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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 20
256Burundi Again
...Consider my trouble from those who hate me... (Psalm 9:13).
After God wiped out all the 20 attackers in Israel, the journey to Burundi was in fits and starts because of money shortages. But John said that God propelled the van also. On 15th June by mid afternoon they had reached the border with Sudan. Next day, 16th June, they were stuck at the border with South Sudan waiting for the next injection of funds. The angels asked for £400, but all the supporters could only manage £300 between them. It got the team to Uganda. They needed another £250 to get to Burundi. We didn’t have it. Meanwhile, the angels gave instructions: God’s Instructions Prior To Entering Burundi16th June 2020. 20:23. From Rhoda: THIS IS THE MOST URGENT URGENT URGENT INFORMATION. A BIG OPPOSITION AWAITS THE TEAM IN BURUNDI. LET THE FOLLOWING BE DONE BEFORE ENTRY IN TO BURUNDI TOMORROW. 1. WATER AND MILK FOR £200 BE STOCKED IN UGANDA BECAUSE THE ENEMIES WILL TRY TO POISON JOHN AND VUGA BY SELLING THEM CONTAMINATED WATER AND MILK. 2. LET THE VAN HAVE ENOUGH FUEL OF £350 IN THE TANK WHEN IT CROSSES IN TO BURUNDI FROM RWANDA TOMORROW MORNING. 3. LET AT LEAST £200 BE IN THE KITTY FOR SETTING UP A TENT IN THE LAND WHERE MM LITS LIBRARY WILL BE CONSTRUCTED. 4. LET THE TEAM NOT REST FROM TOMORROW TILL SATURDAY JUST VISITING ALL CORNERS OF BURUNDI INFORMING THE PEOPLE OF GOD’S PUNISHMENT IF THEY DISOBEY THE MM LITS MESSAGE. NOW NOW NOW, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS COME TOGETHER AND RAISE £1000 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR THIS GREAT MISSION. THIS MUST MUST MUST NOT FAIL. GOD IS HONOURING MM GREAT WORK IN BURUNDI. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1000 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th June 2020. 5:54. From John: We are stuck in Uganda. Our fuel, water and milk are completely over. Thanks to God we are closer to Burundi. [Thanks to Eleanor and Bob £105 was sent. It was all we could muster.] 17th June 2020. 8:04. From John: Thanks Will. We need to be there inside Burundi today and disperse all the supporters of the late dictator who hated MM. Now God, money challenges are now blocking this noble mission. ...This is a good opportunity to show the world how God is powerful. God bless. 8:30. Reply: Yes, I know it is a good opportunity. There have been many good opportunities to demonstrate God’s love and purity to people, but when we have no money it puts God’s intentions on hold. Remember at the FoT in Aleppo when God asked for several thousands so that a well could be drilled for those poorer than poor people to have water? Our regular supporters didn’t have the means. We did what we could, but it wasn’t enough so the proposed well wasn’t bored, and still hasn’t been done to this day. There were other projects which would have helped the believers immensely but we didn’t have the funds. God Wanted To Kill More Opponents!17th June 2020. 9:48. From Rhoda: "GOD KNOWS WHY HE IS INSISTING ON THE VAN REACHING BURUNDI TODAY. GOD WILL KILL MORE OPPOSERS TODAY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that to me now. [God wanted to do that, but human failings prevented it then.] 17th June 2020. 16:04. From Rhoda: "...URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MAY AS LITTLE AS £200 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO GET THEM OUT OF UGANDA. AN ARMED TEAM HAS FOLLOWED THEM ALL THE WAY FROM GOD TV TO KILL THEM. LET THEM MOVE OUT TO BURUNDI WHERE GOD WILL KILL THOSE ATTACKERS." 7 Angels have said. Attackers Sent By GOD TV People To Kill Us17th June 2020. 16:01. From John: A team has followed us all the way from Israel. They are over 12, armed and ready to kill. They claim that we killed their people. Pray for us. God bless. 17:48. From Vuga: We are being attacked. Pray for us. Vuga. 18:42. From John: We are in the middle of a fierce battle with people who followed after us... 19:02. Reply: God will deal with the attackers as before. God is protecting you as always using your Faith booklets as powerful weapons and shields. Intercession is constant. God will act when it’s His time to intervene... 17th June 2020. 