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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
151To Burundi, Rwanda, & South Sudan
Trust in the Lord forever, for in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength. For He brings down those who dwell on high... (Isaiah 26:4,5).
Miracle Speed Trip To Burundi24th June 2017. 8:45. To John: Have you managed to get to Burundi? 10:45. From John: We are having our Sabbath meet at Kabanga / Kobero border, meaning that we have reached Burundi. God bless. 13:15. Reply: That's good. How far was it, and how long did the trip take in hours? You drove all night. Did you have any rest or sleep at all? 24th June 2017. 20:09. From John: Thanks Will. It was 1538km from Dar es Salaam to the Burundi border here, and it took me 13 hrs 28 mins. I travelled the whole night. It is tonight that I'll take some rest but if God through Angels say that I don't then I'll follow their directives. God bless. 24th June 2017. 17:47. From Stefano: Burundi is our place. We have spotted your team here at the border. We are set to handle you in all ways. Come on. 19:18. Reply: Burundi is the Lord's not yours. 24th June 2017. 22:03. To John: That trip was amazing. To do that distance in that time was to average 113.926 kph. Converting that to miles per hour it is approximately 71.2 mph! There is no way you could ordinarily do that speed and maintain it for all those hours in usual circumstances. I have no idea how God does it, but He has caused you to speed along and cover a greater than normal distance in that time. It is a miracle – another one! So His promise through the angels to Rhoda yesterday was fulfilled; He said He would speed up your journey! Sure did!! The Opponents Killed Ismail In Somalia25th June 2017. 12:16. From Rhoda: THE MM OPPOSERS HAVE KILLED ISMAIL IN SOMALIA AND BURNT HIS HOME. GOD WILL PROVIDE A WAY FOR THE HOSTEL PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:48. Reply: Raise him from the dead, O God Almighty! 13:12. From John: Ooh My God, raise your servant up. God bless. 25th June 2017. 12:36. From Stefano: Our money. Ismail wanted to give Muslims money to MM, we have killed him and burnt his home. Malcom eat your poverty. Idiot. 12:52. Reply: No, God’s money, not yours. Our God has supreme power over every situation. Just wait and see! 25th June 2017. 17:24. From Stefano: Ha haaa, we found a will [written agreement] signed by John ongoro and the late Ismail that as from July this year Ismail will start supporting midnight ministries Evangelism work and completion of a hostel in Rongo University in Kenya. Our Muslim money can't support devil's work. We work for Allah not you Malcom. 17:57. Reply: Keep on believing those lies. After three days Jesus arose from the grave. He's the same yesterday, today and for the aeon. 27th June 2017. 8:46. To John: As you know, on Sunday the angels said that ideally £270 should be found to pay the drillers today. However, we are all skint and only £100 can be found by ‘scraping the barrel’... 10:41. From John: Thanks Will. Yes it is in and want to send it to them right away. We are in Rwanda evangelising. The challenge here is that the mad SDA pastors are trying to block us by warning their members not to study MM lits. Two members have confirmed that to us this morning. God bless. 13:04. To John: Well, opponents of MM are invariably struck dead by God, so I wouldn't be surprised to see God terminate their lives for trying to thwart God's mission in Rwanda. 27th June 2017. 12:01. From Stefano: Malcolm you can't fight Muslims and target to use our money. Your evangelists like John, Mark, Kanye, Vuga, Ngilcan are very poor though powerful in using your miraculous literatures. Huuui. 13:09. Reply: Your money won’t save you. Yes, the POWER that is in MM lit is God's power and there is none greater. So you will lose this battle because you have violated the holy precepts of God who is all-powerful and behind us in these missions. We don't need 'your' money. God's power supersedes money. God strikes dead our opponents, so you had better back off if you want Him to spare your life. Our God is the giver and taker of life. 27th June 2017. 14:09. From Stefano: Are you threatening me? I have means of destroying you completely. We are roaming in South Sudan, we have left for you Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda and Rwanda but dare step in South Sudan and meet your long awaited death, okay? 14:58. Reply: You have no means of destroying me, for our God is invincible, and South Sudan shall be for our God, too. 27th June 2017. 