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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 20 |
248God Sends The Van To Malawi And Zambia
I will tell of all Your marvellous works (Psalm 9:1).
Run Out Of Fuel And Money23rd April 2020. 9:41. From John: We are completely stuck on the way between Nairobi and Tanzania border. 23rd April 2020. 9:42. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STUCK ON THE WAY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said now. 23rd April 2020. 17:23. From Trezaa: Thanks. In a dream last night I saw the MM van parked by the roadside. It had no fuel. Where is the van now? 23rd April 2020. 17:25. From Kachapim: "MM folks are living in serious fear of Coronavirus in Malawi. May the MM van reach there urgently." These are words spoken to me in a dream by a tall man in white clothes last night. 23rd April 2020. 17:28. From Eunice: "Where is the van? Let the van reach Malawi and Zambia to take the MM lits on Coronavirus to the MM folks. Go Go Gooo" Last night in a dream I saw a man in white bright clothes holding MM lits in his right hand saying these words. God bless. 23rd April. Comment: Bob sent £30 to John and sent £320 the next day. 24th April 2020. 11:21. From John: Thanks Will. We received it and we are moving on very fast. God bless. 25th April 2020. Comment: £200 was sent, thanks to Fiona and Bob. John acknowledged receipt. And Rolf sent £130. So, money came bit by bit. In Malawi25th April 2020. 6:21. From John: We are entering Malawi now. 25th April 2020. 18:45. From John: We are currently in Lilongwe Malawi National Hospital doing God's work. We arrived here in the morning and had a Sabbath rest just in the van studying the MM lits. Our water, milk and fuel are over. The fear of Coronavirus is bigger here but we believe God is in charge. 25th April 2020. 18:51. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN MALAWI. GOD'S WORK WILL GO ON NONSTOP STARTING TONIGHT. THEY NEED ENOUGH WATER, MILK AND FUEL. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob was able to send £400 and the next day £100. 26th April 2020. 17:36. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM HAS DONE A GREAT WORK IN MALAWI AND MUST LEAVE FOR ZAMBIA WHERE THERE IS MASSIVE FEAR OF CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. THE VAN VISITED A TOTAL OF TEN CITIES TODAY AND THE TEAM IS STILL MOVING ON TILL MIDNIGHT. THEY URGENTLY NEED MORE FUEL, WATER AND MILK TO ENABLE THEM TO CROSS INTO ZAMBIA TOMORROW MORNING. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THIS IS A MUST GO GO GO MISSION. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We couldn’t meet that till the next day.] 26th April 2020. 17:59. From John: We are now heading to the 12th city in Malawi doing God's work. We visited the following hospitals during the day: 1. Central Hospital in Lilongwe city. 2. SDA Hospital in Blantyre city. 3. General Hospital in Mzuzu city. 4. General Referral Hospital in Zomba city. 5. Karonga General Hospital.in Karonga city. 6. Liwonde Referral Hospital in Liwonde City. 7. Mangochi National Hospital in Mangochi city. 8. Medical Training Hospital in Kasungu city. 9. Monkey Bay National Hospital in Monkey Bay city. 10. Salima Referral Hospital in Salima city. 11. Balaka Medical Training Hospital in Balaka city. 12. Nkhata Bay National Hospital in Nkhata Bay city. We are here now. MM FOLKS: We managed to meet NM and his seven member family in Liwonde city and we gave them three copies of the MM lits on Coronavirus. In Salima City we met NW, BT, RS [names protected] and their families and we gave out ten copies of the MM lits on Coronavirus. We found our brothers fearful of the dreaded Coronavirus and we encouraged them to daily work out their faith by studying the MM Faith lits and the MM lits on Coronavirus. ORDER OF EVENTS: This is the order of our mission. 1. We pray, me and Vuga alternating. 2. Give out MM Faith lit and leave one in each hospital. 3. Encourage everyone to trust in God and study the Bible together with the MM lits. We share a brief story how God has helped many who believe the MM lits and the holy Bible in areas we have visited. 4. Give a copy of the MM lit on Coronavirus and read through it with them. 5. Pray, then leave. We take a maximum of 20 mins in each hospital. People are desperate for the truth. People fear death by Coronavirus. Comment: Bob was able to send £100, that’s all. 27th April 2020. 9:52. From John: We are completely stuck on the way. 27th April 2020. 10:05. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £400 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW THROUGH FELIX URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Fiona, Wilfred, Nigel and Bob, that amount was sent. Next Emergency: Ukerewe, Tanzania27th April 2020. 19:13. From Rhoda: "THIRTEEN MM FOLKS HAVE BEEN LEFT HOMELESS IN UKEREWE ISLAND WHEN A LANDSLIDE DESTROYED THEIR HOUSES DUE TO A HEAVY DOWNPOUR. FOUR CHILDREN AND ONE ADULT HAVE SUCCUMBED. WITH THE CORONAVIRUS PHOBIA TOO IN PLACE THE MM FOLKS ARE SUFFERING BADLY. THEY HAVE NO FOOD, NOTHING AT ALL. IAM IAM IAM SAYS THIS. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, NOW NOW NOW, MM FOLKS ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS NOW NOW NOW, MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £577 NOW NOW NOW TO REACH JOHN THROUGH FELIX TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO MEET THE PLIGHT OF THE POOR MM FOLKS IN UKEREWE ISLAND. URGENT URGENT URGENT THIS IS VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT AND URGENT. THE VAN WILL BE IN ZAMBIA TOMORROW AT DAWN. GOD IS DOING GREAT MIRACLES." 7 Angels said that to me now. 27th April 2020. 19:18. From Trezaa: How are you? Am doing okay. I had this dream last night. I was shown some people really suffering a big loss from a landslide in an island in Africa. They had MM lits in their hands. The name of the island was something like Urekewe. God demanded and demanded for those people to be helped. Some of them even died. Am worried about the dream. . 