19:38. From John: Thanks. It is a big fight. God is on our side. They are armed. They are abusing us. But so far their guns have jammed. We are facing them with opened MM Faith lits. 20:44. Reply: Yes. God is always with you, as prophesied to you at the outset, God said no man would be able to stand against you. Those were the words spoken to Joshua (Joshua 1:5) when he was appointed by God to go into the promised land and would have to fight against the enemies. Comment: Thanks to Rolf £125 was sent to John in the evening so the van could escape the danger area overnight. 18th June 2020. 7:02. From John: Thanks. I received it. We moved closer to Rwanda border after midnight. God blocked their eyes but did not kill them. They are still following us. ...their vehicle is about 400m away. God bless. 7:51. Reply: It seems God wants to kill them in Burundi, according to the angels. I will know in the next hour or so what is available to send today. 18th June 2020. 8:37. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL WIPE THEM OFF TOGETHER WITH ALL THE MM OPPOSERS WHO WILL JOIN THEM IN BURUNDI. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO GET THEM TO BURUNDI WHERE GOD WILL DEFEAT THE ENEMIES." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to the supporters 230 + 50 + 115 + 78 = £470 was sent. Gearing Up For The Big Battle18th June 2020. 14:29. From Rhoda: "A FURTHER £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR MORE WATER, MILK AND FUEL. IT IS GOING TO BE FIREWORKS IN BURUNDI STARTING TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT [that was God’s ideal, but humans limit it]. THIS IS MORE URGENT URGENT URGENT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. THROUGHOUT TOMORROW, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY THE VAN WILL BE TRAVERSING THE WHOLE OF BURUNDI. ON SATURDAY THE SITE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY WILL BE SANCTIFIED USING SEVEN MM FAITH LITS." 18th June 2020. 14:34. From John: We are approaching the Rwanda Burundi border. We need to stock more water and milk here before crossing in to Burundi following the prior Angelic instructions. We have £90 in the kitty. 15:49. Reply: OK. It won’t be possible to send money after 5 pm today, even if we had it, which we don’t at present. We have to wait and see what comes in tomorrow. So it looks like you will have to wait there if you don’t have enough... Rhoda’s missive below from the angels. 18th June 2020. 19:54. From John: ...We have crossed in to Burundi. 19th June 2020. 6:25. From John: Throughout the night till now we are still having a running battle. We need more fuel. We have moved throughout the night with this gang trailing and aiming [firing] at us with bullets. Our fuel may be over any time now and the kitty is dry. God bless. 19th June 2020. 7:00. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT GOD WILL WIPE OUT THE ATTACKERS WHO HAVE CHASED AFTER THE MM VAN THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT. THE TEAM NEEDS MORE FUEL. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE BATTLE IS BIG. GOD'S GLORY WILL BE SEEN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7:57. To John: Whereabouts are you in Burundi? How many are the attackers? You say they have been aiming their guns at you and shooting. What happened to the bullets? How have the angels dealt with those? Thanks. We are awaiting funds. Will let you know. The place doesn’t open till 12 your time. Comment: Thanks to Fiona, Vivian and Joy, £260 was sent to help them. 19th June 2020. 8:04. From John: We have moved through Ngozi town, Bururi town, Buyonge town and now we are heading to Bujumbura. The attackers are around ten in number. Their bullets get deflected back by God since we have opened MM Faith lits in the van. Our fuel is almost over. 8:31. Reply: OK. Thanks. Amazing how the bullets get deflected. 15:59. From John: Two vehicles are trailing us. Two white saloon cars. We only dropped copies of MM Faith lits as a witness in each town. God bless. 19th June 2020. 18:46. From Rhoda: "LET THE TEAM REMAIN FIRM. GOD WILL ACT TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £280 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th June 2020. 