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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 19
245The Righteous Persecuted |
You will be hated by all for My name’s sake (Luke 21:17).
7th March 2020. 6:27. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS, LET THE VAN MOVE STRAIGHT TO SOUTH SUDAN NOW NOW NOW. THE BROTHERS THAT WENT AND COLLECTED SOIL FROM THE LIBRARY IN JOHN'S HOME AND WORKED HARD FOR GOD TO RAISE THEIR DEAD RELATIVES HAVE BEEN ARRESTED AND ARE BEING FORCED TO GIVE ALL THE DETAILS OF WHO RAISED THEIR DEAD, WHO MALCOLM IS, WHO JOHN AND VUGA ARE. GOD IS PRESSING THAT THE VAN MUST MOVE THERE TODAY AFTER SABBATH MEET. GOD IS GOING TO DO A MIGHTY THING IN JUBA. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th March 2020. 6:30. From John: Deng and Mabior are being persecuted by MM opposers. They are placed in ice cold water. The oppressors want to see Malcolm, John, Vuga. They want to kill Deng and Mabior. It is going to be a big blow. 7th March 2020. 6:34. From Trezaa: "I had one dream 7 times. Three Angels came to me in a dream and told me that MM van is to move to south Juba where two good MM folks are dipped in cold water for standing firm in MM teachings. I could see the Angels say £577 to be sent to John for fuel for the van for the journey to South Juba. I woke up disturbed about this dream. God bless. 7th March 2020. 6:36. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £577 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW, NOW NOW NOW NOW. THE VAN TO MOVE STRAIGHT TO SOUTH JUBA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th March 2020. 6:38. From John: "South Juba, south Juba, south Juba." A tall man in very white clothes stood before the van and shouted to me and Vuga south Juba three times. I can’t understand what the speaker meant. 7th March 2020. 6:40. From Eunice: Last night in a dream a tall man in white linen appeared to me three times and cried out that "My sons are being persecuted in Juba." God bless. 7th March 2020. 9:08. From Rhoda: "VUGA TOO HAD THE SAME DREAM SEVEN TIMES IN ONE NIGHT. HE IS SO DISTRESSED THAT HE WANTS TO COMMIT SUICIDE. GOD SHOWED HIM LITERALLY HOW MM FOLKS IN JUBA ARE BEING DIPPED INTO ICE COLD WATER. VUGA IS DEPRESSED TOO. AT LEAST £577 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £577 TO HELP IN THIS MIGHTY MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We didn’t have £577. We could only scrape together £135. 7th March 2020. 9:10. From John: Vuga wants to commit suicide. God appeared to him in a dream seven times and God stressed on MM van going to Juba. Now money issue is blocking God's command. Vuga is depressed. 7th March 2020. 9:31. Reply: Tell Vuga NOT to commit suicide. It is a sin to kill oneself because of lack of trust in God. God doesn’t need money to get you to south Juba. He can move the van supernaturally. Or He can resolve the situation without you going there if He wants to do it that way. God doesn’t depend on money. God’s plans are not limited by money. And we don’t depend on money. We depend on God. The reason He is asking for money is to try and get someone else to help with funding and they haven’t done what they should yet. Hang in there, and wait and see how God works this out. Read Psalms 42 and 43. The writer was equally depressed, but had deep love for God and yearned for Him to help him. God Urges “GO!”7th March 2020. 12:45. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE A FURTHER £250 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. LET THE TEAM FUEL THE VAN WITH THE £135 AND START OFF THE JOURNEY TO JUBA. GOD IS IN IT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th March 2020. 12:51. From Trezaa: "Ecumenical charter is out. MM to be firm. The van to move to Juba, and after Juba to Israel. Urgent Urgent Urgent." These were the words I saw in a dream last night being spoken by a man in white clothes to Malcolm Heap. God bless. 7th March 2020. 12:25. To John (and Vuga): It is quite hard to understand God’s mind and plans, other than in overview. The request for money today of 577 is the need. But the 135 towards that is all we can scrape together at the moment. However, like on many previous occasions, money could become available during the coming week, which is what I hope for. ...If the trip MUST go ahead tonight then God will make it possible. If it doesn’t happen, then God will sustain those two in the water prison, demonstrating His supreme power in another way. We all have to learn to believe, as you do, that God is in supreme control, so we don’t need to panic. If we can’t fulfil His requests for money etc., then we either have to wait for Him to provide, or to work things out some other way. I remember when Mark was imprisoned in a water cell by his evil police chief, who wanted him dead, that God sustained him for four days, and that evil guy couldn’t kill Mark. And God did similarly with others who have suffered in these horrible water torture cells. God is in control. He strengthens us when we rest our trust in Him. And these are learning experiences, in which God wants us to deepen our faith in Him by continuing to trust Him to work it all out while the situation looks very bleak. We mustn’t focus on the negative physical; we must remember always He can overcome all such obstacles, and He will do what He knows MUST be done, even if His first choice is not possible. He wants us always to hang on to our faith in Him, not let it slip at all. Comment: A total of £245 was put together by all, comprised of £40, £20, £75, £70, £40. It has cleaned us all out... Only God knows how this mission will be accomplished with our complete lack of money at present! 