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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 18
234More Work To Do In S Sudan
...My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His Work (John 4:34).
As John and Vuga were preparing to leave S Sudan and travel back to Kenya, a rare donation came into MM, enough to meet the £560 the angels requested for the makeshift homes and provide the £450 for travel costs. But common sense dictated that they stayed to organise and help build a communal shelter for the bereaved families. 7th Nov 2019. 10:53. From John: We received the money... We bought iron sheets, nails and timber. Together with the brothers here we are building two houses. One for women and one for men. It forced us to use part of the money sent for our fuel back home to buy them 12 blankets, sufurias [cooking utensils] and water buckets. They will live in this one place till God opens for each of them a way for survival. Today am okay though feeling some headache. God bless you. 18:56. Reply: That’s good. How many died? Was it 36 or 39? 10:53. From John: 36 died. But 39 were attacked. 3 survived the injuries. 9th November 2019. 6:30. From John: We did finish the building work. Still waiting for money to travel back home. 8:52. Reply: Good... It’s good that they can help one another and be a little community. As for money. There is none at present, so spend time with them there until God provides... Do they have most of the lit? Is there someone there who can read English? 17:24. From John: Yes they have a few lits. They can read English. God Urges That A Library Be Provided9th November 2019. 17:39. From Rhoda: "AS THE TEAM STILL EVANGELISES IN SOUTH SUDAN, THEY NEED TO SET UP MM LITS LIBRARY IN THE COMPOUND WHERE THEY CONSTRUCTED FOR THOSE FOLKS HOUSES. GOD IS A GOD OF GREAT MIRACLES. CONSTRUCTION OF A SMALL LIBRARY CUM MEETING ROOM REQUIRES AT LEAST £530. GOD IS WORKING OUT A MIGHTY MIRACLE NOW, TOUCHING ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. MALCOLM TO GIVE JOHN THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE LIBRARY WHICH SHOULD CARRY A GOOD NUMBER OF LITS. THEN JOHN SHOULD PRODUCE COPIES OF MORE MM LITS AND ARRANGE IN THE LIBRARY. A WATER WELL SHOULD BE DUG THERE. DIGGING UP A WATER WELL NEEDS ONLY £350 BECAUSE THE WATER TABLE IS NEAR. GOD TO DO A BIG MIRACLE. GOD TO SET UP THE LIBRARY FOR THESE POOREST OF THE POOR. IT IS THE LIBRARY THAT WILL HELP THEM STUDY YOUR WORD. JOHN IS OKAY NOW. GOD HAS HEALED HIM. GOD OWNS MONEY. GOD IS WORKING OUT A MIGHTY MIRACLE. GOD IS WORKING OUT A MIRACLE FOR THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £530 FOR THE LIBRARY AND £350 FOR THE WELL. IT IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL SURPRISE ALL THE CHURCHES AROUND PLUS THEIR LEADERSHIP. AT NO TIME WILL MM FOLK BE KILLED BY THE EARTHLY. SOUTH SUDAN FOR GOD. SOUTH SUDAN FOR GOD. SOUTH SUDAN FOR GOD." 7 Angels said that to me now. 9th November 2019. 17:54. From Eunice in Kenya: Thanks to God. Yesternight from Midnight to dawn I dreamt three times. I could see very poor people crying to Malcolm and Helena for an MM library. They had a few MM lits but lacked a library to keep them in. They were literally crying. Malcolm and Helena were standing on top of a very brightly lit mountain surrounded by many Angels and down the mountain was the MM van, with John and Vuga reporting to Malcolm and Helena about the plight of the poor people in a dry valley down the mountain. John and Vuga too were crying. The poor people too had nowhere to obtain water for drinking. At last I saw John, Vuga and the poor group construct a library and a water well being dug. They were happy and thanked God... for the whole day I have been recalling the painful dream of a very poor people asking for a library to store God's MM lits. 9th Nov 2019. 18:00. From Kachapim in Saudi Arabia: [Kachapim is from S Sudan.] Now my brothers at home pray for a library, water source and more MM lits. May God open up ways for their help. God bless you abundantly. 10th November 2019. 15:37. From Eunice: Praise God. How are you? That one dream about the library came to me again last night. God bless. 16:49. To John: I notice the angels say that God is working out a mighty miracle. I wonder what that is. Since we don’t have money at present for the library construct, perhaps it’s concerning that. Anyway, so I don’t get discouraged, I must keep reminding myself of that promise and wait for God to work it, whatever that is. It is very disheartening to be told about such a need when one doesn’t have the wherewithal to fulfil it. 18:21. From John: We lack water and milk, the kitty is dry. May God open up a way for money to enable us finish the library and water project. 11th November 2019. 13:16. From John: Last night I had this dream. I saw a big population of people come and stand outside my gate, they laughed at us for most people around had well built houses but my home was in bad shape. They laughed at my God. Then suddenly I saw a white man and a white woman, descending from the top of a mountain, they called me "John don't cry, your house will be over, God has seen your lack. Just go on with My work. Evangelise to all corners and don’t sit, move on with the van and do MM lits evangelism. You were called to move on and not sit in one place." When I woke up, a picture of my home was given with completed house and everything was okay. God bless. God Speaks About John’s Commission11th November 2019. 