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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 11 |
143Government Sanctioned Corruption |
A wicked man accepts a bribe behind the back to pervert the ways of justice (Proverbs 17:23).
You will have read in Volume 10, under Land Grab, how enemies tried to seize Mark’s land. That plan failed when God turned the court room into an inferno and burned to death all except Mark. God is not mocked! But Ogada and Riyadh mounted another wicked invasion, this time with government approval! They had bribed their evil plan through. Ogada’s Gang Invade Mark’s Place12th April 2017. 10:21. From Mark: Greetings, hoping you are all doing well. Today at dawn Lukas and his team, heavily guarded with police, stormed my place with Bulldozer, grader and excavator, vandalized part of the meeting hall and a section of the wall fence but fortunately the road machines broke down and left my compound immediately threatening to come back soon. Later on I went to record a statement at the police station but I was told that it was an order from Headquarters hence they could not offer any assistance. May God bless you as we walk in the days of the Lord. Yours sincerely, M 10:35. Reply: God thwarted their evil plan. He won't let the enemy win, though he may do damage, as he has done. What bloody impudence they have to try to invade your place!!!!!!! God will not stand for it! If they try it again, God is going to hit them for a six... 12th April 2017. 10:45. From John: The degree of corruption in Kenya is at its peak, the police especially are in front line. The only challenge we could give them was to start the water well drillng, but we can't push, God knows... 12th April 2017. 11:29. From Mark: I think it is the high court judges who gave the police order to demolish all the buildings on my land. 12th April 2017. 11:38. To Abdullah Riyadh: Hey! Hey! Who gave you permission to invade Mark's land with bulldozers to destroy our buildings there? 11:53. To Abdullah Riyadh: Machines kaput? Yeah? Are your expensive machines now kaput? Huh? Do you want the wheels thrown into the river next? Just try it again and you'll get it in the ear next time! 12th April 2017. 11:33. From Rhoda: GOD WILL BRING DOWN THE CORRUPT REGIME IN KENYA. IF ONLY £1800 COULD HAVE REACHED MARK, HE COULD HAVE PAID AS A DEPOSIT FOR THE WATER PROJECT TO START IMMEDIATELY. THE LEVEL OF CORRUPTION IS HIGH IN THE HQ. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:50. Reply: Yes. By "regime", I presume God means the government of Kenya, along with the judges, judicial system, police force and most of those who hold power in the system. If we had £1800 we would have sent it long ago. We have nothing here, because we have been sucked dry by all these attacks, as God knows. If those with money could have had the same mind as us in doing God's Work, then that scheme to go ahead with the well could have begun. But God knows full well how to persuade people with money to part with it, IF they will. But most rich people won't. They hold onto their money because it's their god. We can do nothing more. So we wait upon God to show us the way and how to continue. He is all powerful. He has all money, all power, all food, all energy, all courage, all wisdom, all we need. So we put our trust in Him. 12th April 2017. 15:34. From Abdullah Riyadh: Which land? You have no right to own a land in Africa. You can only claim a land in UK but not here. I am warning you for the last time to inform Mark to stay away from that land. I sending more money to police right now and if you dare write your false letters to us then Mark will be arrested with immediate effect and charged. I hope you know Kenya leads in corruption so money is everything and I have a lot of it. Fool 16:05. Reply: Money does not buy you justice through bribery and corruption, you idiot! You are earning a death sentence, and I pray that our God will enforce that speedily. I do not own any land in Kenya, so quit your twisting the facts and falsely accusing. MARK owns that land he lives on. It was bought by God, and Mark owns it. So BACK OFF, OR YOU WILL FACE THE VEHEMENT JUSTICE OF GOD IN HIS FULL VENGEANCE!!! You have no right to barge onto someone else's land just because YOU want it for a mosque, even if it has government approval, which is corrupt, because GOD WILL TAKE VENGEANCE UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA, AGAINST WHOMEVER IS RESPONSIBLE, IF THAT IS SO. You are going to need a lot more than money to avert your downfall. Just try entering that land again, and you will find out that GOD ALMIGHTY DEFENDS IT. You seem to want your diggers' wheels thrown in the drink! Sent: 12 April 2017 16:00 Dear Sir, I bring to your attention an ABUSE of power taking place in Ndhiwa, Kenya. The home belonging to Mark Odhiambo Bakari has been invaded at dawn this morning by massive machines owned by Abdullah Riyadh and Lukas Ogada Atoka. They broke through the perimeter wall surrounding the property and proceeded to wreak destruction upon one of the buildings within the compound which belongs to Mark. This property is owned entirely and legally by Mark, but there have been