18:48. From John: They blocked our way and physically pulled us out of the van calling us devil worshippers, illuminati worshippers. It is a big fight. We are facing them with opened MM Faith lits producing sharp light that is making their vision impossible. It is a big fight. Pray for us. 18:56. Reply: If they call you illuminati, that sounds like they are SDAs or hired by SDAs. God Slaughtered Them All After Midnight20th June 2020. 7:44. From John: We fought a big group of armed people till past midnight. At midnight God covered the whole place with thick white mists that they couldn't locate the van. God then descended in firebolts killing all and destroying the two vehicles. We then got led by white mists to the south of Bujumbura in a large field of about 300 metres square. Here is where the mists cleared meaning it is where the MM lit library should be constructed. The firebolts made people around join us now to pray with us. They are thanking God for the death of the dictator Nkurunziza. We have no water nor milk. We are only left with little fuel. God bless. 8:55. Reply: What a relief that that’s all over! A little bit of money will be coming after 10 am our time, but we haven’t got the amount the angels requested. Saturday 20th June 2020. 7:57. From Rhoda: "YES THEY [the attackers] WERE JOINED BY SDA PEOPLE BUT GOD KILLED ALL THROUGH fireboltS. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER AND GIVE JOHN AND VUGA SPECIFICATIONS OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY. SEVEN MM FAITH LITS TO BE BURIED AT THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE VAST OPEN FIELD, THREE MM FAITH LITS TO BE BURIED AT THE CENTRE OF THE FIELD. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE THE £4500 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY. 1. ON MONDAY £1000 TO REACH JOHN. 2. ON WEDNESDAY THE SECOND £1000 TO REACH JOHN. 3. ON FRIDAY THIRD £1000 TO REACH JOHN. 4. ON MONDAY NEXT WEEK FOURTH £1000 TO REACH JOHN. 5. ON THURSDAY NEXT WEEK THE LAST £500 TO REACH JOHN. NOW NOW NOW, AT LEAST £280 TO REACH JOHN FOR WATER, MILK AND FUEL TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY. AFTER SABBATH MEET THE VAN MUST MOVE NON STOP SPREADING THE NEWS OF GOD'S APPROVAL OF THE DEATH OF THE DICTATOR PRESIDENT NKURUNZIZA." 7 Angels said that to me now. [The amounts requested are the ideal, not reality.] 9:07. To John: The request from the angels is another mystery to me. I haven’t got a clue what the specifications should be for the library, so that will have to come in a vision or dream Similarly, the money to build it is non-existent here. We’ve got debts fifty times greater than that sum and no way to clear them unless we sell up and move on somewhere smaller, which would put an end to the ministry. So, likewise, God has to make a way for this to happen, as it is entirely impossible for us at present. God doesn’t half push one’s faith to the limit! Comment: Thanks to all the faithful supporters, £366 was sent. 20th June 2020. 20:08. From John: Thanks. Over 200 people joined us today for the Sabbath meet. We did bury 7 MM Faith lits around the field and 3 MM Faith lits at the centre of the field. Of these people 112 were former SDA members. We are currently going round the streets of Bujumbura distributing the MM lit on Coronavirus and explaining to people God's wrath on all who fight MM. We want to visit at least 10 cities by the end of tomorrow Godwilling. God bless. God Emphasises The Library’s Importance20th June 2020. 20:02. From Rhoda: "LET THE VAN MOVE NON STOP TO AT LEAST 10 CITIES WHERE THE WHITE MISTS WILL LEAD THE TEAM. A FURTHER £250 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR MORE FUEL FOR THIS NOBLE MISSION. THE MM LIBRARY IS VERY VERY VERY NECESSARY IN BURUNDI. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THE £4500 FOR ITS CONSTRUCTION." 7 Angels said that to me now. 20th June 2020. 20:13. From Eunice in Kenya: "Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm, encourage all the MM regular anointed supporters to build an MM lits library in Burundi in a piece of land 300m by 300m costing £4550. This library will be My covenant with MM folks in Burundi that no dictator of SDA faith will ever persecute my people. Build it, Build it, Build it." These are the words spoken to me in a dream by a tall man carrying MM lits in his right hand last night at midnight. 20th June 2020. 20:15. From Kachapim in South Sudan: Build an MM lits library in Burundi to be God's covenant costing £4500. Urgent urgent urgent. A tall man in white clothes appeared to me three times in a dream last night. He was crying when saying these words. God bless. 