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Mighty Miracles Of God

Volume 10

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Permit Granted


I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it;

for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name (Rev 3:8).

On the 7th day of the 7th month, Khalifa in Tunisia wrote to me:

7th July 2016. 20:41. From Khalifa: Following the healing of the school and the lady at the hospital, some changes are appearing in the gospel work. Mustafa the father of that lady sent his son to us with a few gifts.

...Mustafa is so influential within the licensing entity so he wants us to send him the line-up of what we believe and teach so that he takes it there and brings us a full permit to go everywhere in the country except mosques. I am sure we cannot send a comprehensive list as they may want so we were deciding to list the titles of MM books as our belief. But if you can help us get one in two to three days we hope to present a more clear and precisely explained document. God's light will shine. That is our main prayer.

Comment: I suggested Mustafa could look at our web site and see on there what we believe and teach. He did, and God took his eye to the account of the two in Uganda who were abducted by Joseph Kony’s gunmen and who were delivered by angels in an amazing supernatural encounter. It was entitled A Demonstration of God’s Power In Uganda. He read that, and afterwards gave full permission for MM to preach anywhere in Tunisia. Khalifa has the written permit. God gave us an open door! They can even go into prisons and preach Christ!

9th July 2016. 16:47. From Khalifa:

... this wonderful website of Midnight Ministries. It is what we passed to Mustafa. After long hours he replied that he had come to powerful activities past and present done by our Ministry and that we are participators in a perilous work: example is what happened to Paul and Christine, being hunted because they were helping people to know God. The very bad man joined Kony's team of rebels in Uganda to persecute the innocent preachers.

He has seen through the website that we are doing a distinguished job for God alone. He read of others who have done astonishing Miracles through the very source of power we know is from above. And none has been accused of felony. Therefore Haroon will collect our document of compliance from him (Mustafa) tomorrow, so we are now preparing to do all God directed, celebrating his Feasts as we read in MM book on Festivals... Thank you.

Jesus And Christianity Mentioned In The Koran

11th July 2016. 18:31. From Khalifa:

Haroon was back with two papers from the man (Mustafa). One was a permit to preach, and any difficulties must be directed to him with no fear.

Another paper is a long letter containing many instructions bearing chapters and verses from the Koran referring us to Jesus as the righteous person and that we must imitate his character. Let me quote one Al-i-Imran or The family of Imran. Sura 111:55. Behold God said "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to myself and clear thee of these who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith....” It is long up to verse 58.

Mustafa says, the passage here refers to Christianity and he had believed it that way for a long time. Before he acquired the document from the issuing office, he saw in a dream that Someone was urging him not to hesitate to get that paper because many people need help at Xxxx...

MM Publications To Go To The Ends Of The Earth

27th July 2016. 18:58. From Yahya in Tunisia:

With great honour we appreciate all this special work done by the Midnight Ministries. We have not met anyone who challenges with the messages presented by MM books... We read mainly at night. During the day we go out to find temporary work to gain something for our daily living and it is the means of getting contacts who eventually come to hear more about God and His supernatural power to do the impossible...

A vision appeared to me. Bundles of papers were coming out of a very new and glittering barrel the size of a medium water tank. The barrel was of pure gold and the papers were blown by power within the barrel and were sent to the four corners of the earth. I and other people who were seeing this shouted with joy saying "Well done!" Till all went and disappeared at the end of heavens.

Worldwide Catastrophe In The Near Future

6th August 2016. From Haroon in Tunisia: I got a dream about an imminent catastrophe. I saw we were in a heated discussion about the future condition of the world... [Two men featured in this dream.] The huge strange man [this is Jesus] addressed us touching the chin of the former man, saying,

"Know him [acknowledge him], he is John Ongoro. He will take you to an open door to do miracles. We have chosen him to lead a great miraculous movement. But mark this, dangerous trends are coming soon. It will begin in the last parts of this year and will terribly escalate in the spring of 2017, mostly in North Africa and the Middle East, so watch the cities which have defiled God's laws. No peace for them at all.

"But our eyes will look and sympathize with those who groan and moan [“sigh and cry”, as in Ezek 9:4] when they see the Holy Law under siege.

"The MM will be a most powerful book plant with large machines and workforce [publishing operation] when that time comes." [More revelation about this disaster is in a leaflet Tunisia and the World: The Great Slaughter Coming.] 


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