15:12. To our regular supporters, and to others unidentified: You can see why the angels said on Sunday that after Rwanda (where John and the team are now, spreading MM lit to SDA folk and others) they should travel all the way to S Sudan. God wants to oust these opponents and get rid of them for good. But yesterday only £100 was found to pay the drillers for the work done weeks ago at Mark's. God had asked for £270, and for a further £200 today to finish paying the debt to them. So another £370 is still needed for that task. Then there is the cost of taking the van all the way from Rwanda to S Sudan to get rid of these rogues, and to rescue the minds of the believers there who are being disaffected by the lies and false accusations of Stefano's mob. (He is S Sudanese, a nephew of Riek who stole Riek's phone after his death. His father murdered Riek's 2 remaining children because they were faithful to the Truth.) Quite a substantial sum is needed to get the van to S Sudan. Why does God have to use that method; why can't He just wipe those rebels off the map without our involvement? Because God ALWAYS involves people, where He can, to work out His purposes upon earth. It is also a spiritual purpose being worked out in people's lives through the experiences. And there is a spiritual purpose in giving... God gave me a revelation years ago upon which I wrote an article entitled God's Work Cancelled For Lack of Interest. What is God going to say to you in the regeneration, about your failure to give to His Work in dire need when you could have done, but you held back? The answer is in Hebrews 10. He has no pleasure in those who draw back. He has no pleasure in those who do not exercise faith in Him. He has no pleasure in the selfishness or fear or pride of the delinquent. But that's what some people choose, and they are heading for the abyss where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth... To South Sudan Again28th June 2017. 11:08. From Rhoda: JOHN SHOULD MOVE OUT OF RWANDA TODAY EVENING TO SOUTH SUDAN. ALREADY THE MM OPPOSERS ARE IN SOUTH SUDAN WITH THEIR BAD AGENDA OF SOILING THE NAME OF MM. GOD WILL KILL AN MM OPPOSER IN SOUTH SUDAN TOMORROW. AT LEAST £377 TO REACH JOHN TODAY FOR THIS IMPORTANT MISSION. 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment at the time to our few supporters: Thanks to all of you. Bob was able to send a further £100 tonight, so a total of £340 was achieved, £37 short of the mark. My pension comes in tomorrow so I am thinking of sending £100, to make up the £37 shortfall and allow a bit to go to the guys in Tunisia. They will be desperate by now, probably without water and travel money... 28th June 2017. 13:57. From John: Thanks to God. Am off to Sudan. 29th June 2017. 11:53. From John: ...We are crossing in to Juba, South Sudan. I'll brief you. 29th June 2017. 13:24. To Stefano: We’re coming for you, so stop contaminating the minds of people with satanic lies and vileness. God Kills The Jihadi Terrorist29th June 2017. 18:59. From Rhoda: GOD WILL KILL ONE POWERFUL MM OPPOSER WHO MASTERMINDED THE KILLING OF ISMAIL. HE WILL TRY TO ATTACK JOHN AT MIDNIGHT IN JUBA BUT THROUGH MM FAITH LIT THAT JOHN WILL POINT AT HIM AND HIS NINE GANG TEAM HE WILL DIE. HIS DEATH WILL PUT FEAR INTO THE REMAINING MM OPPOSERS. JOHN SHOULD THEN MOVE BACK TO KENYA IMMEDIATELY. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING TO GET HIM MOVING BACK HOME. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th June 2017. 9:34. From John: Thanks Will. Four people died at midnight for trying to shoot at us. I am out of Juba towards Uganda. Full report will reach you today after crossing in to Uganda. God bless. 9:42. Reply: Excellent. Relief! Was one of them Stefano? Khalifa has written, greatly relieved to have received £50 from you, because they were out of water. They really struggle, like you all have to. We are looking into the money situation at present. 7th July 2017. 17:52. From John: Juba attack on 29th June. On this day from morning a group kept on trailing our van and even threatened to force me out of the van at one time. Their leader, a bearded tall brown man who introduced himself to me as 'General Stefa' mistakenly called me Malcolm and warned me to leave Juba before night for I am blocking them from getting their Muslim youths and people out of Midnight Ministries’ teachings. I gained courage and invited them to join us in the reading and discussion of a few copies of MM lits. They refused and called me a devil worshipper. I went on with the mission God sent me to do in South Sudan of denouncing the propaganda Stefano and his team were spreading about MM. At midnight, while taking a rest in the van together with two other youths, B and S, a group came and surrounded the van and ordered us to surrender. But we had strategically placed seven opened Faith lits in the van. After a short while they opened fire on the van but instead they got killed by God. We heard them cry of being burnt. We were forced to move out of the place to avoid the people that were moving to the site of the incident. To my surprise a car kept on trailing me till I crossed into Kenya. 30th June 2017. 14:25. To John: I'm sorry about this long delay. We are still stuck here, without means to send the money because of the police here who have blocked most of our supporters from sending. We hope it won't be very long yet. Whereabouts are you? I presume you are stranded at present. 30th June 2017. 14:41. From John: Yes Will. I don't have fuel to move on. Still in South Sudan. God bless. 17:21. From John: [After some money was sent.] Thanks a lot Will. Yes I can move on. Comment: Vivian was able to dip into his business account and ‘borrow’ the needed £675, but needed it back in due course to pay bills and tax, etc. We experienced a hell of a lot of demonic opposition which was trying to prevent that money reaching John. There were several problems caused by demons, one of which was the Moneygram system went down just as Bob S got to the PO to do part of the transfer. Helena had to push at them ... so thankfully, after about 7 hours wait, the van was able to move on and get out of troubled, wartorn S Sudan. But police and government restrictions hindered us sending. Most of our supporters were blacklisted for no reason other than evil suspicion. One amazing thing with John is, despite how bad the situation or the trouble they face, he puts up with it; he never complains. He might comment about the heat when it is excessive, but it’s never a moan. He just grits his teeth and carries on regardless. I’ve never known someone so positive and faith-ful. He’s a sterling example of endurance and what Paul mentioned at the end of 1 Cor 15 – steadfastness. God Kills Six, And Stefano Bia Bieng Douglas2nd July 2017. 