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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 10
135Gambia Mission
A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor (Proverbs 28:16). 27th December 2016. 5:02. From Rhoda: "... MALCOLM, THE TEAM IS REQUIRED TO VISIT GAMBIA WHERE A PRESIDENT HAS REFUSED TO STEP DOWN AND MANY PEOPLE MAY DIE FOLLOWING WAR THAT IS SOON STARTING. GOD WANTS TO SHOW HIS MIGHT THROUGH MM LITS BY STOPPING THE IMMINENT BLOODSHED THAT IS AROUND THE CORNER. GOD MUST, THROUGH MM LITS, STOP THE DICTATOR JAMMEH FROM KILLING GOD'S PEOPLE. THE TEAM WILL ONLY TAKE THREE DAYS THERE. [God later changed His timetable.] AFTER TODAY’S VISITATION OF CHURCHES THE TEAM MUST LEAVE AT MIDNIGHT TODAY. THEY WILL REQUIRE ONLY £1217 WHICH SHOULD REACH JOHN BY TODAY EVENING. THIS IS GOD'S URGENT MISSION, LET THE TEAM MOVE OUT. THE £1217 PLUS THE £563 THAT JOHN HAS IN THE KITTY NOW IS ENOUGH TO TAKE THE TEAM TO GAMBIA WHERE FAITH LITS SHOULD BE DROPPED IN THE STREETS AND THE GOVERNMENT POLICE AND ARMY MEN WILL PICK UP THE LITS AND ON TOUCHING THE LITS THEIR SUPPORT TO THE DICTATOR WILL END INSTANTLY AND THE DICTATOR WILL BE REMOVED FROM POWER. AFTER HIS REMOVAL THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL REVISIT GAMBIA AND THEN PREACH THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. LET THE TEAM GO, LET THE TEAM GO, LET THE TEAM GO." 7 Angels have said that to me now. MM Literature For World Peace27th December 2016. 5:07. From Rhoda: "MY PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING IN GAMBIA. A MOSLEM DICTATOR IS BLASPHEMING ME THE GREAT I AM. THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO LEAVE FOR GAMBIA AND SEND THE MM MESSAGE THAT GOD IS RESTORING PEACE IN THE WHOLE WORLD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. THE TEAM TO MOVE OUT TODAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The angels made this statement once before – about world peace coming through MM literature. Of course, we know that world peace won’t be achieved in this age, not until Jesus returns shortly. But it is stated like that to point to the fact that MM lit is preparing the Way, as prophesied would occur at the end, in restoring the truth so the pure Gospel can reach the world and then the end will come. It is another affirmation that MM lit is God-breathed. 27th Dec 2016. 13:26. To John: After the present mission, God would like you to go to Gambia, but we await further instructions and money supply. At the moment there isn't enough money for the trip, so you can't leave yet... Comment: The outreach to Gambia is quite remarkable in what God wants to do there. On a mundane level, it is not remarkable, because Christians are being slaughtered as part of the ‘Intifada’ that Islam is now mounting to take full control, and the trip is to rescue imprisoned and threatened believers who are crying out to God for help. It is up to us to help them. And God involves people in His Work through the money aspect. He calls upon people to fund His Work, and has made people responsible for that side of things. He does the miracles; He gives the commands and directions; but we must provide the physical support. That’s man’s job. If unwillingness to contribute prevails, God holds man responsible for failing to give when he has it in his means to provide. Whatever God requires man to do so that He can achieve HIS purposes, man must do, or he will pay a terrible price for his failure. As God said to Ezekiel: “If you don’t warn them, I will require their lives at your hands.” (Paraphrased.) In this situation, it is similar: “If you don’t provide the funds when you have them at your disposal, I will hold you accountable for the deaths of My people who you should have done your part to rescue.” God can do it all, of course. He doesn’t need us, but He requires us to show the same mind of love for others as He has. We must not deny Him, or He will deny us. 28th December 2016. 