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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 20
252A Big Work In Somalia
You have rebuked the nations. You have destroyed the wicked. You have blotted out their name forever (Psalm 9:5).
The word there translated as “nations” is actually Elohim in the Hebrew text. It refers to those who wield power as if they are gods. We would say in modern parlance “powermongers”, or terrorists. God sent the MM van this time to Somalia to oust some of those opponents, besides bringing salvation, healing and comfort to the poor. 15th May 2020. 19:39. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM MUST HAVE TWO SPARE WHEELS. THE JOURNEY IS A LONG ONE WITH THE RAINY WEATHER SITUATION. TWO SPARE NEW TYRES MUST BE BOUGHT TOMORROW. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO NEW TYRES AND TWO NEW RIMS. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: £400 was sent.] Commanded To Go To SomaliaSaturday 16h May 2020. 20:01. From Rhoda: "AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT THE VAN WILL START OFF THE JOURNEY TO SOMALIA. BY TOMORROW MIDDAY THE VAN WILL BE IN MOMBASA. THE VAN WILL ARRIVE IN SOMALIA CITY OF RAAS KAMBONI ON MONDAY NOON AND WILL GO FOR NON STOP SPREADING OF THE MM LIT ON CORONAVIRUS TILL FRIDAY. THIS NEEDS A BUDGET OF £1650. 1. TOMORROW SUNDAY MORNING, £550 TO REACH JOHN. 2. ON TUESDAY NIGHT £550 TO REACH JOHN. 3. ON THURSDAY MORNING £550 TO REACH JOHN. GOD IS GOING TO RAISE THE DEAD THROUGH MM FAITH LITS. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVANGELISM. IT MUST BE IN JOHN'S HAND TOMORROW MORNING TO EASEN THE MONDAY MOVEMENTS." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Bob, next day £530 was sent for the van to move on towards Somalia. In order to fund the great needs, Bob took out another loan. 17th May 2020. 12:11. From John: Thanks a lot Will. We are in Voi town on our way to Mombasa. God is great. 14:31. From John: The condition of the roads is bad but we are moving on. God bless. 17th May 2020. 14:33. From Rhoda: "MAY GOD MOVE ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR THE UKEREWE ISLAND MM FOLKS FOR FOOD. THEY ARE DYING OF HUNGER, FAMINE. FAMINE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th May 2020. 15:54. From Trezaa: "God's children, MM folks are dying of famine. God wants them helped a little." I had this dream three times last night. God bless. 7th May 2020. 15:56. From Kachapim: Last night, God gave me a picture of MM folks in Ukerewe Island crying of hunger. Children crying, old people crying. God bless. 17th May 2020. 15:57. From Eunice: Last night I had a dream in which MM folks in Ukerewe Island were in dire need of food. Some dying. Have you heard of them Will? 16:34. Reply: Yes, we hope to help them somewhat. Comment: Bob fixed that need from his loan. 18th May 2020. 18:32. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS IN RAAS KAMBONI, THE WORK IS STARTING AT MIDNIGHT WITHOUT FAIL. MAY £550 REACH JOHN TONIGHT. ROLF CAN SEND DIRECT TO JOHN. BOB KILGOUR CAN SEND DIRECT TO JOHN OR MATINDE. JOHN WILL REGISTER A NEW MPESA NUMBER NEXT WEEK FOR MONEY TRANSFER. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR THE GREAT WORK GOING ON AS FROM TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th May 2020. 5:11. From John: Our fuel is over. We moved through Raas Kamboni town up to 2 am. Comment: Bob tried sending on the 18th and 19th, and both times the route was blocked to Matinde. So John provided details of a new recipient who is faithful. The explanation for the block is police interference. In many dreams, going back more than 20 years God warned us of a police attack. An evil cop in Scotland Yard has malice in his heart against us and is the culprit. 19th May 2020. 10:09. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS STUCK. NO FUEL. MAY £550 REACH JOHN VIA PETER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:13. From John: Many people have surrounded us wanting to know why the van is here. We are engaging them. Comment: Bob was able to send £290. Relief! From Raas Kamboni To Mogadishu20th May 2020. 6:39. From John: Raas Kamboni: God killed 3 people last midnight when they wanted to fight us. They were Muslims. We moved the whole night in Raas Kamboni distributing the MM lit on Coronavirus. Today we are heading to Mogadishu city. Comment: £350 went, thanks to Fiona, Vivian and Joy. Wednesday 20th May 2020. 14:53. From John: After buying fuel, water and milk we are only left with £25. Our fuel will take us till Friday morning. 