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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 1 |
16 Persecution
And these things they will do to you, because they have not known the Father nor Me (John 16:3).
Persecuted For Righteousness’ Sake4th December 2013 Yes, God does not call people to fail. He makes a way possible for everyone. The ones who fail do so because they seek the easy way out. There is a lay pastor who used to be my best friend when I was in SDA, so when he heard that I have moved out of SDA to start a home fellowship he started spreading propaganda that I am a devil worshipper. In fact, yesterday I wanted to board a motorbike from home to collect the MM lit and when I arrived at the terminus everybody in that place started yelling and shouting at me as a devil worshipper. Nobody was willing to carry me on his motorbike, saying that I would be paying them money from the devil. I was forced to walk for 21 km. but God punished that pastor at night. His wife died. Then this morning I woke up at five, picked up all my seven MM books and went straight to pastor Omollo’s home. People were crying. God’s power moved me to place the books one by one onto Alice Awino’s dead body. When I placed the seventh book Life After Death, at seven this morning, she started sweating and her life was restored. When people saw what happened some ran away while a few others wanted to lynch me, claiming that I used the powers of the devil to kill and raise her from the dead. I was handed to the chief who wanted to know why our ministry is called Midnight, the name he claimed to be linked with devil powers. He was very rude, abusing me, that though I hold a degree I still stoop low to worship the devil! He slapped me on the left cheek and ordered his armed police officers to handcuff me and take all the MM lit I had. We reached Riba police station at 2 pm. Before they threw me into the cell, I asked the chief boldly to take any one booklet and read it aloud for the public to judge whether it is true that I worship the devil. He chose the book How Soon Will Jesus Come? He read some leaves and passed the book to one police officer who, instead of reading it, tore it into pieces and slapped me very hard in the face and threw me into the cell at 4 pm. People with whom I have shared this true gospel came to demand for my release. A bond of 35,000 kshs was required. My mother brought her land title deed to secure my release. I thank God I am out. John In The Spirit Realm of Heaven6th December 2013 I could not write yesterday because I spent much time at the chief Paul Odote’s office, and late in the evening went to talk to the lady whom God brought back to life. Her husband sent her away with her three sons aged 12, 16 and 8 then they came straight up to our home with nothing apart from the clothes they had on. We are still accommodating them up to now. This is the account she gave me: “It happened abruptly like a headache leading to death at 1200 am. [Midnight.] I was taken by angels in white robes who literally carried me over a tall mountain into a vast farm which was tightly fenced, with all sorts of fruits and all species of animals. They fed me on fruits and gave me clear ice cold water to drink. After that they gave me books written in English to read. I found myself reading English very well even though I did not go to school or learn English. “Then they gave me a stern warning to take to my husband pastor Omollo to stop opposing the work God has started in our area. When I woke up I found on me the same book that I was given by the angels [it was Life After Death, which teaching is not accepted or taught by SDAs], with John thanking Jesus next to me. I was surprised that angels also study the same booklets from MM. “Then people who were in my compound started beating John, handcuffed him, and took him to the chief for ‘spreading devil worship.’ After that my husband turned on me with kicks and blows claiming that I was a devil. He sent me away with my three sons, David, Bob and Elisha. We are still staying at John’s. “But I saw God dine with me. I will depend on the Holy Spirit’s control. “Please send us too MM lit for I was commanded by God to read it and share with people. MM IS INSPIRED BY THE BREATH OF GOD THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Now I can speak, write and read English!’ [She was supernaturally given this spontaneous enablement by the Holy Spirit.] That is what she had to say. Glory be to God! John Blinded By God6th December 2013 Yesterday I went to the chief to request for our land title deed back and to obtain his e-mail address and those of the police officers who harassed me but I was surprised to find the chief and the officers all blind! I am told that God made them blind in the middle of Wednesday night just after my release from the cell. Pastor Omollo has also gone insane walking naked. In fact, very early in the morning yesterday people in our village had planned to burn down our home in the middle of Wednesday night. That was exactly the time when God turned on their ringleaders – pst. Omollo went insane, and the chief and his officers blinded. SURELY, IF THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US?! Now what is ahead of us is to obtain the Title Deed back, get for Alice and her children blankets, some clothes, cooking utensils and support her start a business enterprise like Grocery or Grain selling enterprise because God helps His people when they get involved in doing something, not just sitting. The Spirit of God had informed me to explain to the chief that the ministries’ name Midnight is derived from Mathew 25:6 “At Midnight the cry rang out: Here’s the Bridegroom! Come out to meet Him!” The ministries’ main work is to sound the last warning of the coming of Jesus which has grown SO SO NEAR, for all people of the Earth: Leaders, Pastors, Rulers, the Rich and the Poor to walk in Holiness. GOD’S CONCERN IS HOLINESS AND HOLINESS ALONE. After that I was slapped in the face and pushed into the cell. My left eye is still swollen and my neck very painful but I know who I believe in. By His stripes we are healed. John God took vengeance on these infidels who opposed MM’s outreach and who persecuted John. Some were struck dead. Others were blinded. Title Deed Returned12th December 2013 God has done it. We have woken up and to our surprise, found the Land Title Deed, laminated very well, left at the doorstep. We don’t know who brought it because the chief is still blind. But I believe God acted when you inquired about it yesterday. God’s name be glorified! John Persecutors KilledOchieng Muga dead 31st December 2013 From the day that Sila passed on people have been falsely accusing us that we serve the devil and not God. But our God will continue to perform wonders. One of those individuals spreading all sorts of false information about me is Ochieng Muga. The whole of yesterday he criss-crossed the village with such propaganda. This evening, Muga is dead. He died in a road accident and that has humbled people in my village not to speak wrong about the servants of God. I was returning from Ndhiwa… I found the village in total confusion as people wondered about the power of the God we serve. I and my family pray to remain in His will and make MM publications part of all my teachings and plans. Thanks. John Otieno Odedo lynched! 17th January 2014 Malcolm, God still weeds out those who oppose MM. This man used to be a strong choir member at Okota SDA church in Kabuoch. His mother Terresa Odedo has served for years as the church clerk. He openly organised to burn me and my family for introducing a true way of worship that challenged the man-dictated doctrines of SDA. In fact it forced me to go underground for one week in December fearing for my life. This week on Monday he became insane and burnt a total of six homesteads at night. The whole village then attacked and killed him on the same Monday night. As I write to you his body is lying at Homa Bay mortuary, it was taken by police officers in the presence of the chief Capis Olala of Karading sublocation. John
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