13:26. From Rhoda: "WHEN GOD APPEARED TO JOHN IN A DREAM, GOD HANDED JOHN TO MALCOLM AND HELENA FOR TOTAL, CONSTANT AND NON-STOP MM LITS EVANGELISM. WITHOUT THAT, JOHN WILL DIE. GOD CALLED HIM TO CONSTANTLY MOVE AROUND AND DO MM EVANGELISM WORK. GOD PROMISED TO CONSTANTLY GIVE MONEY HOWEVER LITTLE TO THE FEW REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO SUPPORT JOHN'S CONSTANT MM LITS EVANGELISM. NOW IN SOUTH SUDAN, OTHER CHURCHES WANT TO GANG UP AND ATTACK JOHN AND BURN THE VAN, THEY ARE CLAIMING THAT THE VAN TEAM KILLED THEIR PASTORS. THE VAN MUST MOVE WITHIN SOUTH SUDAN CITIES AND EVANGELISE. MALCOLM MUST WRITE A LETTER EXPLAINING THAT IT IS GOD WHO KILLED THOSE PASTORS. HOWEVER HARD AND DIFFICULT IT IS, LET THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £540 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT, FOR FUEL ONLY ONLY ONLY TO HELP THEM DESTROY THE BAD PLAN. LET THE VAN MOVE MOVE MOVE WHILE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LIBRARY IS ONGOING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11th Nov 2019. 13:32. From Eunice: Last night at midnight, a unique dream appeared to me. A man in long white clothes ordered John to do what God told him to do or else he will die. John looked worried, fearful and shook a lot. The van was there but there was no fuel. John cried but the man kept on repeating those same words. Maybe John is in a big problem. God bless. Comment: Thanks to the faithful few £510 was sent to John. 14:23. To John: To All SDA believers: I have heard reports of viciousness and nasty aggression being schemed by SDA believers who are upset about the recent death of their pastor. They are blaming us for their tragedy. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT WE DON’T KILL ANYONE! It is God who kills according to His severe judgement (Romans 11:22). Any person who hates or murders is breaking God’s Commandments. You SDA believers are taught to obey God’s Commandments, aren’t you? Then live by them. Do not attempt to take revenge against God for having killed your pastor, or God will bring severe judgement upon you. Do not attempt to take out your anger against Midnight Ministries (MM), which is a prophetic ministry sent by God to restore the pure truth to all who will accept it. If you attempt to attack MM, God may strike you dead like He struck your pastor dead for opposing MM. I wish you well. God bless, MBH. Comment at the time: The fact that the angels specified for a warning to be given to the SDA folks suggests to me that God is going to kill someone (perhaps more than one) for plotting to attack us. God has vowed to wipe out all who oppose MM, and I was told to warn previous opponents, who were struck dead after they disregarded the warning. SDAs Mount Serious Opposition12th November 2019. 10:16. From John: SDAs: These people are mad against MM for taking away all their members. We have visited 37 churches since morning just dropping the letter Malcolm sent us. God bless. 11:11. Reply: Yes, I can understand that. It’s because of their wrong teaching, which emphasises their church as if it is the only valid one. That exclusivism is firmly rooted in pride, and it excludes any others with further truth from God. Thus it shuts God out, so they lose the Spirit and cannot function with sanity and reasonableness towards others of faith. 11:40. To John: The pastors who are against MM, who will not cooperate with us, are self orientated. They love Self more than they love God. If they loved God more, they would welcome further truth instead of resenting it and resenting believers accepting more truth. They exert control over believers’ minds for selfish interests (money and power) instead of exercising love which allows individual freedom of thought and expression. The biggest spiritual tests revolve around whether to love God and His Truth more than Self or whether to deny God and His Truth for expedience. Many will be lost because they don’t love God and His Truth first and foremost. They kid themselves they do because they take Him on their lips. ...It’s time for pastors to humble themselves before God, and relinquish their power and control for the sake of furtherance of Truth. Then God will be with them as they pursue Truth AND choose other work if they need to in order to survive physically. They can’t go on fleecing the flock for selfish gain (Ezek 34) while they deny the fulness of Truth God is making available, otherwise they DENY Christ, the Bringer of Truth. 12th Nov 2019. 11:47. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. THIS WILL COMPLETE THE LIBRARY AS THEY CONTINUE TO MOVE AROUND WARNING THE SDAS. LET THE LIBRARY WORK END TOMORROW. ON SATURDAY, SABBATH MEET SHOULD BE IN THE LIBRARY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS GIVE A LITTLE LITTLE FOR THE £490 TO BE RAISED. ANYONE THAT WILL DARE TO STAND BEFORE [against] MM WILL MEET A PAINFUL DEATH." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We could only raise £50. All regular supporters were empty!] 16:26. From Eunice: I had a dream last night, I saw many people purporting to be pastors fight the MM evangelists. They claimed that MM was converting their members in to MM. God killed many of them. 17:21. From John: Tonight at midnight we will be visiting the biggest church here. I guess God has got a plan to wipe out those wrong people. We have visited 29 churches since morning. Our fuel may not take us till tomorrow. 