18:28. From John: Raas Kamboni attack: After handing over the MM lits on Coronavirus to a group of people outside Raas Kamboni General Hospital, three armed men ordered everyone to lie down. But Vuga and I remained upright. They then released the over twenty people that were hearing the word of God from us. We had the MM Faith lits opened which made their guns jam. They wanted to grab the MM lits from us. They started slapping us and calling us kaffirs. We gave them no chance after realising that their guns had jammed. At exactly midnight, strong winds with firebolts descended on them killing them. We moved the van away. Right now we are entering Mogadishu city. We will move on with evangelism till morning. 18:48. Reply: Thanks for that detail. It’s very helpful. I hope you are both feeling OK now after their thuggery. 19:05. From John: Thanks. God gave us courage to face them. After their guns had jammed we directly faced them with the opened MM Faith lits. God responded immediately. We are fine going on with Evangelism work. 21st May 2020. 8:16. From Rhoda: "THE VAN SHOULD CLEAR ALL THE REGIONS IN MOGADISHU TODAY THEN MOVE OUT TO OTHER REMAINING REGIONS. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that now. 8:17. From John: We moved throughout the night and shared 100 MM Coronavirus lits. Our fuel is over... 9:38. From John: It is worse Will. We are stuck in the midst of Muslim community mosques. It is serious. Our water and milk too are over. It is extremely hot here. May God open up means for money for fuel to reach us... 11:05. From Rhoda: "GOD IS DOING A GREAT WORK THERE. FOR WATER, MILK AND A LITTLE FUEL, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST A LITTLE MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW, THEY ARE SURELY STUCK IN A HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT. AT LEAST £400." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:55. To John: This is very annoying that the money is held up and hindering you in such heat. We are still trying to work out some solution here. 12:56. To John: Something has finally been found! £120 should be coming shortly. [But not the needed £400.] 13:38. From John: Thanks. I have received it. God Reassures Us All21st May 2020. 16:55. From Rhoda: "NO ONE WILL EVER BLOCK GOD'S WORK. GOD DESIGNED MM AND HANDED IT OVER TO HIS PROPHET MALCOLM AND SISTER HELENA. GOD CALLED THE FEW ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS AND BLESSED THEM TO STAND WITH MM EVANGELISM WORK. GOD CHOSE HIS EVANGELISTS TO MOVE AROUND THE EARTH AND SPREAD THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH VIA THE MM LITS. MM OPPOSERS WHO ARE DEVIL POSSESSED ARE UNHAPPY WITH GOD'S WORK. THEIR PLAN IS TO BRING TO AN END MM VAN EVANGELISM BECAUSE GOD HAS USED IT TO BRING DOWN SATAN'S PLANS. THEY FIGHT THE EVANGELISTS LEFT AND RIGHT BY WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT THEM WITH THE AIM OF BLOCKING MONEY FROM REACHING THEM FOR GOD'S WORK TO GO ON. GOD THE GREAT IAM SAYS THAT THE MM VAN EVANGELISM WORK MUST GO ON NON STOP ESPECIALLY IN THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC TIME FOR GOD’S GLORY TO BE SEEN EVEN IN PLACES WHERE PEOPLE DESPISED MM AND BRANDED IT AS A DEVIL WORSHIP SECT. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE MM VAN EVANGELISM WORK MUST GO ON NON STOP. MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TO KEEP THE VAN MOVING NON STOP TILL TOMORROW FRIDAY NIGHT. GOD GOD GOD HAS SAID THAT NOW NOW NOW. MALCOLM, GOD’S ANGELS ARE STRESSING THAT THE VAN EVANGELISM WORK MUST MOVE ON NON STOP TILL CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC ENDS. JOHN AND VUGA, DON'T PANIC, THE GREAT IAM IS IN CHARGE. GOD CANNOT ALLOW THE GREAT WORK THAT HAS BEEN REALIZED THROUGH MM VAN EVANGELISM TO BE DESTROYED BY SATANIC MINDS WHO ARE OUT TO DESTROY MM. NO ONE WILL EVER BLOCK GOD'S WORK IN MM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21st May 2020. 17:10. From John: Report: Thanks. I am sure we will move up to past midnight with this fuel. We really longed to move non stop but we have little fuel. Order of mission. 1. We pray before starting. Then introduce ourselves and explain the MM mission there and God's message given through MM. 2. We read the Bible together with MM Faith lit. 3. We read through the MM lit on Coronavirus. 4. We pray for the sick and those with problems, touching them with the MM Faith lit. 5. We distribute the MM lit on Coronavirus and then pray before leaving. Results. Since yesterday four sick people have been healed from Coronavirus. They stopped coughing and their high fever [temperature] became normal. They are 1. MH, 2. ZD, 3. MJ and 4. SH [names protected]. We also got three former imams who converted to Christianity after going through the MM lits and we gave them a few copies. 1. ZD, 2. MS and 3. DR [names protected]. We will baptise them in our Sabbath meet in Mogadishu.