several attempts by Lukas Ogada to kill Mark and seize his property. Mark has been receiving several threatening messages on his phone to evacuate his home and get off this land that legally belongs to him, otherwise Lukas Ogada and Abdullah Riyadh will, they say, take his life and his land. In December 2016, a man was murdered by Lukas’s thugs and his body dumped at Mark’s gate. For that Mark was arrested and charged, although he had nothing to do with the murder which was arranged by Lukas Ogada. A corrupt court case was brought against Mark. There were several hearings. The first was 9th December 2016. The next was on 14th December 2016, when the corrupt judge tried to screw money out of Mark unlawfully. He was struck dead by God as soon as he touched the money which was not his, it was ours and he was stealing it. The judge’s name was Jeremiah Kipyegon. A police officer grabbed Mark’s money and ran off with it, instead of handing it back to Mark because it was extorted by unjust means. I heard later that the police officers were blinded by God for their opposition to Him and His servant Mark Odhiambo. On 19th January 2017, Mark was again illicitly taken to court, falsely accused again, and ordered to pay a huge sum which he didn’t have, and nor did we. Before the court hearing began the judge ordered that the Midnight Ministries literature Mark had on his person should be seized and confiscated. The judge falsely accused it of being EVIL! When Mark could not pay the extortionate fine or bail to be released, he was thrown into a filthy cell, half starved, and tortured with needles. It was agony for him and he wanted to die. He was left there for three weeks, suffering, because of INJUSTICE that is masquerading as justice in Kenya. Then a final court hearing was held on 10th February 2017 at Kosele, 65 kms from Ndhiwa. Mark was again illegally charged on trumped up charges and false information. It was a stitch-up by Lukas Ogada who had bribed the judge to act unlawfully. When Mark handed over the extorted money to the judge, the judge was struck dead by God and the courtroom burst into flames supernaturally; Mark was supernaturally ejected from the court, and all others died in the inferno in the building. That judgement from God was against those who perverted the course of justice, to incriminate the innocent, and to harm God’s Work conducted by Midnight Ministries, of whom Mark is a friend. The next day I received another intimidating e-mail from Abdullah Riyadh, to which I replied: 11th February 2017. 19:51. From Abdullah Riyadh: Have you heard that Mark died in a courtroom. He burn into ashes plus the money he has. That depicts your down fall more so your ministry. 20:39. Reply: Get your facts straight first. If Mark died in that inferno, why aren't the remains of his body found in the ashes, together with the other 15 people who died there? The incident doesn't depict the downfall of Midnight Ministries. It depicts your downfall, since you planned that evil against Mark, in cahoots with that wicked judge and evil police officers. So God struck them all dead by hot coals at midnight. Get real, man!!! This evil man Abdullah Riyadh and his evil gangmaster Lukas Ogada have been given some statutory order or government ‘permission’ to invade Mark’s land and demolish all the buildings on it. Who has signed this order? Who has given this permission at the highest level in Kenya? Is it you, Hon Justice David Maraga? If so, God will require this evil at your hands. He will punish you for it, because you are threatening an innocent man, a servant of God, and threatening the Work of God through Midnight Ministries in the UK. If it is not you, please don’t be offended by my question. Please would you make inquiries to ascertain who has given the order that allows the Islamic invasion of Mark’s land to take place so that this Abdullah Riyadh, who is funded by massive money from Qatar or some other Islamic country, can build a mosque on this land which is the property of a Christian. This is religious persecution at its lowest and most evil, with government protection, and government support for Lukas Atoka Ogada who has special status (because of his massive bribery to win friends in high places using corrupt money from Islamic sources). I appeal to you to investigate this serious matter, before God hits the government of Kenya in a way that expresses His vehement disgust and displeasure. If it is not dealt with fairly and quickly, God will take vengeance upon those who are responsible, and I do not know what He will do. However, I have known of many instances when His hand has struck dead perpetrators of injustice, or blinded them, in His fierce anger and Retributive Justice. I would prefer to see people repent than suffer. I wish you well, Sincerely, Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, UK Sent: 12 April 2017 16:41 I notice that your religious affiliation is stated as SDA on the official web site. As a Christian, then, I expect you to uphold the Ten Commandments, two of which state that: You shall not steal. You shall not kill. Both of these immutable commandments of God are being swept aside and violated with