13th November 2019. 6:49. From John: Juba East SDA church; the largest SDA church in this area: Two pastors died at midnight. They openly burnt MM lit in our watch. God struck them dead with firebolts. We can't move on, our fuel, water and milk are all over. £50 from Vivian was used for fuel. 13th November 2019. 6:53. From Rhoda: "TWO PASTORS DIED AT MIDNIGHT. THEY BURNT GOD'S MM LIT. THE TEAM IS STUCK, NO FUEL. MAY GOD MOVE ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW, THEY NEED TO MOVE ON ON ON." 7 Angels have said. [Comment: All we could find was £35.] 13th Nov 2019. 8:31. From Kachapim: I have received a message from home that two anti-MM SDA pastors in Juba East SDA Church died at midnight after burning MM lits. Bim Chabali Dior and Kirr David Dor. God is in MM. They were very very arrogant, rude and boastful. They were demigods. 8:57. To John: I suppose you are now getting insults and further nastiness from SDA supporters there as a result of what God has done. 8:58. From John: It is worse but we don't care. He is God doing His work. 9:19. From John: Thanks. They are abusing us and want to attack us. 8:37. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STUCK. NO FUEL TO MOVE ON AND ON. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR FUEL. LET THEM MOVE ON AND ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. God’s Intent: Wipe Out The Serious Opposition!14th November 2019. 6:13. From John: We are in a big problem. They wanted to burn the van. God killed 4 more. We are completely stuck. 14th November 2019. 6:14. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT TO RAISE £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE COMPLETELY STUCK. THEY SHOULD MOVE ON AND ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now Comment: At 6:40 Bob sent £50. Thanks to that, at least they had something! We couldn’t meet the needs the angels are stating. 8:58. To John: That was good that Bob could find some money. It seems to be God’s plan for you to move around the area locally... and so He can wipe out these hardnosed opponents. Otherwise, if He didn’t wipe them out, when the van is gone they would wipe out the library or some believers! 9:16. To John: What did they do that then provoked God’s punishment on them? How did God kill them? 9:19. They came, surrounded us and started hitting the van with stones. God descended on them with firebolts and killed them. Will, we should move out of here. The deaths attracted a big number of people who are now calling MM a devil worshipping sect. Better we move on and visit more SDA churches. 14th Nov 2019. 9:16. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL KILL MORE TONIGHT. MAY AT LEAST £300 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY MUST MUST MUST MOVE ON. THE VAN MUST MOVE ON. LET THE VAN MOVE ON. GOD IS INSISTING THAT THEY MUST MOVE. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: But the van didn’t move because there was no money for fuel. Whose fault is that? 9:24. From Eunice: In a dream I saw a very big group of people beating the MM van with stones. John and Vuga cried but only a few people got killed by God. In the same night the dream appeared to me three times. John and Vuga are currently in a fix, I guess... They are in a big problem. 9:30. From Kachapim: Many people from home have reported to me that a very very big team of SDA and other churches are heading to the van. They are chanting 'MM is a devil worshipping sect'. Their number is growing big and big... 9:34. From Rhoda: "LET JOHN'S ONLY LAND NOT BE SOLD. GOD IS TOUCHING ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD IS WORKING OUT A MIRACLE. MALCOLM TO WRITE AND ENCOURAGE THE TEAM. THE PRESSURE IS BIGGER. THE VAN SHOULD MOVE ON. EVEN AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO START THEM OFF." 7 Angels said now. 9:47. To John: God is in control, don’t fear, just stand against them with your Faith booklets if you can’t move on. 10:00. To John: God will deliver. He has promised to kill more at midnight... He won’t let His Work fail. 11:11. To John: This came from the angels on Saturday 9th Nov: “SOUTH SUDAN FOR GOD. SOUTH SUDAN FOR GOD. SOUTH SUDAN FOR GOD.” For God to spread His influence so emphatically over South Sudan, He first must obliterate the enemies who masquerade in His name. That is why He is allowing these awful confrontations. They are nasty; very unpleasant! They are traumatic, but necessary. We have to confront the enemy on the ground, while God defends us by His angels. Confrontation is necessary before deliverance and victory. 11:18. To John: The Bible Speaks, Vol 4, p 49: God is performing miracles throughout the world, showing His love and particular care of the needs of His faithful ones. Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, 'Be strong, do not fear; your God will come. He will come with vengeance; with divine retribution He will come to save you.' (Is 35:3,4, NIV.) Water will gush forth in the wilderness (v 6). God is fulfilling that text now. White Mist Surrounds Them & God Kills Pastors16:04. John: A barrier of thick white mist is covering us. God is in this... 14th November 2019. 17:40. From Rhoda: "THERE IS A BIG BIG TEAM MOVING TOWARDS THE VAN. LET THE TEAM ARM ITSELF WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. GOD IS IN CHARGE. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR FUEL." 7 Angels said that to me now. [£350 came the next day.] 17:42. From John: Our enemies are surrounding us. Pray for us. We must win this battle. God bless. 17:45. From Kachapim in Saudi Arabia: Am being told here that there is a group mourning their dead. They are taking those bodies to the MM van now. 15th November 2019. 12:08. From John: Last night’s nastiness. We had a big challenge. Two van tyres were destroyed. Vuga was beaten up seriously. But our God be praised. Seven men who gathered courage to destroy the van tyres died out of firebolts crying like hell [screaming in pain] till the big team ran away. Money came and we repaired the tyres. We have visited 17 churches since morning and we are still moving on. God is on our side. Comment: Eleanor put in £350. Many thanks! 12:21. To John: It breaks my heart to hear that Vuga has suffered again. May God heal him speedily! Oh, this wanton destruction from these wicked wastrels! It has nearly destroyed us. But for God, it would have done! 16:54. From John: God promised that at no time will the MM opposers defeat us. We are moving on non stop visiting the churches, distributing the MM letter that Malcolm wrote for us. Vuga is OK but still feels some pain in his back. 15th November 2019. 16:57. From Rhoda: "THEY [the mob] HAD A BAD INTENTION OF KILLING JOHN AND BURNING THE VAN. THEY MISTOOK VUGA FOR JOHN. BUT GOD DESTROYED THEM. AT LEAST £250 FOR MORE FUEL TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £250 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. GOD WILL KILL TWO MORE DANGEROUS PASTORS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We managed to raise £180 on the 15th and £70 on the 16th.] Sat 16th Nov 2019. 11:22. From John: Last night two pastors Bir Madeng and Sauli Diallo were struck dead by firebolts. They prayed for God to kill us.Today over 20 SDA churches gathered outside in an open field praying for God to kill us. God has brought these people for us here, so we have been distributing to them the letter that Malcolm wrote. What we lack is at least £150 for more fuel. 16th Nov 2019. 11:24. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £300 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD HAS GATHERED THE SDAS AND MORE COPIES OF THE LETTER ARE NEEDED. NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that now. [We couldn’t raise any more money on that day, 16th Nov.] 16th Nov 2019. 17:23. From Rhoda: "DONT PANIC, GOD IS TOUCHING ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £250... MORE PEOPLE WILL TRY TO ATTACK THEM BUT GOD'S ANGELS IN FORM OF THICK WHITE MISTS ARE COVERING THE TEAM. GOD IS IN CHARGE. LET AT LEAST £250 REACH JOHN TONIGHT." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We could raise nothing until the next day, 17th Nov, and then only £83] 17:38. From John: Water, milk and fuel are over. We are in a big problem. A big team singing anti MM songs is gathering around here. We are set with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. 17:50. From Kachapim: Am being told that a big group is camping around the MM van. Maybe they want to attack John and Vuga. God be with them. 17:57. From Eunice in Kenya: I saw the van surrounded, there was no fuel, the team was stuck wondering what to do. No money to buy fuel. Another team a big number of people were surrounding the MM van and laughing at the team. They wanted the team to come out so that they kill them all. I saw a hand touching people to raise money to help the stranded team. I woke up tired and worried. God Kills Six More By firebolts17th Nov 2019. 7:14. From John: God protected us against their attack. 8:54. To John: I realise you lack fuel. We lack, too. We are waiting for our financial deliverance... What happened last night? Thanks. 9:09. From John: Six more died at midnight. They are mourning here... 17th November 2019. 9:23. From Rhoda: "MAY GOD MOVE ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE AT LEAST £150 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY NEED FUEL TO TAKE THEM TO SOUTHERN JUBA WHERE THE SDAS HAVE RESORTED TO KILLING MM FOLKS LIVING THERE TO PAY BACK [seek revenge] FOR THEIR PEOPLE GOD HAS KILLED. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said. [Comment: Only £43 was scraped together! ] 17th November 2019. 9:27. From Kachapim in Saudi Arabia: South Juba: That is where there are many MM folks. Am receiving news now that youths whose SDA parents were killed by God for fighting MM are killing MM folks to compensate for their parents’ death... MM folks are being butchered. God God God move the van there! 9:33. From John: Last night God killed six more. They burnt the copies of MM letters and denounced MM as a devil worshipping sect. God descended on them with firebolts and killed six. Now the mob are insisting that they must pay back [take revenge], we don't know how. God bless. 9:36. From Kachapim: Thanks. No money for fuel? It is sad. It is a pity. MM brothers are being butchered. 9:39. Reply: God knows. God can raise the dead, but He can’t force people to cough up money when they don’t have it. 17:10. From John: We are 12 km away from where our brothers are being butchered. We lack fuel... May God work out His salvation to them.. 17:14. From Rhoda: "THE BATTLE BELONGS TO GOD. LET THE TEAM NOT PANIC, THE VAN IS STUCK 12 KM AWAY. MAY GOD WORK OUT MONEY ISSUES FOR THE TEAM TO GET FUEL. AT LEAST £200 SHOULD TAKE THEM WELL." 7 Angels said that to me now. [I’m sure it would take them well, but we could only muster £40, that’s all.] The Team Raced To Rescue Other Victims18th Nov 2019. 