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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 15 |
203To Juba To Wipe Out Lukas’ Base |
They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down; they have dug a pit before me; into the midst of it they themselves have fallen (Ps 57:6).
With one nest of vipers dealt with, God’s judgement targeted the next. The angels said to go to Juba, South Sudan. There, Lukas Ogada was feverishly printing counterfeit MM Faith booklets to make MM appear as satanic, bringing it under condemnation. But the pit they were digging for us was going to be their undoing. God planned for us to capture Lukas. John informed me of their progress and the amazing way the angels protected them: 20th Nov 2018. 17:14. From John: ...We are doing okay now. Thanks Will. We arrived here in Juba last night. I couldn’t write since Lukas team has fought us non-stop with gunshots all day. We got protected by a thick white wall that separated us from them repulsing away the bullets. We are set for midnight battle. We have identified their publishing site. Put us in prayers. God bless. Tuesday 20th November 2018. 17:15. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT JOHN AND VUGA WILL BE FACED WITH THE GREATEST BATTLE. GOD WILL DEFEAT ALL THE OPPOSERS. IT IS A BATTLE THAT WILL TAKE THREE DAYS AND NIGHTS. AT LAST GOD WILL BRING DOWN THAT GANG. AT LEAST £1550 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY, LATEST TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21st November 2018. 4:18. From John: They told us that through their magician they were aware that we were sent to kill Lukas. God bless. 21st Nov 2018. 11:53. To John: Nigel has sent £1600 by 511 594 2310. Thursday 22nd Nov 2018. 18:10. From John: [About the Tuesday night episode, 20th Nov, which Rhoda mentioned above.] Seven of the gunmen lost their eyesight and died after giving us all secrets of how Lukas operates. We are facing a tough struggle with more gunmen now. I’ll keep you informed. More Gunmen Killed23rd November 2018. 18:40. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS BROUGHT DOWN A TOTAL OF 9 GUNMEN WHO WERE SENT TO KILL JOHN AND VUGA AND BLOCK THEM FROM ACCESSING THE PUBLISHING SITE WHERE LUKAS IS COORDINATING THE PRODUCTION OF COUNTERFEIT MM LITS. TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL BLOW UP AND BURN THREE OF THE TEN PRINTERS. JOHN AND VUGA NEED A FURTHER £1300 BY TOMORROW NOON. THE BATTLE IS WORSE NOW NOW NOW. JOHN WILL BE ABLE TO SEND REPORT AFTER MIDNIGHT AFTER THE GREAT BATTLE. AT LEAST £1300 TO REACH JOHN BY WU THROUGH EUNICE'S NEW ID." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd November 2018. 18:50. From John: [I had asked John about what happened on Tuesday night, 20th Nov.] Thanks Will. Over ten men armed with guns surrounded us but God killed seven and the rest ran away. They gave us directions to a cave where the counterfeits are hidden after publication. They have ten working generators and 20 printers. They said that Lukas is planning to kill active MM evangelists then spread the counterfeits to all corners of the world. Now it is raining and we are surrounded by many armed men. God bless. Saturday 24th November 2018. 4:57. From Rhoda: "FROM LAST NIGHT UP TO THURSDAY NEXT WEEK JOHN AND VUGA WILL BE HELD UP IN BATTLING OUT ALL THE 32 GUNMEN LUKAS HAS BEEN USING TO PROTECT HIM. THEY NEED NON STOP SUPPLY OF FUEL, MILK AND WATER. THAT IS WHY THEIR KITTY MUST NOT GET DRY. IT IS A BIG BATTLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th Nov 2018. 8:59. From John: Thanks Will. The battle is still on. It is much worse but our God is watching. God bless. 24th Nov 2018. 10:40. To John: Nigel has sent £1300 by 366 242 5060. Are you being overcharged for fuel, milk and water? Is that why such huge amounts of money go in such a short time? This has cleaned us out! 25th Nov 2018. 22:17. To John: I get stabbings in the gut at various times, usually around midnight your time, from the demons attacking us which are released in your skirmishes. I’ll be glad when it’s all over, as I’m sure you will, too. Please let us have the news of what has taken place as soon as you can. Thanks. High Speed Chase To Egypt26th November 2018. 