20th June 2020. 20:18. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm, build an MM lits library in Burundi urgently urgently urgently. God wants to demonstrate His approval for MM and set a covenant with all the MM folks there. £4500 is urgently required for it. This was in a dream last night, said by a tall man in white clothes. God bless. Comment: The field belongs to a staunch MM believer. 21st June 2020. 17:54. From John: Report Burundi: 1. Makamba. 2. Ruyigi. 3. Rumonge. We have managed to visit the above cities, engaging people in hospitals, sharing the MM lit on Coronavirus and praying for people. We added fuel of £120 and bought water with £10. We can't move on because our fuel is over. The Burundians are very impressed with the great work God is doing through MM lits Evangelism. God bless. 21st June 2020. 18:08. From Rhoda: "MM LITS LIBRARY IS GOD'S HOUSE WHERE THE TRUE GOSPEL IS OBTAINED. (MATTHEW 8:20). WE ARE IN HARD FINANCIAL TIMES BUT GOD INSISTS ON ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £1000 NOW NOW NOW TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR LAYING DOWN THE FOUNDATION OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY IN BURUNDI. (REVELATION 11:19). GOD HAS DEMONSTRATED HIS MIGHT BY HONOURING THE MM LITERATURE BECAUSE IT IS HIS VESSEL TO RID SIN FROM THE WORLD. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1000 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE LIBRARY WORK TO START. THE VAN SHOULD MOVE NON STOP THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT BUT THERE IS NO FUEL, THE KITTY IS DRY, NO MILK, NO WATER. THE TEAM IS COMPLETELY STUCK. MM OPPOSERS AND PEOPLE WHO LEFT MM BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY ARE VERY BITTER OF THE GREATER HEIGHTS GOD HAS TAKEN MM. THEY PLOT TO HARM JOHN AND VUGA OR WRITE LETTERS FALSELY ACCUSING THEM BUT GOD IS HOLDING THE RIGHT HANDS OF HIS DEDICATED SERVANTS. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MAY AT LEAST £250 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR WATER, MILK AND A LITTLE FUEL TO KEEP THEM GOING. GOD IS GOD." 7 Angels have said that to me. The three witnesses’ dreams today: 21st June 2020. 19:21. From Trezaa: Burundi MM lits library, MM lits library, MM lits library is a vital necessity. This dream is too urgent. 21st June 2020. 19:22. From Kachapim: God requests for building of MM lits library in Burundi urgently. God bless. 21st June 2020. 19:22. From Eunice: “Build Me an MM lits library in Burundi urgently urgently urgently.” God said. 21st June 2020. 23:08. To John: Rolf has sent you £250 tonight. That was totally unexpected! Everyone else was all empty. 22nd June 2020. 9:46. From Rhoda :"MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE A FURTHER £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO KEEP THE VAN MOVING TILL WEDNESDAY MORNING. LAYING DOWN THE FOUNDATION OF THE MM LIBRARY IN BURUNDI TODAY IS A BIG MILESTONE IN THE MM VAN EVANGELISM WORK. THROUGH ALL MEANS MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THE £1000 NEEDED FOR THIS NOBLE WORK TO REACH JOHN TODAY TODAY TODAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: I said under my breath: No chance of us coming up with £1,000! We’re empty, full stop! More Dratted Opposition!22nd June 2020. 10:08. From John: It seems as if some witchdoctors have realized that we want to construct for God a library here in Burundi. They killed three snakes, three squirrels and three black cats and placed them exactly where we buried the MM Faith lits. The owner of the plot has just briefed us now... 22nd June 2020. 12:30. From John: We are blocked by police. Our vehicle was hit on the rear part by the armed men who fought us the other day. They are insisting that we pay for a licence for a three month period to be here and the van be made [repaired] now. They want £270 for the licence. We can use the £109 in the kitty to repair the van. God bless. 13:27. Reply: Sounds like a stitch-up to me. 22nd June 2020. 