18:08. From Nathan Bieng on Riek’s e-mail: [which Stefano used to use]. Malcolm, Malcolm, you have killed my only brother Stefano. You killed my father. You have killed Stefano because of money to support your devilish midnight ministries. We are trailing your van and soon we must bomb it 2nd July 2017. 18:42. Reply: I didn't kill your brother. God did. And He will kill you, too, if you don't back off from chasing after our van to kill us... 2nd July 2017. 18:21. From Rhoda: "STEFANO IS NO MORE. HIS YOUNGER BROTHER A JIHADIST IS TRAILING JOHN AT HIGH SPEED. JOHN MUST MOVE NON-STOP TO KENYA. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW NOON TO KEEP HIM SAFE TO REACH HOME. HE WILL BE ATTACKED FOR STEFANO’S DEATH BUT SINCE IT IS GOD WHO HAS TAKEN STEFANO OUT, GOD WILL PROTECT JOHN." 7 angels have said to me now. 2nd July 2017. 18:25. From John: A big team of four vehicles have been chasing after me since morning, I'm approaching Kenya / Uganda border. 3rd July 2017. 9:11. To John: £250 is being sent now. Are you all OK? 3rd July 2017. 19:39. From John: I have crossed in to Kenya. The enemies tried to harm us but we serve a living God. They blocked our way in Uganda and literally sprayed the van with live bullets but because we placed 7 Faith lits opened in the vans, the bullets bounced back and hit some of them, leaving them wounded and unable to move... I'm driving. God bless. 20:28. Reply: Praise God! Brilliant! Whereabouts in Uganda did that occur, and what time, roughly? I guess the jihadist Nathan Bieng, Stefano's brother, was one whom God killed. 3rd July 2017. 19:44. From Rhoda: "SIX MORE ATTACKERS GOT BURNT IN HOT COAL BY GOD WHEN THEY BLOCKED THE VAN’S WAY. THEY AIMED AT THE VAN WITH BULLETS BUT GOD DESTROYED THEM IN UGANDA. GOD WILL DESTROY ALL MM OPPOSERS." 7 angels have said now. 4th July 2017. 9:04. From John: Thanks Will. I'm heading to Kisumu now. The Uganda attack occurred in the outskirts of Kampala city. God bless. 4th July 2017. 9:42. From Riek’s phone: you killed our six youths in Kampala Uganda but the war is not over yet. be informed that our team is working ways of arresting you today. you will not escape we know your home in Kenya. 10:19. Reply: Who are you? What are you talking about? I have done nothing of the sort. I am in the UK, not in Kenya. Who do you want? 4th July 2017. 10:54. From John: They have trailed me into Kenya... 4th July 2017. 6:54. From Rhoda: "THE £370 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE WATER BILL. JOHN SHOULD BE AT HOME IN THE AFTERNOON TODAY. ADDITIONAL £100 FOR NGILCAN AND £30 FOR THE TUNISIA BROTHERS." 7 Angels have said to me now. 4th July 2017. 12:00. From Riek’s e-mail: You can't cheat on us, I know your home. Stop bragging that you come from UK. wait and see. 12:23. Reply: You are ignorant. I live in the UK. My address is PO Box 29, Aylesbury, England. ...the production of MM literature is in England, from where it is sent throughout the world. The Kenyan branch is based in Kenya, yes, but I do not live in Kenya. I am white, English, and was born in England. I am 67... You don't understand. The ones you are chasing in our van are Africans, not Europeans. They are more faithful and godly than English people, who are on the whole very ungodly like you. So, if you are trying to get me, you had better get on a plane and come to the UK, but it will be an expensive trip in more ways than one. Like I said, I did not kill your six murderous yobs yesterday. God did. It is HIM you are fighting against. If you try to attack us again, you will suffer the same fate, because God is no respecter of persons. He judges evildoers who do not turn away from doing evil. I give you this chance to turn your life around and stop perpetrating crimes against humanity, because if you ignore this warning, God will strike you dead also. And you will end up in hell with your master who is Satan the devil. 4th July 2017. 15:01. From John: I have reached home safely. 15:37. Reply: Good. It looks like that is Stefano's brother sending those threatening e-mails. I wouldn't be surprised if he is planning to attack your home. They usually try it at night, don't they? So Faith booklets to the defence! 4th July 2017. 18:40. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £370 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THE WATER BILL. THE ATTACKERS WHO TRAILED HIM FROM SOUTH SUDAN HAVE TEAMED UP WITH THEIR COUNTERPARTS IN KENYA TO FIX JOHN TOMORROW AND CLAIM THAT HE HAS NOT HONOURED THE DATE OF PAYMENT OF THE BILL. THE CASE MAY ATTRACT A PENALTY. IT IS BETTER THE BILL BE CLEARED BEFORE TOMORROW NOON. THERE IS AN ATTACK BEING ORGANIZED IN TUNISIA BUT GOD WILL PROTECT THE MM BROTHERS OVER THERE..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. |
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