5:48. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM THROUGH MM LITS WILL RESTORE A LASTING PEACE. THE TEAM SHOULD GET ON THE MOVE TO GAMBIA. TUNISIA BROTHERS ARE ALSO IN NEED, BUT JOHN SHOULD ONLY SEND THEM SOMETHING ONCE THE MONEY FOR GAMBIA IS IN. THE GAMBIA EVANGELISM IS A GOOD PLATFORM TO SHOW GOD'S POWER THROUGH MM LITS. THE TEAM SHOULD BE ON THE MOVE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th December 2016. 11:43. From John: We are approaching Kisumu now. God bless. 28th December 2016. 12:30. To John: There is a little money here that will be coming to you this afternoon (in a few hours' time), but it's not the whole amount that is needed. It's all our regular supporters have that has been gleaned from meagre pensions... 28th December 2016. 12:25. From John: ...The task ahead seems to be a hard one following news reaching us from Gambia, a mostly Islamic Republic. 29th Dec 2016. 9:27. From John: We have reached the Uganda / Zaire border. The journey is truly a long one, and we pray for God to touch supporters to help out... 29th December 2016. 10:47. From Rhoda: "ALREADY THE ANGELS OF THE LORD GOD HAVE GONE AHEAD OF THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO GAMBIA. THOUGH CHRISTIANS ARE SUFFERING BADLY, GOD IS TOUCHING THE MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE FOR THIS NOBLE WORK. ALL IN THE TEAM EXCEPT JOHN ARE WORRIED THAT THE MISSION IS FAILING DUE TO LACK OF MONEY. GOD IS IN THE KITTY, THE TEAM TO GO GO GO. GOD WILL SURELY STRETCH HIS HANDS NOW. MALCOLM TO ENCOURAGE THE TEAM TO GO GO GOOO." 7 Angels have said to me now. 29th December 2016. 15:24. From John: We are deep inside Zaire. God is pushing us, we are moving on. God bless. 30th December 2016. 8:35. From John: We can't move on now... Comment: The Church has utterly failed! Here is God’s Work, like it was in Paul’s time, neglected, ignored, underfunded, because “all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus.” Ministers are the worst! They are tribal in their loyalties and don’t inform other believers about this aspect of God’s Work. So, it stalls. Like the angels said the other day, it is in a coma for lack of funds. God holds people responsible. Kassahun’s dream. December 22/16. People treat us with contempt. I was lying on the ground and people were walking over me treading on my back. It seems that I was comfortable for their feet. Some of them just stomped me again and again. I was literally between life and death. (The dream depicts in symbol what we are going through now. Satan is trying to break us using different tactics. MM needs help both financially and morally.) Comment: The lack of financial support from ‘the Church’ illustrates their contempt for Truth and utter disregard for this ministry of MM. Held Up For Lack Of Money In Ivory Coast2nd January 2017. 11:52. From John: Thanks to God. God is gracious, our fuel is over but we are okay. We are in Cote de Voire [Ivory Coast]. We can't move on due to lack of money and fuel. I'll try to collect the money sent to us by Wilfred. Today is a holiday here. God sped us through hostile Nigeria... 12:55. Reply: So you have reached as far as Ivory Coast. Gone through Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin (reputed birthplace of Voodoo), Togo, and Ghana. Amazing. Travelling all day and all night, except for 15 mins rest. The miracle is similar to what God did with Chuba Ao in Nagaland, when he was evangelising that northern state of India which was full of animists and some headhunters. God sped his journey, so that a four day journey took him a matter of hours, yet he didn't feel any difference when walking. It just seemed as though he was going the same pace. These things are inexplicable humanly. I don't think the £200 which was held up in the system will be enough to see you to Gambia. You probably need more than double that. It's annoying that it was blocked. Satan does what he can to hamper us, and that glitch means the loss of a whole day. I was hoping that God would carry you; propel you without fuel, so the van runs on empty, but obviously He expects people to foot the bill here, and we are still waiting for that. It's very frustrating trying to operate on a shoestring! It holds things up all the time. May God protect those persecuted ones in Gambia till we can get there! 