6:51. From John: South Juba: Yes we are in south Juba. We arrived past midnight. And our enemies on seeing the van ran away. They killed 4 MM folks who refused to go back to their church. They burnt down 13 homes. They are left to sleep in the open. Poorer than those in the northern part of Juba where we came from. We had to share with them all our milk and water. Even now there is a big group coming to fight us. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. We need water, milk and fuel. God bless. 18th November 2019. 6:55. From Rhoda: "13 HOUSES WERE RAZED DOWN TO THE GROUND, THE POOREST OF ALL THE POOR PEOPLE ARE LEFT WITH NO HOPE. THE TEAM DID A VERY NOBLE WORK, SHARING THEIR MILK AND WATER WITH THEM. NOW NOW NOW AT LEAST £280 FOR WATER, MILK AND FUEL TO REACH JOHN. TONIGHT GOD WILL WIPE OUT THE ATTACKERS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We could only muster £81. 18th November 2019. 9:42. To John: Burning down 13 homes! John 10:10 – the thief (Satan) comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Those SDAs have demonstrated their satanic spirit which wants to control people. And when they can’t control them, they resort to vile and violent means to harm them when they have done nothing against those SDAs. To kill someone for having left their church is grossly disproportionate and entirely unwarranted! So, for killing God’s sheep, God will kill those wolves. They will get the justice they deserve! Well done, for standing firm against them with Faith booklets till God finishes them off. I am hopeful that the £250 via the bank will reach you today. 11:00. From John: We are engaging a very big group. God bless. 18th November 2019. 11:15. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT, AT LEAST £280 TO REACH JOHN. THE MONEY SENT THROUGH THE BANK WILL BE AVAILABLE ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. THE TEAM IS IN A BIG PROBLEM. TUNISIA BROTHERS TOO NEED TO PAY THEIR ELECTRICITY BILL OF AT LEAST £650." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We couldn’t do anything more than £81 sent earlier. 11:27. From Kachapim: Thanks. God owns the battle. He will manage the attackers. God bless. They are in a big challenge, hunger, nothing called food. Am told John has been taking them through MM lits study and prayers. A big group is around them abusing them thoroughly. 11:59. From Eunice: I saw a big big group chanting anti MM words in a dream. The van was stuck, the team had nothing, no fuel. Hungerstricken people crying for even a little food. I saw John and Vuga crying to God for help. 18th November 2019. 17:32. To John: The four who were killed there in south Juba, were they breadwinners, leaving wives and children behind? 17:35. From John: They have left very very young families. Young children and young wives with one, two, three, and five children respectively. It is painful. These people are much poorer than the others in the northern part. It is a pathetic scene. It is horrible. It is sad. No food, they look to us. Sad sad sad. 18th Nov 2019. 17:46. From Kachapim: The poor families left behind after the four breadwinners were killed are crying and insisting to go with John and Vuga. Am told that John is moved by their plight. He is weeping. They lack almost everything. They depend on John and Vuga for food. They are in a big problem. 18th November 2019. 17:41. From Rhoda: "VERY YOUNG POOR FAMILIES ARE LEFT BEHIND. LET JOHN NOT CRY. GOD IS IN CHARGE. JOHN IS FEELING MUCH PAIN CONCERNING THE FAMILIES LEFT BEHIND BY DEATH OF THE FOUR. THE YOUNG CHILDREN ARE LOOKING UPON JOHN AND VUGA FOR FOOD. GOD GOD GOD PERFORM A GREAT MIRACLE FOR AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR FOOD AND A HOUSE FOR THE POORER FAMILIES. GOD MOVE AROUND AND MOVE ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £650 TO REACH JOHN FOR HELPING THE POORER FAMILIES. GOD GOD GOD MOVE MOVE MOVE ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £650 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: That is a prayer from the angels, asking God to provide £650 through the regular supporters. That would have been the ideal. It would have solved the desperate situation. But the regulars had nothing! £650 wasn’t found. God Kills 15 More OpponentsTuesday 19th Nov 2019. 5:16. From John: It is worse here. The whole night the attackers cried around here. At midnight God killed over 15 of them with firebolts. Many ran away. It rained on us all night. It is a very sad scene. 19th November 2019. 5:58. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STUCK. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR WATER, MILK AND FUEL NOW. LAST NIGHT GOD KILLED 15 ATTACKERS." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: At 6:40 am Bob sent £100. It’s all we could do. 10:07. To John: Yes, very tragic. Very difficult. There is a further £200 which has come, but it can’t be sent till Bob gets back from work tonight. So it will be very late since you are three hours ahead of us. God allows difficulties, as you well know, and we all have to learn endurance, perseverance, steadfastness. 12:37. To John: I guess you had some children sleeping in the van last night. From John: ...You are right. Even now. God bless. 