8th March 2020. 4:49. From John: We covered the windscreen with transparent polythene and started off the journey. Right now we are stuck between Kisumu and Busia. Our fuel got over. We have no water nor milk. Comment: Vivian sent £25. We were all skint! 11:51. From John: Thanks Will. We used the £25 to buy water and a little fuel. We are almost reaching Busia Kenya. Attacked In Various Ways12:47. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM TO WRITE AND ENCOURAGE THE TEAM. VUGA IS DEPRESSED BY THE SITUATION. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that now. Sunday 8th March 2020. 12:59. To John: John, ask Vuga to try to be patient and wait. God is in charge. While we are temporarily low in funds, that won’t continue indefinitely because God has promised money to come, but it takes time for events to bring it about. God doesn’t send you on trips to fail for lack of money. He can override lacks in other ways, but He chooses to use money in this instance. Ask Vuga to hang in there and trust in God. It’s not easy, but God is faithful. He never lets us down. It is people who let us down and make things difficult for us, but not God. You trust in Him always. Vuga needs to learn to trust in Him always, so do I. He is not alone in this difficult journey of faith. Monday 9th March 2020. 5:06. From John: We got attacked last night by robbers who wanted to take all the MM lits we have in the van. They were 5 armed men. God descended at midnight in firebolts and killed all of them. Since we have no fuel to move on we are still here with their charred bodies near us. People are starting to come near us. We fear for they must hold us responsible. Pray for us. God bless. 8:47. Reply: You are under intercession. God, who killed those evil ones who attacked you last night, will kill anyone else who comes against you to harm you. So, don’t fear men, fear God. My computer was playing up (demons causing trouble) holding things up. Hang in there and use your Faith booklets till we can find some money. God’s Urgent Call9th March 2020. 6:20. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £250 TO HELP THE VAN MOVE ON. A BIG TEAM IS PLANNING TO BURN DOWN THE VAN. VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Our faithful supporters were able to raise £223. Amazing! 7:56. From Rhoda: "THE OPPOSERS ARE KEEN TO DISTORT MM BY GIVING FALSE REPORTS ABOUT THE MM VAN OUTREACH AND SENDING TO MALCOLM. GOD WILL VERY SOON PUNISH THEM BADLY. GOD CALLED JOHN AND VUGA FOR THIS NOBLE WORK AND NO ONE WILL STAND BEFORE GOD TO DISTORT MM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Yes. Such a lying e-mail arrived 9 days later, on 18th March. 7:57. From Trezaa: How are John and Vuga now? Are they heading to Juba? God almost killed me for not informing Malcolm that the van should be in Juba today evening. Thanks. [God stressed the urgency in this dramatic way.] 9th March 2020. 8:00. From Kachapim: Where is the van? Juba brothers are suffering. I feel like dying. Those my brothers are dying for accepting the MM truth. May God descend and help the van to reach there. God bless. 8:53. Reply: There has been no money, so the van has been static. That’s not our fault. If we had money we would send it. Don’t panic. God is in charge. He supplies the money and the miracles. He is the Great Provider. So, when money is short because of lack of human support, we suffer, but God knows and God allows it and still works things out. He strengthens the weak in times of crisis. The aggressor will not prevail. Comment: Vivian sent £200. Money had just arrived. 9th March 2020. 11:58. From John: Thanks Will. Yes, received it. And we are moving on very fast. God bless. 9th March 2020. 12:20. To John, cc Kachapim, Rhoda: God’s plan is not easy to fathom. I believe God has been orchestrating these holdups in various places in Kenya to use the van like a magnet to draw the enemies into an attack so that God can wipe them out. I very much doubt that there will be any more money available today, so be prepared for another holdup. As awful as the Sudanese folks’ ordeal is in that water prison, God is sustaining them according to His plan. He has allowed it. He can sustain them till you get there... whatever He is planning. He is sovereign. 9th March 2020. 20:04. From John: We are in Uganda, we can't reach Kampala on the fuel. If we get £350 then we are sure of safely reaching to Juba. 9th March 2020. 20:06. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £390 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TO HELP THEM REACH JUBA TOMORROW BY NOON. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th March 2020. 6:55. From John: We are still stuck. Our fuel is over. Comment: Fiona sent £23, and Vivian sent £250. Amazing. Thanks! 11th March 2020. 4:01. From John: We haven't reached our destination. Our fuel got over last night. We need roughly £350 to be on the safe side. 11th March 2020. 4:03. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE STUCK ON THE WAY." 7 Angels have said now. Comment: Thanks to Anna and Nigel we managed to meet the request. 11th March 2020. 10:31. From John: Thanks Will. I have received it from sister Eleanor. We want to move very fast and see where God will get us. They Finally Reach Juba12th March 2020. 6:18. From John: Thanks. We have arrived in Juba at dawn today. We are under the lead of the white mists. We need water and milk. 12th March 2020. 6:20. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN JUBA. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £280 TO REACH JOHN NOW. £200 FOR FIXING THE WINDSCREEN AND £50 FOR WATER AND MILK. URGENT URGENT URGENT. GOD WILL DO A BIG MIRACLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Eleanor sent £35 and John acknowledged receipt. 12th March 2020. 12:18. To John: A further 250 has just come in, so it should be on its way to you in the next couple of hours, all being well. You should be able then to get your windscreen fixed (200) and have 50 for milk and water. 19:16. To John: Do you have any news of the two brothers in the prison? 12th March 2020. 20:29. From John: We are heading there now. Pray for us. Hopefully by midnight we will be there. God bless. 8:13. To John: I think Eleanor has been able to send you £300. 13th March 2020. 9:56. From John: Thanks Will. I have received it... We are in a big battle with MM opposers holding MM brothers hostage. We are heading there tonight. God bless. 10:20. Reply: Thanks. That amazes me that they are still alive! That’s a mighty miracle for God to have kept them alive all this time. How many days have they been in that water prison? Who are these opposers? Comment: Thanks to Wilfred, the other £50 was sent, so John got the full quota the angels said was needed. 13th March 2020. 18:09. From John: The water prison. We are around this place. Over fifty armed men are surrounding this place. We are led by thick white mists. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. Pray for us. God bless. 18:14. Reply: 50 armed men?!! They must be Muslim fighters: terrorists. 13th March 2020. 19:34. From Rhoda: "IT IS A TEAM OF MUSLIMS MIXED WITH PAGANS AND SDA. GOD IS GOING TO WIPE OUT ALL OF THEM. LET THE TEAM REMAIN FIRM. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. THEY MUST STOCK ENOUGH WATER MILK AND FUEL TO LAST THEM TILL SUNDAY MIDNIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that now. Hailstones And Lightningbolts Kill 27 ThugsSaturday 14th March 2020. 7:33. From John: God gave us a mighty victory last night. At midnight, the over 50 armed men gathered around the van and ordered us to come out. They ordered Malcolm to come out. They abused Malcolm calling him names. At exactly 7 minutes past midnight a hailstorm started falling heavily. The men started running in all directions. In that confusion firebolts hit the men indiscriminately killing 27 instantly. The remaining lot disappeared in to the dark night. We literally counted 27 bodies. We then made our way in and found two houses one with ice cold water cell where our brothers were tied dipped into water reaching their necks. We removed them and brought them blankets and covered them, placed opened MM Faith lits on them and instantly they started feeling warm. We took them home. We will head back to the ice water cell and ensure that it is destroyed. God is great. God bless. 14th March 2020. 8:40. Reply: Praise God! What a relief. How long were they in that cell? It was about a week, wasn’t it? Humanly you can only survive such cold water for a number of hours. Hypothermia sets in soon, the body gets weaker and weaker, and finally has no strength to keep one’s head above water, and you collapse and drown. Humanly, it is impossible to survive for many days, but God sustained those two. I wonder how many who witnessed this awful episode understand the significance and can have their faith strengthened to realise that God is watching over us all the time, and “He rules in the kingdoms of men” as Daniel wrote. How are all the other brethren there in south Juba? They must have been very anxious. 14th March 2020. 9:15. From John: They were stuck in it for one week and three days. Many people here had lost hope in them. They are praising God. God bless. 9:33. To John: These water prisons seem quite common. Mark suffered in one in Kenya under that evil police chief. And the believers in Ukerewe were imprisoned in one there in 2014. And the ex-Muslim Jeftah suffered in one in Niger in 2016. [Each night at midnight God made it thunder to encourage him, so he knew he was not alone.] 9:37. From John: It is a common punishment the opposers are using on MM folks. God bless.
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