4:19. From Rhoda: "LUKAS IS HEADING TO EGYPT. JOHN AND VUGA ARE TRAILING HIM AT HIGH SPEED. ALL THE MM COUNTERFEIT LITS WERE BURNT TODAY, THIS MORNING. GOD IS FINISHING HIM THIS TIME ROUND. JOHN AND VUGA FIXED ALL THE VAN WINDOW GLASS AND WINDSCREEN WHICH LUKAS’S GUNMEN DESTROYED, AND SERVICED THE VAN. THEY WILL NEED A FURTHER £1400 TOMORROW NOON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [I forwarded this to John at 9.] 26th November 2018. 4:19. From John: Thanks to God, Will. At midnight yesternight God brought down seven gunmen and burnt all the counterfeits that they had produced. It started with the seven surrounding our van and ordering us to come out of the van and surrender. We came out boldly holding opened MM Faith lits and faced them. God gave them time to slap us and forced us to go down on our knees. We did that praying in low tones as we pointed the opened MM Faith lits at them. They slapped us, deflated all the van tyres, smashed all the window glass and took some lits from the van. They abused us, called us names, devil worshippers, illuminati, satanists. They kicked us and spat on us. But at midnight, when they had put the MM lits down to burn them, the matchstick that one of them lit to burn the genuine MM lits produced a big fire that consumed them (the gunmen) and no lit got burnt. Each ran away for help as a big fire covered them and burnt them to ashes. We then took our lits back to the van but the van could not move because all the tyres were deflated. We waited till morning today, called a mechanic, who inflated the tyres, fixed all the window glass and windscreen. We headed straight to where the counterfeits were kept, following the lead of the thick white (angelic) mists and we destroyed 40 boxes of counterfeits. An old man roughly 60 years old who controlled the printing called Lukas has promised us death. We are pursuing him towards Sudan. We must get hold of him. We used a lot of money to fix the van. I guess it is why the Angels requested for the £1300. We will need more and more fuel because this time round we will stop at nothing till we get rid of this nuisance Lukas. Pray pray pray for us, Will. God bless. Blocks, Blocks, Blocks By Western Union Fixers26th Nov 2018. 5:26. From John: ...WU has blocked Eunice, she can't collect this money. Please let Nigel resend it using my younger sister's name. She will collect and Eunice will send to us... God bless. 26th November 2018. 8:45. From Fiona: [Who has been instrumental in organising money for John.] I was asleep at 8 am & was awakened by the alarm. I thought funny, not set! Then realised it was in my head. I definitely heard it. God knew we needed to get moving this morning. 26th November 2018. 9:25. To John: I hope you are not hurting much. That beating was awful, but may God heal all your wounds and bruises... 9:30. From John: Thanks Will. The beatings were hard but none of us got hurt meaning it was God's way of cornering them. 26th Nov 2018. 12:42. To John: ...Nigel has been unsuccessful. They blocked him and he was asked to call WU to explain what’s going on. I doubt if they will undo the block. They never listen! ...Meanwhile Tonya is trying to send Matinde that amount now on her overdraft. So let’s hope it gets to you before they shut. [It got there just in time, and John was able to receive. What relief!] 27th November 2018. 7:51. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1400 TO REACH JOHN AND VUGA THROUGH Fxxxxx BY WU NOW. THEY ARE ALMOST CATCHING UP WITH LUKAS IN EGYPT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Tonya tried sending online but was blocked. All our supporters were now blocked from sending by Moneygram and Western Union online. Tonya was the only one still able to send to one other person who passed it on to John, but she tried sending a further amount of £500 but it was blocked by the system. The Running Battle With The Gunmen28th Nov 2018. 