17:04. To John: Have all the attackers gone away now? 17:06. From John: They are still here. 17:41. From John: It's a mixture of churches who hate MM. Yes they are abusing us. 17:53. From John: No one has been hurt, the van too is safe. The plight of these poor folks is what is bad. We don't fear the attackers because it is clear God is destroying them. Comment: £280 was found and sent late in the evening of the 19th. 20th Nov 2019. 8:41. From John: Thanks a lot. We are constructing the house now. I received money from brother Bob. We bought iron sheets, nails and timber. The work is going on. Though we lack water, milk and fuel but the shelter is more than necessary now. It is a pathetic situation. God is in charge. 8:58. Reply: What happened last night? What did God do to the opponents? 20th November 2019. 9:02. From John: "We must get rid of MM here, because it has taken our people. Those who study the MM lits nowadays don't honour us and pay money for church development. It is anti established churches..." They said words like that till midnight when they started throwing stones at the van. God descended on them with firebolts and up to now we don't know the number that died. People ran in all directions. This morning as we went to buy iron sheets, nails and timber, many people who saw the van ran away for they are now sure that God is in charge. God bless. 10:39. Reply: That’s a relief... Helena is interceding now for the money situation, to free up the £200 held in the bank. Demons are holding it back. 20th November 2019. 13:32. From John: The money is not yet in. We lack water, milk and fuel. We need around 6 iron sheets to complete the house. 13:36. From Rhoda: Very very very urgent. Children are dying of hunger. "THE HOUSE IS ALMOST READY ONLY 6 SHEETS OF IRON [needed]. MONEY WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE BANK AT NOON TOMORROW. NOW NOW NOW MAY AT LEAST £150 REACH JOHN FOR MILK, WATER AND A LITTLE FUEL TILL THE MONEY IN THE BANK ARRIVES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:40. To John: Helena has interceded against the block on the money. It took a long while. Now the angels are saying it will be released tomorrow. The Death Toll Rises By A Further 1414:30. To John: Helena asked God how many were killed last night. The answer was 14. [Before I wrote this the angels were telling the same to Rhoda:] 14:31. From Rhoda: "LAST NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD KILLED 14 PEOPLE. MAY AT LEAST £150 REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR WATER MILK AND FUEL. THEY ARE SUFFERING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15:13. To John, cc Rhoda: Look at this from Rhoda. I went to my PC to let you know the answer we got when we asked how many did God kill last night, and the angels at that time went to Rhoda and told her the same. Why do the angels repeat your words or about your situation? Because God requires that every important matter, that can be disputed by sceptics, is confirmed by the testimony of two witnesses. Just in case the angels might confirm this (I suspected they might well do) I didn’t copy in Rhoda when I sent that to you, like I have done here. 15:13. From John: God is in charge. We really need water and milk. 19:13. To John: Bob managed to send you the £150 just before 7 pm... [And they received it the next morning and bought water and milk for 45 people.] 20:20. To John: There is still quite a bit of demonic stuff coming against us here, so I am wondering whether there is another group of evil people coming against you tonight. 21st Nov 2019. 6:05. From Rhoda: "IT IS VERY EVIDENT MONEY IS SCARCE BUT THE GREAT IAM IS OUT TO SAVE THE LIVES OF ALL THOSE WHO HONOUR HIM. LET JOHN AND VUGA USE THE MONEY SENT THROUGH THE BANK TO COMPLETE THE HOUSE TODAY SO THAT THE POOR LITTLE CHILDREN DONT SLEEP IN THE OPEN COLD. MEANWHILE MAY ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THE FOLLOWING DUTIES. 1. £200 TO BE USED TO BUY CLOTHES FOR THE POOR CHILDREN WHOSE CLOTHES WERE BURNT. THEY ARE WALKING NAKED. 2. £100 BE USED TO START UP A SMALL BUSINESS OF SELLING FISH TO SUSTAIN THEM SINCE NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO BE SENDING THEM MONEY EVERY DAY. THE WOMEN IN THE POOREST MM FOLKS IN SOUTH JUBA CAN USE THE £100 TO DO A FISH MONGERING BUSINESS TO SUSTAIN THEM. 3. £100 BE USED TO STOCK MORE MILK AND WATER TO SUSTAIN THEM TILL THE BUSINESS PICKS UP. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THOSE STEPS WILL LEAD TO TOTAL CONFUSION. THE GREAT IAM STRESSES THAT MAY ALL ALL ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 NOW NOW NOW TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THAT NOBLE CAUSE. THIS IS VERY URGENT. MALCOLM TO WRITE TO JOHN INSTRUCTING HIM TO FOLLOW THESE STEPS. AFTER THAT, TOMORROW THE VAN SHOULD MOVE BACK TO THE NORTH, £200 WILL BE NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE LIBRARY WORK AND A FURTHER £200 TO START UP A FISH MONGERING BUSINESS FOR THE MM FOLKS THERE. MEANING TOMORROW TOO A FURTHER £400 SHOULD REACH JOHN FOR THE SAME. THE GREAT IAM, IAM, IAM STRESSES THAT NO ONE WILL KEEP ON SENDING MONEY TO SUSTAIN THE POOREST MM FOLKS IN SOUTH JUBA AND NORTH JUBA. LET ALL ALL ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE GREAT IAM HAS SAID THAT." 7 Angels said that to me now. 21st Nov 2019. 