12:35. From Rhoda: "...NOW NOW NOW, £270 MUST REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, THE VAN IS IN POLICE HANDS, THEY WANT A LICENCE. LET JOHN GIVE THEM THE £109 IN THE KITTY AND PROMISE THEM TO WAIT FOR THE BALANCE. THE VAN TOO NEEDS £330 FOR REPAIR. GOD IS DOING THIS TO WEED OUT ALL ANTI MM POLICE IN BURUNDI SO THAT WHEN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LIBRARY STARTS NO ONE WILL HINDER IT." 7 Angels said that to me now. 15:52. To John: Rolf has sent you £300. Have you received that now? 17:04. To John: The angels said that it’s God’s plan to clear anti-MM police. So, while it looks serious now, they are defrauding us, but God is letting them so that they pay for it in the usual way God deals with opponents. 22nd June 2020. 20:44. From John: Thanks Will. We believe God will wipe them out. We repaired the van and paid for the licence. We have little fuel to continue with the Evangelism work. We are strongly moving on. 22nd June 2020. 20:51. From Rhoda: THIS IS GOD'S TRAP TO KILL THOSE ROGUE POLICE. "LET THE VAN MOVE NONSTOP TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS THAT ALL THE MM OPPOSERS IN BURUNDI INCLUDING ROGUE POLICE MUST FACE GOD'S WRATH. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, ENCOURAGE ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR THE LAYING DOWN OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY IN BURUNDI. GOD IS INSISTING THAT LET A 150M BY 100M BRICK WALL LIBRARY BE CONSTRUCTED. IT MUST SERVE AS MEETING HALL CUM MM LITS LIBRARY. LET THIS GREAT MISSION START MALCOLM. THIS WORK WILL HELP STABILIZE MM WORK NOT ONLY IN BURUNDI BUT IN AFRICA AS A WHOLE. IN ADDITION, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £250 FOR FUEL ONLY TO ENABLE THE VAN TO MOVE ON NON STOP SPREADING THE GREAT MESSAGE OF HOPE AND GOD'S DIRECTIVE. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We couldn’t manage to do that. It had to wait.] 23rd June 2020. 4:07. From John: At midnight the four police officers who gave us a hard time started crying aloud that they are being burnt with hot coal. We are receiving news now that their counterparts thought that they had gone mad and locked them inside a room where they all died here in Bujumbura. One of them who took our phone number has just called. [Name protected] the police officer who accepted the MM truth during that time has informed us. 8:38. To John: You say five are no more, but four were killed. Was it five or four? Thanks. 9:02. From John: Five, one tried to run away but firebolts hit him dead. 9:21. From Rhoda: "LET THE VAN MOVE MOVE MOVE ON. THE TEAM IS STUCK. NO FUEL, NO WATER NOR MILK. MM LITS MUST REACH ALL CORNERS OF BURUNDI. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd June 2020. 11:22. From Trezaa: MM van can't move on and there is a big problem. God killed some police officers and now many of them are heading to destroy the MM van. This is a disturbing dream. 11:23. From Kachapim: Dream. Let the MM van be moved to a safe place. Revenge mission is being organised. This is a dream I had last night. 23rd June 2020. 11:24. From Eunice: Dream: God's MM van is being targeted by some rogue police in Burundi in a revenge mission. I had this dream three times in one night. 23rd June 2020. 11:26. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. LET THE VAN MOVE OUT. REVENGE REVENGE REVENGE MISSION BY POLICE. THIS IS URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment; Thanks to Fiona and Bob £100 was sent. It’s all we could do. 13:16. To John: Have the police thugs arrived yet? Intercession is constant. 23rd June 2020. 13:53. From John: We received £100 from Bob fuelled the van and we are moving towards the site where the library is to be built. We shall meet them head-on there at midnight. Some are trailing us. 23rd June 2020. 18:24. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. LET THE VAN NOT REST. THE BATTLE IS BIG BUT WE MUST WIN IT FOR GOD IS IN IT. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW PRAISING GOD FOR DEFEATING THE DICTATORS. HE MUST NOT MENTION ANY NAME. £450, £450, £450. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd June 2020. 18:26. From John: We are set with opened MM Faith lits. Up to now they haven't shown up here. We are discussing the MM lits with some 14 people here in this open field. We have little fuel to start off tomorrow. Tuesday 23rd June 2020. Comment: Thanks to Vivian £150 was sent, which John got early Wednesday morning. I wrote the piece on dictatorship, entitled An End To Dictators In Africa.
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