4:10. From John: On Friday night 23rd Nov we faced the armed men guarding the cave with opened MM lits. It was a running battle with us constantly trailing [confronting] them. [John said later: We kept moving closer to them with opened MM Faith lits. We use Faith lits to point at them and God responds by punishing them.] They even had hand grenades, all of which failed to blow up, and all their guns jammed. At exactly half past midnight four guards ran away crying of being burnt with hot coal. They followed one after the other but still some guarded the entrance to the cave. We couldn't count and know the exact number. We moved away a bit because it was Sabbath already. Lukas was guarded like a king with both female and male guards all armed to their teeth. We guess that the cave was their secret place to keep the counterfeits all writing false information about MM. Lits like the Why series Why Jesus? and Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation were rewritten, almost all pages changed (all with red covers, black titles). Lukas looked old but strong... 8:49. ...More gunmen are trying to block us from capturing Lukas. We trust God to blow them up. 28th November 2018. 8:52. To John: Thanks. Have just now been able to access my PC and got your reports so far. We are still trying to get the remaining £500 to you. 8:59. Tonya has already been blocked from sending to F, after just that one transfer! Is there anyone else to whom we can send the remaining £500 you need? If not, don’t worry, God has another scheme. He won’t let you fail. He promised that to you five years ago in the prophecy to you. God’s Supernatural Fire Burns Up The Fake Lit10:15. To John: How did you manage to destroy the 40 boxes of counterfeit lit? It takes a lot to burn them to ash! Were these destroyed in the cave or taken outside? 10:24. From John: Supernaturally. We threw three MM Faith lits at the cave entrance, and a big big big fire just began inside the cave and that's how it occurred. God did it. God bless. Comment at the time: Tonya tried to send £500 to F, but the transfer was blocked. She tried last night and this morning, to no avail. So Wilfred went to the local outlet and sent from there. Don’t they make our lives awkward!? It has caused us untold inconvenience and added expense... 29th November 2018. 4:53. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA WILL TODAY AT MIDNIGHT CAPTURE LUKAS. THEY MUST NOT KILL HIM [by pointing a Faith booklet at him] BUT HOLD HIM TO GET MORE INFORMATION. IT WILL BE THE FIERCEST BATTLE. OVER 14 PEOPLE WILL DIE. AFTER THAT JOHN AND VUGA TO HOLD LUKAS AND TAKE HIM BACK TO KENYA UP TO NDHIWA. AT LEAST £2000 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW NOON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Eleanor, Wilfred was able to send £1,000, and Nigel kindly put in the same amount for tomorrow’s send. 29th November 2018. 5:02. From John in Cairo, Egypt: Thanks Will. We have had a busy night, being engaged in a running battle with hitmen protecting Lukas. We trust God will put him in our hands. God bless. Thursday 29th November 2018. 8:12. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO WRITE TO JOHN AND VUGA NOW NOW NOW TO ENCOURAGE THEM, FOR TONIGHT THERE WILL BE THE BIGGEST STRUGGLE. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL LETTERS COMING FROM MM OPPOSERS. MORE LETTERS ARE BEING WRITTEN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:23. Reply to John: This is interesting how God now says you will capture Lukas tonight at midnight. He predicted several days ago, perhaps a week ago, that Thursday would be the day. It’s quite amazing how God can see what is ahead. There is a section in Psalm 139 which describes His foreknowledge. So, now the angels are telling us what will be tonight. Though it seems in the physical dimension that this is a fierce struggle, and quite frightening at times with gun barrels pointed at us, the angels are in control to work out God’s plans. You may have some ideas about what information you want to get from Lukas. I have some, too. I want to know who is presently funding him, and what Islamic governments he works for in their Muslim scheme to try to exterminate all Christians. I want to know what other plans they have to