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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
168The ‘Miraculous’ Water |
For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. (Isaiah 57:15)
God supernaturally provided a source of wonderful fresh water. Chapter 154 describes this event. The water from that borehole is used like the anointed handkerchiefs which Paul gave to the sick. God commanded Khalifa and Asman to give people His water from the well to drink, and He promised that those who drank it would be healed. He keeps His promises! The water is not from a natural spring. It is more special than that. God created it supernaturally. This angelic message was given to Rhoda on 26th August 2017: THE TUNISIA BROTHERS SHOULD HOLD THEIR FOT AT THE WATER POINT, GOD WILL HEAL THE SICK THROUGH THE WATER. Another message to Rhoda emphasised God’s intentions: 11th July 2017. “THE WATER FROM THE WELL IN TUNISIA WILL BE OF GREAT IMPORTANCE. IT IS MEDICINAL, AS THE SINNERS WHO DRINK IT WILL TURN TO GOD. IT WILL BE FOR BAPTISM ALSO...” 22nd October 2017. 14:34. From Tunisia: Our Report From Central Part of our Country. Hello Malcolm. ...It was such a blessing for us to see so many powerful testimonies of how God used us to heal the sick and touch the lost. What a joy! Today Jesus once again proved Himself faithful and alive by performing many amazing miracles. 15 or more people, one after another, were all miraculously and instantly healed. There was a deaf lady who got healed. She came up deaf, and after prayer and drinking our blessed water repeated words enthusiastically proving she hears out of her once deaf ear. Others were delivered of demonic oppression and addictions. And many other miracles took place. The Holy Spirit was glorifying Jesus! It was a glorious celebration of the goodness and greatness of God. All glory to God... Khalifa However, Enemies Are Angry!2nd November 2017. 11:28. ‘Holy’ water threatened: ...Yesterday around 5:30pm I received a call from one of our neighbors... I made my way home... When I reached I found a group of people who surrounded our well bore. Some want to steal our solar panel and battery, others want to poison our water. But through God’s power our well bore was protected... Khalifa Comment: I asked him how he dealt with the gang. 3rd Nov 2017. 7:09. God protected the ‘holy’ water: ... When I got the phone call from our neighbor God reminded me to carry a Faith booklet in my small bag. When I reached there I wielded it at them. Three of them went blind, the rest ran away. God protected His tools. I thank God... Khalifa This Is The Prophesied End-Time OutpouringWe cannot include all the wonderful miracles of healing and deliverance which God has been performing in Tunisia and other countries to honour the name of Jesus. Many have been brought into the Kingdom, and the Gospel witness has reached thousands. All this by God using a handful of people whom HE appointed. God chooses the vessels He wants to use. The former ministries, which God previously used as His vanguard, don’t want to move on in the fulness of Truth that has now been restored in writing in the MM library. They want to continue down their own well-trodden paths. So God has raised up another vehicle to champion the cause of His Truth. It is TRUTH that sets people free (John 8:32), not ministries who call on the name of Jesus to perform miracles at their large crusades but who reject this Restored Truth. They can only bring a measure of freedom, but not all that God is offering. When Paul ministered, God gave him a unique sign in the anointed handkerchiefs which conveyed God’s healing anointing (Acts 19:11,12). That’s because God was pointing to the teaching which Paul brought which sounded heretical to traditional believers. Paul’s writings contained a unique outpouring of Truth. God had inspired them. So God provided a unique sign also. Likewise in our day, the ‘miracle water’ is a unique sign God established for this age. People who drink the pure water are healed, delivered, converted and restored. What better sign of pure Truth?!
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