Challenge Lack of Money for fuel really hampers the non stop movement but God gets in with miracles, healing the sick and saving the people. We still have a big area to cover. This lack won't allow us but all in all God knows. God bless. 21st May 2020. 17:52. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: God has a big purpose with the MM van evangelism. That's how me a sinful woman with strong Islamic background came to meet Jesus of Nazareth. God should work out miracles for the MM van to visit more Islamic states and take the MM lits for the glory of God. Why is financial support stopping most times? The devil knows that God will meet many sinners through MM van evangelism. God is able. 18:20. Reply: Why is financial support lacking? Because of people unwilling to do God’s will. Obstinacy and selfishness. Only the few who are sold out to God support it. Most are just entertaining themselves as part-time ‘Christians’ who are not committed to full obedience to God nor do they love the truth. Most people who call themselves Christians won’t be saved. They are dead wood. John 15:6. 21st May 2020. 17:55. From Kachapim in S Sudan: God is doing great things here in Juba. Many Moslems are coming to me for the MM lits. Glory be to God. They are praising God for the MM van evangelism. It is through it that they came to know God's MM lits which have really helped them. 22nd May 2020. Comment: Bob’s salary came in, so he was able to send £530 to John. Healed of Coronavirus22nd May 2020. 17:50. From John: Glory be to God. Today in the morning Will, we met two Coronavirus victims, Yoaseff and Bitilim. They tested positive and were being taken for quarantine. We stopped the ambulance that was taking them to the hospital and first gave each of them the MM Faith lit, prayed for them, shared with them our water, then gave each a copy of the MM lit on Coronavirus and allowed the driver to take them to Mogadishu National Hospital. We are here in the hospital, they are well, they can eat on their own and even walk well. We will have our Sabbath rest here tomorrow. God bless. Saturday 23rd May 2020. 7:44. From John: We have moved throughout the night meeting people with different problems. Now we are settling down for Sabbath meet in Mogadishu city. Already 20 people have come. 23rd May 2020. 7:50. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO WRITE A SHORT SABBATH SERMON AND SEND TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THERE IS A BIG TEAM IN MOGADISHU CITY IN SOMALIA WHERE 15 PEOPLE, FORMERLY MUSLIMS, WILL GET BAPTISED. MALCOLM TO WRITE IT NOW. ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TODAY FOR SUNDAY TO WEDNESDAY EVANGELISM WORK. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7:55. To John: This will take me over an hour, I think. I’ve only just woken up, and I don’t know what to write yet. Comment: Article written and sent by pdf at 9:40. Phew! Comment: Thanks to Fiona and Bob, £530 was sent. 23rd May 2020. 12:53. From John: Thanks. We are starting the baptism. It is a unique one since Muslims here are also in Ramadhan celebration. 17 people have accepted the MM Gospel of truth. God bless. 23rd May 2020. 12:58. From Rhoda: "MAY JOHN PRODUCE MORE COPIES OF THE LIT MALCOLM WROTE TODAY AND GIVE TO THE 59 PEOPLE ASSEMBLING THERE. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £550 AND SEND TO JOHN TODAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We couldn’t manage anything more that day.] Jihadists Attack Us In Raas Kamboni24th May 2020. 6:56. From Rhoda: "THE MM VAN WAS BADLY ATTACKED LAST MIDNIGHT AFTER THE GREAT MOGADISHU CITY MM MEETING YESTERDAY. THE MUSLIMS WERE AGAINST THE BAPTISM OF THEIR FORMER MEMBERS. THEY ATTACKED THE VAN. VUGA IS STILL UNCONSCIOUS AFTER HE WAS HIT ON THE BACK. GOD KILLED ALL THE 47 ATTACKERS IN RAAS KAMBONI WHERE THE MM VAN MOVED AFTER THE MEETING. LET JOHN USE THE MONEY £530 SENT BY BOB YESTERDAY TO REPAIR THE VAN, FOR THE MISSION MUST GO ON. THIS IS EXTREMELY VERY VERY VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR FUEL WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [They repaired the van using the £530 which Bob had sent.] 24th May 2020. 