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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 1 |
7 Raising The Dead
Why should it be thought incredible to you that God raises the dead? (Acts 26:9) Dead 12 Hours: Then Raised Up27th August 2013 We again had another time visited by the Lord in our neighbourhood and one woman who had died was raised from death after 12 hrs. We went to the home where people were crying. Her body was still on the bed and fully covered with a white bed sheet. We stood by her bed and prayed. The family was grieving for their loss. As we prayed, the Lord visited us in prayer. While we were praying the woman (Grace) started lifting her hand and uncovered herself. We knew it was possible but the people in this region have never seen the Lord’s power being manifested and restoring people to life, so those who saw this fled in fear. When we left the house and those outside came to know what had happened inside, they could not wait to see. We were left in the compound alone. When we went back into the house, those who saw it could not meet with us but ran away in fear of us. Fatumah Dead Girl Brought Back To Life9th Sept 2013 I received an emergency call from Kanyamkago West in interior part of Migori, to go and pray for a schoolgirl dying of meningitis. I felt for her and immediately rushed to board a vehicle to Migori. On arrival, the girl was dead. It had taken me several hours to get there because of traffic. I found prophetess Teresia from Kisumu Full Gospel Church. She was pronouncing some words like this: “The girl must come back to life because I am seeing a man of God coming here.” When I entered the house the grass thatch was leaking. I put up with the rain falling on me and I began praying in tongues. The girl had been dead for thirty minutes. When I touched her, she coughed three times, raised her head and sat up. Some people who were in the house ran away but her mother marvelled with joy and jumped up praising God. As I was praying to thank God for what He had done, I heard a voice telling me to leave that place quickly and go back. I prayed and left the place with haste. I wonder why I was told to leave just like that. I have not been told why. Praise God! I left them the booklet Revelations from God about Midnight Ministries. Nimrod Later, on the 12th, Nimrod wrote: I have received a phone call from my aunt who called me last Sabbath telling me that Rose is now okay and has gone back to school. Dead For A Week!John Ongoro was moved by God to visit his grandmother in December 2013. She had been suffering from cancer and John knew she didn’t have long to live. But God raised her from the dead: 16th January 2014 Rusbella Adhiambo Onger Those are the full names of my grandmother, the mother to my mother. She hails from Nyahera School near Kisii. She was diagnosed with throat cancer in the year 2010. She stayed from Feb. 2012 without solid foods but with only water and a little tea. Malcolm, when I received Jesus through MM last year in late Nov. I made up my mind through God’s power to visit her. We first went with my brother Daniel Mark on 19th Dec. 2013 and when we went home the same day, we were counting for her days [expecting her to live only a few days]. In a dream on 20th Dec. at night, God’s hand was flashing copies of MM lit in my face. On 21st I and Eunice visited her again and found that she had died that day in the morning. We found people mourning. But something kept pushing me to share with people who had gathered at her compound about the new faith I have found. I gave just a brief testimony of the great things God has done in my life through MM lit, then God moved me to touch her while quoting the words written in MM Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation. We stayed till evening. As we were about to leave, God directed me and my wife not to go back home. The following day, the 22nd, nothing happened, she was still dead. On the 24th, Sila died. I was back home in K. Over the next few days burial arrangements were being made. Sila’s burial was on the 30th Dec. On the 30th at 11.02 am, while I was at Sila’s burial, my uncle’s son, Ouma, called me by phone. God had raised up my grandmother! So, on 30th Dec I had to leave Sila’s burial to go to my grandmother’s home to thank God. It was very funny the way Ouma broke to me the news. He told me to rush very fast because my grandmother had something to share with me. From that, I knew that the God of MM had done it again. I had read on pg 51 “what you actually expect or believe is what you get!” And just before that: “humbly believe that you will receive it.” Mark 11:24. I requested God to raise my grandmother. I did not demand, but humbly believed. Because I was in His will, Malcolm, God acted in a mighty way. This made all my relatives trust my worship of the true God. She is alive! On the night of the 29th Dec God raised her up after being dead for over 7 days. I was the first person to eat with her. I bought sodas and we drank two bottles of Sprite brand with my grandmother. She can walk now, talk and eat little solid foods. Whoever doubts can link with me to