6:14. From Eunice: A distressing dream: I got woken up by a bright light in the room three times in the night but when I looked around there was no one. I went back to sleep. In the dream a tall man in bright white clothes was addressing another man and his wife. The couple were extremely humble and down to earth. These are the exact words the tall man told them. "Malcolm my people are naked, when you clothe them then you have clothed Me. Young children have no clothes, clothe Me by clothing them. Let them get engaged [in work]. Start for them some business. I will bless them when they start tithing proceeds from their small business. My Angels will give directions, please follow those instructions to the dot, do not fail. Do them today today today." I saw it in a dream three times in one night. I woke up trembling because I don't know the naked people and children the tall man in the dream referred to. 8:58. Reply: The tall man is Jesus. His height represents His awesome spiritual stature. The other man and his wife are me and Helena. The naked people are the believers with MM in Juba. 21st Nov 2019. 6:21. From Kachapim in Saudi Arabia: I dreamt that a small group of very holy people assembled to raise money to clothe all the MM folks literally walking naked in South Sudan whose houses and everything got burnt. They were saying that God moved them to do so. They even started for them small businesses to maintain them. Through those small businesses, they worked hard and built libraries and meeting halls. They were happy and many people from other established churches joined them and MM grew up to all households in south and north Juba. When I woke up, I made a phone call back home to tell them what I dreamt but I was told there is nothing like that. 8:58. Reply: Your dream is similar to Eunice’s. This is what God is beginning to work out for those poor people in Juba. 6:34. From John: Thanks. We received the money sent through bank. We have bought 6 iron sheets, nails and timber, a door and two windows. The work is going on. By noon the house will be ready. That's all that money has enabled us do. This house is very necessary. It is raining every night here. God Kills 5 More Opponents By firebolts9:13. From John: ...Last night two people stood at a distance and threw stones at us at around midnight. One was a son to an SDA pastor. God killed them instantly with firebolts. God bless. 14:28. To John: ...The fishmongering business should support them, and if they are diligent, they should be able to make a reasonable living out of it, and do what Kachapim’s dream outlined. That is the ideal outcome portrayed in his dream, which can occur if they are obedient to God and diligent in their efforts. Where would they get fish from? 17:47. From John: They will get them from river Nile at a wholesale price. 17:41. From John: ...A group is out here abusing us and mourning their dead. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. 17:51. Reply: Ah, that’s why I was getting another pain in my leg that Helena had to intercede against. The demons coming from them! Obviously another lot, hopefully the last, that God will wipe off the map tonight! 22nd Nov 2019. 7:17. From John: ...as I write now, the business of fish mongering has begun in both south and north Juba for the less fortunate MM folks. We have no fuel in the van. Our kitty too is completely dry. God bless. 9:38. From Rhoda: "LET THE LIBRARY WORK END TODAY. TOMORROW OVER 10 NEW FAITHFULS WILL JOIN THE MM FOLKS IN THE LIBRARY FOR THE SABBATH. MM IS NOW MUCH HONOURED IN NORTH AND SOUTH JUBA. MAY AT LEAST £100 FOR FUEL AND ANOTHER £100 FOR WATER AND MILK REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said. 10:30. To John: What happened to those miscreants last night who were badmouthing you and wanted you dead? 13:54. From John: God killed 3 with firebolts. God bless. 16:48. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £320 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. £100 FOR MILK AND WATER, £100 FOR FUEL. £120 FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE LIBRARY. IT IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. 22nd Nov 2019. 17:37. From Kachapim: God bless you Malcolm for remembering the poorest people in my home country. God bless His fearless servants John and Vuga. God to give John a good house. His family is living in squalor but he chose God first. God bless all the MM financial supporters for a great job done in south and north Juba. God bless. 17:41. Reply: I only wish we could do more. We are completely empty. They have no milk or water to keep them till Monday when we can find money. Comment: On Saturday John received £23 sent. Very grateful! And we managed to borrow further cash from credit cards to send him a further £106. The Last 25 Opponents Wiped Out! Praise God!23rd Nov 2019. 15:08. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AN SDA GROUP IS PLANNING TO ATTACK MM FOLKS IN SOUTH JUBA. MAY THE VAN MOVE THERE SO THAT MIDNIGHT FINDS THE VAN THERE. AT LEAST £150 FOR FUEL TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IT IS URGENT. GOD WILL KILL ALL THE 25 COMING TO ATTACK POOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN SOUTH JUBA. THIS WILL MARK THE END OF ATTACKS THERE. LET THE VAN MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE. IT IS URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We couldn’t do it. We had no available funds.] 23rd Nov 2019. 15:12. From Kachapim: An SDA member from south Juba has confided... that tonight 25 strong men will attack the MM folks in south Juba. They are not happy with the progress God has done there... 