7:03. From John: We were attacked badly last night. The attackers were Muslim jihadists who were unhappy with our baptism of the Muslim people yesterday. The van was hit, back windows destroyed, windscreen destroyed. Vuga tried to physically fight them, they hit him on the back. He is still unwell. We are replacing the tyres, we need to repair the doors and the windscreens. I faced them with the opened MM Faith lits after Vuga had lost consciousness. Their guns jammed and God killed them with firebolts. I must use the money Bob sent us to fix the van. They hit my left leg on the knee but I am okay. Pray for Vuga. 24th May 2020. 7:04. From Trezaa: Is the MM van okay? I had a dream that it was bombed in Somalia last night. God be with John and Vuga. 7:06. From Kachapim: What transpired after the Somalia Sabbath meet? I saw in a dream the MM evangelists being beaten up and the van destroyed. 7:07. From Eunice: It seems the MM van evangelism in Somalia met opposition. In a dream I saw the van being attacked by Muslims in Somalia. 8:06. To John: [With Rhoda’s missive]. I have notified the others. We are still waiting for money to come back that the system locked up last week. But we hope for the best. May God help us all! John, did you see all those 47 attackers that the angels mention? 8:10. From John: Yes Will. It was a big group more than 47. 47 died after the firebolts. God bless. Comment: No wonder there was a lot of intercession that night. Helena had to keep interceding till 2:30 am. 24th May 2020. 8:13. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AFTER REPAIRING THE VAN THEY MUST MOVE ON AND DROP MM FAITH LITS IN SEVEN CITIES TO BE A WITNESS OF WHAT GOD DID LAST MIDNIGHT KILLING 47 GUNMEN. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We didn’t have funds. Bob’s £500 was stuck in the system. They locked it up the previous week. All that was available was £40 from Vivian. It bought them some water and milk in that searing heat! 24th May 2020. 11:25. From John: Thanks Will. We have fixed the van. Only left with £35 that we have fuelled the van with to help us move out of Raas Kamboni to start the distribution of the MM Faith lits. God bless. 15:41. Reply: Is Vuga OK now? 15:49. From John: Thanks. Vuga is still unconscious. 15:48. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM HAS NO MONEY IN HAND... MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE NON STOP TILL WEDNESDAY SPREADING THE MM FAITH LITS ACROSS THE SOMALIA LAND. IT IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th May 2020. 19:24. From John: Vuga is well now. The back pain is gone after I touched it with the MM Faith lit. We moved out of Raas Kamboni city. We are stuck on the way with no fuel, water nor milk. Comment: Bob sent £240. They could move on a bit. In Kismayo25th May 2020. 8:35. From John: We managed to move to Kismayo and now we are stuck in Baidoa city. Our fuel is over having covered over 300 km. 25th May 2020. 9:11. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS GREAT MISSION IN SOMALIA MUST NOT STOP EVEN FOR A SECOND A SECOND A SECOND. £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that to me now. [Comment: The trouble was no funds were available.] 25th May 2020. 16:45. From John: God has done a unique thing here in Kismayo city. Seven soldiers invited to their camp MH [name protected] their leader and over 100 soldiers to come and hear the MM message. All received copies of MM lits on Coronavirus. They read them and requested for more MM copies. We took them through MM Faith lits and the Why series like Why Jesus? We prayed with them then left for Mogadishu where we have gone to pray for one imam AI [name protected] who was healed from Coronavirus. Right now we are in his house with nine neighbours who are listening to the holy message through MM lits. Somalia is now less volatile. God is a good God. We hope to move back to Raas Kamboni tonight to meet more imams. Comment: That plan changed when God’s angels told Rhoda the van should leave Somalia and go to Syria.
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