take him to her home. That’s why I long for a video camera so that people can see for themselves the truth in serving God in truth and holiness – yes MM doctrines. People accepted that day that truly there are people who worship God in truth! She is well. God is God! John Here is the testimony of an eyewitness: 26th January 2014 Dear John Ouma Ongoro. Halleluya, it is a surprise and unique to write to you but just give us some little moments to share with you our findings and resolutions. We are six pastors from Musanda Holyghost Churches of East Africa from Ruga, Holo church, Nyahera church, Kotieno church, Nyabola church, Ringa church and Atemo church. Our names are: 1) Pst. Dalmas Okwengu, 2) Pst. Mathew Rabach, 3) Pst. James Ondiek, 4) Pst. Joseph Owuor, 5) Pst. Daniel Aoko. We are also joined by a group of people from Nyahera in Ruga where our Sister Rusbella Adhiambo was miraculously brought back to life in a very dramatic way. John, stick to that new faith you have found! At midnight, when your grandmother was restored to life, found all of us present. First a sound of a strong wind occurred, followed by change in temperature. The room became very hot so that everybody started sweating, including the corpse. And when we were almost running out of the room, Rusbella called the name Jesus three times, then lastly she called your name [John] to come and pray for her. Some of us who became afraid jumped out of the room and disappeared into the dark night. When Rusbella woke up she told us that the room was hot because several angels thronged the room. They had on white robes all labelled ‘MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES’. There was no space left vacant. When we asked her what the angels told her, she clearly explained that the angels openly discussed with her on several topics like true worship using MM Booklets and lastly informed her to link with you John to guide her on how to walk in that truth. So we have known now where God’s true messengers are. God’s peace be with you. Yours in Christ Love, Pastor Kennedy Awino Omedo of Anding’o Holo church. Holyghost Churches In East Africa. God Raises Pastor’s Child From The Dead6th January 2014 It is true that faith is reflected in our determination. Our faith must be based on what God says, not on our personal views. There is this pastor of a Full Gospel Church from Kisii called Jasper Bosire Ombaka who on 3rd Jan 2014 openly opposed me when I challenged his wrong teachings on the topic of Faith when they organised a crusade in Ringa village. He cursed me for telling him the truth… He told me in the face that he will send dark forces to torment me. I asked the God of Abraham and MM to be a judge between me and Bosire!!! Guess what happened? In the middle of last night I heard someone wailing while calling my name. When I opened the door there was the pastor together with his wife carrying a dead child called Jessica Muturi Bosire. They pleaded with me to pray for the child to be resurrected. God directed me not to pray but to only read for them pages 51-55 of the MM book Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation, sub-topic: Blocks to Healing. When I finished reading, the pastor and his wife accepted Jesus. Immediately their dead child began to sweat profusely and stood up. Today pastor Bosire brought to me a hen and maize flour in thanksgiving. I want to state categorically there is power bestowed in MM lit through the anointing. Anyone who does not want to read and practice all that is recorded in MM lit. is under a curse. GOD WILL PUNISH THOSE WHO DESPISE HIS TRUTHS, WITH PLAGUES AND UNIQUE DISEASES AND DEATHS. John Two Angels Bring A Big Book30th January 2014 In a dream last night I saw two angels carrying a very big book which they handed to you Malcolm and said this to you… produce many copies. It was one book with a summary of all MM books. John Comment: As I write, the meaning of John’s dream is obscure. However, I will suggest one possible meaning. Angels help us here on earth by bringing supernatural help, messages from heaven, and by working out God’s purposes. Over the past 22 years we have received countless dreams from God which we have recorded in a Dream Diary. So the big book could represent that revelation from heaven, which is given to spiritually change people’s lives. We have included many of those dreams in the various MM publications. Some of these dreams call people to repentance; some highlight apostasy, wrong church teachings and perverse church practices; some foretell of individuals whom God will raise from the dead. God’s thrust in all these revelations is to prepare a holy people, ready for the sublime union in the spirit realm with Jesus. In one sense, you and I are meant to be ‘copies’ of Jesus, of God. And the purpose of MM publications is to nurture many such children of God who reflect the Word of God as expounded in MM lit. So, in that sense, each person who accepts this revealed truth from God will be a summary of all MM books. Copyright: Midnight Ministries, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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