23rd Nov 2019. 15:15. From Eunice in Kenya: In a dream I saw a big team trying to beat up MM folks in one country, women and children. I saw John and Vuga face them with opened MM Faith lits and all of them around 20 died. People celebrated and it marked the end of all the attacks. I can't understand it. 24th Nov 2019. 7:18. From Rhoda: "MAY THE VAN REACH SOUTH JUBA NOW NOW NOW, THE ATTACKERS ARE STILL HOVERING AROUND. GOD WANTS THE VAN TO REACH THERE SO THAT THEY GET WIPED OUT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £150 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7:21. From John: We are in North Juba. Over 17 km away. 24th Nov 2019. 7:20. From Kachapim: A gang of people are still hanging around MM camp in south Juba. John and Vuga have not gone there yet. The MM folks are living in fear. God bless. 8:59. Reply: We don’t have any funds till tomorrow, so God will block the attackers from trying to do anything serious till John and Vuga get there. Tell the believers to put their trust in God. He’s watching over them, so they don’t need to be overly anxious. Just tell them to keep trusting in God to protect them. He will. 9:14. To Kachapim: Please tell the believers in south Juba this. If the mob wanting to attack God’s folks get too close to them or try to throw stones or do something nasty, hold up an open Faith booklet against the attackers. The angels will shine a bright light out of it at the attackers, which will deter them. It is a very intense and penetrating EM emission which can blind, it is so intense... Comment: On 25th Nov at 2:30 am Bob sent £300 of his wages to John. 25th Nov 2019. 4:51. From John: Thanks, I have received it. We have fueled the van and we are now moving to south Juba. God bless. 25th Nov 2019. 9:30. From John: One was killed by the attackers. We are trusting God to put them in our hands today at midnight. God bless. 9:57. Reply: How tragic! This is so frustrating, that the enemies cause such heartache for the sake of a bit of money! 10:01. From John: They are around. Abusing us. They killed Butambe Deng [with a panga] who tried to fight them physically when they abused Malcolm as a devil worshiper. He had no MM Faith lit. God bless. Comment: The angels said on 6th November that no more MM folks would be killed “till eternity.” It’s a strange statement “till eternity”, but I think it suggests that the only ones God will allow to be killed are ones who will then go into eternity; in other words, they will be saved; they will have made it. I thought at first that maybe Deng was not a true believer, and so God allowed him to die. But the angels later described him as an MM believer. So, although he rashly tried to deal with the attackers by his own power, God still speaks well of him, which may suggest he is coming back along with all the others whom God is going to raise up for a global witness to the Truth. There is always a price to be paid for God to bring His judgement upon the wicked. Often it’s the innocent who pay. We have had to pay over and over again, usually financially, so that God can then wipe out the attackers for the damage and harm they have caused. Deng’s death was part of this price. 25th Nov 2019. 16:27. From John: Already the 25 attackers are out here abusing us. Pray for us. At midnight God will wipe them out. We are ready... 16:41. Reply: Yes, you are under intercession. It’s aggravating to have to listen to all the garbage that comes out their mouths; all the insults and falsity. How do the believers react to this? Do they get wound up by it? 16:44. From John: These believers are steadfast, all ready with opened MM Faith lits. We have encouraged them to faithfully study all the MM lits because God honours the lits. God bless. 16:46. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. £360 WILL BE USED FOR BURIAL EXPENSES FOR THE LATE MM FOLK TOMORROW, AND THE BALANCE TO BUY MORE MILK AND WATER. GOD WILL KILL ALL THE 25 ATTACKERS AT MIDNIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob managed to send a further £400 to John for their needs. 26th November 2019. 9:10. From John: At midnight the 25 strong men came surrounded us and started yelling at the tops of their voices calling us devil worshipers. They then threw stones, sticks and mud at the van. At this time we came out all with opened MM Faith lits. It took around 30 minutes before a unique thing happened. They started staggering all at once. All lost eyesights. Immediately firebolts hit them one by one throwing their dead burnt bodies about 200m away. We praised God. We are through with the burial. God bless. 9:29. From Kachapim in Arabia: [A friend back home informs him] ...I have received information that God killed all the attackers last night. God is great. 26th Nov 2019. 9:48. From John: We must fix the windscreen which was completely destroyed. People are happy here about what happened. The locals joined us in praising God. They joined us in the burial. How I wish we could have prepared tea and bought some loaves to share with over 130 locals who are here telling us how they were misled to believe that MM is a devil worshipping sect... 26th Nov 2019. 10:02. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS DESCENDED IN SOUTH JUBA. LOCALS ARE VERY HAPPY WITH WHAT THEY HAVE SEEN GOD DO. AN OPEN AIR MEETING MUST MUST MUST BE DONE THERE...
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