3rd January 2017. 9:23. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS IN IVORY COAST. THE KITTY IS DRY SO THEY CAN'T MOVE ON. THE MONEY THAT WILFRED SENT IS BLOCKED AND HASN'T REACHED THE TEAM." The 7 angels have said.Comment: Later in the day we were able borrow some money and send it to John to solve the problem. In Dire Straits In Guinea Bissau4th January 2017. From John: 8:34. God is good. We are stranded with no money and fuel in Guinea Bissau. Not even a cent for water but we believe in God's miracle, Will. God bless. 4th January 2017. From Rhoda: 10:14 "THE TEAM IS STRANDED IN GUINEA BISSAU. NOTHING IN THE KITTY. GOD TO TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO GIVE SO THAT THEY REACH GAMBIA TONIGHT." 7 angels have said now. 4th January 2017. From Rhoda: 10:38. "GOD WHO OWNS ALL THE REQUIRED SUPPORT FOR THE MISSION IS AWARE OF THE SITUATION. JOHN CAN WITHSTAND IT, BUT THE MEMBERS NEW TO THE HARD CONDITIONS ARE PUTTING MUCH PRESSURE ON HIM. AT LEAST £200 FOR WATER AND A LITTLE FUEL TO GET THEM CLOSER TO SENEGAL BORDER COULD HAVE HELPED THEM. MALCOLM, THE HOT SUN AND HUNGER IS SERIOUS. THE TEAM IS STRANDED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [I was also informed:] It is very dangerous to be here where we are now, in a thicket with wild animals, and no food nor money or fuel to move on. The conditions here are not safe... 4th January 2017. From Rhoda: 11:33. "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM TO ENCOURAGE THE TEAM TO RELAX AND WAIT, FOR GOD IS WORKING OUT WAYS TO SEE THE TEAM REACH GAMBIA TONIGHT. NOTHING WILL DEFEAT GOD. NOTHING SHOULD WORRY THE TEAM. GOD IS GREAT." 7 Angels have said that to me now Comment: After notifying our handful of supporters, four were able to each send a few pounds to make up the needed figure of £200. 4th January 2017. From John: 18:13. Thanks Will. Hopefully by morning tomorrow we shall be crossing in to Gambia. Tonight we shall get in to Senegal. In Gambia, At Last!5th Jan 2017. 9:26. From John: In Gambia. Distance 6112 km approx. 5th January 2017. 17:56. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM MUST AVOID CITIES BECAUSE ARMIES ARE ALL OVER THE CITIES. LET THE TEAM CONCENTRATE ON THE RURAL AREAS. ADDITIONAL £400 SHOULD REACH THEM TOMORROW TO KEEP THEM GOING UP TO TUESDAY. GOD MUST RESCUE THE TRUE CHRISTIANS IN GAMBIA THROUGH THE MM LITS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th January 2017. 18:07. From John: In Gambia: Thanks to God Will. We have managed to reach 126 people today who have suffered immensely during these trying moments... These are Christians. The situation is worse here and warlike words are on the lips of many. 18:50. Reply: That's good going. How have you reached these people? I mean in what way have you been able to help them? 8th January 2017. 18:10. From John: Today we managed to meet 58 stranded Christians and we shared with them MM lits. The police gave us a hard time and even wanted to arrest us. 9th January 2017. 7:30. From John: We go to churches where the Christians are hiding as they hold prayers. We sit down and share the truths from MM lits. We first moved to the village around Bansang city, an area inhabited mostly by Muslims and few Christians. We trust God to stretch His hands to bring to an end their suffering. Reply: You mentioned their sufferings. What has been happening? 9:56. From John: Most of them left their homes for fear of being attacked. They sleep in the open with no food, blankets, water and other amenities. 9th January 2017. 