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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 19
243Resurrected In South Juba
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely [willingly] you have received, freely [willingly] give (Matthew 10:8).
John’s home was still not finished. God arranged for another team to come and help. This time they were from South Sudan, two men from south Juba. Eunice was overseeing the work. But there was little money. That held things up. Deng Ismail and Mabior Josefat came because they had been visited by angels, following a tragedy back in South Sudan. Five of the believers had been murdered by opponents. Deng and Mabior had lost loved ones in that attack. But the angels promised that they would be brought back to life if they went to do the allotted work on John and Eunice’s home. Here are the details of that story: 22nd February 2020. 18:29. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM FROM JUBA IS ALMOST ARRIVING AT JOHN'S HOME. MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £760 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR THE WORK TO END TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Well, that was the plan, but we were financially exhausted! Only £40 was available. 23rd Feb 2020. 7:59. From John on mission: We are meeting very bad opposition here in Awasi. Rear window has been smashed by attackers who call us devil worshippers. The confrontation started at dawn. They are blocking our way to an SDA church. Water and milk are over and the kitty is dry. 23rd February 2020. 8:59. From Eunice:. Am under serious pressure from these workers. It is worse. God bless. Reply: What did they experience that made them come? 23rd Feb 2020. 9:10. From Eunice: Their explanation is really touching. Five of their family members were killed by MM opposers in south Juba. God's Angels appeared to them in a dream and sent them to come work here today only. Then take soil from around the MM library here plus three MM lits and go back today night. They will use the MM Faith lits plus the soil on those bodies tomorrow Monday at midnight and God will raise their dead. I have no way to help the situation. They are bitter crying. God sent them here. Sunday 23rd February 2020. 9:12. From Rhoda: "GOD SENT THEM FOR SOIL FROM THE MM LIBRARY PLUS THREE MM FAITH LITS. MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILIES WERE BUTCHERED BY MM OPPOSERS IN SOUTH JUBA. IT IS A VERY SAD STORY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd February 2020. 9:27. From Eunice: They were given one condition, to first fix the doors and windows before collecting soil and the MM Faith lits. 11:34. Reply: Well, if that is a fixed condition, then they’ll need to wait till the money comes through... Hopefully tomorrow will bring a better chance of finding something, but I very much doubt whether it will be as much as £760, so their stay could be several days. When did those people die, whom God has promised He will resurrect? 11:38. From Eunice: Thanks. On Monday night [17th Feb]. 12:08. Reply: Thanks. Have they been buried? 12:46. From Eunice: Not yet. Their names: 1. Maren Mabior Bita Mabio 2. Lawi Deng Rak Sizia Deng 3. Daudi Musii Bia Duria Mosa. 4. Dilka Madinka Demba Dingka Mwali 5. Malik Manali Suzi Mokgoja. They were killed by enemies of MM who are unhappy with the peace realized in Juba via MM evangelism. Deng Ismail and Mabior Josefat are the two who came to help us. God Kills Another Seven Evil Ones24th Feb 2020. 8:11. From John in Awasi Kenya: At midnight God struck four dead with firebolts. We can't move on. Our fuel is over. 24th February 2020. 8:13. From Kachapim: Two men were directed by God to go up to John's home from south Juba. They left five dead bodies at their homes. It is pathetic back at home. God bless. 24th February 2020. 18:12. From John: Awasi is in Kenya. It neighbors Kericho. We haven't moved away due to lack of fuel. Even our water and milk are over... Three more attackers died at dawn today from God's firebolts. God Kills Another Twenty Seven And The Chief!26th Feb 2020. 9:23. From John: We fought 27 dangerous attackers who were out to burn the van. To our surprise 3 of them were pastors. We are still engaged in a serious exchange with their family members because God killed all of them with firebolts. It happened in Kolwalo valley between Nandi hills and Awasi. God bless. 18:48. To John: That explains why I got an attack in my mouth giving me a painful toothache all last evening, and a large sudden jab that must have been the climax of the demonic assault against me. The demons came from those people. 27th February 2020. 7:00. From John: We are still engaging the area chief plus villagers since last evening. It is a big issue. God bless. 27th February 2020. 7:02. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW THEY NEED ENOUGH FUEL. THEY ARE IN THE MIDST OF A BIG BATTLE. GOD IS WITH THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to our faithful supporters £300 was raised. 27th February 2020. 8:46. To John: (Between Nandi Hills and Awasi.) What are the chief and villagers doing? Are they blocking you from moving on? Are they insulting you and accusing you of killing those 27 attackers? 11:31. From John: They are insulting us and accusing us of the deaths. 28th February 2020. 5:48. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 NOW NOW NOW TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THE SOUTH JUBA TEAM TO CLEAR THE WORK AND MOVE OUT TODAY EVENING. THERE IS MUCH PRESSURE BACK HOME. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: The money was achieved and sent, thankfully. 28th Feb 2020. 9:23. From John: Thanks. We have moved to Kakamega visiting churches and mosques. God killed the Awasi chief last night at midnight. 9:58. Reply: How did the chief die? What did he do that led to his demise? 18:06. From John: The chief was out to kill us. He came himself armed with bow and arrow. He aimed at us through the broken rear window. Thanks to God we had opened MM Faith lits. It was exactly at midnight when he tried to kill us. God sent down firebolts that hit him to death then it started raining just immediately. We then left the place. God bless. 29th February 2020. 9:31. From Eunice: The two from south Juba finished the work [yesterday evening] then left just immediately. God bless. 3rd March 2020. 10:33. To Kachapim: The two fellows from south Juba, Deng Ismail and Mabior Josefat, finished the work on John’s house which God sent them to do. (There is still more work needing doing on the home to finish it but that must wait till later when money is available.) Those two took soil from beside the library back with them, and Faith booklets. And God said He would raise back to life the ones in south Juba who were killed by those evil opponents. I have not yet heard any news about whether that has happened yet. Have you heard anything from there? 10:36. From Kachapim: Thanks. Three out of the five have been raised... 4th March 2020. 11:34. From Kachapim: [The ones God has resurrected from the dead in south Juba.] Yes. Sizia Deng, Duria Mosa and Dingka Mwali... Comment: We await news when the other two are resurrected.
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