27th April 2020. 19:20. From Kachapim: Thanks. I saw in a dream a man in white long clothes mourning the dead in Ukerewe Island. He called for Malcolm and other MM folks to help out urgently. God bless. 27th April 2020. 19:22. From Eunice: Why? Why? Why? A man in white robes was mourning that MM folks are dying in Ukerewe Island. He then suggested that they be helped. It was a unique dream Will... 27th April 2020. 20:08. John: We are still moving on to Zambia... 27th April 2020. 22:21. To John: We could only manage £120 tonight towards the destitute ones in Ukerewe. If we can find more tomorrow we will. 28th April 2020. Comment: Thankfully, a further £357 was sent. Attacked In Zambia28th April 2020. 16:19. From Rhoda: GLORY GLORY GLORY BE TO GOD. A FURTHER £100 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR UKEREWE MM FOLKS, AND ANOTHER £297 TO REACH JOHN FOR ZAMBIAN MM MISSION TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. GOD IS MOVING MOUNTAINS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We managed to raise a total of £250 between us all.] 28th April 2020. 16:21. From John: We have covered 11 cities in Zambia by now. Our water and milk are completely over. God is removing the Coronavirus phobia from the people. God bless. 29th April 2020. 10:24. From Rhoda: "URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that now. 29th April 2020. 11:19. From John: We got badly attacked after midnight in the outskirts of Lusaka city. Vuga almost lost his life. We were attacked by the anti MM group who were unhappy with our coming here. Witchdoctors were getting money from people by pretending to be removing the Coronavirus phobia. Our coming here annoyed them. They sent attackers to kill us. Vuga is now okay. All the four van tyres got deflated, all side mirrors destroyed, we have repaired the van with the money we had in the kitty. We have no fuel, no water and no milk... 12:30. Reply: Oh boy! That explains my dream last night of someone stealing from us £13, and of a vicious dark brown cat coming against us with nasty intentions. But it got caught between an upright stake and a fence and I was going to kill it when the dream ended. I think Eunice should have £250 for you now so you can move on. When you get time, please just list the cities / towns you have covered in Zambia on this mission. Thanks. 11:46. From Bob to John: £250 has now been sent to Eunice. God bless. 12:34. From John: Many thanks Bob. This money will delay till tomorrow. Eunice’s phone line developed some problems on Sunday. She was advised to start using it on Thursday evening, that's when we will get this £250 sent.... 29th April 2020. 12:39. From Rhoda: "FOR THE TIME BEING USE FELIX PHONE NUMBER OR MATINDE TO GET MONEY TO JOHN, EUNICE’S PHONE LINE DEVELOPED A PROBLEM. IT WILL BE OKAY BY THURSDAY EVENING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: To get them out of their fix, Nigel sent £40. Eleanor managed to borrow £150 from a friend, but will need to repay it. 29th April 2020. 18:56. From John in Zambia: Glory be to God, Will. Thanks to God up to now we have covered a total of 23 cities. [Listed below.] Order of events: We visit both hospitals and market places. Pray. Share MM lits on Coronavirus, then move on. Witchdoctors are seeing us as a block to prevent them from getting money from the fear trodden people. That's why they organized for the attack on the MM van. Thanks to God, two of them died of firebolts last midnight. 1. Ndola city Hospital and Market. 2. Lusaka City Hospital and Market. 3. Kitwe city. 4. Chingola city. 5. Chipata city. 6. Solwezi city. 7. Kasama city. 8. Choma city. 9. Mufulira city. 10. Mongu city. 11. Mpika city. 12. Mausa city. 13. Mazabuka city. 14. Mbala city. 15. Kaoma city. 16. Senanga city. 17. Isoka city. 18. Monze city. 19. Kafue city. 20. Mpulungu city. 21. Lundazi city. 22. Sesheke city. 23. Livingstone city. We are in Luanshya city heading to the hideout of one notorious witchdoctor called Mwanda Nyamwezi Choma, who has been persecuting MM folks here. The locals fear him like Coronavirus. Pray for us. Tonight at midnight we want to face him with opened MM Faith lits in Jesus’ name. 19:14. Reply: Good on yer. God will deal with him. 29th April 2020. 19:14. From Rhoda: Great Work in Zambia: "GOD ENERGISED HIS SERVANTS JOHN AND VUGA AFTER SOME MAD WITCHDOCTORS, WHO HAVE BEEN ROBBING PEOPLE OF MONEY CLAIMING THAT THEY ARE SENDING AWAY CORONAVIRUS PHOBIA, ORGANISED AN ATTACK ON THE MM VAN WITH THE AIM OF KILLING JOHN AND VUGA. GOD KILLED THEM WITH fireboltS. AFTER TONIGHT'S MIDNIGHT ENCOUNTER WITH ONE DEADLIEST WITCHDOCTOR MWENDA NYAMWEZI THE VAN MUST MUST MUST LEAVE ZAMBIA FOR UKEREWE ISLAND WHERE A LANDSLIDE LEFT MM FOLKS HOMELESS. GOD WANTS THE VAN TO BE THERE BY FRIDAY MORNING SO THE VAN MUST LEAVE ZAMBIA TONIGHT. THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION, THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION, THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION, THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION, THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION, THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION, THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION, THIS IS A MUST GO MISSION. GO GO GOOOOOO. MM VAN GOOO. THE GREAT GREAT GREAT IAM SAYS THIS NOW NOW NOW. MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £597 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT THROUGH FELIX FOR THIS A MUST GO MISSION IN UKEREWE ISLAND. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. [Must go mission is stated 9 times = JUDGEMENT!] Comment: No money was available.
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