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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 20
254In Iraq & Iran
When He avenges blood, He remembers them; He does not forget the cry of the humble (Psalm 9:12).
3rd June 2020. 20:13. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN IRAQ. THE WORK MUST GO ON THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT SAVING THE MM FOLKS IN BAGHDAD THEN TOMORROW MORNING THE VAN MUST CROSS INTO IRAN WHERE MANY MM FOLKS ARE SUFFERING. A FURTHER £300 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Bob, £300 was sent early. 4th June 2020. 20:22. From John: Thanks to God of gods. We have managed to cover 3 main hospitals here: 1. Khanic Hospital. 2. Bazzaz Iraqi Hospital. 3. PAR Private Hospital. We enter, pray, introduce ourselves, then give out the MM lit on Coronavirus plus a few copies of MM lits, take them through the copies, then pray for the sick and leave. In [name of hospital protected] in Baghdad city we met [name protected], the cousin of the late bin Tik Tik... He ran from Syria because Tik Tik wanted to kill him. We shared with him how God killed Bin Tik Tik. He accepted the MM gospel of truth just immediately. We are heading to Duhok Hospital and Soran Hospital before crossing in to Iran. TODAY MORNING. We met the MM folks families in Baghdad Iraq and shared with them the MM lit on Coronavirus. We have enough fuel to get us in to Iran but our water and milk are over and the kitty is completely dry. God bless. 20:46. Reply: How did you get to find out that he was the cousin to bin Tik Tik? 4th June 2020. 20:31. From Rhoda: "...THE VAN HAS DONE A GREAT EVANGELISM WORK IN IRAQ TODAY AND IS STILL GOING ON WITH THE WONDERFUL WORK TONIGHT. THEY WILL ARRIVE IN IRAN TOMORROW MORNING. MORE WATER, MILK AND COPIES OF MM LITS ON CORONAVIRUS ARE NEEDED. THE MM KITTY IS DRY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW MORNING TO KEEP THEM GOING TILL SATURDAY NIGHT. A MASSIVE WORK IS AWAITING THE TEAM IN IRAN. MADISSA BIN RAUFFA, ANOTHER WARLORD IS BUSY PREPARING TO INTERCEPT AND ATTACK THE MM VAN IN IRAN TO PAY FOR THE DEATH OF THEIR COMMANDER BIN TIK TIK. MALCOLM TO DO THIS, WRITE A WARNING LETTER TO MADISSA NOW NOW NOW AND SEND TO JOHN. £777 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW MORNING. 7 IS GOD'S NUMBER, 7 IS GOD'S NUMBER, 7 IS GOD'S NUMBER. IRAN FOR JESUS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th June 2020. 20:59. To John: A WARNING TO MADISSA BIN RAUFFA Ugly warlord in Iran: This is a message to you from a prophet of God Almighty. You are following servants of the Almighty God who has sent them to Iraq to help people, to administer God’s healing to those who will accept it. So why are you wanting to attack God’s van and kill His servants? It was God who killed your commander bin Tik Tik. You should accept God’s judgement on Tik Tik. God killed him because of all the evil he perpetrated. Shame on you and your dastardly religion of hate and murder for wanting to take revenge! Because you are wanting to kill God’s servants and put an end to this mission, God will kill you unless you back off. I recommend that you back off and leave us alone, because you are fighting God Almighty. He does not tolerate such evil opposition to His missions of love and deliverance. If you don’t, it will be your last day on earth. Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK 4th June 2020. 21:00. From John: [In reply to mine asking about the cousin of bin Tik Tik.] He received news of Tik's death from home. He was told that he died after confronting MM van evangelists. So when he saw the label of MM on the van, he came running, introduced himself and told us about his story... 21:02. Reply: It’s amazing the way God is working things out, and now he has been called to accept the Truth. Amazing. 4th June 2020. 21:03. From Trezaa: I got awakened by a unique dream. God is going to kill a dangerous person in Iraq tonight or tomorrow. This dream has disturbed me for three nights. And more money to reach John. God bless. 4th June 2020. 21:05. From Kachapim: A big battle awaits the MM van in Iran. But God will kill the leader. More money to reach John. God bless. 4th June 2020. 21:06. From Eunice: More money to reach John in Iran. A big war awaits them. This is a dream I have had now for three nights. God bless. Comment: Bob sent £370. Excellent. 5th June 2020. 4:49. To John: What do you know about the believers who died of Coronavirus there in Iraq? Are you now in Iran? 5th June 2020. 9:45. From John: We are in Iran. We found when the 6 had been buried two weeks ago. God bless. 19:02. Reply: I wonder whether God might raise them from the dead. Comment: Bob sent £207, thanks to Vivian and Joy. So, that’s £577 total out of the £777 which the angels asked for. God Resurrects Two In IranFriday 5th June 2020. 19:57. From John: Thanks Will. We have met 105 MM folks and given them copies of MM lits on Coronavirus. We are in a home where two parents died of Coronavirus last night leaving behind five young children. We believe God will raise them up. God bless. 5th June 2020. 