oppose MM, and who is still in his gang of criminals. I also want to know who wrote to Scotland Yard to falsely accuse MM of being a criminal set-up, which has got us blocked from sending money in various places such as WU and MG. And, if it is possible, I want him to write a retraction to the police in Scotland Yard in London and those money movers to admit that he was falsely accusing us. God’s plan has surprises, too, things we wouldn’t expect. I would never have expected God to ask you to take Lukas back with you in the van to Ndhiwa. But I guess the purpose of that is to demonstrate to the people locally that you have captured him with God’s help, and put an end to all his evil thuggery, violence, pillaging, destruction and murder. It will be a witness for God, that He is supreme, that His will SHALL finally be done on earth. Nov 22/18. One of Kassahun’s dreams: Spying on us. I saw several eyes up in the sky looking down. When I moved, those eyes moved. When I stopped, they stopped. When I changed direction, they changed their direction also. I thought that I was being spied upon by a technological gadget. (The eyes may depict that we are under government surveillance. Even if the system is hiding what it is doing to MM, God has revealed that the system is spying on us.) Friday 30th Nov 2018. 12:43. From Rhoda: "achiengf900@gmail.com. THIS IS THE ADDRESS LUKAS TEAM USED RECENTLY TO PRETEND TO BE ASKING FOR SUPPORT FOR FEES FOR THE LATE ALEX ODHIAMBO WHO STOLE A LOT OF MONEY FROM MM [from an MM supporter in the USA]. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL NEW LETTERS COMING FROM KENYA FOR, AS LUKAS HAS STARTED REVEALING HOW THEY HAVE TRIED TO DESTROY MM, A LOT OF INFORMATION WILL BE OUT. ANGELS WANT JOHN TO HAVE A NEW BANK ACCOUNT. LET JOHN GIVE FELIX ALL HIS DETAILS NOW SO THAT HE OPENS AN ACCOUNT WITH XXXXXX BANK IN KISII NOW. JOHN TO FORWARD THE DETAILS TO MALCOLM THIS EVENING. LUKAS IS GIVING OUT ALL NEEDED INFORMATION THEN [God didn’t say when] GOD WILL TAKE HIS LIFE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Lukas Is Captured: How It Occurred30th November 2018. 12:48. From John: Wednesday night, near the Suez Canal, Egypt. God led our way in very thick white mists and we followed behind with wide opened MM Faith lits. Our opponents on seeing the thick wall of white mists ran away with all their guns. About five lost their eyesights and cried of being burnt with hot coal and died as we watched. A few remained guarding the old man Lukas. We left the area [led by the angelic white mist] to a secluded place at past midnight. God bless. Friday 30th November 2018. 12:56. From John: Thursday night in northern Cairo city, Egypt. Last midnight, it started raining with thunder till the place became muddy that the car carrying Lukas could not move. To our surprise our van moved easily and we parked next to Lukas's car. His bodyguards ran into the darkness leaving him behind. He started crying, pleading with Malcolm and me John Ongoro to forgive him. He promised to provide all the details of his sponsors, workmates, and how he has been tormenting MM. We touched his head with opened MM Faith lits and he kept silent. We then carried him and placed him on the back seat [of John’s vehicle] then left the area. We moved about 200m away and we saw his car go up in flames burning. God destroyed it. [About the gunmen who fled.] We clearly saw about 16 run into the darkness. I believe God killed all. God bless. 30th November 2018. 13:27. From John: Thanks Will. Yes we are moving back home. This man [Lukas Ogada] looks tired and sickly. We trust God to guide us till home. God bless. 16:04. To John: What did Lukas say to Scotland Yard about MM? Who notified them and how (I presume it was in writing)? 30th November 2018. 16:08. From John: They did it together with a criminal called Antony Otete, Opith, and Alex’s wife plus the team that left MM because of lack of money. He has confirmed how they also worked closely with bank managers to frustrate MM activities and fake bank statements. He is still giving more information. God bless. |
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