8:54. From Rhoda: THE TEAM IS SURROUNDED BY THE ISLAMIC YOUTHS NOW, BUT FIVE YOUTHS WILL DIE. AT LEAST £270 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO KEEP THEM UP TO THURSDAY NIGHT. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:28. To John: So, what has been happening? Has the President (Jammeh) been trying to exterminate Christians? ... How many gunmen are surrounding you at present? 10:38. From John: 13 gunmen. It is a belief here that most opposers are Christians so they are being intimidated. We are gathering more information... 10th January 2017. 8:45. From John: Thanks to God. It is 8:40 a.m. here now. Some ten minutes past midnight, God rescued us from the deadly attack. The armed group that had surrounded us for over five hours started to fight among themselves and five people died. The others all fled. We left the place and went to Banjul outskirts. Their fight started when we pointed at them with the MM Faith lits. Then a strong wind blew for some time and the quarrel broke out. I have collected the money now. God bless. 10th January 2017. 9:59. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM MUST NOW MOVE IN TO CITIES FOR THE NEWS OF THEIR PRESENCE IS NOW OUT. BECAUSE IT IS A LONG JOURNEY, AT LEAST AN EXTRA £777 SHOULD REACH THE TEAM TODAY SO THAT THEY MOVE NONSTOP IN GAMBIA FOR AFTER THAT GOD WILL DESCEND HONOURING MM LITS TRUTH AND SET MANY FREE. LET THE TEAM MOVE ON GIVING A FEW LITS TO EVEN THE ARMED SOLDIERS IN THE STREETS." 7 Angels have said to me now. 10th January 2017. 12:30. From John: Thanks to God Will. We shall move on in faith up to where God wants us to. The situation here is warlike but God is all powerful. God bless. 17:30. Reply: Yes, the situation looks nervy and dangerous, but the angels are all around you. I guess yesterday the van was surrounded with some sturdy angelic protection – the impenetrable white mist which repels bullets and any other weapon that is fired towards you. Otherwise those gunmen would have tried to shoot and kill you all instead of standing around and doing nothing. (Am I correct in presuming that is how they behaved?) Whereabouts are you now? 17:47. From John: You're right Will. Still in Banjul. God bless. 18:51. Reply: Won't the President get the shock of his life?! He thinks he holds absolute power and can do what he likes, and then a Christian van comes in, with four African evangelists, and gunmen can't do anything about them! ... 11th January 2017. 11:08. From John: Thanks to God Will. We trust God will prove the president wrong and bring a lasting peace to all the residents. We are on the move to the fourth city since morning. God bless. 12:00. Reply: Which towns were those? 12th January 2017. 9:47. From John: Brikama, Bakau and Farafenni city. This morning we met another attack attempt but God covered us. We shall cover a good work hopefully today. God bless. 10:00. Reply: Thanks. What form did the attack come in? Was it gunmen trying to hold you up at gunpoint? Or something else? How did you counter it and receive God's deliverance? 10:14. From John: We were stopped at a road block by six uniformed armed men who demanded from us a hefty amount of money before we could pass. For around ten minutes they wielded guns at us, but suddenly a police car arrived and the gang ran into the bushes as the nine policemen pursued them. We left the place immediately. God bless. 11:07. Reply: I bet those policemen in that car were angels. 13th January 2017. 18:01. From John: Glory be to God of gods. Today from as early as ten in the morning a group of African leaders thronged Banjul. All the streets were blocked by armed soldiers. We had to walk on foot for three hours sharing with the soldiers the MM lits truth. Some who were Muslims rebuked us but God touched a good number of them to pay attention to what the lits said. We are in Banjul where we shall have the Sabbath rest as we trust God to honor MM Lits Evangelism here and bring a lasting peace here. God bless. 