20:04. From Rhoda: "THE WHOLE NIGHT THE TEAM MUST BE AWAKE TO SEE HOW GOD WILL RAISE UP TWO MM FOLKS WHO DIED LAST NIGHT OUT OF CORONAVIRUS. THE VAN MUST BE SERVICED FOR FROM TOMORROW NIGHT THERE WILL BE MASSIVE MOVEMENTS IN HOSPITALS IN IRAN. VAN SERVICE REQUIRES £350 AND A FURTHER £200 FOR FUEL. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. TOMORROW AN OPEN AIR SABBATH MEET WHERE THE TWO MM FOLKS WHO WILL BE RAISED TONIGHT WILL GIVE A TESTIMONY ON THEIR DEATH EXPERIENCE AND GIVE GOD'S MESSAGE TO THE MM FOLKS." 7 Angels have said now. 21:35. To John: I don’t know how we can find this amount of money... 6th June 2020. 8:00. From John: We are stuck. 6th June 2020. 8:21. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STRANDED. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The £350 which Bob tried to send didn’t go through. It’s been blocked and now stuck in the system for days. Meanwhile, Bob let £210 go which he had set aside to pay a bill (which must now wait) so Eleanor sent that on, plus a further £105 borrowed from T, to be reimbursed on 15th June from her wages. 6th June 2020. 20:19. From John: The 2 raised up. We placed three a piece opened MM Faith lits on the dead bodies then waited till midnight. The bodies were of a couple. At midnight thick white mists engulfed the house till visibility was not possible. The bodies started sweating profusely. First to rise up was the woman [name protected]. She cried aloud three times and called for MM van Evangelism work to go on non stop to clear all the warlords. Exactly seven minutes after that, [name protected] was raised up and he repeated the same words his wife quoted. The house was filled with witnesses. Their children thanked God with tears of joy. After that, Will, the thick white mists just disappeared immediately. From that hour we started our Sabbath meet with testimonies from the two. Till morning people praised God. The whole day we moved in Tehran city sharing the MM lits on Coronavirus and our two brothers sharing their death experiences. Now will we are visiting hospitals and sharing the MM lit on Coronavirus. We need more fuel to finish this mighty work. God Urges The Van To Go To Israel Next6th June 2020. 20:23. From Rhoda: "TAKE IT TO GOD TV, TAKE IT WITH NO FEAR, MOVE MOVE MOVE. THE VAN MUST MUST MUST MOVE TO GOD TV. THAT'S WHY IT WAS SERVICED. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MISSION IN THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC TIME. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1000 TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE GOD TV MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The angels express the urgency with which God views these missions. We all need to share that sense of urgency, for lives are at stake. However, we had no money at all, so the trip had to wait. With Bob’s £350 stuck in the system, Bob couldn’t use that system, so Eleanor would need to use another method. First we had to wait for funds. 7th June 2020. 6:48. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS DO THEIR BEST TO RAISE AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO START THE TEAM OFF TO GOD TV ISRAEL. THIS MISSION IS A MUST GO. GOD HAS A BIG PLAN FOR IT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6:49. From Eunice: Dream: God tv, God tv, God tv is not God's tv. Will, is something wrong with God tv? [Much!] 6:50. From Kachapim: Thanks. Something is wrong with God tv. Let the van reach there urgently urgently urgently today. This was my dream last night. 6:52. From Trezaa: Take Coronavirus MM lits to God tv in Israel now. This was spoken to me in a dream last night by a tall man with white clothes. 8:53. To John: The angels have announced the need for money for you to go, but there is not much I can do when we have no money. It’s for God to provide it somehow. Has God dealt with that warlord the angels mentioned to Rhoda, MADISSA BIN RAUFFA? Has he showed up yet? 7th June 2020. 9:01. From John: He ran away and headed towards Israel according to the information we have received this morning from MM folks here. 7th June 2020. 9:05. From Rhoda: "RAUFA IS HIDING IN ISRAEL. GOD WILL KILL HIM WHEN THE VAN REACHES THERE. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST SOME MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW, THERE IS A BIG BIG BIG MISSION FOR ISRAEL GOD TV." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:17. From John: ...Now with the hostility of Iran on us MM evangelists, we are only safe when the van is moving. Our fuel is over and water plus milk too are over, our kitty is dry too, and God is showing that we cross to Israel. Vuga is frustrated... Why is God blocking money supply when we are in the midst of the hostile environment like this? Will, God knows. 9:29. Reply: God isn’t blocking the money supply. Satan is, and people who submit to Satan in this world. “In your endurance possess ye your souls.” Comment: Praise God, Rolf was able to send £150 to John. 7th June 2020. 18:42. From John: Many thanks. We received it. Bought water and milk with £50 fuelled the van with £100. About the mob: God covered the van with thick white mists. They all started complaining of itching eyes and left crying for help. God bless.
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