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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 1 |
10 Confronting False Churches
Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Confrontation is not pleasant, but it is unavoidable where truth and falsity meet. Jesus confronted the Pharisees about their hypocritical religion (Matt 23); Paul contested similarly (Acts 28:17-29), promoting the truth of God; and it is well known how Peter reproached the Jews on the day of Pentecost after the Spirit had come (Acts 2). Standing up for truth and restoring it takes courage and resolve. It is only for the committed, not the fainthearted. Most evangelists won’t do it. You read of the exploits of various evangelists, preaching Jesus to large audiences. For example, David Hathaway reaching crowds of thousands in ‘Russian’ countries, and now Poland, where Jesus heals many. But because Hathaway does not confront and condemn Catholic errors, he’s unwittingly furthering future Catholic domination! Catholic people whom God converts in his meetings will go back to Catholic churches in their town and swell the Catholic fold further. You read in Revelation 13 of this religious beast: He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (Rev 13:13). And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast… (Rev 13:14). This is a highly figurative portrayal of the power of miracles to further the Catholic deceptions and hold over people’s minds. Evangelistic meetings such as Hathaway’s where miracles occur, but Catholic dogmas are not contested, are one way this scripture in Revelation is fulfilled. Big Church Intimidation6th June 2013 Praise the name of the Living God! Last night I had the following dream. We were in a house with five brethren discussing Guidelines For Evangelists. We were carrying the small Swahili booklet on that topic. Suddenly a fat woman entered with a lot of interruption. She was carrying very new clothes in her left hand and gold medals in her right hand. Power flowed on me and I began rebuking her. It seemed she wanted to persuade us to receive these goods to follow her. She kept on moving towards me shouting to me “Even if you are holy you need these goodies. Do you want to die a poor person?” I kept on rebuking her until she vanished in a booming whirlwind. Nimrod Meaning: The woman could represent the Catholic church. Certainly it represents a well-established and rich church which tries to manipulate people. MM Publications Wouldn’t Burn! 10th Oct 2013 …this miracle happened yesterday evening… As I was alighting from the bus in K from Migori, I found a young boy Chris N being beaten by his parents for having been attending with MM – a group with few people and led by a young person (me) who has “no experience and training.” I did not know how it transpired but his elder brothers took out the booklet To Whom Should You Give Your Tithe? and the Kiswahili version of Revelations For SDAs. I stood far away where they could not see me watching and praying to God to help do a miracle to these people. They gathered these publications to burn them. They poured kerosene on them but the fire failed to light. Then they got some petrol, poured it on them and lit it. But the fire, instead of consuming these booklets, jumped onto them and onto their vehicle and destroyed their new vehicle. They ran crying, and as I continued thanking God for protecting the sacred literature, they found themselves turning round and coming to where I was and asking God to forgive them. I understand the man is a deacon in the SDA church. Praise God!!! Nimrod Confronting The SDAs — 29 People Struck Dead!John Ongoro was commanded by God to confront the SDA church in nearby areas. What he did and what happened are related on pp 74-76. To cut the story short, God struck dead these 29 SDA pastors at midnight: 1. George Otuoma. 2. Adek Abungu. 3. Otieno Swinnertone. 4. Nelson Owino. 5. Orero Okullo. 6. Oji Rondo. 7. William Acholla. 8. Zilpa Awiti. 9. Atieno Rispa. 10. Linet Omusi. 11. Janes Owange. 12. Lewtina Ochuot. 13. Martin Owino. 14. Leonard Awii. 15. Damaris Achieng. 16. David Otieno. 17. Ruth Lwande. 18. Peter Oliech. 19. Doris Linna. 20. James Ocholla. 21. Donald Odhiambo. 22. Kepha Aron. 23. Dominic Owiti. 24. Dismas Nyangao. 25. Cleophas Julu. 26. Julius Otieno. 27. Dina Kotonya. 28. Paul Agunga. 29. James Olum. Copyright: Midnight Ministries, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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