14th January 2017. 19:06. From John: We had a Sabbath meet here but got a lot of disturbance from Muslim youths who tried to scare us by throwing water at us. We pointed at them with MM Faith lits, till two lost their eyesight. 15th January 2017. 10:13. From Rhoda: GOD IS DOING A GREAT THING IN GAMBIA THROUGH THE MM LITS EVANGELISM. BEFORE THIS WEEK ENDS THE GAMBIA PEOPLE WILL GET PEACE FROM GOD. SOME BOYS TRIED TO ATTACK THE TEAM IN BANJUL YESTERDAY BUT GOD DEFEATED THEM. MM OPPOSERS ARE PLANNING AN ATTACK ON MARK, AS THEY GO ON WITH WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT THE TEAM, GOD WILL DESTROY THEM. AT LEAST £570 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW, FOR AFTER WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS WHEN GOD IS DELIVERING GAMBIA... 7 angels have said that to me now. 15th January 2017. 10:32. From John: ...We have met many people here who are have accepted the MM truth. Today we shall try to cover a big distance to meet the threatened Christians. God bless. 17th January 2017. 10:09. From John: Tension. ...God is moving all over Gambia and ... people yearn for peace. Today morning five Muslim leaders approached us and accused us of having a plan to topple their leaders using the MM lits which even soldiers are now studying. They organised people to heckle and throw stones at us. Tension is still high but God is on our side. God bless. 10:48. Reply: There can be no victory without battles. The evil ones will not give up their kingdom without a fight, as you know. 18th January 2017. 9:43. From John: ...the tensions are still evident... 10:11. Reply: Yes. The national news here has now covered some from Gambia: a national state of emergency declared; thousands of people leaving their homes and getting out, travelling to Senegal for safety... etc. I wonder what God is going to do, because He said He would bring peace: << BEFORE THIS WEEK ENDS THE GAMBIA PEOPLE WILL GET PEACE FROM GOD. >> Where are you now? 18th January 2017. 10:26. From John: We are in the no man's land bordering Gambia and Senegal from where we look forward to seeing God's deliverance to Gambia people. God bless. 18th January 2017. 17:55. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM MUST NOT LEAVE GAMBIA TILL GOD DELIVERS HIS PEOPLE. FROM TOMORROW THURSDAY GOD WILL DESCEND IN GAMBIA. EVEN ALL WHO RAN AWAY INTO SENEGAL WILL MOVE BACK GLORIFYING THE GOD WHO TOOK THE MM EVANGELISM TEAM THERE.... THE TEAM WAS TO LEAVE FOR KENYA BUT THE BATTLE IS ALMOST OVER. THE TEAM TO STAY PUT, AND AT LEAST £407 TO REACH THE TEAM TOMORROW TO KEEP THEM GOING UP TO TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th January 2017. 18:00. From Rhoda: MORE LETTERS WILL STILL BE SENT TO MALCOLM FROM MM OPPOSERS, SOME WHO PRETEND TO BE REQUESTING FOR THE LITS FROM AFRICA. MALCOLM TO SEND SUCH LETTERS TO RHODA FOR ANGELIC APPROVAL. MORE FALSEHOODS ARE PROPAGATED IN SUCH LETTERS ABOUT THE MM TEAM. MALCOLM TO IGNORE. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20th January 2017. 9:33. From John: There is a big team of soldiers just moving around the streets of Banjul. We shared MM lits with people celebrating the inauguration of the new leader. We trust God for A LASTING PEACE here. 21st January 2017. 11:06. To John: The news over here has reported today that Yahya Jammeh has resigned. God has worked out what He said earlier, that AFTER Wednesday night (p 76), He would bring a peaceful resolution to the Gambia crisis. 22nd January 2017. 10:35. From John: Thanks to God, we are seeing God's hand here through a great peace. People are happy thanking God. Five Islamic households in Banjul have fully accepted the MM truth. They feared that war could break out in their country but we challenged them to trust the God who sent the MM Evangelism team at the right time. We trust God to give them a permanent peace. God bless. |
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