impunity by Muslims who are invading Ndhiwa with the aim of eliminating Christianity and imposing, via an unwanted mosque (except by Qatari officials and pro-Muslim obsequients), their influence and religion upon the society over which you preside as chief justice. This is tantamount to an Islamic invasion, given permission by the Kenyan government, and a violation of many Kenyans’ rights. In the specific case I have previously outlined for you in my e-mail today of 16:00 hours, concerning Mark Odhiambo Bakari’s land, the rogues Lukas Ogada Atoka and Abdullah Riyadh have thrown aside any legal obligations and are violating Kenyan law as well as the aforementioned biblical law before God, to seize by force land not belonging to them. This evil despot Riyadh has just threatened me again this afternoon (at 15:34) with this by e-mail: ...I am warning you for the last time to inform Mark to stay away from that land. I sending more money to police right now and if you dare write your false letters to us then Mark will be arrested with immediate effect and charged. I hope you [know that] Kenya leads in corruption so money is everything and I have a lot of it. Fool. Furthermore, it is stated in the Law which you claim to uphold by SDA affiliation: You shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous (Exodus 23:8). Surely oppression destroys a wise man’s reason, and a bribe debases the heart (Ecclesiastes 7:7). You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous (Deuteronomy 16:19). There you have it from three witnesses. Every matter is established in the mouth of three witnesses. The system in Kenya has been declared CORRUPT, by God. What will you do, sir, to restore equity and justice? MBH, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK
12th April 2017. 17:03. From Rhoda: THAT IS GREAT. NOW MALCOLM DON'T ENGAGE THE CHIEF JUSTICE. GOD HAS TAKEN UP THE CASE. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:56. From John: Have they responded? 18:41. Reply: No. I don't expect them to. I just write for a witness. That is the final warning, then God hits them. Will you meet with Mark tomorrow, to give him moral support? 12th April 2017. 20:58. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £577 TO REACH MARK THROUGH JOHN BY TOMORROW MORNING, AFTER WHICH THE ANGELS OF THE LORD WILL GIVE DIRECTION. GOD HAS TAKEN UP THE CASE. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12th April 2017. 21:54. From Riyadh: I'll deal with you accordingly, foolish beggar! 23:03. Reply: Lovely! Oooooh! That sounds promising! What treat for me did you have in mind? Something nice, eh? Comment at the time: “We’re coming for you, Abdullah!” God’s Ingenious Scheme For Mark14th April 2017. 19:09. From Rhoda: THE MONEY SENT TO MARK, HE WILL USE ON TUESDAY NEXT WEEK TO GET A NEW BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND ID WITH THE NAMES MARK ODHIAMBO ONGORO. HE MUST DO THIS AT HUDUMA CENTRE IN HOMABAY THEN JOHN WILL HELP HIM IN CHANGING THE NAMES IN THE TITLE DEEDS TO READ MARK ODHIAMBO ONGORO AND NOT MARK ODHIAMBO BAKARI. THIS IS BECAUSE THE LUKAS GROUP HAD RECEIVED A TITLE DEED WITH THE SAME NAME MARK ODHIAMBO BAKARI AND ID CARD TOO. THAT’S WHY THEY ARE PUTTING TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON MARK. WHEN THEY SEE THE NAME ONGORO THEY WILL BACK OFF FOR GOD HAS PUT A LOT OF FEAR OF JOHN ONGORO IN THEM AND THEY WILL NOT FACE HIM. GOD WILLING THE DIGGING OF THE WELL WILL START ASAP. AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN BY WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK TO HELP THEM START OFF THE WATER PROJECT. NOW MARK IS IN DEEP PRAYER FOR GOD TO HELP HIM, AND HIS PHONE IS OFF. JOHN IS VERY WORRIED ABOUT HIS WHEREABOUTS. MARK IS OKAY. 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment in May: We didn’t have £1,000 and so it didn’t reach John by Wednesday. Even now, more than a month later, we are still waiting for that money to arrive. [God was asking for £1,000, wanting a new donor to be willing.] 15th April 2017. 16:06. From Abdullah Riyadh: You are an idiot. You don't know I have the title deed of that land. 6:58. Reply: That's what you think. Ha! You haven't given me my treat yet. 15th April 2017. 17:13. From Abdullah Riyadh: Don't you think that is a big blow to you? 19:58. Reply: No, not really. God has it, and that's all that matters. It's more of a problem to you than to us. 19th April 2017. 21:01. From Abdullah Riyadh: Land title deed. Those idiots are they still there? We are coming back soon. 21:16. Reply: Go away. Stop interfering with other people's lives. Leave innocent people alone, or the God of Justice will take your life for your evildoings. 19:16. Riyadh: You are forgetting that I will soon rule the whole of Africa. 19:48. Reply: Ha! What a joke! You? Rule the whole of Africa?!! You haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of doing that!!! To do that, first you have to defeat Jesus Christ, the Almighty One who holds ALL POWER in His hands!! There's no chance of you defeating Him!!! 22nd April 2017. 16:10. From Abdullah Riyadh: You don't know whom you are dealing with. |
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