that to me now. [The Yemen mission is recorded in MMG9, p 54 on.] 31st July 2020. 15:19. Reply from Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA WILL MOVE TO YEMEN WITH THE TWO VANS AFTER THE GUINEA MISSION. THE YEMENI MAN IS STILL IN JAIL SINCE 2016 BECAUSE HE WAS CAUGHT WITH THE MM LITS. GOD WILL RELEASE HIM WHEN THE TWO VANS REACH THERE. "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 2nd August 2020. 21:49. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT THE VAN MUST MOVE AROUND CONAKRY SEVEN TIMES TILL MORNING. GOD WILL WEED OUT ALL THE WARLORDS IN THE CITY AIMING TO BURN THE MM VAN AND HIT THEM WITH FIREBOLTS TO DEATH. TOMORROW MORNING, THE VAN MUST MOVE OUT OF GUINEA BACK TO GHANA AS THE DEATH OF THE MUSLIM WARLORDS WILL CREATE SO MUCH DISTURBANCE THAT THE VAN MUST NOT BE IN GUINEA. THE VAN WILL MOVE FROM GHANA TO BURUNDI AND BACK TO KENYA FOR THE SECOND VAN TO YEMEN FOR THE MIGHTY RESCUE OF THE YEMENI MAN WHO WILL USE THE SECOND VAN FOR MM LITS EVANGELISM. THIS IS THE ORDER OF EVENTS FAILURE TO WHICH GOD MAY TREAT IT AS UNPARDONABLE SIN. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. £550, £550, £550 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 2nd Aug 2020. 20:48. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: Dream: Yemen MM man is rotting in jail. God wants MM van in Yemen before Wednesday this week. 2nd Aug 2020. 20:49. From Kachapim in South Sudan: Dream: Yemen MM brother is in jail. MM van to go rescue him tomorrow. 2nd Aug 2020.20:51. From Eunice in Kenya: Dream: Yemen MM man is in jail. MM van to go rescue him tomorrow urgently. 3rd August 2020. 8:40. To John: ...I realise the angels guide you in where to leave those 7 Corona copies. Does the mist stop at a particular point? How do they indicate where to leave one before moving on to leave the next one? Thanks. 3rd August 2020. 9:11. From John: The white mists lead us. Where they stop we place MM lit then we move on being guided by the white mists. We are hiding in the thicket being sought after following the 18 deaths last midnight. 18 Muslim Warlords Wiped Out By God9:08. From John: At midnight a gang of 18 armed men tried to destroy the MM van when our fuel was over. God descended with firebolts killing all of them. After that the whole estate erupted and came out abusing us. Now even the authority is looking for a way to arrest us. We have no fuel and our kitty is completely dry. God bless. Comment: Thanks to Nigel, £100 was sent. 14:26. From John: Thank you. I have received it. God bless. 3rd August 2020. 19:56. From John: ...We are at the border with water and milk to take us till tomorrow morning. We are in a very hostile environment. But God has been faithful to us. God willing we should be in Kenya for the second van before Wednesday morning. Eunice told us that there may be a lockdown at the borders due to Coronavirus pandemic from Wednesday night. 3rd August 2020. 20:01. From Rhoda: "...MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £477 TONIGHT TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR FUEL ONLY TO GET THEM MOVING UP TO BURUNDI. THE VAN MUST BE IN KENYA BY WEDNESDAY MORNING SO THAT BY WEDNESDAY NIGHT THEY SHOULD MOVE OUT TO YEMEN. MAY £477 REACH JOHM TOMORROW MORNING..." 7 Angels said. 3rd Aug 2020. 20:03. From Trezaa: Dream: The MM van may get completely bombed if money for fuel doesn't reach John and Vuga by noon tomorrow. Enemies are surrounding the MM van on five sides. Dangerous. 3rd August 2020. 20:05. From Kachapim: Dream: God to cover the MM van. A big armed team in five directions want to bomb it at Guinea border. 3rd Aug 2020. 20:06. From Eunice: Dream: MM van with John and Vuga may be bombed to nothing if they don't move out of Guinea by noon tomorrow... Another Battle Against Enemies: 23 Killed4th August 2020. 8:04. From John: We have had a battle with an armed gang till morning. Thank God all their weapons couldn't reach us. God covered us with thick impenetrable white mists. Now they want to physically grab us. We are foreseeing a bad battle. May God move swiftly to save us. God bless. 8:32. Reply: Yes. God will save you. He is our Protector. He uses the van like a magnet to draw these evil people out, in order to wipe them out. 4th August 2020. 9:00. From John: 23 people have died of Firebolts this morning when they started beating us mercilessly. Our eyes are swollen. May God open ways for us to move out of this place. More people are coming, they want to kill us. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. 9:13. Reply: May God heal you speedily! These attacks are dreadful, but God allows them as a public witness. Since He can’t reach many people with lit, such episodes create the publicity and spreads the word through gossip that travels far. And it is a platform for the demonstration of God’s power. People who witnessed it are greatly impacted by it, as they were by Peter’s preaching in the situation described in Acts 2. Hang in there, God will deliver!!! 4th August 2020. 9:03. From Rhoda: "URGENT URGENT URGENT MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £477 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE MASSIVELY ATTACKED. IT IS WORSE. God has killed 23 attackers by firebolts." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th August 2020. 11:09. To John: I think we have finally found some money, but it will take a couple of hours to get it to you. Comment: Nigel put forward £120. And Rolf borrowed to send £250. 11:10. From John: Thanks Will. We are being ordered to leave the van by over 100 armed people. They want to burn it then kill us. They claim we killed their people. We can't give in. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. Can Eunice sell our piece of land to raise money for fuel? God is going to kill these people and it will attract a big ourcry. God God God why this? 12:00. Reply: No, don’t sell your land. GOD IS IN CHARGE! He will deliver you and He will not allow the van to be destroyed. God’s angels are well capable of dealing with those 100 people. What if God WANTS them to be there so He can destroy them? Huh? I think that’s His purpose. JUDGEMENT!!! Psalm 2. Why do the nations rage?! Because they are enemies of God. And Another 27 Warmongers Are Eliminated4th August 2020. 22:08. From John:. We need at least £100 fuel to get to Burundi. We have been moving at a terrific speed. We left behind a scene of 27 burning people. God hit our enemies with firebolts immediately we left. 4th August 2020. 22:14. From Rhoda: "GOD KILLED 27 PEOPLE WITH FIREBOLTS WHO WANTED TO BURN THE MM VAN. THE VAN IS ALMOST REACHING BURUNDI. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £150 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THE VAN MUST LEAVE FOR YEMEN TOMORROW NIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5th August 2020. 8:11. From John: We are stuck. We have no fuel. We can't get to Burundi. Our water and milk too are over. We are in Kigali Rwanda. 10:01. To John: I have been able to find £141, thankfully, and there may be a little more added to that figure. However, that is all we have, and there is no certainty of anything being available tomorrow. So make provision for yourselves for what you need for tomorrow (milk and water), in case nothing comes in, because our situation is dire at present. As for the trip to Yemen, unless God does a miracle of making substantial money available (also to finish the library) I can’t see it happening yet. It will have to wait till funds are available in due course. The amount needed would be in the region of £3,000 I guess to take two vans to Yemen and finish the library.
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